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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching data will you use why, from bowie in the face, all the runs president remains on know, you know, after a helicopter accident rescue workers are struggling to reach the size of what officials a cooling, a hot landing my helicopter, caring ibrahim, right? you see seen as a potential successor to iran supreme blade also on the progress fighting between his route and how much is collides as a trick of aid. full stopping palestinians arrives through a new entry point on the cost. but experts i had one big enough and exhausted ukrainian troops struggle to hold back
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a russian advance in the east key. the curious as roster of targeting civilians as a wave of trying strikes is felt across the country. the jared raid, welcome to the program. we begin with some breaking yours out of the ron at this hour. the official news agency there is reporting data. shelly comped to tiring president abraham. right. you see has made a course todd landing in the countries northwest. need a border with as advice on the incident is being attributed to pull way to according to state television rescue. teams are still trying to reach the size. ron's army chief has ordered that over sources be deployed to help with those risk . if it's the condition of the president and those traveling with him remains on 9 finale. this of course will give you more details on this breaking news story as
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they become available here at dw news and on our website, which is www. dot com. to gaza. now, flashing between israel and how much is intensifying at the moment, the north of casa is saying, some of the fees is barrels of the war sofa in the south. hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing fighting in the city of rafa. for them there is little shelter to run, to the reason, know, and to grief and desperation, and gaza relatives a morning victims of another attack outside a hospital in the city of dare l. bala. it hate and you buy refugee camp. beautiful. in some, instead of my uncle's house was targeted last night. it was directly hit and there were only civilians in the house and it was headed up a married way by the israeli army. yeah, i mean you might have lost my grandmother,
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my uncle, and my aunt and this but very good tag doing better. but a yeah, these are the billions was i'm what did they do wrong? of being killed or wounded is not the only danger that palestinian civilians are facing across the territory. their daily struggle is to find food, water, and other basic supplies. i like life is unbearable. there's no water. we bring water from near to see. we walk 5 to 6 kilometers and bring 4 to 5 containers of water when it's built on the road cabin middle of a plenty. these trucks are transporting much needed. a that's been delivered through a us build appear in central gaza. a group say it's nowhere near enough for a ravaged territory on the verge of famine. normally, if we need water, we need food. we need a decent life to live. we want to return to our homes, we want to tempt. we find nothing to live in. all countries to live a decent life except us look now or almost the entire population of gaza is
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dependent on humanitarian aid to survive. but israel's restrictions on a deliveries are still in place. and the fighting continues. is really operations in the southern city of rough uh, have been in the spotlight recently, but the patterns of violence and struggle for life repeating themselves across the territory will the future of god. so it has become a flash point in the is riley politics. the deep division has emerged in israel's war cabinet with former defense minister benny guns training to resign. he had joined the government of arrival benjamin netanyahu as a show of eunice. he often how must here attack on these round 1 october 7 guns now says he will quits within 3 weeks unless the government makes a conch, makes concrete plans for a post war gossip is ready. soldiers of his lang,
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credible bravery on the front. some of the people who send them to backflow acting with the trout as close to a company. they tell me to come on the walk cabinet miss write down and try to find an action plan that will lead to the realization of 6 strategic objectives of national importance. i think by the 8th of july, she will tell me, what is the problem the benjamin netanyahu chooses to follow the zealots and to lead the nation into an abyss of a resign from the government shall will, if, even if benny cons actually did resign. well, the move would not trigger it for a selection. so what is he trying to achieve with this automation? that's the question i put to dw used correspondence in israel, tanya kramer, a lot of things he's trying to position himself to tell the in the message to the is really public many to tell them where he stands when he was always seen as a voice of reason a full meant defence and mister coming from the military background together with
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god the eyes incurred, they are from the opposition. joining the small uh, a war, a cabinet and a thing right now, it's the time for benny guns as he said, you know, to, for a change in strategy, a cooling for a concrete plan. as you mentioned, for a day of to in a garza, you put out the, his, a several points. but also he said, you know, he accused basically prime minister benjamin netanyahu being in decisive and not putting the interest of is, was national security 1st, but to holding on actually to keep his cabinet together. of course it has been strongly rejected by the prime minister benjamin netanyahu himself. but i think a guns also is picking up a bit on the mood and is rather people asking 8 months into the war. where is this going uh, with the international pressure mounting?
