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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the dm, the news line from for the fee is finding a new crime phase. does ross at games ground? the hockey keeps new mobilization, lo and takes effect. as exhausted, forces struggled to hold the russian advance president to let's he bones. the 1st could be the 1st wave of a wider offensive. also on the program is rob calls. new funding in northern golf at the most intense since the world with how much again, classes come as re imagine his rouse government over the boys and get the
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math and the how it welcome to the program. the kinds new mobilization little comes in to effect today is keeps struggles to boost truth numbers on the front lines. the new rules reduce the age of mile conscription from 27 to 25 and impose penalties on draft divide is both at home and abroad. declines. president lot of mister lensky acknowledges his troops are struggling to hold back for us is offensive on the eastern front lines. the hopes, the new law will help relieve back will be result is not what they even know comes with the lot. we need to stuff the reserves. there are a significant number of brigades, existing brigades, but a large number of them are empty. look, i think gives me when the is now we need to do this so that the guys can be rotated normally. molly, then, there morales will be improved, and the more then it doesn't matter of the physical strength. 10,
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just as i for this, the reserves must be prepared. yes. let's all put the mission boy billable in your . how may tom? so lensky is wanting that russia's light is pushing new trans northeast. could be the 1st wave of a wide offensive. almost 10000 people have flayed from the hockey region, which is placed in tents bombardment by russian troops and races, lakes. lots of claims to have safe but now another small village near the city above chance. i seek running and troops struggle to help the russian advance exhausted soldiers on the front lines hoping for a break and 4 more weapons to hold russia back along the border with russia. ukrainians, a fleeting for their lives. a tax on the town of chums kept escalator to shoot. the russian soldiers have arrived on some strange old
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is a constant shilling of do a lot of missiles hit last night torch and several rockets flew over to the pool, which it's dangerous to stay here. these are residents are advised to evacuate, and some of the them just yesterday we have up to date was of $215.00 wounded in russian shilling, preschool, and 5th month is put on and they see the wheels i have with the town is around 75 kilometers from her keys, ukraine sticking, biggest fishing, which is being bombed by russia almost every day. president, landscape states, wisdom allies must drink some new friends and a must sound capabilities. unless you wouldn't see new mom says we need at least the 7 patriot ad defend systems, even lower, say what we have in addition to those systems. but i believe that we have only about 25 percent of the air defenses. we need to shop at the admissions office to, to create ukrainian trade to being freed,
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send along the front line. those in the donates region assures on manpower and a wasting fresh count. that's the little bit cisco, the situation is complicated, then you know, we work day and night side as your model. we sure it's on the munition, the trying to save as much as we can. look, someone presidents, the landscape says russian troops advance between 5 and 10 kilometers inside ukraine's northeast and border, the full being stopped by defending forces. he ones rushed as offensive, could come and see the waves, and that the push for hi keith is just the 1st. now, earlier the deputy correspondent mac santa, who was in the city of hockey, gave us the latest on the front line situation in ukraine's ne. right, anthony, so um, at the moment um, from what we know fighting is still very fierce. pricing is continuing at the north
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northern border with with russia. the russian forces were able to advance 5 to 10 kilometers into ukrainian territory in different parts. fighting continues, the russians were able to take some villages and fighting in the city of both chance. still continuing outside and inside the city, the ukrainians were put to racks. they were able to re deployed, bringing forces from other parts of the front line and slowed in advance and until now were able to prevent and break through through their lines of defense. however, the situation still remains very, very serious. the printing present as ward, that's the fighting that could intensify in the upcoming an in the near future that the multiple waves could follow. and also that the, there are worries that perhaps in other parts of the northern border with russia. for example, i'm assuming a region where russia has a mass troops on the russian side of the border. there could be
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a following attack. in addition to that, the situation here in the city of harkey for we are right now us remains a very, very difficult a rush, a keeps continuing, attacking with rockets with guided bombs, keeps attacking, and civilian infrastructure and industrial facilities as well as residential areas . yeah. as the site shows and guarded missiles coming in a, it brings me to the question, what is lots locked in the city of hockey's at the moment with russian troops within touching distance. right. so the people of her teeth have gone through a lot to remember at the beginning of the full scale invasion. the city was pretty much under siege until the successful level, ation of the area. so people who are use a lot when talking to people, they don't base the situation, the north and certainly undermine, but it hasn't use many to pack up. the things that go most people want to continue with their lives. in general, the situation here, the atmosphere is full of contrast. today was
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a beautiful day. you can see people in the park relaxing enjoying themselves. but at the same time, you have constant attacks here, alerts and successful attacks in various parts of the city. yesterday, there was a very large attack with, with resulted in ford there and 31 people injured today. we were at the sight of an a bomb attack. after this attack happens in a residential area where a family's, in a residential home was injured, 5 people were injured including 2 children. and i spoke to a member of the prosecutors offers on site. and he told me that this is a common situation right now. in the last 6 months to happen to hundreds of such attacks here hardware. so this is something that the people here are dealing with on a daily basis. that was, they definitely corresponded max on to they speaking to me earlier from hockey. now know the front line is apparently reopened in the bowl between is rarely forces and time. us fighters in gaza. witnesses described heavy fighting of the not in and
