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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching you got the news life, somebody and search cruise locate the records of for helicopter carrying the president of it on abraham. right. you see what's happening with his foreign minister, another more to easier it on an official say, it's unlikely he'd be found alive. all it's coming up to i want new president this point in the sentients with china. the region latching today is expected as trends and ties with the us and the by and that in the station has welcome to the new needs of patients, feeds him as a separate as the
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number such as well. it's good to have here with us it on in state me dfcs search teams. i have located the helicopter, carrying president abraham gracie, which trashed another more mountainous location where you see, and the don and foreign minister were on board when the croft went missing in bad weather. as the dawn from the launch of a hydro electric project, it on an official say it's unlikely tracy, would it be found to live rescue workers from the bad credit search for a vans president of the yeah, croft is reported to have made a rough landing and weather conditions complicating the operations around supreme leader as to com we hope that god will the all my law turns govern your president and your colleagues in full have you to the rules of the nation. the rule that
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the helicopter was lost in the east as a by john province of iran, knew the town of as a con, is it raining? and red crescent said the location is dangerous and difficult to cross. right. you see and the lead you have as a by john just integrated hydro electric scheme on the shad border some of radians read. we are deeply saddened by this incident. honestly, the dominant feeling is fear. it's the strange feeling of is a set of breaking the news. this social media posts to share file x over the capital tab on. and the woman say she hopes reports devices denies a true sense of all that he has. cathy. abraham lacy is considered a hard liner. he became president in 2021. pretty old launch is a power under the control of hotline is loyal to supreme data,
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ayatollah khomeini. where you see backs come a new strategy of supporting time of goods acting on the grounds, behalf across communities, revise these sites. still in session stake tv has been showing people gathering in most news outlets been urging radians to pray. so that president, oh no, no, i don't know. i said z z is an auto and contributing writer for the atlantic. were the focus on that on i asked him what the on in leadership might be thinking right now. i think there are basically thinking, i think they probably know that stay a race is very likely a dead and at any rate they are just trying to plan us to um you know what, how to organize the procedures that will come according to the name constitute constitution, the vice president obama, most square will hold the power for a for
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a little while and everything and 50 days new elections have to be organized. i'm so i think they're thinking about that. they're also thinking about the potential for putting the called instability, perhaps popular process they'll do, i don't think they're very likely at the moment. and, but they're also thinking about the implications of this for internal power struggles which are very heightened by the boss. for example, this because the apartment is someone who has been attracted lots by the people who are close to raise the iran elect to the new part of an earlier this year. he's also linked to a new assembly of s. first is a body that is tested to get a supreme leader and board of these bodies acting on needs. they're picking the leadership on, you know, races is sudden, death is for sure, going to have an effect on all of this. so that's what they're concerned about. so most of affair is supposed to take well well, but you also mentioned from phones about of seeming challenges, a power struggle. so does that mean the transition to the next? we do, but do not be fooled as well. um, i think in the,
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for the presidency will probably be likely as won't have to be running confusion as a very clear procedure most where will assume the functions of the presidency and he to get everybody to be, to waters before the console. and they will have to organize new elections. the question will be to really manage the question if you will, is who's gonna running these elections in presidential elections have never been free and fair. but they have sometimes been comparative. mainly they have a comparative from 1997 to 2017. that means different factions that are human are allowed to run different candidates and they genuinely incomplete us with a voice made use of iranians. what is elections? 2021 was the 1st finding. the generation that's effectively it wasn't competitive now. there are a few candidates, but majority of whom people didn't load because it was races. victory was effectively p or dan tracy was the thing to be handed. the princess in 2021. the question now is, is it going to be handed to someone or will it be a genuine competition?
