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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw, and use lie from the lin a rift open saying is what else will cabinets as a senior member to live as an ultimatum? any guns threatens to resign? unless there's a plan for a post full gas, it gets the government a 3 week deadline is heavy fighting spread across the gas. a street also coming out fee is fighting and ukraine's east. the exhausted troops struggle to repel a russian advance. keith accuse this rush of targeting civilians as a wave of dro strikes. i felt across the country the
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monica jones, welcome to the program. tracks has begun to show and israel's will cabinet over the future of the gaza strip. for my defense minister benny guns is threatening to resign from the cabinet unless the government comes up with a concrete plan for a post will gaza. he's given a 3 week deadline, ramping up, the pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. meanwhile, fighting between israel and how mazda is intensified, northern ga, so seeing some of the fits as bottles of the war sofa months after israel declared the end of operations in the area. while in the south. hundreds of thousands fleet fighting and rough or many of them not for the 1st time. the heavy clashes wilkes, the southern gauze and the city of rafa. as israel pushes ahead, and it's
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a cell against a mass united nation, say, 800000 people. more than a 3rd of causes population of being display. so me area, despite having new went to go the northern part, the district is also on the side. in jamalia is riley terrance was through the devastated streets. the army says its conducting quite precise operations against terrorists and infrastructure, the inside israel. thousands joins the weekly antique government protest intel of eve. they will the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign on new elections to because the this, the government is taking out the country, 2 places that i don't, i don't want to see my country go to,
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i see corruption. i see the less of vision. i've seen that you'll see it even below that he won't change. meanwhile, induce and new cracks of emerging and met him. now he's kind of an issue centrist, penn. again, it's seen by some of the motivating voice in otherwise ultra conservative government. okay, for the rest of the cabinet. and also my goal is to highlight what is right, the soldiers of his lang, credible bravery on the front, some of the people who send them to battle, acting with trout as close to a company. they tell me to come on the war cabinet miss write down and write to find an action plan that will lead to the realization of 6 strategic objectives of national importance. i think by the 8th of july, a few berkeley only because benjamin netanyahu chooses to follow the zealots and elite the nation into an abyss of resign from the government control. if kent
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does resign, it would not force an election. the coalition still has the majority of the us as a moderate voice would be lost at the time when it's needed. the most pentagon said, joined the tanya, whose will cabinets only a few months ago as a show of unity in the aftermath of the i'm off to attack on october the 7th. so what is the full miami general trying to achieve with his ultimatum? now he is dw is middle east. analysts, chinese was honest with her analysis of kansas power move. he's saying the country has been hijacked, by the most extreme parts of the right coalition. we need to do a complete re, re how old are strategy. he's demanding several things, but the 2 most important ones are dealing with rising gaza in, in the civil way. sort of like making sure that the is really the terry can only operate when needed for the daily conduct of what's happening cause or whoever
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takes care of gaza and the guys on a population need would not be israel, but rather a joint alliance that he's headed and led by the americans, and he also talks about israel publicly announcing and making active stepped in order to get into this normalization, packed with saudi arabia. something the americans have been promoting for the last months that will bring, you know, americans, saudis, alliance together with israel. and along with that also a lot of many other moderate sunni countries in hopes to sort of re shape the balance of power in the middle east. against iran, and so these are some of his ultimatums tonight and we're seeing basically in this statement at all that we've been hearing quietly whispered by anonymous sources and last months is actually out in the open, a very open wrist. a very open disagreement between the most leading and figure is it is really a government these days and that was uh, do you know the use middle east analyst sean utilize on his talking to us earlier
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or do you pray now and you craze. the 2nd biggest city hall chief is coming on the near constant bombardment. as rush, i presume, presses a head with a new offensive chief has accused rush of targeting civilians up to a wave of russian drone missile strikes swept across the region. moscow has constantly denied targeting civilians deliberately, but many are coming on the fire regardless. the 2 children, the plane here. when the guided aerial boom hid this private yard in central har, keith, no officials are assessing the damage. while the father is being treated by paramedics, his wife, and 2 children, all in hospital strikes like this, one has been heating,
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ukraine's 2nd largest c today is russia continues. it's offensive in the northeast . for some there's been no respite from weeks of attacks. the 2nd strike on this woman's house, not knowing the things it means to me. it's exactly the same place as the last page . it was east of the winter, $22.00. the russians were selling car keys and i've just finished restoring the house myself. now i don't know what to do. tens of thousands have already been evacuated from hard to for region. but some remain in defiance of the russian on set you up a whole so i was agent in the kitchen and went to another room to drink coffee. i
