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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 1:00pm-1:15pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching data we can use why, from building a re, stipends in israel is wall cabinet as a senior man to leave as a know to 90. so many guns threatens to resign unless there's a plan for a post war concept. it gives the government a 3 week deadline is heavy fighting spreads across the costs of the stroup. meantime, basic supplies run desperately low when gaza is fighting intensifies between his route and how much a trick levite arrives through a new entry point. but experts say it was big enough and exhausted, ukrainian troops and struggle to hold back or rush in advance in the east. and keith accused as roster of targeting civilians as
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a wave of drugs drank southfield across the country. the jared read. welcome to the program. cracks had begun to show when each rouse will cabinet over the future of the gaza strip form a defense minister benny dunces threatening to resign from the cabinets unless the government comes off with a concrete plan for a post war casa, the had joins as a show of unity off to homicide, launched. it's of october 7 tara attack. now guns has said a 3 week deadline wrapping up the pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. small, let's go to jerusalem. why don't we use tonya crime that is standing by tanya. if any guns does resign, it wouldn't bring down missing yahoo's coalition government and a by force and election. so. so what are you trying to achieve with these also
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makes them a lot of things. he's trying to position himself to tell the, in the message to the is really public many to tell them where he stands when he was always seen as a voice of reason, a form of defense. mister coming from a military background together with god. the eyes in codes there from the position, joining the, a small uh, a war, a cabinet and a thing right now, it's the time for benny guns as he said to no to for a change in strategy, a cooling for a concrete time. as you mentioned, for a day of to in a garza, he put out the, his, a several points. but also he said, you know, he accused basically prime minister benjamin netanyahu being in decisive and not putting the interest of is, was national security 1st, but to holding on actually to keep his cabinet together. of course that has been
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strongly rejected by the prime minister benjamin netanyahu himself. but i think a guns also is picking up a bit on the mood and is rather people asking 8 months into the war. where is this going uh, with the international pressure mounting? what is happening in the last off of why are the hostages are north? why there is no progress in those talks to bring the remaining hostages that are being husband garza back home and also in light of or reaching those threats. it is still very much on the table, you know, a potential escalation in the north uh with his blogs. so people want to say are responsible government that is handling a there's a pass of well tanya, separately to the us national security advisor jake sullivan, is holding talks with benjamin netanyahu here in israel on sunday. what can you tell us about this meeting as well? the national security advisor take sullivan is meeting as we understand with the
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prime minister, but also with his counterparts and the national security here. you'll see this meeting with mr. guns. so he is interesting the coming a now from a saudi arabia, and that has been a lot of talk and recent months about, you know, as security lines between a saudi arabia and u. s. and us trying to get as well to create, to some concessions a saying this could lead to normalization between so do you saudi arabia and as well. but it seems also rather a fall off because then and it's, and y'all would have to agree to something like a palestinian state would something he has rejected so far. but of course, it comes at a very course of points that we are seeing on the ground defensive in the south of expanding. and that has been in recent weeks, a red line for the u. s. administration. so we expect them to hear from a jake sullivan on that, as we are seeing, of course,
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about 800000 people. that's an estimate now from the united nations of being displaced once again, a dire situation in many turns situation across scars and intensifying bombardment stairs. so we're expecting to hear also the stands of the white house in this situation right now. w's tanya crime. adair inter ridgeland time, you thank you. the meantime sizing between israel and how much is intensifying across the gaza strip. now, the ne, saying some of the fees this baffles up the wall. so 5 months off to israel declared the and all of operations in the area and the south, hundreds of thousands of the leading, fighting and rasa that there is lisa legal shelter to run, to the reason, know, and to grief and desperation, and gaza relatives a morning victims of another attack outside a hospital in the city of dare l. bala, it hate and nearby refuge account that if it lives them instead of my uncle's house
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was targeted last night. it was directly hit and there were only civilians in the house in london. it was heading up a married way by the israeli army. yeah, i mean you might have lost my grandmother. good. my uncle and my aunt and this but very good tag doing better. but a yeah. these are the billions. what do they do wrong? of being killed or wounded is not the only danger that palestinian civilians are facing across the territory. their daily struggle is to find food, water, and other basic supplies. yeah, that's life as unbearable. there's no water. we bring water from near to see we walk 5 to 6 kilometers and bring 4 to 5 containers of water when it's built on the road given middle of a plenty. these trucks are transporting much needed aid that's been delivered through a us build appear in central gaza, a group sites nowhere near enough for a rabbits territory on the verge of farm in my uh, we need water,
