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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the the, this is the deputy news line from berlin. the side of the runs president remains on known after a helicopter accident rescue work. is this frightening to reach the side of what officials a cooling, have landing by a helicopter carrying abraham bracy saying this a potential success a to a runs supreme leader also on the program funding between israel and tomas escalates as a trickle of di for staffing palestinians arrives through a new coastal entry point, but say it won't be enough. and exhausted,
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you find the entrance struggling to hold back. a russian advance in the east can use the keys as russia of targeting civilians as a wave of drawn strikes and felt quite across the country. the method he had walked into the program running into bank edge, to pray for the health of president abraham bracy off that his helicopter reportedly went down near the country's border with as a body shop. official site was forced to make a hard landing. but off at night for the data around foreign minister was said to be traveling with racy. both were on my way back from an ogre, i think a hydro electric dam project. rescue workers from the red crescent search for ron's president. stage media say 40 teams trying to locate the helicopter he was
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travelling in part of the aircraft is reported to have made a rough landing and weather conditions complicating the operation. the integrity administer spoke to rodney and tv. yeah, the price of the whole month, the month of a piece, the region is a bit complicated and it's difficult to make contact about the past month as in control overall. yeah, we are waiting for rescue teams to reach the landing sites and to give us more information about god been assigned to the state of the law. the helicopter was lost in the east as a bit. john, province of iran, near the town of bostic con. right, indian red crescent said the location was dangerous and difficult to cross president rays. the was in the province to no great dam project together with the presidents of as of a john on the border between the 2 countries. all say
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tv has been showing people gathering in mosques and use outlets have 3rd irradiance to pray for. re see we've got this out back is a the head of data, police person service and joins me now to talk more about this. you know, the, i need the early stages of a search and rescue operation. what more can you tell us at this point as well, at this point, there's a lot of speculation, of course. so there is nothing and note facts that i could tell you now. um above of what we um, what a lot of um, also experts are speaking directory scenarios. it could be an um, an accident or a hard landing due to the weather conditions. um, but i can also be, and that is what it seems at the moment or what people speculate that prison, right. you see, and um, there was also the pharmacist or, i mean i have to lie in the craft that they might uh, they might have been an explosion. um there are people in the village saying that
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they heard some sound stuff could be an explosion. and the fact that they don't have any signal could also hints that's to that. um, but we don't know anything for sure now. uh at this moment there had been some concerns victory. also a 5th official, the news from the states media. first it was denying and now they're saying that people should pray for prisoners, right? you see it could also be one scenario that they know that he, he died and still don't want to give the news out officially. but that is all speculation so far, you know that you rather point out there's an awful lot we don't know at this stage, but what is being the reaction from the public in iran to the news put out by state media that we know to this point as well, um and very mixed mixed reactions. of course to this um and
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many people say that um they think that this is something that has been um maybe had been planned or something more serious behind it. um, um and also of course the people who are, you know, not satisfied or against a fighting against us regina and this part of the young people also kind of, um yeah, being very uh set to rico and giving some, you know, the yeah. it's pointing to the, to, to had a couple years that have been actually new and that this could not be just an accident. right. go this all back from the deputies page and service. thanks so much for the latest. appreciate it. the guys will be fighting between his route and time off is intensifying at the moment. the know some jobs
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that you're seeing, some of the fiercest battles of the war sofa in the south. hundreds of thousands of playing, fighting in the city of rafa. for them there is little shelter to run. there is no end to grief and desperation and gaza relatives a morning victims of another attack outside a hospital in the city of dare l. bala. it hate and knew by refuge account beautiful in some instead of my uncle's house was targeted last night. it was directly hit and there were only civilians in the house. and this is what it was headed a bit buried way by the israeli army. yeah, i mean you might have lost my grandmother, my uncle, and my aunt and there's a very good tag doing better better. yeah. and these are the millions who's on what did they do wrong with the middle of being killed or wounded? is not the only danger that palestinian civilians are facing across the entire retreat. they are daily struggle is to find food, water,
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and other basic supplies. i love life, it's unbearable. there's no water. we bring water from here to see. we walk 5 to 6 kilometers and bring 4 to 5 containers of water when it's built on the road cabin middle of a plenty. these trucks are transporting much needed. a that's been delivered through a us build appear in central gaza. a group say it's nowhere near enough for a ravaged territory on the verge of famine. normally, if we need water, we need food. we need a decent life to live. we want to return to our homes, we want tens. we find nothing to live in. all countries to live a decent life except us look now. almost the entire population of gaza is dependent on humanitarian aid to survive. but israel's restrictions on a deliveries are still in place. and the fighting continues.
