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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the dr. news, life cumberland, russia, games, ground and fios fighting in easton, ukraine, exhaust the fall. so start with the water back. the russian advance towards the car . keep presidents lensky. one supports could be the 1st wave of a wide open, so also on the show a senior member office for the walk cabinet delivers an ultimatum, then against instructions to design, unless the plan for the full store gods out. israel. and i'm also engaged in some of the heaviest combat so far the
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i'm the massage as well as back into the program. ukraine. second biggest city car key was coming on the new a constant bombardment. as joshua presses a head with a new offensive one astroid on the city, hit a family home. all those living there, including children, were injured and not being treated in hospitals. almost 10000 people that have fled from the khaki reason in the northeast since the offensive began to deny as the 3 targeting civilians in ukraine. a dw corresponded mac sander who was in car teeth. has the latest at the moment um, from what we know fighting is still very fierce fighting is continuing at the north northern border with, with russia. the russian forces were able to advance 5 to 10 kilometers into ukrainian territory in different parts. fighting continues,
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the russians were able to take some villages and fighting in the city of both chance is still continuing outside and inside the city, the ukrainians were put to racks. they were able to re deployed, bringing forces from other parts of the front line and slowed in advance and until now were able to prevent and break through through their lines of defense. however, the situation still remains very, very serious. the printing present has worn that's the fighting that could intensify in the upcoming an in the near future that the multiple waves could follow. and also that the, there are worries that perhaps in other parts of the northern border with russia. for example, i'm assuming a region where russia has a mass troops on the russian side of the border there could be a following attack. in addition to that, the situation here in the city of harkey for we are right now also remains a very, very difficult a rush, a keeps continuing. attacking with rockets with guided bombs, keeps attacking civilian infrastructure and industrial facilities,
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as well as residential areas that was met fund in high keep about the increasing fighting the and meanwhile, a new you created, mobilization law has come into force, which the government holds to boost frontline tooth numbers, the age of conscription comes down from 27 to 25 and draw soldiers bought at home and abroad, waited for your spanish months to hear every recruit counts. these volunteers that training to join this, the sold brigade for then the mobilization law would mean that more ukrainians can join the when they go to the front. many soldiers have been fighting for more than 2 years without much restaurants. what are some of your thoughts here? it's not the ones was you can afford realization for to are being held hostage in this situation. but the so in just a lot of working in teams of the fee for the good, they should be 10 to you. we are the ones who are trapped with more that they need a break. that's why we are here. presidents lensky has acknowledged issues with
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staffing and morale. drafting, legislation to boost truth numbers has been difficult. below was amended more than 4000 times. and the final bill is a watered down version of the original the most notable lower change is the age of mobilization, which has been lowered from 27 to 25, adding 800000 potential conscripts of the bill also targets those who evade service fines for draft villages have been increased fivefold. an old man that's home and abroad are obliged to update their registration details and carry the documents. eligibility for military service has also been revised. people with certain medical conditions who are previously deemed on fits could not be called on to find the recruits now in training, do not know how long they will be in uniform. that failed has been criticized for
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leaving issues of the mobilization unresolved. are the drafts envisage troops would be rotated? every 3 years? authorities say they will address these issues in the coming months. that's all one to the warden, gaza, all the fighting has intensified between israel and her mos in the northern part of the strip. these really all me says about who is it on the town up to bali or some of the heaviest since the war began? mean violence drift within israel's wall cabinet has come under the spotlight. from a defense minister benny guns has stepped into design. if the government for you to come up with a plan for forced to our guys out within the next 3 weeks of company, there's somebody come dw, release time electronic goes on his door, less more about benny guns and what his ultimatum means as well. he's joined up the comment shortly after october, 7th to strength, and the government is a emergency unity government. he is a former general and these really armies are considered to be
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a surface politician. and what he's saying tonight to net to now is basically, he's setting an ultimatum. he's saying the country has been hijacked by the most extreme parts of the right coalition. we need to do a complete re, re how of our strategy. he's demanding several things, but the 2 most important ones are demons rising, gaza in, in the civil way. sort of like making sure that these really in this area can only operate when needed. but the did healy conduct of what's happening does or whoever takes care of gaza and the guys on the population need would not be israel, but rather a joint alliance that is headed and led by the americans. and he also talks about israel publicly announcing and making active steps in order to get into this normalization packed with saudi arabia, something the americans have been promoting for the last months that will bring, you know, american saudis alliance together with israel. and along with that also a lot of many other monro at sunni countries in hopes to sort of re shaped the
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balance of power in the least against iran. and so these are some of his ultimatums tonight, and we're seeing basically in the statement at all that we've been hearing quietly whispered by anonymous sources of last month is actually out in the open, a very open wrist. a very open disagreement between the most leading of figures. it is really a government these days shines as long as the the latest on dominican 5 tomato. that's done out. some of the other stories making headlines around the world to georgia as president has vetoed the so called forward and influenced bill approved by parliament on 2 step, the law districts, media and other troops that get funding from abroad. the legislation has sparked weeks of widespread protests. critics pay it good costs defend and hum georgia bridge to join the you didn't georgia dream party is expected to override whole retail loc as prime minister isn't serious, but stable condition off to undergoing for the so today robert feed. so what's
