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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is date of the news line from fielding affairs, finding a new crime, say stands, rustic gains, ground me, a hockey, keeps me above the lines i shall, takes effect. as exhausted forces struggled to hold the russian advance precedents the lensky ones. the 1st could be the 1st white off. i want it offensive. also on the program and a full inch of influential man, but if he's rouse, will cabinet prentice to resign. unless the government puts forth plans for a post woke us. any guesses ultimatum comes and meets what's being called of west fighting and northern guy since the war against come up again, the
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math and the how to look into the program. the kinds new mobilization little comes into effect today as keeps struggles to boost truth numbers on the front lines. the new rules reduce the age of male conscription from 27 to 25 and imposed penalties on draft devices both at home and abroad. the kinds president below them is the landscape says these troops struggling to hold back for us as latest. defensive neg crane's 2nd largest city. he hopes the new law will hope, relief baffled, weary soldiers here, every recruit counts. these volunteers that training to join this, the sold brigade for then the mobilization law would mean that more ukrainians can join the when they go to the front. many soldiers have been fighting for more than 2 years without much restaurant. what are some of your thoughts or it's not the
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ones was you can call realization for the why being held hostage in this situation . but this one just lot of writing in teams of this week for the good. they should be 10 to you. we are the ones who are trapped with what they need a break. that's why we are here. presidents lensky has acknowledged issues with staffing and morale, but drafting legislation to boost truth numbers has been difficult. below was amended more than 4000 times. and the final bill is a watered down version of the original the most notable lower change is the age of mobilization, which has been lowered from 27 to 25. doing 800000 potential conscripts of the bill also targets those who evade service. fines for draft villages have been increased fivefold. an old man that's home and abroad are obliged to update their registration details and carry the documents. eligibility for ministry service has
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also been revised. people with certain medical conditions who are previously deemed on fits could not be called on to find the recruits now in training do not know how long they will be in uniform. that failed has been criticized for leaving issues of the mobilization unresolved. are the drafts envisage troops would be rotated every 3 years? authorities say they will address these issues in the coming months. meanwhile, so lensky is wanting, but ross has let us push in the trends. ne could be the 1st wave of a wider offensive. almost 10000 people have flayed from the hockey region, which has faced intense bombardment by russian troops in recent weeks. russia claims to have ceased and not a small village near the city above chance. as he plenty and trips struggled to hold the russian advance. elliot a deputy correspondent, max and who was in the city of hawk. he gave us the latest on the front line
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situation in ukraine's ne, at the moment um, from what we know fighting is still very fierce fighting is continuing at the north northern border with, with russia. the russian forces were able to advance 5 to 10 kilometers into ukrainian territory in different parts. fighting continues, the russians were able to take some villages and fighting in the city of both chance is still continuing outside and inside the city. the ukrainians were put to react. they were able to re deployed and bring in forces from other parts of the front line and slow that advance. and until now we're able to prevent a breakthrough through their lines of defense. however, the situation still remains very, very serious. the printing present as ward, that's the fighting that could intensify in the upcoming in the, in the near future that the multiple waves could follow. and also that the,
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there are worries that perhaps in other parts of the northern border with russia. for example, i'm assuming a region where russia has a mass troops on the russian side of the border. there could be a following attack. in addition to that, the situation here in the city of harkey for we are right now us remains very, very difficult. a rush, a keeps continuing, attacking with rockets with guided bonds keeps attacking civilian infrastructure and industrial facilities, as well as residential areas that was due to police next end of the reporting from hockey. now no front line has apparently reopened in the wall between his body forces and how to spot his in gaza. witnesses describe heavy fighting, a of a not and in and around the town of jamalia in the north of the gaza strip. is ralph army describes the classes as some of the 5th since the hemisphere attacks on israel, on october 7th. and it comes as these wiley, bull cabinet members, any guns as threatened to resign,
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if the government files to put forward postwar plans for gaza with now 3 weeks should. so what effect will this renewed, heavy fighting have on the count is where the government strategy and policy i'm at least unless johnny was honest, is here to talk about it. good to see if any of that has been a rather dramatic statement, but i will cabinet minister penny guns once he had to say yes, well, he joined the got the comment shortly after october 7th to strength. and the government is a emergency unity government. he is a former general in these really armies are considered to be a surface politician. and what he's saying tonight to annette to now is basically he setting an ultimatum. he's saying the country has been hijacked by the most extreme parts of the right coalition. we need to do a complete re, re how of our strategy. he's demanding several of the things, but the 2 most important ones are demons rising, gaza in, in the civil way. sort of like making sure that these realize how can only operate
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when needed for the daily conduct of what's happening. goals or whoever takes care of gaza. and the guys on a population need would not be israel, but rather a joint alliance that is headed and led by the americans. and he also talks about israel publicly announcing and making active steps in order to get into this normalization packed with saudi arabia. something the americans have been promoting for the last months that will bring, you know, americans, saudis, alliance together with israel. and along with that, also a lot of many other moderate sunni countries in hopes to sort of re shape the balance of power in the least against iran. and so these are some of his ultimatums tonight, and we're seeing basically in the statement at all that we've been hearing quietly whispered by anonymous sources of last month is actually out in the open, the very open wrist. a very open and disagreement between the most leading of figures. it is really a government these days. like i said, there's lot packed in the, the, the going left, his brain light down and ultimatum as you say. what then has benjamin netanyahu had
