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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

7:00 pm
the, the, this is the double, the news line from building fee is finding in new clients, east us, russia, gains ground to me hockey, peeves in new novelization. while it takes effect, as the exhausted forces struggles to hold, the russian advance, president soleski bones. the push could be the 1st wave of a wider offensive also on the program. funding plays up again in northern gaza with these valves military calling the clashes the faces since they come up late tara attacks on october, the
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anthony, how it welcome to the program. ukraine's new mobilization little comes into effect today as the official struggle to boost truth numbers on the front. lots. the new rules reduce the age of mile conscription from 27 to 25 years of age. your current president, automated, zalinski, has acknowledged a 10th situation on the eastern front lines and face the new law will help relieve some bathroom. we result is a novelty. even though it comes with a lot. we need to stuff the reserves. there are a significant number of brigades, existing brigades, but a large number of them are empty. look, i think is me when the port oregon, we need to do this so that the guys can be rotated normally. mom, then there morales will be improved and the more then it's just a matter of the physical strength of 10. just as i for this,
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the reserves must be prepared. yes, let's all put the mission boy. in the, in the meantime, soleski is wanting that the rushes, a light is pushing your friends and all faced could be the 1st wave of a why the offensive, almost 10000 people have flayed from the hockey region, which has spice, contains bombardment by russian troops embraced wakes russia claims to have seized another small village near the city of buff chance. as you try the entrance struggle to help the russian advance exhausted soldiers on the front line to hoping for a break and for more weapons to hold russia back along the border with russia. ukrainians, a fleeting for their lives. attacks on the town of chums kept escalation to shoot. the russian soldiers have arrived on some strange old constant shilling gob do a lot of missiles hit last night torch and several rockets flew over the pool. it's
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dangerous to stay here. these are residents are advised to evacuate, and some of the them just yesterday we have up to date was up to 15 wounded in russian shilling. preschool, football is put on and they see the way of the town is around 75 kilometers from her keys. ukraine sticking. biggest fishing, which is being bombed by russia almost every day. president landscape is wasted and allies must drink, frightens, and he must sell capabilities. messing with me see new mom says we need at least the 7 patriot ad defense systems are not loaded. say what we have in addition to those systems. but i believe that we have only about 25 percent of the defense is we need to shop at the admissions office to to create ukrainian truth for being freed. then along the front line, those in the donates region,
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a shows on mentality and a wasting fresh count. if someone could, cisco, the situation is complicated, then you know we work day and night side as your model. we sure it's one that munition are trying to save as much as we can. look, someone presidency kolinski says russian troops advance between 5 and 10 kilometers inside you cranes, northeast and border, the full being stopped by defending forces he ones russians offensive could come and see for waves. and that the push for hockey is just the 1st. right, let's go side with that. they got blue cross upon that mex santa, who is standing by force in the city of hawkins mex, wishy ross, or has made substantial gains in the last week and a half. what sort of information the you're getting about the situation in the region as it stands? all right, anthony. so um, at the moment um,
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from what we know fighting is still very fierce for thing is continuing at the north northern border with, with russia. the russian forces were able to advance 5 to 10 kilometers into ukrainian territory in different parts. fighting continues, the russians were able to take some villages and fighting in the city of both chance is still continuing outside and inside the city the ukrainians were put to react. they were able to re deployed and bring in forces from other parts of the front line and slow that advance. and until now were able to prevent a breakthrough through their lines of defense wherever the situation still remains very, very serious. the printing present as warren, that the fighting that could intensify in the upcoming and in the near future that the multiple waves could follow. and also that there are worries that perhaps in other parts of the northern border with russia. for example, i'm assuming a region where russia has
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a mass troops on the russian side of the border. there could be a following attack. in addition to that, the situation here in the city of harkey for we are right now us remains. i'm very, very difficult. a rush i keeps continuing attacking with rockets with guided bonds, keeps attacking civilian infrastructure and industrial facilities as well as residential areas. yeah. as the site shows and guarded missiles coming in i it brings me to the question, what is locked lock in? the city of hockey's at the moment with russian troops within touching distance. right, so the people of her teeth have gone through a lot to remember at the beginning of the full scale invasion. the city was pretty much under siege until the successful liberation of the area. so people who are use a lot when talking to people, they don't base the situation. the north a certainly undermine as it has in his many to pack up the things that go most people want to continue with their lives. in general,
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the situation here the atmosphere is as full of contrast. today was a beautiful day. you can see people in the park relaxing, enjoying themselves, but at the same time you have constant attacks here, alerts and successful attacks in various parts of the city. yesterday, there was a very large attack with, with resulted in for there and 31 people injured today. we were at the sights of an of a bomb attack. after this attack happens in a residential area where a family and a residential home was injured, 5 people were injured including 2 children. and i spoke to a member of the prosecutors offers on site. and you told me that this is a common situation right now in the last 6 months to have been $200.00 of such a tax here. hard to show. this is something that the people here are dealing with on a daily basis. all of that nice as a need recruitment little comes into effect. it's drawn mixed reactions by from will wary ukrainians. why is that?