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had an explosion, i didn't know was stores last night. any glass was lying everywhere, then there was another explosion. 2 o'clock was good and wanted to run away so, but i didn't know where to go to do that. i couldn't just put it like i like that you clicked and there's no code that you got sort of a small harkey presidents may soon have to decide whether to stay on as russia capture small villages in the area. it is fee is that no way will be safe for civilians. dw correspondence max on the center. this update on the bass was taking place around hockey. at the moment, um, from what we know fighting is still very fierce fighting is continuing at the north northern border with, with russia. the russian forces were able to advance 5 to 10 kilometers into ukrainian territory in different parts. fighting continues, the russians were able to take some villages and fighting in the city of both
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chance. still continuing outside and inside the city the ukrainians were put to react. they were able to re deployed and bring in forces from other parts of the front line. and slowed in advance and until now were able to prevent a breakthrough through their lines of defense, whoever the situation still remains very, very serious. the printing present has worn that's the fighting that could intensify in the upcoming in the, in the, in the near future. that the multiple waves should follow and also that the there are worries that perhaps in other parts of the northern border with russia. for example, i'm assuming a region where russia has a mass troops on the russian side of the border. there could be a following attack. in addition to that, the situation here in the city of harkey for we are right now us remains very, very difficult. a russia keeps continuing attacking with rockets with guided bombs, keeps attacking civilian infrastructure and industrial facilities,
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as well as residential areas that we should do. you know, these next some that they, i meanwhile, and you ukrainian mobilization law has come into force which the government holds. will boost frontline truth numbers. the age of conscription comes down from 27 to 25. a draft dodgers both at home and abroad will face punishment, a house. here. every recruit counts. these volunteers that training to join the 3rd a sold brigade for then the mobilization law would mean that more ukrainians can join the when they go to the front. many soldiers have been fighting for more than 2 years without much restaurant. what are some of your thoughts are it's not the ones was you can call realization for the why being held hostage in this situation . but this one just lot of working in teams of this week for the good. they should be 10 to you. we are the ones who are trapped with what they need a break. that's why we are here. presidents lensky has acknowledged issues with
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staffing and morale, but drafting legislation to boost truth numbers has been difficult. below was amended more than 4000 times. and the final bill is a watered down version of the original the most notable lower change is the age of mobilization, which has been lowered from 27 to 25. adding 800000 potential conscripts of the bill also targets those who evade service fines. the draft villages have been increased fivefold. an old man that's home and abroad are obliged to update their registration details and carry the documents. eligibility for ministry service has also been revised. people with certain medical conditions who are previously deemed on fits could not be called on to find the recruits. now in training, do not know how long they will be in uniform. that failed has been criticized for leaving issues of the mobilization unresolved. or the draft envisage troops would
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be rotated every 3 years. authorities say they will address these issues in the coming months. the dominican republic and the caribbean is holding elections with immigration from neighboring haiti. the most divisive issue, the frontrunner is the current president, luis, up in ada, who was promising to crack down on the asylum seekers and finish a concrete board, a wall. the 2 nations share the same island while haiti is pulling a pod by gun will fare. the dominican republic is thriving economically and has to pull that hundreds of thousands of migrants. the human beings, he screams as dominican authorities, detain dozens of haitians. those with outside de risk being deported, practice i hate to the homeland and the grip of violent gangs able to see that the president knows with respect to pull these people to hate to some
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terrible things could happen to the repair. this isn't human new mind or a new minus. it's not clear what the future holds. patients who came to the dominican republic to get away from the gangs. what are the hotline president, the newest renada, could well, when the election with immigration, the top issue, the protecting the nation, sir? not everyone. i'm just sense of why the 10s of thousands of flights, hey, to to escape violence and poverty many. now what can the dominican republic contributing to the economy but most have poorly paid low skilled jobs? this man has been working in tourism for 10 years. it feels he doesn't really belong in this country and you'll get the photos. i tell me what you need got to leave them up. i've never had the chance to get to visit impairment. the government just doesn't want to keep them. i don't think it was he didn't. so the authorities
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deny this. they say that they simply follow the law. there's a new king in the world of boxing you create in all exxon that we seek has beaten britain's ties and fuel rate to become the 1st full belt undisputed heavyweight champion in 25 years. fury came out swinging, dominating the 1st stages of the fights of the kingdom of rena in riyadh. but o'six came rolling back after 12 whole rounds and the tents split decision. it was game over for fury, suffering the 1st loss in his 16 year professional career. the undefeated or c, cuz now joined to the likes of mohammed ali and mike tyson as undisputed heavyweight champion. and finally, a remarkable achievement in german football. i neva who doesn't have to come because when does the guy team to get through the entire season? i'm beaten the club emerged as windows of the league. i was think longstanding champions by munich. they look losing coach sean, be alone. so we'll go to
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a rep to his reception. some funds will move to tiers witnessing soccer history in the making and that's all from us now coming up next report. so i want to get jones for me and the team. thanks for watching the imagine that you're eating a hamburger. and as you're biting into this juicy bird or your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world.


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