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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw news life from balance it on the president missing in an apartment helicopter, across the minnesota as well. thank you for joining us. it on the president abraham re fee of missing, and then the patent helicopter crash state media said the cross guiding, right. you see and the for the minister have to make a hard landing near the border with us or by john. they will on the way back from launching a hydro electric project rescue workers from the red credit search for a vans president of the yeah, croft is reported to have made
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a rough landing and weather conditions complicating the operations around supreme leader as to com. we've already, we hope that god with the all my law turns govern your president and colleagues in full have you would add to the rules of the nation. that the helicopter was lost in the east as a by john providence of a wrong knew the town of as a con, irena in red crescent said the location was dangerous and difficult to cross. lacy and the need to have as the by john had just integrated hydro electric scheme on the shad border. some of aliens read. we're deeply saddened by this incident. honestly, the dominant feeling is fear. it's a strange feeling. the others celebrating the news. this social media purports to
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share file x over the capital tab on, and the woman say she hopes reports devices denies a true sense of all that he has to be able to email. you see is considered a hard liner. he became president in 2021. pretty old launch is a power under the control of hotline is loyal to creating data. i a ton of khamenei, where you see backs come, a new strategy is supporting 10 of groups acting on the grounds, behalf across communities, revise these sites still assess and stake tv has been showing people gathering in most news outlets been urging radians to pray. so that president, oh no, no, that's good them over that option z z as in also out of contribution vita for the atlantic with a focus on it on to join to be now from new york. welcome to the program with us. i
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want to start by asking you, what do you think is going for the minds of it? are new leadership right now? i think there are basically thinking, i think they probably know that stay a race is very likely a dead. and at any rate, there are different types of time as to you know, what, how to organize the procedures that will come according to the running state constitution, the vice president, one of my most fair. i will hold the power for a for a little while and it'd be the in 50 days. new elections has to be organized. i'm so i think they're thinking about that. they're also thinking about are the potential for putting the called instability perhaps popular towards us. they'll do, i don't think they're very likely at the moment and, but they're also thinking about the implications of this for internal power struggles which are very high temps by the boss. for example, the speaker department is someone who has been attracted lots by the people who are close to re see you're on elect to the new part of an earlier this year. you'd also
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like the new assembly of s. first is the body that is tested to get a supreme leader and board of these bodies acting on needs. they're picking the leadership, i'm, you know, races is sudden, death is for sure, going to have an effect on all of this. so that's what they're concerned about. so missed an affair, it's supposed to take well well, but you also mentioned concerns about of seeming challenges, a power struggle for those. that means the transition to the next we do, but do not be fooled as well. um, i think in the, for the presidency will probably be likely as moved up and running confusion as a very clear procedure um, most where will assume the functions of the presidency and he to get everybody to be, to waters before the console. and they will have to organize, we will extras. the question will be to really manage the question. if you will, is who's gonna running these elections? you're on the, on presidential elections have never been free and fair. but they have sometimes been comparative. mainly they have a comparative from 1997 to 2017. that means different factions that are human are
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allowed to run different candidates and they've generally come through this with a voice made use of their audience. what is the dimensions? 2021 was the 1st finding, the generation that's effectively it wasn't competitive. no, there were a few candidates, but majority of whom people didn't look because it was races. victoria was effectively p or dan tracy was the thing to be handed. the presidency. 2021. the question now is, is it going to be handed to someone or will it be a genuine competition? and if he's, if he teases and competition, you know, which parts of the leads beach factions, beach for the hard line around conservative factions will be allowed thrown. assuming that, of course like, reform is due for the course of action will be a no not allowed anywhere near power, of course, and nowhere near the presidency. but i believe it will be very interesting to watch because as i said, there's already been a lot of the fighting. and this is for sure it's going to be intense the next couple of months. so to be see who inherits the presidency,
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which will be important because supreme leader harmony is also 85. he owns most of the power. he will die in the next few years and who holds the presidency when he is dead? and you know, the kind of material holding a power at the time who holds what need be important and in the sort of succession . a struggle that it's sure to ensue upon his death. i do want to also to onto the people and because you've written a book on, what is john units one focusing on the central tests, demanding that resume change. you mentioned before. test the unlikely. what do you think of the audience with the fee this as a possible opportunity for change i think you're on is, are very sort of pragmatics that to your audience. vast majority of the writing is a bit of do not want to is i'm a good public and they will use creative ways to protest. uh, i think right now the reality is, iranians have a vision a feel. he feels he really, really waves of
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a struggle. the last one moment life freedom which i tried to describe in my book that you just mentioned. we have to remember this movement wasn't 20222023. so not that long ago, more than 500 people were killed on the streets by the resumed houses that arrested a fuser executed to him. i saw that he in a running raptor who participated in this process. the part of them is right on the death row. because of them. so that's sort of the background to this. but what i think is that, you know, there will be power struggle the top. none of these are due infections. does really a good job of representing your on young people. and so they will be power struggles at a top, but they run in people under civic movements and the popular movements will not take it back. see for long then they will for sure i have a period make their mark again on and continue with their struggle for democracy and sort of more representative government. a fascinating 3 areas of developments to keep track of. thank you so much for doing that for us that i shall do for you.
