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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 12:30am-1:00am CEST

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and, and to say, tomorrow join us and register now for the d. w global media for in 2020 for the . um yeah, i think we can call her self, but us, you know, so there's, has to be a little bit about us. another one, we're starting now with a rocket the move on when we get to the point where it's nothing special and you move to play metal, no matter you agenda. i think that's ultimately the big goal was actually the future of met that we, my opinion, belongs to the women, the
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loud guitars, aggressive baselines and guttural vocals. heavy metal is tough, music for tough guy is who head bang and drink beer. heavy metal is for real men, men who go at each other in the mosh pit. and the women, they have no place here. or tuesday. the metal scene has long since opened up and become more diverse. women now play important roles in the middle community. that's fans. and as musicians we went to germany biggest heavy metal festival to take
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a closer look. the 1st locked in open air festival took place in 1990 with just 800 visitors and 6 pounds. what began as an idea to combat rural boredom? developed into one of the biggest metal festivals in the world, attracting more than $80000.00 visitors within just a few years. in 1991 band with a female lead singer took to the stage here acts and the band from cuba came back again. and again, in the following years, a few years later they were joined by middle icon, the whole parish, who performed if not, can, for the 1st time in 1993. yes, learned that many women maybe a handful, but for me was quite natural. so i was one of the band, i was the senior and i didn't even realize it myself. i felt so comfortable and i
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was always treated very, very nicely. mid 100. heavy metal emerged out of hard rock in the 1970s with fans like deep purple, led zeppelin and black sabbath. the scene was clearly male dominated. this had a lot to do with the perception of roles. metal has always been seen as hard, aggressive and loud. not exactly the stereotypical female characteristics. and yet women were there right from the start. the dawson who founded the us, found, covered in 1969 is considered one of the 1st occultism in the black, massive staged by a woman who described herself as a witch. that was hard stuff at a time when the hippies were still celebrating peace and flower power.
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one of the 1st middletown susan members were only women was girls founded in 1978. they had to put up with a lot of sexist comments. critics, toward their outcomes apart, their career only really took off when the late motorhead front, ma'am, let me kill mr. stood up for them. the great, the people treat them like 2nd cost passes because that goes, it's really disgusting. the school are still around. they were and still are frequent guests back an open air and their friends with festival boss, tomas, the, and the growth my work for go school for a long time. go school which is actually a go band. so i mean they'll punch you in the face. don't worry, i can tell whether it's sung by guy or lady or that it doesn't matter
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a toe or from a dr. jensen has never differentiated between men and women in his work. what counts for him is what people can do. and so the buck and crew is just as diverse as the festivals lineup. that's not true for us. it's natural sort of thing that dividing things that way is helpful. it's all booking crow doesn't go asking 1st is a band thing. is it well and not? it's not yet new thing. i ended up being a class and 1st played a fucking open air in 2001 she's been involved in the middle scene since 1980 was her band. holy moses on sundays has gotten to john this whole drawing. everything was just opened to us. we could just do what we wanted. it was just new. you're happy and of course it's a nice feeling to have started something for the scene a started. so how the crossing is regarded as the very 1st growling and extreme woman in middle,
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her band members call her. the mother of all growled, this is an honor. i have to say that people say hazel, be not. we found out that you were the 1st woman in the world to do these blades and growled, and i didn't plan it. it's what came out of me. it always comes. it's no normal for middle women to grow, show and roar. it's not a question of gender, but of technique. both women and man have to train their diaphragm and vocal chords to produce such sounds. wow, it's a log on the good there, rosa is a 4 piece. all female thrash metal band. the 4 formed in brazil and 2010, and they're both so can mean at g or angry and particularly the bands aggressive
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appearance initially surprised people in their home country. yes of course there was a list of the press do you know like kind of the things that the people think that the all the brazilian women's are always naked because it's a scan of all the like. so you see, i don't get the people because there's like faces for women don't fulfill those cliches. so now versus beginnings were pretty difficult, but they persevere. i think everything that he knew we faces some challenge. we know that the math though it's more male fee, you know, i've particularly never pay up station so much. i was just wants to do what i love, what i dream, you know, and i was surrounding by persons that it was helping and supporting me. those ducks keep people that was talking like bad things. i was not be they should i say i
