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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the news life from balance it on the president missing in a bad and helicopter crash. abraham j u. c will travelling with his foreign minister rescued team struggling to, to use the remote mountain of sight. bad weather is hampered in search effort. also coming up, fighting between and selling him off, escalates. father of sugarloaf age for solving palestinians comes into a new post to the entry point. bought agencies say it's not enough to avoid that set of famine the
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number such as far back into the program. it ons, president abraham, re you save, missing it in a patent helicopter crash state media said the x off got into a c, and the ford administer had to make a hard landing near the border with us. and by john, they were on their way back from launching a hydro electric project. rescue workers from the red crescent search for ron's president's state media say 40 teams trying to locate the helicopter he was travelling in. the problem is reported to have made a rough landing and weather conditions complicating the operation. iran, so supreme lead to com we hope that god with the all mighty or turns the your president and colleagues in full have you would add to the
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the nation the the helicopter was lost in the east as a, but john province of iran, near the town of bozza con, right, indian red crescent said the location was dangerous and difficult to cross. president raised the within the province to no great dam project together with the presidents of as of a john on the border between the 2 countries. on the streets of to iran, people while right. we are deeply saddened by this incident, which is the cause of which is still unknown as the head of a country. the president is one of the service of the people and we wish him to be found. honestly, the dominant feeling is fear. it's a strange feeling. it's the same we experienced when general cassim so the money was killed. it's not a good feeling. i hope they're fine and they'll be found. but
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i saw the to ronnie's seem to be celebrating video posted to social media posts that you show fireworks of the writing, the and capital. and a woman saying she hoped the news of raise these to mice with true and humble. a brit marie see is considered a hotline. he became president in 2021, bringing old branches of power under the control of hotline, as loyal to supreme leader. i a tele, i'm an i raise the has clumped down on women's modesty requirements. and what's behind the blood, the crack down on anti government protest is in 20222023 raised the says the supreme leader strategy of supporting proxy forces across them at least offer on the ledge is riley attack. when it runs embassy in damascus,
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in april to iran, responded with an unprecedented but lodge the unsuccessful direct, aerial bombardment of israel with the faith of racy unset and stay tv has been showing people gathering in most a new south. let's have 30 radians to pray for re c o that's going out of band and been taught at blue, who is a senior fellow at the foundation for defense of democracies, where he focuses on is on in security and political issue with the joints. we now from washington dc. welcome to dw mrs. all of you map out the possibilities for us . what happens if this turns out to be a 50 crash? a? well, it's a pleasure, be with you. there are some possibilities already laid out in the run. you'd constitution, namely that the 1st vice president, mr. most there could be taking over with the not of the supreme leader. of course, they would have about 50 days before a special election,
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or one would say selection takes place. this matters quite a bit. anyone's already fractious, domestic body politic because there is a massive chasm between state and society. you've had a run in boy cutting elections in mos really since 2017, but particularly since 2019. i concurred with the rise and 3 process in that country. the government has been keen to not have any kind of exhaustion is shocks to change things because already there was, again, this massive chasm between the state and society. i mean, ron was already slated to have presidential elections next year in spring of 2025. but let me pick up on what you mentioned about a success, mr. mckay. budge up. we know the dry see has a hotline and even brutal history. so if for the success, so what's the step and can we expect anything to change? indeed, i believe this. the story of space is not a status has been uh,
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essentially, uh, taken over by the hard hard uh, is limis right. uh inside the as long make a public. uh, these are folks who don't even desire to stay in moderation and 2021. right. you see how does cabinet approved from the parliament at least 40 to 48 percent depending on how you count had been sanctioned internationally either from the e u us u, k r u n. in essence, you're going to have a continuation of that trend, reading hard, right? shifting around, semester of politics. but you mentioned the s squared and the word for succession is that right? you see was long believed to be a potential successor to your audience. current oxygen airy and supreme leader alley accommodate. and in this instance, that short list that he was on may have just gotten much shorter. if indeed the media does confirm that right. you see that in the telecom profession, you mentioned that coming days at the head of leadership here. and the supreme the leader is the one in charge. but in that case,
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could you walk us to what is the role of the president in his art in politics? that it's a great question because sometimes the lines on paper don't translate to the political or social realities on the ground. and that's certainly the case with you on splitting systems. for example, on paper, this person has the no 2nd or 3rd level of political oversight of the military. but we certainly know that's not the case. these logic revolutionary guard court, i definitely operates on its own fund rate, is on its own, and is not beholden to the president or traditional lines of command authority that exists to get on paper. more importantly for president plays and ceremonial rules too much, sy, listed so you can have an impact on domestic and foreign policy. and perhaps most importantly has an impact on implementing economic plans. and it's really an liaison between some of those plans that are greenlighted from the topic brought into into being by the parliament or more local council. so the president has
