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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 6:15pm-6:31pm CEST

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rating berlin, thank you so much for watching. take care have a great day. the price is good. any issues or thoughts say what? the, this, the shadows of these pod costs and video shed lights on. the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed a score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of his wide spread races,
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depression? today, the screen. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the no one needs a visa to live in the arctic archipelago sound bars, but it is no legion territory. from the government side. they want these to be the region from the family and society. foreigners feel ostracized. the may a and other local politicians don't care about my problems because i comp folks to them. real small bod, remain an open society in the future, the
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a long to send into the permafrost underground. mia slow task works in coal. my number 7 installed on the last operational norwegian mine in the archipelago, the lounging blasting aligning. and i really fell in love with both mine and the small bar and all the people. so originally from middle of norway, the neo started as a community in 2020 for the past 2 years. she's been a full time member of the team and the only woman among the male minors.
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i think i am just curious. so somebody told me that 12 daughter is a good place and maybe i should try to go there and i did. and the there, right? so from sitting 3 weeks i was suppose to stay for 3 weeks. and i stayed for 6 weeks and went home and packed all my stuff and moved here. today, new is making the mine safer by reinforcing its vault. safety is top priority here . the, the working language in the mine is norwegian, and most of the miners here are from norway. however, a few individuals, some other scandinavian countries get by with a region to test. but up on the surface and on your engine, it's more international mostly are seeking a region. most of my friends are in the region, but i do know people that are not so we use
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a lot of english as well. and also it's almost impossible to order your food in the region, so i have to speak english and the i think it's okay. cool. and miners have long been symbols of long year again. however, in recent times, coal mining has decreased significantly, signalling a change in life on small bod, towards tourism. yeah, but i mean that boring impala, i haven't been to the place where the code is direct key, mind. but i'd be really tough to the mind cods or progress. virginia valerio writers found about 4 years ago. initially she worked as a tour guide in the russian mining settlements of funding support and put a meeting on the archipelago. in 2021, she relocated to the region town near jen. malaria has continued working in the
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tourism sector and astronomy to integrate into the community. yes, i'm trying to learn region because it makes sense to learn it. living on the spot of bombing, which i watch movies in a wage, in general, that's how i discovered scandinavia is really interesting films, which interests me. i can larry is russian, but has your opinion citizenship, and comes from capstone and southeastern ukraine. her mother chose to stay valerio staying with a friend and struggles to find a suitable permanent accommodation in long year again with the local authorities showing little concern. and so i'm wondering if i can't believe that there isn't some corner in the whole town where i can at least have a place to live with my dogs, especially if i can pay my rent. i mean, i pay taxes here. so i spoke to the college student, it's sort of like the local mass office. so i basically told them, i'm a russian with the ukranian passport. i can't go back to any of the mainland
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countries that a somehow more or less native to me. i mean, i meant the mazda system to listen to me and harshly said, this is the brutal reality home. that was the few must go back to the mainland if you have no place to live here. let us for the visits. industrial know, regional companies can offer housing for their employees, while non norwegians must find their own as demand increases. life for foreigners in the town used to be easier. according to elizabeth born originally from seattle, she's been living in solid body for 7 years rent, an art gallery and advocates for foreigners rights. born has witnessed a significant increase of new arrivals among european and recent years now comprising more than a 3rd of the towns population of over 2000. i think that there is a lot of anxiety about how this place is becoming less norwegian then it used to be,
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well it used to be a coal mining town that was run by a norwegian company and nobody else could live here. so of course it's changed, but i don't think that they an adult into norwegian government when they decided to promote tourism as a replacement industry for coal mining. realize that one of the things that would come with tourism would be a large number of of non the regents. this followed by treaty signed in 1920 grants, nowhere sovereignty over the archipelago of ensuring equal access to resources in fair treatment for all parties. fostering a unique, international community on the islands today, the majority of norwegians in spot of our work in the tourism sector. the concern about the increasing number of foreigners on the archipelago region authorities 2 years ago, restricted their voting rights to vote or stand for election in the local council.
