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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from building the site of the rounds president remains on know, and off to his helicopter, went down, rescue teams struggling to reach the side of the parents. pressure state video says the across counting abraham braces was forced to mike todd landing due to bad weather, which is also tampering search and also on the program funding between his file and most escalates. as a trick of advice for stopping palestinians arrives for a new coastal entry point textbook site, it wants to be an exhaustive defining and trips struggle to hold back. a rush in
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advance in the east keep accuses rush of targeting civilians as a wave of try and strikes a film across the country, the math. and he howled. welcome to the program. several countries including turkey and russia, offering to help find a helicopter, caring, and runs president. after it went down on sunday search teams scouring a full covered mountain near the country's border with as a vice on official sight. abraham bryce east helicopter was forced to make a hard landing in the area that have offered no further details around. foreign minister was said to be travelling with re see. both were on the way back from a know good writing, a hydro electric dam project. rescue workers from the red crescent search for ron's presidents. the stage media say 40 teams trying to locate the helicopter
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he was traveling in. the problem is reported to have made a rough landing and weather conditions complicate, take the operation iran. so supreme leader to come we hope that god with the all mighty or turns govern your president and colleagues in full have you would add to the rules of the nation that the helicopter was lost in the east as a but john province of iran, near the town of bostic con randy and red crescent said the location was dangerous and difficult to cross. president raised the within the province to no great addendum project together with the president of as of a john on the border between the 2 countries on the streets of to iran. people,
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while rates are deeply saddened by this incident, such as the cause of which is still unknown as the head of a century, the president is one of the service of the people and we wish him to be found. honestly, the dominant feeling is fear. it's a strange feeling. it's the same we experienced when general cassim so the money was killed. it's not a good feeling. i hope they're fine. and the best of the, to ronnie's seem to be celebrating video posted to social media posts that you show fireworks over the writing in capital. and a woman saying she hoped the news of raising the mice with truth and humble abraham receives, consider the hotline of he became president in 2021, bringing old branches of power under the control of hotline,
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as loyal to supreme leader. i a tele, i'm an i raise the has clumped down on women's modesty requirements. and what's behind the blood, the track down an anti government protest is in 20222023 raised the says the supreme leader strategy of supporting proxy forces across them at least offer on the ledge is riley attack. when it runs embassy in damascus. in april to iran responded with an unprecedented but lodge the unsuccessful direct, aerial bombardment of israel with the faith of racy unset and stay tv has been showing people gathering in muscle and use outlets. have you radians to pray for re see? oh, no, really. i spoke to anita 5 good, now me from data of these patients service about the public reaction to the accident and the official statements regarding the a parent crush. several hours have passed under so many contract to
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a new so for one i or g. c commander claim they have received signal from the helicopter and a mobile phone on one of the crew at the ext inside. he also said they are leaving the old, the military forces to the region. and according to him, 30 person, the police report, the forces are present in the region and a different you minister of foreign affairs and claimed that at the beginning of the incidents of are able to talk to tap based friday and mom twice. and he said as i am not feeling bill and i can hear the sound of ambulances, this is a claim. stacy deal reportedly repeatedly published the commander in chief of the iron g, cnn rofelt wire to see um, high ranking commanders. and also the wrench is regions and according to the rector's and a possible sites, a helicopter crash has an area off to 20 square kilometers. and, you know,
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a specific development had been that has been noticed by the investigative chines. there are a lot of details as the side that we don't know yet what to spend the immediate reaction from the public, you know, run to the news released by state and idea of what a state media twice to show is that all iranians are, will read and praying for them to be safe and sound, but it seems, and many iranians are expressing their happiness of re, uh so many funny tweets about the incident. there are some videos of plan works at different locations, often run and other cities as a reaction to the helicopter crash on social media. and that's why you're ringing me. this theory of justice and the police intelligence organization born citizens about what they share on social media. and i think they are observing activist influence. there's the 10 run persecutor office claim to have borne a number of people who will read the public bid publishing news about the
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helicopter crash unified could allow me from the deputies person service. thank you so much. in jobs are fighting between the israel. a mazda is intensifying at the moment, the north of gauze that is seeing some of the faces baffles of divorce. i saw in the south hundreds of thousands of fling finding in the city of rafa for them there is little shelter to run, so there is no end to grief and desperation in gaza. relatives a morning victims of another attack outside a hospital in the city of dare l. bala. it hate and knew by refuge account beautiful in some instead of my uncle's house was targeted last night. what's directly hit and there were only civilians in the house in london. it was headed up a married way by the israeli army. yeah, i mean you might have lost my grandmother. good, my uncle and my aunt and this but very good tag doing better better. yeah,
