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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is data, the news live from building the site of our bronze president remains on known off the he's helicopter, went down, rescue change. this struck me to reach the side of the x. and that's like maybe a safety across, caring. abraham re seed was forced to mike hod landing juice, bad weather, which is also temporary search is also on the program funding between these route and how most escalates as a trickle provide for stopping. how experience arrives for a new coastal entry point? fedex but site is warranty and and exhausted. the front entrance struggling to hold back a russian advance in the east keys as russia of targeting civilians as
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a wave of drug strikes of film across the country. the math. and he had walked into the program. many countries, including turkey and russia, offering to help find a helicopter, caring a bronze president. after it went down on sunday, search teams of scouring a fault covered mountain near the country's border with as a body shop. official site abraham braces helicopter was forced to make a hob landing, but offered no further details around the foreign minister was said to be travelling with racy. both were on the way back from nova rising, a hydro electric dan project. rescue workers from the red crescent search for ron's president. the stage media say 40 teams trying to locate the helicopter he
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was traveling in the aircraft is reported to have made a rough landing and weather conditions complicating the operation. the integrity administer spoke to rodney and tv. yeah. because the origin is a bit complicated and it's difficult to make contact. we are waiting for rescue teams to reach the landing site and give us more information. the helicopter was lost in the east as a but john province of iran, near the town of boss a con, right indian red crest and said the location was dangerous and difficult to cross president raise the was in the province to a no great a damn project to get that with the president of as of a john on the border between the 2 countries on the streets of to ron people. while right. we are deeply saddened by this incident. the cause of which is still unknown as the head of the country,
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the president is one of the service of the people and we wish him and those accompanying him to be found in good health. honestly, the dominant feeling is fear. it's a strange feeling. it's the same we experienced when general cassim, so the money was killed. it's not a good feeling. i hope they're fine, and they'll be found. oh, say tv has been showing people gathering in mosques and use outlets have a radiance to pray for. re see lou 5 good. allow me from the deputies page and service joins me now. the new as the search and rescue operation continues. what more can you tell us to yes, several hours tests would be still don't know anything concrete. one of the westbridge, this will phrase to set an hour earlier in an interview with a states tv that they found helpful to what the rest care son denied in a few minutes. so he said they're better,
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some calls from one or 2 people on board. but he didn't mention their names or any further details for a few minutes earlier. and rick pearson's official has told us stick media. that's 5 opperation. all teens have risk to the crash site. this of course, is contrary to the statements of the minister of interior. he says, all the forces there mobilize, but they could not yet reached the incident point. we know that heavy there is heavy rain and falls and um, number of risk, you teams have been increased to 65 according to your own cert care. since also, you can unit process management commissioner said they will help as an answer to the request. don't you want to find the question or concern they, according to the turkey disaster and images, the management authority. you want to ask for a nice vision search and rescue helicopter. so a lot of contradictory news. we have to regency. so still about we don't want to spend the immediate reaction from the public and around to the news released by
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state media. what a state media twice to show is that only radians are worried and praying for them to be safe, but it seems many iranians are expressing their happened as of a i've read so many funny tweets about the incident or some videos apply awards as reaction to they had to crash on social media, and that's why you were in the minister of justice. and the police intelligence organization born citizens evolved from what they share on social media, claiming they are observing active as an influence. need to fuck me from the deputies person service. thanks so much. alright, a quick look now some of the of the headlines making use this al, stay on the forces of the democratic republic of congo, site and repels and attempted to involving congolese and foreign fine has at least 3 people, including 2 police officers, had been killed in
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a shootout involving security officers, news, the presidential palace in in sasa, united states embassy has issued a security with the general election is on the way in the dominican republic with immigration from neighboring hifi. as the most divisive issue. while heidi is twana pot by game will pass that depending dominican republic is driving. economically eviction. frontrunner is current. president lewis, i've been out there is promising to track down on the silences and finish a concrete vote of the spines, foreign minister, stacy's country as we're holding its ambassador. and one of sadie smoking in because it's in the time president, have you in my life insult with the wife of spain. so 5 minutes ago, i was speaking at a meeting of global farm rock leaders in madrid when he called the wife pedro such as a corrupt the money buying. it is also demanding a public apology. well bombardment and the training and city of hockey
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continues as russia pressed as a head with a new offensive at least 5 people were killed in the morning, strikes in the hockey region. a pregnant woman was among the children are among the engine and update for a business. oscar. almost 10000 people have flayed from the hockey region in the northeast seems to be offensive again. i sent the nice deliberately talkative disability in the of the week running president brought him, we have selected these to him that office would in today if russia had invited the country elections have been suspended, as long as you find operates under martial law. meanwhile, russia has allegedly been mounting a social media campaign to undermine soleski support with goals for fresh elections . we looked at how you finance feel about that. the outbreak of war february 2022. follow to me as a landscape, a former comedian with no previous political experience before becoming president,
