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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, you watching the news live from balance. search cruise locate the records of a helicopter, carrying the president over it on it brought him right. you see what's traveling with us for in minnesota, in the mall, to israel, down in states. we do see that on no signs of life at the crash site also coming up, ty wants new president a so on in attentions with china. that was the reason, citing torres expected to spend the entire so with the us and the by side of the station has welcome to the new needle, spots and visions for your plan as a separate as the
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member such as while welcome to the program in states media said there is no sign of life at the remote site where the helicopter academy president abraham, right? you see crushed, full by the hamper, the rescue operation boxes that fits will see it as all as little as thousands of themes. search is on the east azerbaijan beach and as well as president drive, you see the foreign minister and 7 of the people, including the pilot. what on board the helicopter? they would have dawning from the launch of a hydro electric project of a shows said the across crashed into a mountain peak. before the wreckage was discovered, i spoke to a josh a z z and alta and contribution diatra for the atlantic. for the focus on it on asked him what they had on and leadership might be thinking, i think they are basically thinking, i think they probably know that stay a race is very likely a dead. and at any rate of they are just trying to plan us to um, you know,
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what, how to organize the procedures that would come according to the running state constitution . the vice president obama, most square will hold the power for a for a little while. and it'd be the in 50 days, new elections have to be organized. i'm so i think they're thinking about that. they're also thinking about are the potential for putting the gold instability perhaps popular towards us? they'll do. i don't think they're very likely at the moment. and, but they're also thinking about the implications of this for internal power struggles which are very high attempts by the boss. for example, the speaker, the parliament, is someone who has been attracted lots by the people who are close to re see you're on elect to the new part of an earlier this year. you'd also like the new assembly of s. first is the body that is tested to get a supreme leader and board of these bodies acting on needs. the peak and the leadership i'm, you know, racist is sudden, death is for sure. going to have an effect on all of this. so that's what they're
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concerned about. so most of affair is supposed to take well well, but you also mentioned concerns about a feeling tied into the fall with strong lift. so does that mean the transition to the next? we don't really not be fold as well. um, i think in the, for the presidency will probably be likely as moved up and running confusion as a very clear procedure where will assume the functions of the presidency and he to get everybody to be, to waters before the console. and they will have to organize new elections. the question will be to really manage the question, if you will, is who's gonna running these elections are on the on presidential elections have never been free and fair. but they have sometimes been compensated mainly. they have a comparative from 1997 to 2017. that means different fractions of the human are allowed to run different candidates and they genuinely come through this with a voice made use of their audience. what is elections? 2021 was the 1st finding. the generation that's effectively it wasn't competitive. no, there were a few candidates,
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but majority of whom people didn't load because it was races. victory was effectively p or dan tracy was ethically handed. the printer seemed 20 and 21. the question now is, is it going to be handed to someone or will it be a genuine competition? and if you, if you dealers in competition, you know, reach the costs of the lead. these factions, beach, for the hard line around conservative faxes will be a lot thrown, assuming that, of course, like the form is due for the course of action, will be a no, not allowed anywhere near the power of course, and nowhere near the presidency. but i believe it will be very interesting to watch because as i said, there's already been a lot of the fighting. and this is for sure it's going to be intense the next couple of months. i think we see who inherits the presidency, which will be important because supreme leader harmony is also 85. he owns most of the power. he will die in the next few years and who holds the presidency when he is dead? and you know, the kind of material holding of power at the time who holds what will be important
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and in the sort of succession, a struggle that is sure to ensue upon his death. i do want to also talk to the people and because you've written a book on, what is john units one focusing on the central tests, demanding that resume change. you mentioned before, test the unlikely, but do you think of the audience with the fee this as a possible opportunity for change? i think the ronnie is, are very sort of pragmatics that to run as much as you are. the other one is a bit of do not want to is i'm a good public and they will use creative ways to protest. uh, i think right now the reality is, iranians have a vision a feel. he feels he really, really waves of a struggle. the last one, well my life freedom, which i try to describe in my book that you just mentioned. we have to remember this movement was in 20222023. so not that long ago, more than 500 people were killed on the streets by the resumed houses that arrested a fuser executed to him. i saw that he in
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a running raptor who participated in this process. supported them is right down the death row because of them. so that's sort of the background to this. but what i think is that, you know, there will be power struggle the top. none of these are due infections. does really a good job of representing your on young people and so they will be power struggles at a top. but they run in people under civic movements and the popular movements will not take it back. see for long then they will for sure i have a period make their mark again on and continue their struggle for democracy and for a more representative government. a fascinating 3 areas of developments to keep track of. thank you so much for doing. that's what i thought i should do for you. thank you. on time all know that a new president has been sworn in and he began his stone by for them on china to end, but of treating political threats. latching to widely known as william took office and a set of money attended by dozens of foreign delegations,
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and as an organization speech. he praised the people of taiwan for defending democracy and said that would be no concessions on freedom. lie is expected to strengthen ties with washington and by mat. ministration has welcome tips, sweating in box b. j. hughes. lie as a separate this why naming time on as its own penetrating these, that'd be corresponding gm's. truth or has more from type or the license has now been officially, you know. great. so it adds to my one's view president and unprecedented victory for the ruling democrats. the progressive hosted the peace in january the election, the 1st time seems by one's democratic history. the other one is hockey, has 136 festive elections. now when it comes to the issue of china, today's the old ration, we're expressing lighting. does it strike a conciliatory tone? we're expecting him to be expressed a willingness to engage with vague, with the real question facing liking the,