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uh, what is happening in the office? why are the hostages are north? why there is no progress in those talks to bring the remaining hostages that are being husband garza back home. and also in light of all region, those threats, it is still very much on the table, you know, a potential escalation in the north uh with uh, his blogs. so people one to say are responsible government that is handling uh those are pass as well. tanya, separately to the us national security advisor jake sullivan, is holding talks with benjamin netanyahu here in israel on sunday. what can you tell us about this meeting as well? the national security advisor take sullivan is meeting as we understand with the prime minister, but also with his counterparts and the national security here. you'll see he's meeting with mr. guns. so he is interesting the coming a now from a saudi arabia, and that has been a lot of talk in recent months about, you know,
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a security lines between a saudi arabia and u. s. and the us trying to get is well to create to some concessions a saying this could lead to normalization a between so yeah, so do you rate the end is well, but it seems also rather a fall off because then and it's and young would have to agree to something like a palestinian state would something he has rejected so far, but of course it comes at a very close the point that we are seeing on the ground defensive in most of expanding and that has been in recent weeks, a red line for the u. s. administration, so we expect them to hear from a jake sullivan on that as we are seeing, of course, about 800000 people. that's an estimate now from the united nations of being displaced once again, a dire situation, you many turn situation across scholars and intensifying a bombardment stairs. so we're expecting to hear also the stands of the white house
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and this situation right now dw tonya crime. adair in jerusalem time you thank you . here is some of the world news headlines today. the on forces all of the democratic republic of congo side i have repelled and attempted clues involving congolese and farm sizes. at least 3 people, including 2 police officers, were killed in a shrewd house involving security offices in the presidential palace. in contrast to the us embassy as issued the security of those good. this, the general election is underlying the dominican republic with integration from neighbouring hasty as the most divisive issues, while hazy is torn upon by gang wolfy, the dominican republic is driving economically the election front runner is current president, luis. i do not doubt who is promising to crack down on the silence that goes and finish a concrete affordable russian and strikes have killed at least 4 people in ukraine's 2nd biggest city hockey is according to the regional golfing event. at least $8.00
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were injured. the northeast and city has come under new constant bombardment recently as russia presents a head with a new offensive chief has accused roster of deliberately targeting civilians which must go. it has consistently denied of the 2 children the plane here. when the guided aerial boom hid this private yard in central har, keith, no officials are assessing the damage. while the father is being treated by paramedics, his wife, and 2 children, all in hospital strikes like this one has been heating ukraine, 2nd largest c, 2 daily. as russia continues, it's offensive in the northeast. for some, there's been no respite from weeks of attacks. the 2nd strike on this woman's
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house. not moment terms in these 2 periods. exactly the same place as the last page. it was east of the winter, $22.00. the russians were selling car keys and i've just finished restoring the house myself. now, i don't know what to do. tens of thousands have already been evacuated from hard to for region. but some roommate, so i'm defiance of the russian on set you up as well. so i was agent in the kitchen and went to another room to drink coffee. i had an explosion. i didn't know when i 1st source lost, the glass was lying everywhere. then there was another explosion, 2 o'clock, i was good and wanted to run away so, but i didn't know where to go to do that. i couldn't just put the colors that you
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clicked and there's no code that you got sort of a mol, harkey. presidents may soon have to decide whether to stay on this russia capture small villages in the area. it is fee is that nowhere it will be safe for civilians. clean up the work has begun across the waste in europe after days of heavy ryan's tree. good, massive flooding and non dining areas stretching from the netherlands to frond some easily during germany. official site, the southwestern stipends island, so its west flooding in nearly 30 years. it'd be down pools of close to dikes to breach in several areas, leaving hines and streets underwater. people the northeast and belgian lead time as well, so it'd be gone cleaning up after experiencing what a country's prime minister is cooling the worst floods in the regions. history or other places around the world are being hit to, for example, heavy floods in afghanistan have killed hundreds of people this month. my coma
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ronnie is a climate change research here at the university of pa do i initially earlier i asked him to what extent floods like these are related to climate change as we see . and we see the big event in the sewer in brazil, and we see i've got this thing as you mention. and our experience is that these events are seemed to be becoming more frequent. but clearly we shouldn't rely just on, on personal protection of the data. tell us that this is actually the case from here is part of i has a very long time tvs of rainfall that has the major seen 1725. so almost 300 years. and by analyzing these data you can clearly see that things have been changing, start the dont more or less in the meat of last century. 19 fifties that has being a roughly 2025 percent thing fees next week. and we know why we know we
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know there is a basic mechanisms that is as possible for the as a side from the things increasing temperature makes allows the i to ask you to hold more water. every degree of vacancies is a 7 percent increase in the amount of water the atmosphere can hold. and the actual cost surprises that whenever in the event that happens, there's more water that down force a mockery. ronnie, do fully go. i just want to remind you of the breaking news story by following for you at this hour. rodney immediate reporting that this time, so if the country's president abraham, right, you see is ongoing officer official said he's helicopter has made a hot landing rescue. workers are said to be struggling to reach the side of the incident to meet the country's florida with advice more on the dash, the breaking your story here on t
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w and use throughout the day. and of course on our website, d, w dot com. i'm jared radian berlin. thank you so much for watching. take care, have a great day. the prices got any issues or thoughts say who the, this, the shadows of these pod costs and videos shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
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tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the biggest.


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