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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw news live from the, the re, stipends in israel is war cabinet is a senior member to leave as an ultimatum. many guns threatens to resign and less space, a plan for a post war guys up against the government. a 3 week deadline is heavy fighting spreads across the gaza strip. meanwhile, basic supplies run desperately law when gaza as fighting intensifies between israel and hamas. the trick of aid arrives through a new entry point by the expert sight warranty. near enough and exhausted ukrainian troops struggle to hold back a russian advance in the east to keep accused as roger of targeting civilians. as
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a way of drawing strikes of field across the country, the jared raid, welcome to the program crux. have begun to show when these rails will cabinet over the future of the gaza strip format, defense minister. any guns is threatening to resign from the cabinet unless the government comes up with a concrete plan for a post full garza. he had joined as a show of unity off to homicide. launch the officer october safe and tara attack. no guns has said a 3 week deadline, ramping up, the pressure on prime minister is a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. what your file was, riley sold is lang credible bravery on the front. some of the people who send them to backflow acting with trout is a company they tell me to come on a walk cabinet miss write down and try to find an action plan that will lead to the
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realization of 6 strategic objectives of national importance. i think by the 8th of july, she will clearly what is the problem is benjamin netanyahu chooses to follow the zealots and elite the nation into an abyss of resign from the government control? many guns they will even if he did actually resign. the move would not the tree get fresh selections and these route. so what is he actually trying to achieve with his ultimatum? that's a question i put to definitely use correspondent in jerusalem, tanya claim a lot of things. he's trying to position himself to tell the, in the message to the is really public many to tell them where he stands when he was always seen as a voice or for a reason, a full meant defense. and mr. coming from the military background together with god, the eyes in codes there from the opposition joining the a small uh, a war, a cabinet and a thing right now, it's the time for benny guns as he said, you know,
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to, for a change in strategy, a cooling for a concrete plan, as you mentioned for a day of to in a garza, you put out the, his, a several points. but also he said, you know, he accused basically prime minister benjamin netanyahu being in decisive and not putting the interest of is, was national security 1st, but to holding on actually to keep his cabinet together. of course that has been strongly rejected by the prime minister benjamin netanyahu himself. but i think a guns also is picking up a bit on the mood and is rather people asking 8 months into the war. where is this going uh, with the international pressure mounting. uh, what is happening in the last off of why are the hostages are north? why there is no progress in those talks to bring the remaining hostages that are being husband garza back home. and also in light of old region, those threats,
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it is still very much on the table, you know, a potential escalation in the north uh with uh, his blogs. so people, one to say are responsible government that is handling a, those are pass as well. tanya, separately to the us national security advisor jake sullivan, is holding talks with benjamin netanyahu here in israel on sunday. what can you tell us about this meeting as well? the national security advisor take sullivan is meeting as we understand with the prime minister, but also with his counterparts and the national security here. you'll see he's meeting with mr. guns. so he is interesting the coming a now from a saudi arabia, and that has been a lot of talk and recent months about, you know, as security lines between a saudi arabia and u. s. and the us trying to get is road to create to some concessions a saying this could lead to normalization
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a between so do you saudi arabia end is well, but it seems also rather a fall off because then and it's, and y'all would have to agree to something like a palestinian state would something he has rejected so far, but of course it comes at a very course of points that we are seeing on the ground defensive in most of expanding. and that has been in recent weeks, a red line for the us administration. so we expect them to hear from a jake sullivan on that. as we are seeing, of course, about 800000 people. that's an estimate now from the united nations of being displaced once again, a dire situation. you many turn situation across golf and intensifying a bombardment stairs, so we're expecting to hear also the stands of the white house in this situation right now. w's tanya cremmit there in jerusalem. tanya, thank you. the meantime, flashing between his route and how mazda is intensifying,
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the noise is seeing some of the faces by holes. at the last, like fall off, the east round declared the end of operations in the area in the south. hundreds of thousands of fling, fighting and rough, i thought there was little shelter to run, to the reason, know, and to grief and desperation and gaza relatives a morning victims of another attack outside a hospital in the city of dare l. bala, it hate and nearby refuge account that if it lives them instead of my uncle's house was targeted last night. it was directly hit and there were only civilians in the house in london. it was handed it but buried. wait by this rarely army. yeah, i mean you might have lost my grandmother. good, my uncle and my aunt and this but very good tag doing better better. yeah. and these are the millions who's on what did they do wrong with on their local. being killed or wounded is not the only danger that palestinian civilians are facing across the territory. their daily struggle is to find food, water,
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and other basic supplies. i love life, it's unbearable. there's no water. we bring water from near the sea. we walk 5 to 6 kilometers and bring 4 to 5 containers of water when it's built on the road cabin, middle of a plenty. these trucks are transporting much needed. a that's been delivered through a u. s. built appear in central gaza. a group say it's nowhere near enough for a ravaged territory on the verge of famine. normally, if we need water, we need food. we need a decent life to live. we want to return to our homes. we want tens. we find nothing to live in all countries to live a decent life except us look now. almost the entire population of gaza is dependent on humanitarian aid to survive. but israel's restrictions on a deliveries are still in place and the fighting continues