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right, so most of the trainings sold so needed to defend the country and that the, the ukrainians need to register the people and, and find out what the, what the situation is or to build the strategy. it's not very popular among many soldiers within service since the beginning because there is no real ization issue is not included in this law. so the draft law included this, this point, whereas people who are providing for 36 months would be able to be relieved. in addition to that, some some health requirements had been removed. so people with the, with the, with the health problems and certain cases will still be able to, to use to be drafted. and in addition to that, it puts a lot of stress, a lot of pressure on many of the many do not want to fight. and it's something that you're talking to see people as a subset the specific of on a daily basis the definitely corresponding next. and in
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a very rowdy hockey. thank you so much. okay, click look. now some of the, i think level headlines now. george's president has vetoed the so called for an agents bill approved by parliament on tuesday. the little would have restricted media and other groups that get funding from abroad. the legislation has 5 weeks of widespread protest, pretty excited, good costs to st. and home georgia. speed to join the a you the ruling georgia. dream putting is expected however to provide a visa for voc is prime minister is in serious but stable condition of the undergoing for the surgery. but it fits with shot in the stomach and at close range on wednesday. while freaking support has a court, as will be suspect, who was detained directly after the shooting will remain in custody. pending his tron charges of attempted to dim and transfer the old of se, visiting south west in germany,
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weigh heavy. rain full has pretty good flooding and land slots, original government in the state of solid and has freed up funding to help people forced to leave a home. so authorities have lifted a stone warning over the stipend, se 5 levels are likely to keep rising. a note on the front line has apparently reopened in the bowl between his body forces and how most bodies in gaza. witnesses describe the finding of and not in and around the town of giovanni and in the north of the costs, a strict israel's army described the classes some of the faces since the how must here attack on israel on october 7th. right. it's more than this on join now by middle east analyst shiny rosanna shiny. i'm also still apparently able to offer a pretty face resistance. is this a surprise at this light stage in the upper i should tell yes or no. yes. and the sense of this was the 1st place where it is really forces went in when they went to
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the ground invasion into gaza, claiming to clear that space out of most of the home us nothings. but no, because even israel itself has admitted that while it may have managed to somehow dismentos commerce organizational operation. there's too many methods on the ground working individually or in small gorilla groups. and this is about to what we're seeing. and it's also not a surprise, because this is exactly what the international community and most the of the americans have been warning israel about. they won't be a vacuum when israel withdraws from the north of gaza, as long as her mazda the only force there, they will be able to resurrect and regroup. and you know, the very well prepared, the very well armed israel, as long as there's no other plan for concrete control of any of the forces on the ground. how much is the only um, you know, is the only force around and we're seeing that happening right. now and garza so does this help us find back as fees as it has been, have any effect on the current is rarely government and will it change policy or strategy? yes, like a for yes i, there's slowly a reckoning and we've seen the minister of defense this week saying that out loud,
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that israel has no, you know, the lack of plan and the lack of willingness by the prime minister as, as the, as the defense preserve bluntly accused of this week is putting israel in a bind is springs as well back to the same place as needed to fight literally the same fights again and again, jeopardizing the life of soldiers. not to mention, you know, the hostility of the international community, the despair, the slow understanding that this grinding, what turns to be war of attrition is far from being over, is slowly trickling into is really society and, and in the coordinates. we've seen a recent polls, for example, showing very little trust in most of the leaders. and it's, and you know, as a prime minister at the head, we've been in a trust and in many of the public who are actually believing that he's motivated by political interest and not by the need to prioritize defense needs for the, for the state of israel. and part of that trick of them, the funding, i guess, that you're speaking of is the protest against the government happening again until
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of if today. what are the demonstrators demands at this point and what impact are they have? so what we're seeing is there is, is again, engage and offensive. the north of the goal is also in the north and south of gauze and the russell area. and this is what the families are claiming is putting the, the hostages in great direct risk. and this is what they're, they're against. we also heard over the weekend, as, for example, the topic off the hostages and reaching a dig. it was only death in the cabinet of the ministers this week for 8 minutes. so they feel very much that their, you know, agenda is being pushed aside and the forcing the way back into these really discourse. and we'll see it's going to be, um, it is definitely a need for shake up. and these are the government. it seems from the public also, we've seen some senior figures in the government speaking this week and maybe later tonight. and we might see more political changes coming up in his own next phase, at least unless the neighbors on this thanks so much, you're welcome. bye right now before we go
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a quick look at the top story way of following for you the cell. the front is low and it's mobilization. i just to 25 in a paid to lose truth numbers on the front lines. authorities are trying to relieve that of larry soldiers struggling to hold back a major russian offensive in the hockey bridge. and israel's military is once again battling hamas and northern gaza, with heavy fighting in and around the town of chavarria as well as pulling the other night clashes the fiercest since the october 7. how much tara that's all the news for this out up next on the general shift, listens to human musicians. to explain why they say artificial intelligence as an existing jewel threats. don't forget. as always a reminder, you can get all the lights, news, and information around the club on a website that's to be found a d, w dot com and for social slide,
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x and instagram to handle you need, he's at the w need. so i'm anthony. how to have mornings for you in 45 minutes time . so that was the it could be green. very green. all this blue p s twine twine to some lovely red. definitely pull just to yes. yes, that's what you present on purple samples. very special. that's in georgia, choose your favorite color. get ready for an exciting auburn toyota look surprised
7:16 pm
. hi, irish. and i am ready to dive into the hands of.


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