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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news live from ballot. the president of the ron is killed in a helicopter, across indian state tv confirms the death of abraham a right you see on his, for administer. the 2 were travelling with others in a remote region of the country rescue crews reportedly found no supplies. also coming up, ty was new president, this one is the tensions with china rest. so the region by taking today is 6 expected to start from ties with the us divide and administration as well. come to new leda, but badging sees him as a separate the
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i'm guy both as welcome to the program and we started with breaking news around the in state media. say president abraham a right. you see the country's foreign minister and several others. i've been found dead at the side of a helicopter crash. these are the 1st images we're getting off the side captured by a drone and recorded from the screen. by rescue, as teams searched for hours in bad weather, and the wreckage was eventually found in the mountains in new orleans east as a bed john region. officials say the ashcroft crashed into a mountain peak. beautiful rock allow me from the w as persians service, joins me now. and if i, what more do we know about the circumstances of this crash? 18 hours after the crash and several hours of rescue oppression. finally,
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stage media confirmed at this point, and i see, i mean i have to learn young and all others on board. the helicopter crashed on the mountain in heavy fall in the process of each other by john and according to the stage media, the helicopter was almost entirely destroyed and bodies had been completely burned . and i'm neither boat now said that uh the parties are being transferred to the city of categories. and the search is over now, but how much of a shock us is to review on how people are being reacting for to cancel for jim supporters? a, it's a, it's a shock. they have announced that this of re see and others mark system, individual serving the people of all people on board are among high ranking officials, including east causes by jump, provinces and foreign minister. and you got to lucky on. he was most patriots for
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denying killing of processors in one process after the this off to, you know, my so i mean the, so for many, this was such a good news. now, while that happens next so under or to tell a $131.00 of you on the constitution, 1st of vice president maxima, where the temper or the soon races, duties of feet, the supreme the there is i football. and according to the law, it council must organize in new presidential election. but in 50 days, in my opinion, this won't be a major challenge for the regime and want to take this long to focus foreign or domestic policies, as, let's not forget that the disruptive decisions or sets wind supreme be there. and the i r g c. not the presidents, but of course they really use this as an opportunity in any possible way to implement more pressure under society and stablish and security spear all over the
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country. so right you see was known as a hard line as somebody who called him the butcher of a ron. tell us a bit more about him. yeah, right. he was a hatred say small many radios as you already mentioned. he was known as the home man and for charleston on for his role in execution of political prisoners in the late eighty's as a funding member of persecution comedy. and that's why many radians are expressing their happiness. it's not surprising that's many. um, social media users, right? 22, it's on post means about the incidental family. members of the victims of recent protests or the ones who lost an eye or injured, posting their videos, celebrating the decimal, gracie and m, you have to log on uranium, for example, gathered in front of that uranium embassy in london to celebrate. and i saw of some videos of fireworks in different locations of your own. and that's why you ran in
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ministry of justice and the police intelligence organizations board citizens above what they share on social media phillips. as long as i have some w as a persian service, thank you very much. and the phone and to taiwan, a new president has been sworn in a big gun. his turn by calling on china to end military and political threats. lights into a widely known as william took office and a so many attended by thousands of 4 and delegations in his inauguration speech. the praise the people of taiwan for defending democracy and said that would be no concessions on free to law who is expected to strengthen ties with washington at the bottom. administration as well comes, is wherever un, facing claims taiwan as its own territory and use lie as a separatist to some of what you have to say during the, you know,
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few ration. i would also like to call on china to seize the political, a military intimidation against i. one share which i won the global responsibility of maintaining peace and stability in the taiwan straits as well as the great to region. and to show the world is free from the fear of war. sons of the country. oh, that's cause over to the w correspondent, james. try to in taipei james. what tone did last strike on badging as he began his presidency? uh well yeah, i pretty strongly was its uh, speech from the presence of taiwan lising, the image and no real address. he said that the 2 sides of the taiwan straits and no subordinate to each other. he also sent that badging needs to quotes respects the existence of the republic of china, about high ones, official name. he also said crucially that bathing needs service space. the choice of tie when you use of voters is remember, this is
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a position the in the lead up. so the january election here in taiwan badging was wanting time when these vices against a light team because they said it was going to raise the prospect of conflicts across the taiwan straits. and what we've already seen in the run up to this integration from chinese officials is more of that sense. and then more of those warnings that this new live ministration is likely to lead to a most strange environment across the taiwan strait but elsewhere. and the speed is what we saw already was line trying to strike this balancing act. so it's high when he's present. so often talk to striking the same time as signaling that he was open for communication on dialogue with aging, willing to engage with the chinese communist policy at the same time wanting um that those threats from china are not unlikely to vanish. and that's why that's why one needs to press the head with those defends on military reforms as well as deepening partnerships with like minded democracies, even in, in an unofficial capacity like the us, like japan. and like the, you know,