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charlton stomach and i'm a little strange on bed. the stay wife reading supporters of gold has do with the suspect. who was the team directly off of the shooting will remain in cost of defending his charge on charges of attempted moto, i saw the bonnet hard to see if a flash funding has stated, at least $50.00 people in central, of kind of fun, heavy rains have destroyed thousands of houses and businesses, many keywords, so the area have also been cut off. the u. n says more than 300 people have died in floods earlier this month. are now here in germany, it's on slow. olaf shows has inspect the flood damage and south western germany. heavy rainfall us to good flooding and land slides, forcing hundreds to leave the homes that each in the government in the state of solid and has freed up funding to help presidents relocate. authorities have listed a storm warning, but fear flood waters are likely to keep rising cards and houses
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submerged by heavy gains and streets left under water. after there was flooding in nearly 2 decades, hit the german state of the sideline joint and said, i lived here since 1997. i've never seen anything like this. make my basement and live on straits as flooded around 1.6 maces, all my collected treasures that i had in my center. i go on and that's funny. i've never experienced anything like this as well. that's on this on the emergency services have responded to thousands of request for help with jim and johnson will actually visited the affected region and he said his government would be the v for a quick recovery. we have a good record of solidarity. unfortunately,
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it is not the 1st time we have had to manage a big natural disaster. therefore we will of course, look at what needs to be done here now and what is necessary. everyone can rest assured that this will be done the best possible way. germany has lifted the history and is expected to ease that same, but the system is still causing flooding in various parts of fed jim and from tylenol which has been on its way to becoming the forest country in south east asia to legalize same sex marriage. the most important, hardly a vote in the lower house of parliament was clear in march, but even one's disability becomes low. that all more challenges to come. use guild mathis met a lesbian couple in bangkok who are hoping they will soon be able to get mad at and thailand and enjoy the same rice as any heterosexual matter, because they just want to be a family like any other. this is ariah,
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her wife harriet and the 5 month old daughter, the the, to type women got married in the u. k. 7 years ago and have been waiting since then can finally type in not in the home country to. this would make things easier for you when we have a baby to get there. so you should get some benefit from from that home pendant you from her company, like uh, park far education fee or do maybe call the park from the company that she works for. like a normal household, like uh, between man and woman. but for our, for us is woman and woman. we cannot get that. currently, only ariah is the legal guardian of their daughter. what harriet is the only official owner of their home, because they could not legally share the mortgage. as things are now, if harriet,
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where to leave the house to ariah, in the event of her death, it would attract high inheritance. texas. the lower house of parliament is making moves to change all of that. it's past the marriage equality bill. the law still has to be approved by the senate and signed into law by the king. know yon us the pop in has been fighting for this for many years. you know, when we talked about greater social acceptance, it didn't happen overnight. it's because l g b t 2 plus individuals have refused to be suppressed and have continuously funding for their rights and the overtime. we don't have known she is one of the most important representatives of civil society giving evidence in the continuing senate hearings on the matter. she says that the conservative pro military government that leads to thailand in the past try to slow liberalization. but that ended when the few type parts, which is now in power,
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was one of the major parties who included marriage equality. and it's campaign from ariah and harry adult, a mistake that the bill will be comfortable. and there are also hoping for further changes the bill will only concern marriage, the legal terms father and mother will not be affected kindly. one of the women has to register as the father to the daughter. they fear this legal great zone does not give them full parental rights. it will be good if, if the, the 1st law is passed for part of same sex marriage and then the pallet and certificate can become later for the whole that that to be became very easy to read . yes. that may take longer, but they wait for the equal marriage act seems nearly over. the law will come into force $120.00 days after the king signs it. then the 2 will have the big party. they've always dreamed off and get married again. and
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finally, a very special enrollment enrollment football. the the fire name is susan, has made history by becoming the 1st team and the goodness. lee, good to go through the entire season and defeated that each one's buy a new nick in the process called shelby alone. so becomes an instance legend for the friends, some of whom would reduce to, to us having with us the piece of sporting history genuinely for the ages. and before we go a quick look at the stuff. so at the top story, we are following at this album, russia expressing ahead with a fresh offensive what on ukraine 2nd, biggest, pretty hard to preston zalinski is wanting. it could be the 1st wave and a wider campaigns around $10000.00 people have fled from the regions in northeastern ukraine. and with that, you're up to date,
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but do stick around 1st. sports life is up next to meet again and kind of couple quotes of bullets at cody accounted by a visa problems. that's i'm off of the big number such as well. thank you so much for being with us. the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in that's look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d w. what old car has to do with you production? here's a hands on.


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