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to say in response? so he wants to imitate, pushes back. he says, well, let a know alternators not be set to me, but rather to come off and dances. boys will bring the seat to israel. his attitude will not help us when and guns is trying to push back against that. we see a lot of these back and forth. and interestingly enough, you would wonder, well that's, and you know, as a prime minister who could just, you know, if you want and who could fire many guns? no right now, why is he not doing it? or why is many guns pun actively saying immediately i'm withdrawing from the government. and so what we're seeing here, this political bands for both sides are trying to put the blame on the other. because there's an understanding that the minute the benny guns and his party are out of the coalition. the 3 i was still technically has a numbers, but he doesn't have the public legitimacy. and that might be the 1st break in the domino effect of, of mass protest in israel. that might actually shake governments in the,
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our political stability for the 1st time in real, in real circumstance. is that possible for him? first time since october, this was asking the obvious question, where does this leave the bull cabinet? where does this leave the government? right? it's a very good question. that's what happens when it comes to handling the war and making decisions. you think of the families of the hostages, they look at this and they're completely in despair because they don't feel like that anybody has their interest in has, you know, top of his agenda. and of course, that's not a good position for as well to be. and i'm sure it's very satisfying to for him, us to see this, we will subject sullivan, the american national security advisor coming to as well tomorrow, from recharge from saudi arabia. still trying to make maybe something out of this mess and, and try to get as well, to move into some sort of a strategic horizon. it's a task. so the americans have been trying to get into how to agree on for a couple of months already. maybe now with this public, you know, outing of administer guns. something will change up in his real easy leadership.
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really interesting moment. i'm in the list analyst johnny brown. scientists. thanks so much. you're welcome. all right, let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the so the 2 of us are george's president has veto the so called foreign influence bill approved by parliament on choose to the little restricts media and other groups that get funding from abroad. legislation has bought weeks of widespread purchased critics like it could cost to st. and home georgia speed to join the e u. the ruling georgia, georgia, dream potty is expected to override a visa. slovak is prime minister is in serious but stable condition of to undergoing for the surgery. robot fits of shots in the stomach and at close range on wednesday. well, breeding support of the court has ruled, the suspect was detained directly after the shooting will remain in custody.
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pending his trial on charges of attempted murder, helemano authorities, a flash flooding has killed at least 50 people in central afghanistan. heavy ryans have destroyed thousands of houses and businesses. many came roads to the area of also been cut off. the u. n says more than 300 people died in floods. earlier this several climate activists have been arrested off the, glowing themselves to the tom mack at munich airport. they purchased both the airport to close for a few hours and the flights and that was causing disruption. and the lights, the active site, they want to draw attention to the environmental damage caused by fine staying in the region and german chancellor of salts has visited south west in germany, weigh heavy rain full has triggered flooding and land slots. original government in the state of solemn to spring up funding to help people forced to leave their homes
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. well, it's already serv lifted a still morning over the state, but they say flood board has a likely to keep on rising god and houses submerged by heavy deeds and streets left under water. after there was flooding in nearly 2 decades, hit the german state of sideline joint and said, i lived here since 1997. i've never seen anything like this. make my basement and live on straits as flooded around one point. 6 mesa is all my collected treasures. that i had to my seller are gone, and that's funny. i've never experienced anything like this is a lot of fun is on the emergency services have responded to thousands of requests for help with jim and johnson will actually visited the affected region. and he said his government would
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be the v for a quick recovery. we have a good record of solidarity. unfortunately, it is not the 1st time we have had to manage a big natural disaster. therefore, we will, of course, look at what needs to be done here now and what is necessary. everyone can rest assured that this will be done the best possible way. germany has lifted the history and is expected to ease that same, but the system is still causing flooding in various parts of bed gym and from and finally before we got a very special moment in german football as the cruise and has made history by becoming the 1st time in the buddhist league, it to go through the entire season and defeated the try and find music in the process coach chevy, alonzo. it becomes an instant later, for the fence on the same with reduced to tease. having witnessed
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a piece of sporting history genuinely for the ages. now before we go a quick look at that top stories way following for you the cell. the trends news mobilization law has come into effect as low as the draft guides to $25.00. that imposes penalties on those abiding service by this time and the pro tardies. want to relieve battle weary soldiers now struggling to hold back the magic russian offensive unique, hockey rich, and in a sign of throwing prostration of the israel strategy and gaza. an influential member of these relatable cabinets has threatened to resign. any guns says he'll quit if the government files to come up with a post whole plan for gaza within 3 you're off to the top, next. picture, a shift. here's for musicians. worried about artificial intelligence, dealing their ideas, invoices, and eventually they mosley. that's on the shift after
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a short break. don't forget you can always get the sneeze around the clock on a website, a t v dot com and social media channels like takes and things to handle you need is the deputy news that's open that.


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