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is really operations in the southern city of rough uh, have been in the sports like recently, but the patterns of violence and struggle for life. i repeating themselves across the territory. bump up, not in the training city of hockey, continues as russia pressed as a head with a new offensive, at least 5 people were killed in the morning, strikes in the hockey region. a pregnant woman was among the data. children are among the injured end up being treated in hospital and was 10000 people have flayed from the hockey region. in the northeast seems to be offensive again. for us, it denies deliberately targeting civilians in new product. let's bring a date of the eastern european to, to bremond gun sharika and russian forces are coming hot at the regent and the city of hockey. is they much science to this strategy, or is this simply the russian version of shopping or well, there are several reasons for russian attacks 1st, officially,
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it also says it wants to create a kind of buffer zone. and so it wants to continue a huge and ukraine townsend citizens, and it was like hockey if likes to meet your needs, even others. but it wants to prevent your crime from striking back. so pushing back your credit in forces because there are lots of towns just situated on both sides of the border. but there is more to this. there actually is also trying to wear down to exhaust you're creating an army for future attacks for future solves and offensive brush. i still pushing hard in don't boss on the town of trust if you all which is a very important strategic town for your crime effect. falls, russia, quote, and accelerates, and, and occupied 3 more, at least 3 more, very important. townsend, at region. bremond, just in terms of the president. so lensky, he would have been up for election now, but the war has changed. signed much, including his time in office. i wonder at this point under this much pressure,
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how long do you think he will still get the backing of the public of the people if you can? well, when he was elected, he receives over 70 percent of votes, which is which is a record for ukraine or any other country that we can think of, but nothing stays for right. but so he lost some of his popularity. he was extremely popular at the beginning of the war because he stayed in to you from the capital. so he showed me that he's strong issues. governments remained in india and people, people respecting, pulled that, but he lost some of his popularity in 2023 because there was no success on the battlefield as some expected. and he himself expected the success and, and he sacked a very popular ukrainian had the opinion of many general violators allows me, but he's still popular. so if you look at the polls now is the landscape has over 60 percent, which is a loss. but as i've said, nothing is forever and the credit is facing some have months before this. how do i
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heard of it? it's a really interesting mom and here in the war and savanski is tim, i guess, a brahman with this boy getting extremely serious in the northeast as he signed around hockey. what impact will what have on the public's relationship to so lensky in those next weeks in the next month, by anyone's reading, this is a critical minor in the will. indeed, it is a critical moment. and lawrenceville depends on how the situation will develop on the battlefield and whether your brain could be forced in a position to negotiate with russia, from a position of weakness. which wouldn't mean um, accepting not officially recognizing of course, but accepting that large quantum onto it. okay. ukraine could be occupied by russia for many years to come. so this was of course, be a big challenge for the, the land skin he spoke to leverage about. it is absolutely unclear on what terms
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this walk would end. rational makes no interest in ending the will now as it is gaining ground every day in this trying to push at several directions so far as landscape. this could be a crucial. yeah. but on the other hand, he had 5 years. he had 3 years of war and he has been extremely popular, and he remains very popular in ukraine. though he has lost some of his popularity. only that they run into a deputy of russian. it is a bremen gunter rancor, thanks so much. i of the dominican republic in the caribbean is holding elections with immigration from neighboring hygiene. the most divisive issue. the front runner is the current president lewis. i've been out there who prays promising to track down on asylum seekers and finish a concrete board, a wall. the 2 nations share the same, aut, well, high fuse, 20 pop i can go for the dominican republic is driving economically and has deported
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hundreds of thousands of markets. the one we are saving beings. he screams as dominican authorities to obtain dozens of haitians. those with outside de risk being deported. factor hey, to the homeland and the grip of violent games and proceed in the president knows what to expect to pull these people to hate to some terrible things could happen to the repair. this isn't human new mind or a new minus. it's not clear what the future holds for haitians who came to the dominican republic to get away from the gangs. what are the hotline president a new is? i've been out a good well, when the election with immigration, the top issue, the protecting the nation, sir. you know, everyone understands that when tens of thousands of on a flight to a t, to escape violence and probity many. now what can the dominican republic
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contributing to the economy but most have poorly paid low skilled jobs? this man has been working in tourism for 10 years. it feels he doesn't really belong in this country and you'll get the photos. i tell me what unique i probably won't, but i never have even josh is interested in permits. the government just doesn't want to feel like you don't think it was. he didn't. so the authority is denied this. they say that they simply follow the law us and finally, an update from the world of spice fashion. i didn't notice the thing on the us spice agency nasa has about a prototype of an east bicycle ports. ambitious on this project is on the side, the updates have improved mobility, but the spice is heavier than its predecessor. american astronaut, with the new sites for planned noun landing in september of 2026 more than half
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a century after the 1st apollo brought. that's all for now sports life coming up after the break, looking at how the lack of a visa stands between a canyon kayak and he's a live victory. and that's the story coming up after a short stay with the thoughts we say they're about never getting up every weekend on the w. sometimes a seat is of all you need to allow big ideas to grow or bring an environmental conservation to life with learning facts like global ideas, we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is.


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