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don't care, i don't care. i have to listen. the critic stop it to be bad or of course to grow, but i feel like everything is possible. i feel metal musicians are not afforded those freedoms everywhere in other regions of the world. they have to fear for their lives because of their passion for metal. the conservatives largely muslim majority countries in the middle east. many middle pounds, male and miller likes to play underground news . british journalist orlando cro croft spent 6 years observing the metal scene in countries such as egypt, syria, saudi arabia and iran. and he wrote the book rock in a hard place about musicians have told him that they sometimes face draconian
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punishments from imprisonment, floggings and paintings to the death penalty rainy and found, or saw mass, for example, flood abroad due to the threat of a prison sentence. the, the raj on, sorry, seniors, a band master is person was flocked for alleged satanism. the when a big luna says castillo, this is no judge. they don't need to know they will kill you. ansari's band made on a heed, was also in danger. women are not allowed to sing in public in iran. the reason given is that women singing supposedly provoke sexual desire in man. on a he sees this as the main reason why a rainy and women are not so active in music, especially in heavy metal and rock together with, i'm sorry, she left the country in 2012 there was the feel for the rest and even having
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assets thrown on the face of bodies of women, cool academics and music lab and on is considered comparatively tolerance towards heavy metal. still, the scene is viewed with suspicion. the last may i see is the founder of the all female middle band sleeved assignments. it took the guitar is more than a year to find all the musicians for her band. and then the women had to assert themselves. in certain cases, some guys would thing that were not good enough or they were going to take us seriously. as our menu are not physically, kids are going to play these instruments, some people outside of the month and wouldn't understand the sort of music and they would curse us. they think that we're bad, and this is not lazy like to them. playing by the,
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the women of slave to sirens now live in several countries. the less mioshi, however, has remained in lebanon and leads the band from there. the, there are middle heads all over the world, but how many are female and what to the listen to. studies on this are not very represented. the group of respondents, a small and metal is very diverse. there are more than 50 sumption, such as due trash, black or death metal. somebody can speak of several 100 varieties. in his study measuring the metal head psychologist nico, who was found out which styles women prefer the results. women tend to like melodic metal, such as gothic or metal porter. according to what was his research? the female fan base for classic metal is almost as large as the male fan, based on the sign of the devil horns your social states. as his
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blood pulled up, macros is how hard you policy to the music, the weather, hard or soft. the scene has long since opened up both on and off stage. working with women has become completely normal for many male musicians, like chris holmes from lord of the last others of, of old i work with people, regardless of their agenda. i'm happy when i say strong women in mexican, or in the music industry in general. but i've also experienced that when you emphasize that it can sometimes have a negative effect, try to buy the equipment, actually wants people to save just as no money, and then it just so you'd like to say like cold a man. so the nice thing that's particularly important is nope, does this to them as best as the? yeah, i think we can color cells, but us, you know, so there's has to be
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a little bit about us. self confidence is an important element for female metal bands burning, which is featuring women musicians from switzerland and the netherlands. not only have plenty of fat. they also have a lot of fun playing music. oh, it's just fun. you know, it was fun to be with, with all girls. girls just want to have fun. you know? yeah. so it's, it's the cliche that's it's, it's sometimes nice to be with all girls, you know. and, and that was the id to, to started bones. how fun they could have you mental and that's, that's just the start. it's fun to be strong and loud and sexy for the middle of the verse revealing outfits are not a contradiction to the hard music. they play their appearance as an integral part of the show, but the purpose is not necessarily to fulfill the fantasies of their male fans to