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these are the billions. what do they do wrong? of being killed or wounded is not the only danger that palestinian civilians are facing across the territory. their daily struggle is to find food, water, and other basic supplies. i like life is unbearable. there's no water. we bring water from near the sea. we walk 5 to 6 kilometers and bring $4.00 to $5.00 containers. some water when it's built on the road, i've given middle of a plenty. these trucks are transporting much needed. a that's been delivered through a us build appear in central gaza. a group say it's nowhere near enough for a ravaged territory on the verge of famine. a big memo eob, if we need water, we need food. we need a decent life to live. we want to return to our homes. we want to tempt, we find nothing to live in. all countries live a decent life except us look now. almost the entire population of gaza is dependent
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on humanitarian aid to survive. but israel's restrictions on a deliveries are still in place and the fighting continues is really operations in the southern city of rough uh, have been in the spotlight recently. but the patterns of violence and struggle for life repeating themselves across the territory. the body of gym and these rarely terror victims need. luke was laid to rest in is route 22 year old. was at the sipping of the best over in south and east route when it was attacked by how must be left and right. they all thought he size, he was killed during the terror attacks and to body taken into god. for mines were recovered on thursday, in a tunnel buys riley troops along with those of 3 others taken from the fist quick look now some of the other global headlines making use and the forces of the democratic republic of congo side they have repelled and attempted to indulging
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congolese and foreign sizes. at least 3 people, including 2 police officers, had been killed in a shoot out involving security officers needed the presidential palace. in contrast to the united states embassy has issued a security lives. a general election is on the white in the dominican republic with immigration from neighbouring heidi. as the most divisive issue, he is torn apart by game will pay the dominican republic is driving economically. selection front runner is count president louis, i'd be not. it is promising to crack down on the solemn sic is and finish a concrete photo book that binds. foreign minister says he's got for his for clothing. it's invested in bonus, heidi's because odds and time presidents have you in my life. i insulted the wife of science prime minister when i was speaking at amazing the global fibrous latency in madrid, when he called the wife edwards, such as a corrupt woman, spine is also demanding
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a public apology. bombardment in the training and city of hockey continues. as russia presses a head with a new offensive, at least 5 people were killed in a morning strike. a pregnant woman was among the dead children or among the injured and being treated in hospital, almost 10000 faithful and flayed from the region in the northeast. since the start of the russian offensive washington, i've deliberately targeting civilians. me. thank you for any and present a bloody me a so let's get to him and office war the in today, if russia hadn't invited the country, elections have been suspended as long as you cry and operates on demoss low. meanwhile, russia has allegedly pain mounting. a social media campaigned to undermine polanski support with coles full fresh elections and makes report books of how you trainings feel about the outbreak of war. february 2022. follow to me is a landscape,
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a former comedian with no previous political experience before becoming president, thrust into the role of war time later go a nation and shock warmed quickly to his leadership during the way my dear ukrainians. i am again talking to you just like i promised i will provide you with updated and verified information every hour. his approval ratings shot up to 90 percent far above its pre war peak 2 years on however, many here are set up. a year ago, there were hopes for a counter offensive that would drive russia out if you train. but now there's no end to the war. insight. the 10s of thousands of soldiers have died and the front line barely moved until recent russian advances. the government has passed an unpopular conscription law to get more recruits. all that has cost the government credibility, so excuse, approval, rating slipped to about 69 percent. and the latest reputable poll from february of
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this year signed significantly higher the leaders in the us, france, and germany, but a worrying sign for the government. no elections can legally happen until martial law ends. but russia has allegedly seized on the fact that so lensky is term would be over this month to mount the social media campaign. like with the social media means this one says traitor zalinski and part of cinco in jail. we demand elections. and this 190 percent of people are against you running for a 2nd term. so lansky is portrayed is being confused, asking who is against him. things are not necessarily so blake for the landscape though. a recent poll cited by bbc is ukraine service found 70 percent of ukrainians don't want elections while the war is going on. despite russian propaganda efforts, 10 dw spoke to people in the capital key of about it, and found mixed feelings to 3 in the evening. we have the enemy on our doorstep.
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holding elections is going to cause division. that's a little bit of my lou, but it says as this is the number, i don't want elections right now because of the war. i'm happy with our president and don't have anything to criticize him for right now and most of us, it's just not the right time for election at the much. it's in the minds that us not, that is a blowing out the i believe it's wrong to forbid the people to have their say, even during war time, that problem. and there are so many people fighting in the front lines that just wouldn't be possible physically. it was little bit of a stipulation, but not the hosting. we have elections that will cost a lot of money. money that we don't have for drones and ammunition. so far, there's been no push from ordinary ukrainians or official pressure from ukraine's allies, or even the political opposition to hold a new vote. so is the landscape seems secure and is job for now. but that might change without signs of tangible progress and a war that might drag on for years to come right up next al series report,
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it travels this file by no wise international optic out post way, the voting laws and making some residents uncomfortable, but soft to the right image of joshua will be here in 45 minutes with more news headlines. i'm anthony. help for me. i'm a team here in berlin. wherever in the world you're watching for wishing you a good time to buy the, we are all set we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new, the will on about. com biased information for free might say do to and then they burst into our is whenever they feel like doing the 1000 kind of for design and fashion.


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