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i'm to need cabinet really is whether china is going to respond and remember lighting the has appointments to continue. the policies on the street assess a time when he's leaving office off to a to the pending ties with high ones, democratic opponents around the world like the us, like tokyo and with the poor. see you partners, which of course to buy one has no official diplomatic ties with. and of course it was so exciting lighting got to deepen that military form which tire one is meant to really keep costs of high eighties in office. now, whittling sites type thing, some form of response from the aging. in the days getting up. so you know, gratian we had the taiwanda, tiwana sized offices is a branch of the chinese government is responsible for managing relations with taiwan. moons that, that, that might be more repercussions for the new administration. and it's not just of course, in relations with aging, why the new president is going to encounter difficulties. remember, he was a like to be just 40 percent of the popular vote in john you're is election. so
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i'll position parties actually taking a more the majority of the votes in john, you're, you're trying to read the election. i'm not has big implications for the palm and whether the d. p, the routing policy no longer has a majority. i'll be seen in recent days with customers and fight thing breaking out in the parliament over upon them and treat a procedure on the form. that line is going to face big challenges and big old as it goes into palm and whether that's policy defense for, for it's one of the issues affecting is high one domestically. so you've got the same, say to that and type it. now the body of the gentleman is valued pedo victim. shawnee luke has been the tourist. instead. the 22 year old was killed at the super normal festival when it was attacked by her mos on october 7th. last year. loops remains were discovered by his very troops along with those of 3 other victims. that's done now to some other stories making headlines around the world. president luis,
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i've been out there is heading for re election in the dominican republic. he stood on the anti immigration platform. i'd be not bad as promising to crack down on asylum seekers and furnish construction of a wall along the border with neighboring hated people. the span is recalling. it's a master bill and when those items, because the argentine president have you had really insulted the wife of the spanish prime minister of many called has called the wife of federal sanchez, of corrupt woman. spain is also demanding a public apology. when the social media is buzzing maturities and the images over the blue viable, which lit up the night sky over spain and portugal, the european space agency says the all checked appears to be fault. overcommit, the bright blue light illuminated the clouds for several seconds to ukraine. nails president blotted means, the landscape still, i'm in office would be ending. if russia had not in waited the country elections,
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i suspended why martial law is in force. but russia has been trying to undermine popular support for the lensky motor on, in the forcing me to campaign for fresh elections. the outbreak of war february 2022. follow to me is a landscape, a former comedian with no previous political experience before becoming president. thrust into the role of war time later go a nation and shock warmed quickly to his leadership during the way my dear ukrainians. i am again talking to you just like i promised i will provide you with updated and verified information every hour. his approval ratings shot up to 90 percent far above its pre war peak. 2 years on however, many here are set up. a year ago, there were hopes for a counter offensive that would drive russia out if you crane. but now there's no end to the war. insight. tens of thousands of soldiers have died and the front line
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barely moved until recent russian advances. the government has passed an unpopular conscription law to get more recruits all that has cost the government credibility . so lensky is approval rating slipped to about 69 percent. and the latest reputable poll from february of this year signed significantly higher the leaders in the us, france, and germany. but a worrying sign for the government. no elections can legally happen until martial law ends, but russia has allegedly seized on the fact that so lensky is term would be over this month to mount the social media campaign. like with the social media means of this one says trader zalinski and po cinco in jail. we demand the elections and this 190 percent of people are against you running for a 2nd term. so lansky is portrayed is being confused, asking who is against him. things are not necessarily so blake for the landscape
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though. a recent poll cited by bbc's ukraine service, found 70 percent of ukrainians don't want elections while the war is going on. despite russian propaganda efforts stand, dw spoke to people in the capital key of about it. and found mixed feelings to 3 in the evening. we have the enemy on our doorstep holding elections is going to cause division. that's a little bit of my lou, but it says there's, this is the, i don't want elections right now because of the war. i'm happy with our president and don't have anything to criticize them for right now and those of us, it's just not the right time for election. it's unless it's in the minds that us and that, that is it blowing out the, i believe it's wrong to forbid the people to have their say, even during war time, that problem. and there's so many people fighting in the front lines that just wouldn't be possible physically with the most efficient. but the other thing we have elections that will cost a lot of money. money that we don't have for drones and ammunition. so far,
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there's been no push from ordinary ukrainians or official pressure from ukraine's allies, or even the political opposition to hold a new vote. so as the landscape seemed secure in his job for now. but that might change without signs of tangible progress and a war that might drag on for years to come. before we go, click update on that top story. my hand. it on and media have sol declare that president brought him guy you see has been killed in a helicopter crash though. there's no rush to the confirmation. so it's close located, the records of the cost and other more mountainous ages. you see on the corner in minnesota over to on and from the launch off for hydro electric project testing to be on from last reduced dakota on for sports life as it needs attendance, kayak, oh, who dreams of william florrie accounted by a visa problems. that's up next off the break. don't forget you. calendars get more news on our website at www dot. com and do follow us on social media channels on
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handles. it is at the top of your news and of course our youtube channel is best for you as well. um the massage as far from me in the entire and you'll see behind the scenes. thank you so much for being with us. the . every jenny is full of surprises. we've gone all out to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time, but still very much alive. your guy to the special in germany recognizes wyrick that.


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