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a lot more to do with the way things are run at home that are abroad. but again, despite this being revolutionary regime, this is really much more story of states is not change because he runs political system has been shrinking and moving to the hard right. quite quickly. i want to talk with back to something you said earlier about the full tests that are demanding goods. even change, of course, they have been focused on common name. but like you mentioned drugs, the does have a role to play in domestic politics and policies. does this crash in any way make that demand for the dream change possible to uh, absolutely, one wonders if this will leads to another round of protests on the screen. if i had to guess right now, i would say not likely, but there is one for in line to be aware of which is since 29th, 2017. and particularly since 2019, we won't even population has been using every single opportunity to social crisis, environmental crisis, political crisis, foreign policy crisis, and even environmental crisis. to be able to say no to the world,
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the massive chasm that exists between them and the state federal rules them. and they try to continue to resist and reject and put forward their own views and values. and that's why raised in hominy have both been the target to be running population slogans 2021. and that's why likely you're going to see the chasm continued despite whatever musical chairs may happen at the top endeavor. and i'm ben teller, blue. thank you so much for the toyota analysis. pleasure. thank you. now, the body of the gentleman is rarely 10 o victim. shawnee luke has been laid to rest and instead of the 22 year old was killed. that'll super no a fast to move and it was attacked by him off on october 7th, last 2 loops, a man sort of combo advised, any troops along with those of 3 other victims are now. meanwhile, fighting between israel and homos is intensifying in gaza. the knowledge of the data should be seeing some of the fewest bachelors since the october 7th started
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a tax in the south, hundreds of thousands of city. the city of rafa is trickling into a new cost with bill, but agency se fee, it's not enough to avoid the federal funding. there is no end to grief and desperation and gaza. relatives of morning victims of another attack outside a hospital in the city of dare l. bala, it hate and nearby refuge account that if it lives them instead of my uncle's house was targeted last night. it was directly hit and there were only civilians in the house in london. it's it was heading up a married way by the israeli army. yeah, i mean you might have lost my grandmother, my uncle, and my aunt and this but very good tag doing better. but a yeah, these are the billions. what do they do wrong? of being killed or wounded is not the only danger that palestinian civilians are facing across the territory. their daily struggle is to find food, water,
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and other basic supplies. i like life is unbearable. there's no water, we bring water from near the sea. we walk 5 to 6 kilometers and bring $4.00 to $5.00 containers of water. when it's built on the road, i've given middle of a plenty. these trucks are transporting much needed. a that's been delivered through a us build appear in central gaza. a group say it's nowhere near enough for a ravaged territory on the verge of famine. a big memo eob, if we need water, we need food. we need a decent life to live. we want to return to our homes. we want tens. we find nothing to live in. all countries live a decent life except us look now. almost the entire population of gaza is dependent on humanitarian aid to survive. but israel's restrictions on a deliveries are still in place and the fighting continues
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is really operations in the southern city of rough uh, have been in the spotlight recently. but the patterns of violence and struggle for life repeating themselves across the territory. now as conditions in garza watson, the fall, and the defense minister of any guns is threatening to resign from his war cabinet unless plans are drawn up for the postwar guys of the sputter, sabine, a doing list, intel a view rather of guns has and he leverage basically means that the unity government is in the break collapse and the wanted to course because he is very so the current situation is very comfortable, politically, and also introduce the p. thanks right now will be actually described as a decision for the unity government as not a political decision or not. well, i just need to address that doesn't mean that it gets at least in 3 weeks. it doesn't mean that the government will collapse immediately after we have 40
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a $64.00 to be in 1st. and the only mean is that this is beginning of the end because god understand that have been spent on the member could also be a game. the government, this the phrase, the whole closer to $62.00. which means that the, if the nation big intensify after such a more, we could have see a reduction in his right to unless but ballast studying that a quick look now it's a lot of stories making headlines, the dominican republic a set to the left. it's hard line lead to immigration from neighboring hate to has dominated weeks of election campaigning. president luis, i've been out there as promising to track down an asylum seekers and finish construction of a concrete order was the army and the democratic republic of congo says it has stopped and attempted cool, involving calling the lease and forward and fighters. at least 3 people were killed
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in a short out here, the presidential palace and construct though the us as it showed a security, a lot clean up operations on the way across western europe. the use of heavy rains have triggered widespread flooding. the damage spans the netherlands fronds and into the south western jerome and state of garland has also seen its was flooding in 3 decades. the social media is a wash patrol reason images off to the blue. fireball lit up the night sky or with spain and portugal. the european space agency fast the all checked appears to be a piece of comment. the bright, neon blue light illuminated the clouds for several seconds to the surprise and the light of on the clouds. before we go, a quick reminder of our top story. it on the president brought him re safe, missing and then a patent helicopter crash, state media savvy at call scatting, j. c. and the foreign minister has to make
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a hard landing near the border with us and by john bad weather is hampton invest to f. but that would be all from us for now. but to stick it on for the portfolio that's coming up next number such as well, thank you so much for being with us. the . we've got some hot tips for your package, the magic corner. feel free to you. check on some great cultural memorials to be w travel we go out what i mean. i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport.


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