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in recent days we've seen protests in taiwan and even fighting and ty, ones of parliament, one of the main issues he needs to address now or they won't resume. it was uh, slicing physical slicing. as you mentioned, anti ones, palm inside of a procedural reform in ty, one's problem is and what i'm really on the school was that there were a key aspect really. in fact, result from the john you re election, which was that taught a lie lice. thing doesn't you present wanting the simple majority of the presidency . we have just 40 percent of the value. so position candidates in total have a majority. that meant that the ruling quantity of the democratic progressive policy has lost its majority in the legislature in taiwan. and that means it's going to be much hall, the folder wooden coffee for lighting, the pos reforms to pos, his policy proposals, whether that's on defense or form or other issues relating to taiwan domestically
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now, the opposition parties and they run up to this integration. so you have really signal that they're going to hold this new governments of accounts when it comes to those domestic issues. and there are significant challenges that the new governments has to address with the domestic economy, wage suck, nation wage and equality between younger and older people. and the cost of housing as well. so it's not just china that the new president of taiwan has to deal with a course that will be funds in censor of his, of his concerns. but with that composition. so in the parliament, none of this is going to be an easy ride for the new president to do that because funded james say to the reporting from type day. thank you very much, james. let's have a quick look at some more global headlights. president lou is, i've been either is heading for re election in the dominican republic. he campaigned on an anti immigration platform of an 8 or is promising to track down on
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asylum seekers and finish construction of the wall alongside the border with the neighboring haiti. the 1st of all, the bosses like you see for spain is re calling it's a basset in windows iris because the audience on president harvey and relate, insulted the wife of the spanish prime minister. the lady called the wife of pedro sanchez, a corrupt woman. spain is also demanding a public apology when the clean up operations on the way across western europe, days of heavy rains have triggered widespread flooding. damage spends se netherlands from sense it's late. the southwest and german state of the solid has also been seen. it's was flooding in 3 decades. social media is bothering with see a reason the images of a blue fireball which lit up the night sky of a spain and portugal. european space agency says the object appears to be part of
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a comment. the biased blue lights illuminated the clouds for several seconds and some sports news now live at pool football. coach. yoga and club has bowed out with a final match. victory over wolverhampton dropped decided to leave the club of troy . almost 90 is in charge on the his leadership livable one trophies for the premier league title, the champion, see the us supercop the fee for club world cup and england's football association. yes, a comp and national seems a 10 field is livable bade farewell to you. can you come up? the sounds is lines the streets to welcome the team best head for that final match under. he's a to ship the other than the trophies and just just his
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presence this personality larger than life. scott you? i think that's probably the biggest that everybody will miss. it's a motional, both of them on stone and stuff. every think about live appeal and stuff. he's one of those on file we see him as a monitor, so it comes close to the hosted on file of a tall breakdown. when pop came the fast press conference i could stray. do i see that something special was happening from us because press conference on words and then the stall failed to deliver. these have to be many talk. toes i knew was correct. cult, please live, approve of the legacy of h trophies, encouraging a champions league when in 2019 his final trying to decide came with the kind of outcome. sadly, of this, you know, there was so much love emanating from the fans. the man had a few words to them too. i love you all. i love, i love or um and everything about the club. um,
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but it's time for me to go and, but it's not so burning behind me. so that gives me a good feeding sideway on i'm i'm a little pool, it's a part of the and i lot of that hold on a small manager. that's to say a note who looks like a rep from cult as livable a boss. and once that is dried, the germans will be welcomed as a true son of a po for many, many years to come. and finally, an update from the well of space fashion us space agency now saw has unveiled a prototype of a new space suit for the business item is program designed to say the updates have improved a mobility of the space suit is heavier than its predecessor american esto northwell, with a new suit for plants,
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new landing in september 2026 at small than half a century of 1st apollo luna mission. before we go, here's a quick look at our top story. a bronze presidency right embrace, see, has been killed and a helicopter approach. stay tv, confront the death saying raise it is foreign minister and others died in a remote region near the border with also by john. they were on the way back from the launch of a hydro electric project, anti wants new president has been sworn in as tensions with china. rasul to reach by saying today is expect to strengthen the ties with the, with the white house as welcome to new lead. about paging sees him as a center and that's in front of me and the new scene. for now, i have
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a world news updates with at the top of the hour. don't go away up next shift. here's from positions worried about artificial intelligence stealing that idea is that voices like it from the entity the we are all set with what seemed close to him to bring you the story behind the news. we read about unbiased information, all 3 months. conflict crises around every single connection mapped out shows the geopolitically, honestly the on the board is what makes things.


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