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one must have resided on the mainland for 3 years. the norwegian authorities argue that this requirement ensures a good understanding of solve our policy and framework in response assignment protest emerged displayed in the elizabeth galleries. echoing the voice of those norwegians who are fearful or unable to speak due to the precarious positions taking the road away. is one of the ways to keep people from feeling like this is a good place to be. i think very much that norway would like to norwegian, i is longer be in but the way that they are doing it also alienates the norwegians here. so you cannot norwegian, as a place when you have 40 percent of your population cannot speak the language. and they can't speak a language because there are no language classes,
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and there haven't been for very long time. tanya, on the mayor of long nubian, was elected last fall under change the election rules, which excluded many local foreigners from participating. despite small bodies unique status, tanya emphasizes that remains a part of norway, albeit and unconventional one. just making more and more iron curtain. people come along your brain to work and it's up to you when you arrive here to how so this i take care of yourself and that's not only for foreigners that even for norwegian that we have less are rights here compared to may not even us and who we just, that's quite important. also a part of the picture from the government side. they want this to be a no region from the family society. but the growth in number of people has been the mainly going to for the, for foreigners. that doesn't mean that for in this,
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for, and there's are not welcome, but the government wants it to be a better balance. and then they have to, to make a policy that makes the split the balance. and sometimes i would that can be considered as tighten up the great kind of rules and norway are very liberal. and i don't think norway wants to have that kind of liberality here because they feel the need to keep more control here. because this is such an open community, i don't, i don't blame norway for their concerns, but i do think they're going about are trying to achieve their goals in a way that actually is going to do the exact opposite this fall. but treaty has been responsible for the balance for a century and no, no regions to your recent changes as
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a restriction of their rights. despite the prohibition of discrimination in the small by treaty, the local newspaper, spot cost and closely monitors. this issue that there was a lot of frustration and sorrow amongst the norwegian inhabitants of, of long in because a lot of people have lived here for a long time and been kind of part of the local democracy. been in low cost data and maybe see a norway and long to be in us so to the community that they want to take part of unlike them origin. uh, yeah, democracy so, so that was a lot of feelings and frustration. the restriction of rights means the 2 groups. norwegians and norwegians exist side by side, especially in a political terms. the may is a, the may a and any other local politician doesn't care at all if i have a place to live or not to what my problems are,
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they're not interested in helping us. i cannot give them like that to us for most elizabeth plans to continue raising awareness about the challenges faced by non norwegians installed by the spirals, not for the arctic she has chosen to leave and re unite with her family. no one stays here forever. this is not a place where you can look for them. i have a 4 year old granddaughter and as my son reminds me that if i intend to know her, then i need to be near her and sending photos of me on a snowmobile isn't going to make it so i will, i will leave next year. and i've, i know the very hopes to be successful in finding accommodation in small body would move to the european mainland if necessary. new as life flexibility is a minus set to close next year. nobody is relinquishing its cool legacy in small
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box the but i've been looking into going to australia, greenland, because i really liked mining. so i would like to keep doing that. but i'm also open to be a mechanic again on the mainland life here. it doesn't suit everyone, once a sunshine, the months of darkness and the arctic cold. it's still managed to draw in many international is because of its unique environment and the visa free work opportunities. but the new law has undoubtedly made living together more difficult the or the other. it is by, by every man. a continent bursting with creativity,
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needs to design is and cultural icons aspartame life. so add comics here as diverse and exciting as the confidence itself is next on d, w, dancing to get the current flowing cloud in glasgow. sustainable. by using technology that converts the body heat into energy. the scott show us how it works. the heart of the dancers, the smaller the electricity bill, euro mack, in 60 minutes on d w. those to know understand can have a think like devices presented,
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dw moved on instagram and follow up the established in 1976, the price and markets into how does the office go get any projects? it says no goods and the cost for the product. it's a place for both locals and floors, emphasizing sustainability feed with live music works up and a lively activity of but 1st let me tell you what we have in store for you. today. we discovered the fragrance of unit 6 perfumes with a data, catalina in south africa. we meet delta until food that a scouts are from nigeria, who displays his wonderful welding, work, and then and cover the rich aromas of then people spices. i'm glad you said you're in bed and you're watching every back.