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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching and dw, and use life from the lin, a rift opens in israel's will cabinets as a senior member deliver as an ultimatum. bennett guns threatens to resign unless that's a plan for a post world gas up against the government. a 3 week deadline is heavy fighting spreads across the gaza strip. also coming off as far as we can do, cranes, east us exhausted the troops drago to repel a russian advance. key for fuses, rush off targeting civilians as a wave of drug and strikes of health across the country. the
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i'm going to jones welcome to the program cracks of the gun to show and israel's will cabinets over the future of the gaza strip format. defense minister, the any guns is threatening to resign from the cabinet unless the government comes up with a concrete plan for a post will gaza. he said to a 3 week deadline, jumping off the pressure on prime minister benjamin that's on yahoo. meanwhile, fighting between israel and how most intensifying northern goss, i see some of the fastest bottles of the war. so 4 months after israel declared the end of operations in this area, while in the south, hundreds of thousands flea fighting and rougher, many of them not for the 1st time. the heavy clashes woke the southern gauze and the city of rafa as well pushes ahead with its assault against a mass united nations say, 800000 people,
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more than a 3rd of causes population of being displaced so many areas. despite having new went to go. the northern part, the district is also on the fire engine. bali is riley tags was through the devastated streets. the army says it's conducting quite precise operations against terrorists ended fish temperature inside is thousands, joins the weekly anti government, protests intel of eve. they will the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign on new elections to because the this, the government is taking out the country, 2 places that i don't, i don't want to see my country go to,
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i see corruption. i see the less of vision. i've seen that you'll see it even below that one change. meanwhile, in jerusalem, new cracks of emerging and met him now his condition, centrist penn. again, it's seen by some motivating voice in an otherwise ultra conservative government. okay. the rest of the cabinet and also might go to highlight what is right. the soldiers are displaying incredible bravery on the front. some of the people who sent them to battle, acting with trout is close to a company. they tell me to come out the war cabinet miss write down and ratify an action plan that will lead to the realization of 6 strategic objectives of national importance. i think by the 8th of july. i hope she will kill me. the benjamin netanyahu chooses to follow the zealots and to lead the nation into an abyss of
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resign from the government control. if guns does reside, it would not force and election. the coalition still has the majority spots downstairs. a moderate voice would be lost at the time when it's needed, the most many guns. how to deal with nothing else will copy that's only a few months ago as a show of unity in the aftermath of the almost her attack on october the 7th. so what is the full, my ami gum? a general trying to achieve with this ultimatum? now he is, a dw is middle east analysts, chinese scientists with the analysis of kansas power move. he's saying the country has been hijacked by the most extreme parts of the right coalition. we need to do a complete re, re how of our strategy. he's demanding several other things, but the 2 most important ones are demons rising, gaza in, in the civil way. sort of like making sure that the is really the terry could only
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operate when needed, but the daily conduct of what's happening goes or whoever takes care of gaza and the guys on a population need would not be israel, but rather a joint alliance that he's headed and led by the americans, and he also talks about israel publicly announcing and making active steps in order to get into this normalization packed with saudi arabia. something the americans have been promoting for the last months that will bring, you know, americans, saudis, alliance together with israel. and along with that also a lot of many other moderate sunni countries in hopes to sort of re shaped the balance of power in the middle east. against iran, and so these are some of his ultimatums tonight and we're seeing basically in this statement at all that we've been hearing quietly whispered by anonymous sources and last months is actually out in the open, a very open wrist. a very open disagreement between the most leading of figures. it is really a government these days to allow was the dw as middle east analysts,
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johnny ross on us talking to us earlier, ukraine's 2nd biggest city, hard to fish, coming on the near constant bombardment as russia presses ahead with a new offensive t if has accused rush of targeting civilians up to a wave of russian drone and missile strikes swept across the region. moscow has consistently denied to targeting civilians deliberately, but many are coming on to file regardless of the 2 children. the plane here. when the guide ariel boom hid this private yard in central har, keith, no officials are assessing the damage. while the father is being treated by paramedics, his wife, and 2 children, all in hospital strikes like this one has been heating ukraine, 2nd largest c. today is russia continues,
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it's offensive in the northeast. for some, there's been no respite from weeks of attacks. the 2nd strike on this woman's homes, not the means to produce exactly the same place as the last page. it was east of 2022. the russians were selling car keys and i've just finished restoring the house myself. now, i don't know what to do. tens of thousands have already been evacuated from hard to for region. but some remain in defiance of the russian on set you up a wholesale i was eating the kitchen and went to another room to drink coffee. i had an explosion. i didn't know what slots the glass was lying everywhere. then