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we need food, we need a decent life to live we want to return to our homes. we want the tenants. we find nothing to live in. all countries live a decent life except us. now, almost the entire population of gaza is dependent on humanitarian aid to survive. but israel's restrictions on a deliveries are still in place and the fighting continues is rainy operations in the southern city of rough uh have been in the spotlight recently. but the patterns of violence and struggle to life repeating themselves across the territory. let's get around up now. some other global news headlines, french forces have launched what they call a major operation to regain control of a key role linking. you've come to join us capital new may a to the main international airport. it's the territories 6 nights of violent
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unrest. it began last week off the little magazine, paris voted in favor to allow more french residents to vice in local elections. slovakia as prime minister robot feats, so is now out of danger about still in a serious condition. his deputy is told the media pizza results several times last week, while grading support is a suspect to rest about the scene is facing trial for attempted move to the general election is underway in the dominican republic. we the immigration from neighboring hazy as the most divisive issue. while heidi is torn upon by gang warfare, the dominican republic is driving. you can only play the election front run. it is current president, luis, i did not. who's promising to crack down on the asylum seekers and finish a concrete for the world and, and a rainy and quote, a sentence, one of the country's most famous musicians to prison rap. i mean, at the top, out of those stands accused of dissemination of the same content. it was arrested
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in use done bull last year and extradited to iran. the office was previously quoted by conservative politicians as a way to reach out to young, liberal minded iranians or a russian. it strikes have killed at least 4 people in ukraine's 2nd biggest cd hockey. if, according to the region will golfing to them, at least 8 office were injured, the northeast and city is come on to near constant bombardment recently as russia price is a head with a new offensive cube has accuse roger of deliberately targeting civilians which moscow has consistently denied by many coming on to fire regardless the 2 children, the plane here. when the guided aerial boom hid this private yacht in central har, keith, no officials are assessing the damage. while the father is being treated by paramedics, his wife, and 2 children,
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all in hospital strikes like this one has been heating ukraine, 2nd largest c. 2 daily. as russia continues, it's offensive in the northeast. for some, there's been no respite from weeks of attacks. the 2nd strike on this woman's house. not moment terms in these 2 periods. exactly the same place as the last page. it was east of the winter, $22.00. the russians were selling car keys and i've just finished restoring the house myself. now i don't know what to do. tens of thousands have already been evacuated from hard to for region. but some
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remain in defiance of the russian on set you up as well. so i was eating the kitchen and went to another room to drink coffee. i had an explosion, i didn't know the source last. the glass was lying everywhere. then there was another explosion, 2 o'clock, i was good and wanted to run away so, but i didn't know where to go to do that. i couldn't use the political as a to correct, and there's no code that you got sort of a small harkey presidents may soon have to decide whether to stay on as russia capture small villages in the area. it is fee is that no way will be safe for civilians. well, one of your crimes, biggest hurdles on the battlefield is a lack of military equipment and west and allies have placed restrictions on the way they weapons can be used. so we asked maureen, a mirror and from the wall studies department at kings college london, what impact fees is having on ukraine's ability to defend itself? there has been concerns and concerns almost new and they are related to the whole
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aids that has been supplied to creighton by western countries. name was the fact that you crane shouldn't use those weapons to strike russia proper. and that has been a problem. ukraine has also been criticized for using drones to strike russian oil refineries for instance. and it is a legitimate military target from of, from the premium point of view. of course, however, is there even in the restrictions being placed on that something that you crane is a situation could take advantage of potentially and say, restricting ukraine from, let's say, striking across the board. there were russian groupings of troops are preparing for renew the salt, as of course, hampering ukraine's capabilities. and if we put that into the full picture where you crane is already struggling with manpower with shortage of technology, restricting you creating in that way. it is, of course,
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very significant for ukraine's ability to defend itself because the russians can those territories without any fear of being attacked by ukrainian forces. as that wasn't random, you're on the air from the law studies department at king's college in london. finally, now there's a new king in the world of boxing ukrainian. alexander boutique has beaten bruce, and britons tyson fury to become the 1st full built undisputed heavyweight champion . in 25 years. fury came out swinging, dominating the 1st ages of the fight at the kingdom. urena and re add by lucy came rolling back after 12 whole rounds and attend split decision. it was game of a fury, suffering. the 1st loss in his 16 year professional career. the undefeated to seek, has now joined the likes of muhammad ali and mike tyson, as undisputed heavyweight champion. after a tough fight, the ukrainian heavy he sa, reflected on the sacrifices he's had to make,
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to become one of the best over in the ring. i missed the day. my son. i missed the date. my son to i missed does a my daughter i missed borrowed my daughter. i missed all my uh, pleasant family faults. uh some of the holidays. all time granting draining, draining my focus was on this site. i don't want to cry about it. all right, great. i love them a little. they go on stage of life in case i'm gonna say, i'll say what i want to do. you know, it's i in bumps in here because it got no money box it because i'm moving its costs . if you are, you could have a chance to get even later this the, with the re much discussed for october and when asked if he'd be ready for another round. alexander music replied, yep. of course you're up to date. the sports news continues on next. it's both
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