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and if he's a, if he dealers in competition, you know which the cost would be at the beach factions, beach for a hard line or on conservative faxes will be allowed to run. assuming that, of course, like the form is to put them because eventually will be a no, not allowed anywhere near the power of course, and nowhere near the presidency. but i believe it will be very interesting to watch because as i said, there's already been a lot of the fighting. and this is for sure it's going to be intense the next couple of months. so to be see who inherits the presidency, which will be important because so team leader harmony is also $85.00. he owns most of the power even during the next few years and who holds the presidency when he is dead? and you know, the kind of material holding of power at the time who holds what will be important and in the sort of succession, a struggle that ensure to ensue upon his death. i do want to also to onto the people and because you've written
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a book on what is on you and it's one focusing on doing some protests demanding that resume change. you mentioned for just the unlikely. but do you think that audience was to still be this as a possible opportunity for change? i think you're on is, are very sort of pragmatics that to run as much as you are. the other one is a bit of do not want the islamic republic, and they will use creative ways to protest. i think right now the reality is your audience have a vision, a feel he feels he, roy, a really vague as of a struggle. the last one moment life freedom which i try to describe in my book that you just mentioned. we have to remember this move mens boys in 20222023. so not that long ago, more than 500 people were killed on the streets by the region, thousands that are arrested, a fuser executed to my saw the he any running rep or who participated in this process. the part of them is riding on the death row because of them. so that's sort of the background to this. but what i think is that, you know, there will be power struggle the top. none of these review infections does really
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a good job of representing iranian people. and so they will be power struggles at a top. but they run in people under civic movements and the popular movements will not take it back see for long and they will for sure at a period make their mark again on and continue their struggle for democracy and for a more representative government. a fascinating series of developments to keep track of. thank you so much for doing that for us as easy. thank you. to dialogue now with the new president has been sewn in against a background of rising tensions with china. slicing to widely known as williams took office in the ceremony, attended by dustin for foreign delegations, he's likely to strands and ties with washington. the bottom administration has said look forward to working with lawyer to advance should interest and maintain stability in the taiwan straits. beijing views live as a separate type, honest, facing cooling, military and diplomatic pressure from china,
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which claims to dentistry as its own. a dw corresponding gm's theater has small from type or the lights. it has now been officially integrated as to why one's new president an unprecedented victory for the ruling democrats and progressive hosted the peace in january the election, the 1st time into my one's democratic history. the runners hocksey is 136 festive elections. now when it comes to the issue of china, today's the old duration, we're expecting lighting, does it strike a complete traits? home breaks spreads and came through, expressed a willingness to engage with the real question. facing the liking, the i'm to the cabinet is whether china is going to respond and remember, lighting has appointments to continue the policies of his treatise. that's a time when he's leaving office off to a to the putting ties with high ones. democratic opponents around the world,
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like the us, like tokyo and with of course the new partners which of course try one has no official diplomatic ties with. and of course it was so expecting lighting got a deep and not military form which tire in when it's made it really key parts of ha, 8 years in office now whittling, sykes, type thing, some form of response from the aging in the days getting up. so, you know, gratian we had the taiwan, but so i wanna size of it. this is a branch of the chinese government is responsible for managing relations with taiwan. moons that, that, that might be more repercussions for the new administration. and it's not just opposing relations with aging. why the new president is going to encounter difficulties? remember, he was a lie to be just 40 percent of the popular vote in john years election. so i'll position parties actually taking a more the majority of the votes in january and january selection. i'm not has big implications for the palm and whether the d. p, the routing policies no longer has a majority. it will be seen in recent days with tussles and fight thing breaking
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out in the parliament over paul, them entry a procedure on a form, but lawyer is going to face big challenge is in big opposite goals in the palm and whether that's policy defense or full full of the issues affecting and taiwan domestically dw seems cheer to the entire. now the body often of the german is rarely to victim shawnee luke has been laid to rest in australia. the 22 year old was killed and the soup and all fast. so what it was and it was attacked by her loss on october 7th, last 2 loops remained sort of covered by his very troops along with those of 3 other victims. meanwhile, fighting between israel and thomas is intensifying in godsa, the north of the territories, seeing some of the fewest baffles since the october 7th dodo attacked in the south . hundreds of thousands of fling, the city of rafa, it is trickling into a new course to po box, the agency fear it's not enough to avoid the federal funding. there is no and to
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grief and desperation and gaza relatives a morning victims of another attack outside a hospital in the city of dare l. bala. it hate i knew by refuge account beautiful in some instead of my uncle's house was targeted last night. it was directly hit and there were only civilians in the house in london. it's like, it was hidden if it buried wait by the israeli army. yeah, i mean you might have lost my grandmother. good, my uncle and my aunt and this, but very good tag doing better better. yeah. and these are the millions who's on what do they do wrong. of being killed or wounded is not the only danger that palestinian civilians are facing across the territory. their daily struggle is to find food, water, and other basic supplies. i love life, it's unbearable. there's no water. we bring water from near to see. we walk 5 to 6 kilometers and bring 4 to 5 containers of water, but it's built on the road. kevin,
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middle of a funny, these trucks are transporting much needed. a that's been delivered through a us build appear in central gaza, a group say it's nowhere near enough for a ravaged terry tree on the verge of fam, in big nama eob. if we need water, we need food. we need a decent life to live. we want to return to our homes. we want to tempt, we find nothing to live in all countries to live a decent life except us look now. almost the entire population of gaza is dependent on humanitarian aid to survive. but israel's restrictions on a deliveries are still in place and the fighting continues is really operations in the southern city of rough uh have been in the sports like recently. but the patterns of violence and struggle for life. i repeating themselves across the territory. a quick look now at some of the global news
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headline. presidents, who are you finding out there that's heading for the election in the dominican republic. he stood on the anti immigration platform. i've been out there is promising to crack down on a file and because i'm finished construction off of wall along the border with neighboring city screen of operations all underway. across western europe, days of heavy rains have triggered widespread flooding. them expands the netherlands, france, and italy. the south western german state of the island has also seen its was flooding in 3 decades. before we go, a quick reminder of our top story. search crews have located the records of helicopters, which trash guiding the president of it on. state me just see there are no signs of life. it brought him no, you see was traveling with his form and the south end of the most. sep,
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it'd be off from us. but if you do stick it on, you've got all flies, which means kenyon kayak. will dreams of the glory of counted by visa. that's a box number such as far as the thank you for watching the my name is nose available in the whole bag. save. wow. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it's loud as would it be nosy bay? like good everyone to king, to check out the award winning called call. don't call back. you cream was like a stepping points. it's you know, time what you into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a safe get from the train. you can just go back or somewhere else. currently more people, the.


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