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there was another explosion. 2 o'clock was good and wanted to run away so, but i didn't know where to go to do that, couldn't just put it like i lost it, you clicked on. there's no code that you got sort of a mol, harkey. presidents may soon have to decide whether to stay on as a rush to capture small villages in the area. it is fee is step, nowhere will this safe for civilians. while i'm for some analysis on that, let spring and marine on me wrong from the war studies department at kings college in london. good to have you with us. now. we know ukrainian, prosecutors have opened an investigation into possible world crimes in high chief and wolf, sean sco. but are we talking about war crimes? is that what we're seeing here? good morning, monica. what would have to be very, very careful when we're looking at incidents like this because we,
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we have seen that throughout the war, it takes time to actually establish what it was. and a day after such attacks. it's virtually impossible to reach upon close of the session at the lowest before obviously prohibit intentional targeting of civilians. now there is also the possibility of collateral damage and i think it's a very important distinction which has to be kept in mind here. therefore, it's very early to jump to conclusions, specifically because we've seen it throughout the world. the russians have been accusing ukrainian selves the same invalid throughout the ukrainian side has been accusing the russians. yes, there will be were crimes as in any war, and that is an unfortunate reality, but they have to be distinguished from collateral damage and they have to be investigated properly. and that the next year is it's not a matter of 2 or 3 days or even weeks. let's take a look at the frontline because
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a lot of mr. lansky reported some successful ukranian troops fighting the renewed russian assault and the high case region. a lot more. do you know about that as well? it seems like the sold is not progressing as fast as it was last week. so the russians would have to cross the wolf to river, which is dividing, move trends, and they are obviously attempting to isolate, will jump from the east. so in that direction there seems to be much less activity that allows the directions, but we have to be very careful and look at the entire line of contact and what is happening there. and i'm specifically referring to the content creation and to bella for we've got we're, the russians are seeming to make advances. it's still too early to tell. they're also active around the tourette's and it and, and chelsea the are not very sure about to me is another important direction for
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the russians. so we have to look at the complete picture and it seems that full of chunks for now seems to be a little bit comb or how's that will evolve, will depend on how well the ukrainian forces can defend against the russians. and that's exactly brings us to the next point, because we know that ukraine is struggling with the lack of equipment, lack of weapons. and now a study shows that there is a, another restriction that could time for ukraine's defense ability, namely restrictions in the way weapons provided by wisdom allies can be used. could you explain that to us or so there has been concerns and concerns on the new and they are related to the whole aid that has been supplied to crane by western countries. name was the fact that you crane shouldn't use those weapons to strike russia proper. um, that has been a problem. ukraine has also been criticized for using drones to strike russian oil
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refineries for instance. and it is a legitimate military target from of, from the premium point of view. of course, however, is there even in the restrictions being placed on that something that you crane is a situation could take advantage of potentially and say, restricting ukraine from let's say, striking across the border. where am russian, groupings of troops are preparing for renew the salt. as of course, hampering ukraine's capabilities. and if we put that into the full picture where you crane is already struggling with manpower with shortage of technology, restricting you creating in that way. it is, of course, very significant for ukraine's ability to defend itself because the russians can those territories without any fear of being attacked by ukrainian forces. right. marina, i'm here on from the war studies department at kings college,
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so london is about thank you so much. thank you for having me but time for a quick look at some more global headlines. hundreds of teachers and police officers and argentina have taken to the streets to demand a major pay raise. they say they've lost 50 percent of the purchasing power off the government policy, cent, inflation sky rocketing, the government has responded by pledging to send $200.00 military officers to quell the protest. the french forces have launched what they call a major operation to regain control of a t road and thinking you caledonia, as capital, knew me add to the main international airport. it's the territories 6 nights a violent unrest began last week of to know make is, and power is voted in favor of allowing french residents to vote in local elections . and as a new king in the world of boxing ukrainian, all x on the sick has to be in britain's ties. if you read to become the 1st full belt, undisputed heavyweight jumped in at 25 years. fury came out of swinging,
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dominating the 1st stages of a fight to the kingdom every night and re upped at 6 came roaring back after 12 whole rounds. the 10 splits decision. it was game over for fuel re suffering. the 1st loss and you, 16 year professional, could be the undefeated or seek, has now joined to the likes of muhammad ali and mike tyson, as undisputed heavyweight champion, adopted a topic 5. but you training and a heavy hit to reflected on the sacrifices he made to become one of the best ever in the ring. i missed the day. my son. i missed it. does they my son to i missed, does they my daughter i missed borrowed my daughter. i missed all my uh, pleasant from the family for a family called the holidays. all time granting training training.
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my focus was on this site. i'm not going to cry about it. all right, great. i love, i'm a little guy. go on straight to the wife and kids. i'm gonna say, i'll say what i want to do. you know what? i am bumps in here because it got no more like a box it because i'm moving and that's all for now. the stage burst into already is whenever they feel like a door limits, housing kind of for design and fashion. and most the pieces in the sky, many on including the survival. how do they do in the secret lives of size? dogs may 22nd on dw the the day many have long warned about would begin with terrifying news.


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