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thank you. at school now to israel, where the body of the gentleman is early to victim shiny luke has been laid to rest . the 22 years old was killed at the superbowl or festival when it was attacked by mos on october 7th. last 2 loops domains were discovered by his very true, along with those of 3 other victim. now meanwhile, fighting between israel and the mosse is intensifying in gaza, then all the visit of the territory is seen some of the fewest about whose since the october 7th federal tax. in the south, hundreds of thousands of fling, the city off. rafa is trickling into a new costa po box agency sir. it's not enough to avoid the threats of famine. there is no end to grief and desperation and gaza relatives a morning victims of another attack outside a hospital in the city of dare l. bala. it hate and nearby refuge account
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that if it lives them instead of my uncle's house was targeted last night. it was directly hit and there were only civilians in the house and it was headed if it buried. wait by the israeli army. yeah, i mean you might have lost my grandmother, my uncle, and my aunt and this but very good tag doing better better. yeah. and these are the millions who's on what do they do wrong with on their local. being killed or wounded is not the only danger that palestinian civilians are facing across the territory. their daily struggle is to find food, water, and other basic supplies. i love life, it's unbearable. there's no water. we bring water from near to see. we walk 5 to 6 kilometers and bring 4 to 5 containers of water when it's built on the road, i've given middle of a plenty. these trucks are transporting much needed, a that's been delivered through a u. s. built appear in central gaza. a group say it's nowhere near enough for a ravaged territory on the verge of famine. normally, if we need water,
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we need food. we need a decent life to live. we want to return to our homes. we want to tempt. we find nothing to live in all countries to live a decent life except us look now. or almost the entire population of gaza is dependent on humanitarian aid to survive. but israel's restrictions on a deliveries are still in place. and the fighting continues is really operations in the southern city of rough uh, have been in the spotlight recently. but the patterns of violence and struggle for life repeating themselves across the territory. now this intense fighting in the comes as the former defense minister benny guns is threatening to resign from his gross war cabinet. unless plans are drawn up for the postwar, gotta be asked by lakes. so dean doing list, intel
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a re whether guns has any leverage that basically means that the unity government is in debris collapse the wanted to or because he is very cool of the current situation. it is very comfortable, politically. and also every decision, if he thinks right now will be actually describing the decision for the unity government. that's not a political decision or not. well, i just need to address. that doesn't mean that it gets at least in 3 ways. it doesn't mean that the government will collapse immediately after we have 40 a $64.00 to be in 1st. and the only mean is that this is beginning of the end because god understands that have been sent to another member. could also be a game beat up in the government this the phrase, the whole closer to $62.00. which means that the, if the big intensify after such a more, we could have seen
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a reduction in his rep. um that the show on the spot like setting antilles that's done now the some of the stories making headlines around the world. a vote down taking up the gun in the dominican republic hotline president luis. i've been out there looks set to be to your nectar on an anti immigration platform. he's promising to track down on asylum seekers and finish the construction of a war along the border with neighboring hate to clean up operation side on the way across western europe. these of heavy rains have good widespread flooding. the dom expense netherlands fronds and it's really the south west and german state of solid and has also seen this was flooding in 3 decades. the army in the democratic republic of congo says it has of them. it has stopped and attempted to involving con, release, and foreign fighters. at least 3 people were killed in the shootout near the
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presidential palace and can shift though. the us has issue with the for charter to your lot. like give people the pain is the calling. get some bass of the implant us ida because the argentine precedent. javier miller insulted the wife of the spanish prime minister. milly called the wife of federal sanchez, a corrupt woman. spain is also demanding a public afford as a social media is buzzing with children, youth and images over blue fi. oh boy, rich look up the nice guy or spin and fortune with the european space agency says the all tech appears to be thought overcommit. the bright blue light in human, dated the clouds for several seconds. and before we go, let's take a quick look at the stop at the top story before lane for you at this hour. it on the rest of the human race fee is missing, and then the patent helicopter crash,
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state media fair, the actual scanning now you see and the foreign minister had to make a hard landing near the border with us or by john bad weather is hand putting press 2 and the don't forget you can always get your news on the goals. just download our app from google. play all from the app store. that'll give you access to all the latest news from around the was as well as pushed on to progressions for any breaking news. then that would be all from us, but don't stick around for offset a dw document to track strawman schultz, defending nato's eastern tonight. and let's go in and that's i'm off of the break. i'm in the midst of the spots. thank you so much for being with us. the same view the same way you expect and more different things from
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life than your parents. i just want to pursue was that some ice on fired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port is not i want my son to the doctor to in the canal. it's time to to.