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dar stephen's website, puts metal women in the spotlight according to was the feeler and sylvia and friends of from austria who run the site sexiness simply part of the stage persona . for the idea that women can only be successful as they present themselves in a sexy way, is completely outdated. many examples show that this is no longer the case of the device. this thing that's actually the 1st lead singers with pure up erotic voices shape the image of women in the middle scene in the early 2, thousands fuel by 6 successful downs like evanescence within temptation and nightwish. the term female fronted metal bands established itself the limiting term. it would also exclude an extremely large number of women. either female musicians such as tyrus
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race is reimers, and so on, women can do everything. they don't just have to be pretty front. the women just felt call, say, when you succeed is just reading the best that the us with all the shame on my like store as something eyeliner and that's a mess for music. so i like to be cancelled and redone either like me the way i am or they don't. i'm not going to get a make over or anything. i'm not going to change my outfit either, and i don't think it's important to give this tip to the young girls if you like it to do it, but don't do it for others. if you do, then do it for yourself. if you feel comfortable, your items will work for you. a little heads are like one big family. everyone is welcome, regardless of gender fucking open air reflects the diversity of the see what unites people is the love of music. fucking is considered a particularly peaceful festival. here you can be who and what you want to be
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that's encouraged by various themed areas like the waste land, the post apocalyptic area has been an integral part in fucking open air since 2013 . inspired by film such as water world or map max, the artist group wasteland warriors performs wild shows and is closely associated with the middle festival. among the wildly customs people in the group there as many women as man and wearing costumes like this with heavy weapons mix those with and feel something special. confidence being as strong as males, people are, or maybe they have been written in the past. so it's really nice just be a bad us tank girl or warrior orchard. whatever it is. yeah. yeah. it's like really nice. the wasteland warriors have complete freedom when designing their costumes
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with one condition. it has to be, or you are like the reactions of the festival audience to the wastelands. women are very limited time. some people are just very bold and just come up, come up to us and talk to us. but others are just like keeping their this is more often because they don't know how to deal with it, which is great. that's like the independence that we once i get. what's your staff made? the they are a little bit as great, i think. but they have respect to be greater than the normal life. but nobody should need a weapon or a scary mask to feel comfortable. the middle seem claims to be the safest of all the . but is that an idealized view?
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in the early summer of 2023, the scandal surrounding alleged sexual assault ramstein concerts shattered the image of supposedly safe rock concerts. for months, the music world debated how safe festivals and concerts are for women. the pc is the lead senior for drop kick murphy, the irish folk punk them from boston plated fucking open air for the 1st time in 2023 funks and metal heads are very similar. he says, in the punk world, uh, the community aspect is very look out for each other and that woman would be very safe. and if they weren't to both, both as a performer in a fan that the audience is like the big brother, you know, big sister and everyone's looking out for each other case. he plays many different
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kinds of festivals with his band. and he's also seeing other situations a lot of these country music festivals in america. it is incredible amounts of violence and sexual assault. and these are at the performances of bands that are supposed to be singing about family values and being good to each other. whereas they would probably view a punk and metal crowd is disrespectful. non honorable people yet. i feel like you would have way, wes. uh, you know, bad behavior at, ah shows or, or metal shows that things can happen and never where it doesn't matter. the type of music, you know, is it that people use too much of drugs or get brawn can we can do a lot the wrong things that we will probably will feel bad later. i don't know and but in general i feel really safe because i think the cuter of metal in a world,
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you know, it's more or less the same. we have the same way to think it's, it's a lifestyle. it's not the only music you know. so in general, i feel really safe. i don't know the girls, but for me i think there's a nice contradiction between the appearance and the contact there because the appearance, like you're a dark and the only news and heavy and like and as a behavior, people are very nice and very um yeah, very polite, which one is trying to create a safe space for them. and that's so beautiful in the community news. and there's also a consensus among the sans middle head stick together. people are helpful, new friendships are made and celebrated at the camping area. the
