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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 9:00am-9:15am CEST

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the, the you watching dw, and use life from bill in a rift opens and israel's will cabinets as a senior member to live us an ultimatum. any guns threatens to resign, unless there's a plan for a post, we'll gosh, that gives the government a 3 week deadline. as heavy fighting spreads across the gaza strip, also coming up this project in ukraine's east. as exhausted the troops struggled to repel a russian advance. chief accuse is russel of targeting civilians as a wave of drone strikes. i felt across the country, the
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monica jones good to have you with us tracks has begun to show in israel's will cabinets over the future of the gaza strip. for my defense minister of any guns is threatening to resign from the company that unless the government comes up with a concrete plan for a postwar guys up, he had to joined as a show of unity also homeless loan, steel, tober, 7th terrorist attacked now guns, a said a 3 week deadline, ramping up, the pressure on prime minister benjamin. that's one. yeah. meanwhile, fighting between israel and how mazda is intensifying, northern gaza, is seeing some of the fiercest bottles of the war sofa months off to israel declared to the end of operations in the area while in the south. hundreds of thousands flea fighting in rough uh, many of them not for the 1st time. the,
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the heavy clashes, wilkes, the southern gauze and city of rafa, as well pushes ahead with its assault against a mass. united nations say, 800000 people. more than a 3rd of causes population being displaced so many areas. despite having their went to go the northern part, the district is also on the fire engine. bali is riley targets was through the devastated streets. the army says its conducting quite precise operations against terrorists ended fish temperature inside israel. thousands joins the weekly antique government protest intel of eve. they was the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign on new elections to because the this, the government is taking out of country to places that i don't,
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i don't want to see my country go. do i see corruption? i see that the less of vision i've seen that you see and even below that you want change. meanwhile, induce and new cracks of emerging and met him. now he's kind of an issue centrist, penn. again, it's seen by some of the motivating voice in an otherwise out for conservative government. okay, for the rest of the cabinet and also made some go to highlight what is right the soldiers of is playing kind of move bravery on the front. some of the people who send them to backlog acting with the child as a company. they tell me to come on a walk cabinet ms. write down and try to find an action plan that will lead to the realization of 6 strategic objectives of national importance. i think by the 8th of july, a few berkeley only because benjamin netanyahu chooses to follow the zealots and
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elite the nation into an abyss of resign from the government control. the guns does reside, it would not force and election. the coalition still has the majority of the affairs and my direct voice would be lost at the time when it's needed the most. we can now speak with asthma to buy room with the norwegian refuge account sold us and n g o carrying out humanitarian work in ga. so he joins us from amman. good to have you with us. so as much as we just saw an ad report, there a different visions of a future for ga. so that's a now course in deep rift, inside the israel and the government. how is it all, do you think this could change the situation on the ground? or i mean, judging by what is happening, not very much, it seems that israel is pressing ahead with these ground operations that all you
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know of is the resources. if troops messing around that area at the same time, like you've just reported, there's uh, of course uh, intensive escalation in, in the northern pods. so our teams on the ground to know each other. if g council has been pushed all the way to the west of rough i'm, that's a bad sign. assigned that. so you know, things are getting worse and worse over the, you know, the hours not really days or weeks on particular with the numbers now, 700000 people. we are hearing have been displaced over the last 10 days. so things don't look anything but grim backgrounds and people, you know, have been left, you know, to battle really bad. so for the survival. but the hearings that a heavy weight in the cabinet to benny guns, giving a benjamin netanyahu and is a government basically an ultimatum to come up with a solution for a post will gaza?
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do you think this could we can all a strength and israel in this current situation also fighting both in the north and the south of gaza? i mean, of course, i mean we've been, we've been hearing the, you know, without getting into too much politics as a, as a representative of humanitarian organization. we saved things from a human to tenant points of view. and i can tell you that the politics that has been played out in recent weeks and months. i mean, of course, the disagreements within these, right? the cabinet and the same time, the, the disagreement with x rays allies really uh, led by the united states have continued while the, the operations of growth on the grounds have not stopped. so there is kind of, you know, there's a kind of putting diplomacy that is being played in the background, the same time disagreements are being played in the, in the background. we don't see much impacts of that's on the, on the grounds as in, you know, the impacts that we want to see. the positive change that we want to see, which is,
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uh, you know, uh, a ceasefire. if anything, what is happening in the product to crew carney doors is only, you know, negatively reflecting on the situation on the ground. which means that for me, we'll never, you know, close to a cease fire agreement with, you know, given these, you know, disagreements in the, on his right side. so we hope that you know, anything that you know when it comes to politics, when, when it comes to address relationships with us, we hope that pressure comes from, from these countries from israel's allies, which we're looking for. uh, do you know the 4th page a political solution is a definitely needed me was some 800000 people have left rafa over the last 2 weeks and many of them have been displaced before just briefly. where are they going? or in every direction really it's a, it's a, it's a race to the west as it stands closer to the beach area, which is not made for human life free the closer to sending in this way, you know,
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there's so much destruction and all the teams have reported it so you know, uh they sent a increase in prices and things like pens and water and brands. so people are going to lean in that direction and you know, with, with the intensification of the ground operations, things are getting worse and worse. right now, let's firearm from the legion refugee council. joining us from i'm on the thank you so much tending to hear cray now, and you cranes 2nd biggest city, hard chief is coming on the near constant bombardment. as russia presses a hedge with a new offensive key, if, as accused russia of targeting civilian soft way for russian drones and missile strikes swept across the region. moscow has consistently denied to targeting civilians deliberately. but many are coming on the fire regardless.