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around the town of july. the in the north of the gaza strip. is ralph how many describes the classes of some of the fiercest since they come off terror attacks on israel, on october 7th. so what effect will this renewed, heavy fighting have on the count is where the government strategy and policy? i'm at least unless johnny was honest is here to talk about it. good to see if any of that has been a rather dramatic statement by will cabinet minister penny guns spots. he had to say yes. well, he joined the come the comment shortly after october, 7th to strength. and the government is a emergency unity government. he is a former general and these are the armies are considered to be a surface politician. and what he's saying tonight to toneta now is basically he's setting an ultimatum. he's saying that the country has been hijacked by the most extreme parts of the right coalition. we need to do a complete re, re how of our strategy. he's demanding several of the things, but the 2 most important ones are dealing with rising gaza in,
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in the civil way. sort of like making sure that the is really in his head can only operate when needed for the daily conduct of what's happening. goals or whoever takes care of gaza and the guys on a population need would not be israel, but rather a joint alliance that is headed and led by the americans. and he also talks about israel publicly announcing and making active steps in order to get into this normalization packed with saudi arabia, something the americans have been promoting for the last months that will bring, you know, american saudis alliance together with israel. and along with that also a lot of many other monro at sunni countries in hopes to sort of re shaped the balance of power in the least against iran. and so these are some of his ultimatums tonight, and we're seeing basically in the statement at all that we've been hearing quietly whispered by anonymous sources of last month is actually out in the open. the very open wrist are very open to disagreement between the most leading of figures. it is
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really a government these days. like i said, there's lot packed in the the, the going with has been like down an ultimatum. as you say. what then has benjamin netanyahu had the same response? well, he wants to immediately pushes it back. he says, well, let a know alternators shop be set to me, but rather to come off and dances. boys will bring the seat to israel. his attitude will not help us when and guns is trying to push back against that. we see a lot of this back and forth. and interestingly enough, you would wonder, well that's an yeah, it was a prime minister who could just, you know, if you want, if you could fire, but any guns. no right now, why is he not doing it? or why is many guns from actively saying immediately? i'm withdrawing from the government and so what we're seeing here, this political bands for both sides are trying to put the blame on the other because there's an understanding that the minute the benny guns and his party are out of the coalition. the 3 i was still technically has a numbers, but he doesn't have the public legitimacy. and that might be the 1st break in the
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domino effect of, of mess a part us in israel. that might actually shake governments in the, our political stability for the 1st time, and real in real circumstance. is that possible for him? a 1st time since october. first with asking the obvious question, where does this leave the bull cabinet? where does this leave the government? right? it's a very good question. there's no doubt that when it comes to handling the war and making decisions, you think of the families of the hostages, they look at this and they're completely in despair cuz they don't feel like the, anybody has their interest in has, you know, top of his agenda and of course, that's not a good position for as well to be, and i'm sure it's very satisfying for him. us to see this, we will subject sullivan, the american national security advisor coming to as well tomorrow, from re odd, from saudi arabia. still trying to meet maybe something out of this mess and, and try to get as well, to move into some sort of a strategic horizon. it's a task. so the americans have been trying to get into how to agree on for
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a couple of months already. maybe now with this public, you know, outing of administer guns, something will change up and is really the leadership really interesting moment. i'm in the list unless johnny runs on this. thanks so much. you're welcome. bye. all right, let's take a quick look now some of the of the headlines and i can use this al georgia as president has veto the so called foreign agents bill approved by parliament on tuesday. little restricts media and other groups that get funding from abroad. the legislation has spot weeks of widespread protests. pretty excite, it could cost defense, and hum joe just beat to join us. the ruling georgia dream party is expected to either bride. the visa of how it looks like is prime minister is in serious but stable condition of to undergoing further surgery. but fits was shot in the stomach and at close range on wednesday. while grading support has, a court has ruled the suspect, who was detained directly after the shooting will remain in custody,
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pending his trial on charges of attempt to which i'm in chance a little f shelters visited south west in germany, where heavy rainfall is triggered flooding and bland slots, the original government in the state of asylum is a freeing up funding to help people forced to leave. they hunt well, it's already so i've listed the storm warning of the states, but say, flood board is likely to keep rising god and houses submerged by heavy danes and streets left under water. after the was flooding in nearly 2 decades hit the german state of the sideline. join it says i live it has since 1997. i've never seen anything like this to make my basement and let me run straight. so as flooded around 1.6 maces, all my collected treasures that i had in my center. i go on and that's funny. i've never experienced anything like this is
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a lot of time is on the emergency services have responded to thousands of request for help with jim and johnson will actually visited the affected region and he said his government would be the v for a quick recovery. we have a good record of solidarity. unfortunately, it is not the 1st time we have had to manage a big natural disaster. therefore, we will of course, look at what needs to be done here now and what is necessary. everyone can rest assured that this will be done the best possible way. germany has lifted the vet that i liked as the reading is expected to ease. but that, that system is causing flooding in various parts of fenn, jim, and from and with that you're up to date for this. out of next out documentary film program makes the men in peru who go through tests of courage every day,
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including scathing cliffs, all in the name of feeding their families. an incredible story coming up after a short break. don't forget, you can find all the legs needs and information around the clock on a website that's the deputy dot com and for social media channels like ics and instagram, the handle you need is at the w spot. i sorry, so one on 6 times hiring t more people than ever on the worldwide in such an one. great timing is very hard to say very difficult to find out about some storage in so mike runs the.


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