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thrust into the role of war time later go a nation and shock warmed quickly to his leadership during the way my dear ukrainians. i am again talking to you just like i promised i will provide you with updated and verified information every hour. his approval ratings shot up to 90 percent far above its pre war peak 2 years on however, many here are set up. a year ago, there were hopes for a counter offensive that would drive russia out if you crane. but now there's no end to the war. insight. tens of thousands of soldiers have died and the front line barely moved until recent russian advances. the government has passed an unpopular conscription law to get more recruits. all that has cost the government credibility, so excuse, approval, rating slipped to about 69 percent. and the latest reputable poll from february of this year signed significantly higher the leaders in the us, france, and germany,
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but a worrying sign for the government. no elections can legally happen until martial law ends. but russia has allegedly seized on the fact that so lensky is term would be over this month to mount a social media campaign. like with the social media means of this one says trader zalinski and po cinco in jail. we demand the elections and this 190 percent of people are against you running for a 2nd term. so lansky is portrayed is being confused, asking who is against him. things are not necessarily so blake for the landscape though. a recent poll, cited by bbc's ukraine service, found 70 percent of ukrainians don't want elections while the war is going on. despite russian propaganda efforts, dw spoke to people in the capital key of about it, and found mixed feelings to 3 in the evening. we have the enemy on our doorstep. holding elections is going to cause division. that's a little bit of my lou,
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but it says that it is the i don't want elections right now because of the war. i'm happy with our president and don't have anything to criticize him for right now and most of us, it's just not the right time for election. and the ones that us met, that is a blowing out the i believe it's wrong to forbid the people to have their say, even during war time. that problem. and there's so many people fighting in the front lines that just wouldn't be possible physically, little bit about the position behind the house. if we have elections that will cost a lot of money. money that we don't have for drones and ammunition. so far, there's been no push from ordinary ukrainians or official pressure from ukraine's allies, or even the political opposition to hold a new vote. so as the landscape seemed secure in his job for now. but that might change without signs of tangible progress and a war that might drag on for years to come. they are a talk to dw eastern europe and it's a run and going to rank,
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or he told us how long the training and president, so lensky can rely on the support of the training people as well. nobody can be show how long this will happen. but it will depend on the situation in this war the to actually is waging against ukraine and nothing is for it. well, we do remember the u. k. prime minister wisdom josh will last and election officer victoria in the 2nd 1212. so it is possible for the landscape of the situation that is much more difficult at the moment because ukraine is in a week a position. now, if you compare it to the situation a year or 2 ago, and there is growing pressure inside your crane, the society is getting tired. so you, those lensky has lost some of his popularity. he was bought and the she's, she's book lunch was over 90 percent wind rush renovated then, and she lost some of it in the fall of 23. and especially in the early 24,
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when he and replaced a very popular and general ahead of the ukranian. i mean, it's the latest last name. hello. something below it is a and at the moment the situation is still very difficult. a ukraine is fighting and the current has knows enough men to fight, and that's why there's a new reputation law that's came into force just a few days ago. now you can didn't have enough ammunition for it because the united states. um pause for hoffer. yeah. now the munition is coming, the situation is improving but very slowly. so it's a very, very dial and very difficult to predict succession for presidents landscape. and she's popularity inside the country, but she's prepared to remains of for 60 percent, which is a lot in a search here for, i guess, one of the things pushing on that popularity is the state of the war. as we speak, the latest developments russia intensifying its attacks in the hockey region. what's russell strategy behind it run as well? um, there are several, several points here. um 1st,
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russia itself says this is trying to establish kind of a buffer zone in, in the notes because restaurant wants to continue hating your crime in the towns showing how to find other cities and 1000 in the north of ukraine. but wants to push back the ukranian on unlimited. it's a, it's but it's a possibility to respond and strikes, towns like belgrade. ah, so this is, this is what must go sing officially, but it's much more than this. i think because the rush race trying to wager forward edition because it believes that this has much more resources than new crime and the worst combined that it has more will a 2 fights of orientation. so it is trying to wear down to exhaust again george and that's why it is showing har keith. but we forgot that the situation in the town of just if you are in don boss, is also very, very difficult for the opinion. and some experts expect actually,
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a major russians low that the deputy of russia, if the roman country ranked and thanks so much to support. now there's a new king in the world of boxing. it finding alexander pacific has big and britain's tysons fury to become the 1st full belt on the speech of heavy white champion in 25 years. fury came out swinging, dominating the 1st stages of the fight at the kingdom arena in riyadh. lucy came boring back after 12 rounds and the type split decision it was gain the fury suffering the 1st loss in his 16 year professional career undefeated. the sick has now joined the likes of mohammed ali and mike twice and as an undisputed heavyweight champion of that. before we go, a quick look at the top story we're following for you. this out. intensive search efforts are continuing for the helicopter. turns around the president's debris, embracing went down on sunday, near the border with as
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a body shop fight the president, and those travelling with him for mains on the plan. that's all for now up next, that definitely entry series looked at housing. bob williams depend on young with is a broad to pay for life that i'm asking how do i have more use for you in 45 minutes to start the big burst into areas whenever they feel like you do limit 1000 kind of for design and fashion and most abuses in the sky, many on including the office. how do they do it? the secret lives of size starts may 22nd on dw the
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