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the 2 children, the plane here, when the guide ariel boom hid this private yard in central har keith no officials are assessing the damage while the father is being treated by paramedics, his wife, and 2 children, all in hospital strikes like this one has been heating ukraine 2nd largest c today is russia continues. it's offensive in the northeast. for some, there's been no respite from weeks of tax. the 2nd strike on this woman's house. not the thumbs. it needs to be. it's exactly the same place as the last page. it
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was east of 2022. the russians were selling car keys and i've just finished restoring the house myself. now, i don't know what to do. tens of thousands have already been evacuated from hard to for region. but some remain in defiance of the russian on set you up a wholesale i was eating the kitchen and went to another room to drink coffee. i had an explosion. i didn't know what it was last night and the glass was lying everywhere. then there was another explosion, 2 o'clock was good and wanted to run away, but i didn't know where to go to do that, couldn't just put it, look, i lost it, you clicked on. there's no code that you got sort of a small harkey presidents may soon have to decide whether to stay on as russia capture small villages in the area. it is fee is that no way will be safe
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for civilians. and he has a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world to george's president has vetoed a so called foreign influence bill, already approved by parliament. the law restricts media and all the groups that get funding from abroad. the legislation has set off weeks of protests, the ruling georgia dream policy is expected to override heavy to the decision smockey as prime. and as the robot fits so has undergone more surgery and to dr. say his condition is stable. he was shot several times last week, while greeting supports us. a suspect arrested at the scene is facing trial for attempted mad, definitely to the dominican republic and the caribbean is holding elections with immigration from neighboring haiti. the most divisive issue from
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toronto is the coming president, louise avenida, who's promising to crack down on a lot asylum seekers and finish a concrete affordable. the 2 nations share the same island. but while haiti is torn apart by gamble, fair, the dominican republic is striving economically attached to ported hundreds of thousands of microns, the cuban beings, he screams as dominican authorities. detain dozens of haitians. those with outside de risk being deported, packed to hey, to the homeland and the grip of violent gangs. it because he didn't tell us that the president knows what to expect to pull these people to hate to some terrible things could happen to pay this. isn't he mind who mine was in the miners? it's not clear what the future holds. patients who came to the dominican republic to get away from the gangs. what are the hotline president news? i've been out the could well when the election with immigration, the top issue,
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the protecting the nation. and so, you know, everyone understands that when tens of thousands of fled to a, to, to escape violence and poverty many. now what can the dominican republic contributing to the economy but most have fully paid low skilled jobs? this man has been working in tourism for 10 years, yet feels he doesn't really belong in this country and you'll get the photos. i can't think what you need got the i've never had the jobs is interested. empowerment the government just doesn't want to keep them identified and it was, he didn't have the authorities deny this. they say that they simply follow the law some sports use now, and there was a new king in the world of boxing ukrainian. alexander was sick. as the britons tyson, the fury to become the 1st full belt,
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undisputed heavyweight champion in 25 years. fury came out swinging, dominating the 1st stages of the fight of the king to marina, and re add by 2 or 6 came roll ring back after 12 whole rounds of the 10 split decision. it was came over for a few re suffering. the 1st loss in his 16 year professional career, the undefeated or sick has now joined to the likes of mohammed ali and my tyson as undisputed heavyweight champion. and finally, a remarkable achievement, enjoyment thoughtful. buying eva, become the 1st one. does he get a team to get through the entire season on the, the clubhouse, imaged as windows of the leak ousting the longstanding champions and unique limits . listen coach, shoddy alone. so got a rector's reception. some phones will even move to tiers. witnessing soccer
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history in the making and that's all from us for now. coming up next, our tech shows shift hearing from you sessions, worried about artificial intelligence, dealing their ideas, they voices and eventually the likelihoods. that's coming up next. my name is the calls back. said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud as you guys would have been nosy bay, like good everyone to king to check out the award winning called call. don't hold back your update innovation green.


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