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is really operations in the southern city of rough. i have been in the spotlight recently, but the patterns of violence and struggle for life repeating themselves across the territory. let's take a quick look now at some other global news headlines, the armed forces of the democratic republic of congo side i have repelled and attempted crude involving congolese and foreign sizes. at least 3 people, including 2 police officers, have been killed in a shoot house involving security officers need the presidential palace in contrast to the united nations. united states embassy has issued a security alert and a rainy and cold has sent in front of the country's most famous musicians. to present wrap a i me to lou. as a stands accused of dissemination of seeing content, he was arrested in eastern bowl last year. and extradited to iran, the office was previously quoted by conservative politicians as a way to reach out to young, liberal minded iranians. russian,
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it strikes if killed at least 4 people. then ukraine's 2nd biggest cd hockey is according to the original golf, a golf and oddly state. all those were injured in northeast and city has come under the constant bombardment recently as russia price is a head with a new offensive. keith has accused russia of deliberately targeting civilians, which must, i must go. it has consistently denied by many coming on defiant, regardless of the 2 children. the plane here, when a guided aerial boom hid this private yacht in central har keith, now officials are assessing the damage. while the father is being treated by paramedics, his wife, and 2 children, all in hospital strikes like this one has
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been heating ukraine, 2nd largest c. 2 daily. as russia continues, it's offensive in the northeast. for some, there's been no respite from weeks of attacks. the 2nd strike on this woman's house. not moment terms in these 2 periods. exactly the same place as the last page. it was east of 2022. the russians were shelling khaki. then i've just finished restoring the house myself. now i don't know what to do. tens of thousands have already been evacuated from hard to for region, but some remain in defiance of the russian on set you up as well. so i was agent in the kitchen and went to another room to drink coffee. i had an
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explosion, i didn't know when i 1st source last night and the glass was lying everywhere. then there was another explosion. 2 o'clock was good and wanted to run away started, but i didn't know where to go to do that. couldn't use the political as a to correct, and there's no code that you got sort of a small harkey presidents may soon have to decide whether to stay on the russia capture small villages in the area. it is fee is that no way will be safe for civilians. one of the biggest hurdles for you crying on the battlefield is the lack of military equipment west and allies have placed restrictions on the way that they with bins can be used. we aust marina mirror on from the wall studies department at kings college london. what exactly this impact is having on ukraine's ability to defend itself? there has been concern since these concerns almost new and they are related to the whole aids that has been supplied to ukraine by western countries. namely,
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the fact that you crane shouldn't use those weapons destroyed crush it proper. that has been a problem. you drain has also been criticized for using drones to strike russian oil refineries for instance. and it is a legitimate military target from of, from the premium point of view. of course, however, is there even in the restrictions being placed on that something that you crane is a situation could take advantage of potentially and say, restricting ukraine from let's say, striking across the border. where am russian, groupings of troops are preparing for me with the salt, as of course, hampering ukraine's capabilities. and if we put that into the full picture where ukraine has already struggling with mind power with shortage of technology restricting you creating in that way, it is, of course, very significant for ukraine's ability to defend itself. because the russians can those territories without any fear of being attacked by ukrainian forces. that was
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more in the mirror and from the wall studies department of kings college in london speaking to us. oh yeah. as well, the dominican republic and the caribbean is holding elections with immigration from neighboring heights. the the most divisive issue, the front runner is the current president, luis, i'll be not death who is promising to crack down on asylum seekers and finish a concrete board. a will the 2 nations share the same island. while heidi is torn apart by gang warfare, the dominican republic is driving economically and is deported. hundreds of thousands of migrants. the cuban beings, he screams as dominican authorities, detain dozens of haitians. those with outside de risk being deported. factor hey, to the homeland and the grip of violent gangs. able to see that the president knows what to expect to pull these people to hate to some terrible
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things could happen to the repair. this isn't human new mind or a new minus. it's not clear what the future holds. patients who came to the dominican republic to get away from the gangs. what are the hotline president, the newest manada could well, when the election with immigration, the top issue, the protecting the nation, sir, you know, everyone understands that when tens of thousands of flight, hey, to, to escape violence and poverty many, now what can the dominican republic contributing to the economy, but most have poorly paid, low skilled jobs. this man has been working in tourism for 10 years. yeah. it feels he doesn't really belong in this country and you'll get the photos. i can't think what you need got to be more. i never have even josh is interested in permits. the government just doesn't want to keep them. i don't think it was he didn't. so the authorities deny this. they say that they simply follow the law. you're
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up to date here on the double youth is more on d, w dot com and on social meet here at dw nissan jarrett. great info lane. thank you for watching the world of free speech, free press access to free information for every star trainings and next take action detail. use global media for him. 2024, a bunch of any practice.


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