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need to business fancy and we've never been grad attached or anything else. as you get off of the screen and everything and shelter everywhere. there's no metal which can you go to on the test of a site. it's just like one big family here on that's nice. i know button touch screen of course upon media. yeah, i should have never had a problem with it. never had the feeling that i was being picked on. they're actually all really nice and frankie all the time that mom that's been going on. if you're not, even if you're at the front of the stage, it should dancing or pull going moshing, you're always helps up with something. i've never had a bad experience. i really have to say have you middle seems to have the magical power to bring people together. there are even studies indicating that metal music can have
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a common and positive effect on the psyche. the metal can give emotional support and make you strong. i grew up with it and also just like the only music i can really become when the listen to it does, it doesn't matter how, how heavy it is or how, how loud i'm just really come inside and listen to it. i don't know. it's like male gives you forward to the car as to the something and i don't know and gives you my security for it for, for the women. and it's like a friendship, a lot of of a family here. another study found that middle can help young people through difficult. i lost my assay from slaves to sirens. come confirmed my task of something he said, so i was living all that. so much of music was, was giving me a voice and it was giving me like,
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like it isn't the, it was so powerful to me. and it's really, really, it helped me get up in the morning and just go so yeah, most of the music gave me a lot. i mean, i think without mental use it, i don't think i'm the honestly, the, in the meantime women have gained the powerful partner, the internet. women who position themselves successfully online can be role models with our internet presence. female bands are also making sure that others can be more daring. so the new generation, then you go to the younger grows are coming and coming and coming, appearing every day, or discover new girls on nice the ground. you know, like the new resource that we have, so i see they are coming. so we get to
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a lot of young girls looking up to us and sending up messages. like last time i was in friends, there's a girl who texted me and said like, i'm learning the thought because of you. so that's really powerful and it's motivates me to move forward and keep pushing with, despite all the challenges that you're facing. and it says possibility as well, because as an all the various responsibilities as female fronted bands become more visible, online fans want to see them on the big stages. the goal is to see more steam at us, guessing books, playing big stages. so once we get the, i see like yes of course, the future event, especially the, the leaders and the industry like behind the scenes, the organizers of looking ations, this power for women who are breeding things together and buying this entire
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community. so yeah, definitely in the future this of most of this in the middle scene is still dominated by men, but young women are closing the gap and can't be stopped. being female is no longer an obstacle in the heavy middle. see the best example. the whole push has been part of it for, for decades. now, and we have a song that's the 1st thing we called time for justice. and we chose it because i think it's very, very important worldwide. because in many countries, women in particular are not allowed to move freely. it's all new to the music we make is model out there either. so there's still a lot a lot to do and yes, we'll keep fighting. we'll fight for the good, especially the women. they are rock at all, we can see each other, we can support that each other. and the i see actually the future of math that we,
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my opinion, belongs to the women, the, the the,
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it's time for visionaries, for sustainability. but also for horsepower. the, it's time for the mobo revolution in 30 minutes on the w, dancing to get the current flowing this club in glasgow,
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sustainable. by using technology that converts the body heat into energy. scott, show us how it works. in the heart of the dancers, the smaller the electricity bill around that same 60 minutes on d, w. the stages and engineering is whenever they feel like doing a 1000 kind of for design and fashion. and most of the pieces in the sky. many on including the office of how do they do it? the secret lives of size starts may 22nd. d w gets ready for an exciting auburn toyota to look surprised. hi,
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irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a one dodge, so do you need a quote on that? we've got a response on the unexpected side supplies the
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or you're watching the news, life cumberland drawings, president missing and, and about and helicopter crash. abraham j u. c will travelling with his foreign minister rescue team struggling to reach the remote mountain a sight bad weather is hampered in search effort. also coming up fighting between his cell and him off escalades, father of sugarloaf age for solving palestinians comes into a new posted entry point bought agencies say it's not enough to avoid that set of famine. the.