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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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or the, this is the, the news line from ballot. the president of iran is killed in a helicopter crash the brain. right. you see his foreign minister and all the top officials, old di and the incident in a remote region of the country. iran supreme leader has older 5 days of more also coming off the future of julian assault hines and the balance in the british colt sauce will done today if he's to be expedited to the us. paul, given a new avenue for a piece,
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plus taiwan jones new president has sworn in as $0.10 was china. right. so the region lighting tape is expected to strengthen ties with the us, divide, knock ministration as well. come, the new lead up box vein sees him as a separate the guy both as welcome to the program around the president. the brain re see has been killed and i had a couple of trash iran stay t v. 's says, right, you see is foreign minister and all those died in a remote region near the border with as a, by john iran supreme needham ali's coming to a has a pointed in the interim president who must hold elections within the next 50 days . he's also ordered 5 days of national morning search teams scale at the for the mountains and northwest in
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a run for hours or the date on my hon. eventually locating the crashed helicopter and finding no sign of survivors with as well as advocate. so we've got the risk is pulled bodies from the wreckage below the helicopter wing down the runs border with as a by john with president crazy. and his foreign minister had been attending a damn opening sooner. and the more of advocacy must be the more cubical site, including iran, state tv consent and use of the dates, home it all you guys are sending shock waves across around. ready with lead is across the world, offering their condolences, added badeo, and i thought the tiles. first of all,
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i'd like to extend my condolences to the brother, lorraine, and people on the death of the president of the republic, the minister of foreign affairs and their company. and delegation following the accident. and that's a locked out. we ask, god almighty to forgive them. right, he's the became president and 2021 and was a deeply conservative. and hotline leader a he of a saw a brutal crack down on rainy and probably easiest as in recent years, rosie was seen as a potential success sent to the supreme leader i a toner from amy. and she is his strategy of supporting proxy forces across the middle east. i a total of how many has declared 5 days of public morning and said the vice president mohammed must, there would act as president, new elections must be held within 50 days. ron's cabinet has held an emergency
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meeting, assuming they would be no problem with the management of the country and vowing to follow right. easy. for analysis, i'm now joined by so advisor bundy from the john is it was the global and area studies. so in a nutshell, who was the uranium president a brain, right, i see of hi, thank you for having me. so he was more than anything a puppet of the supreme need to. that's the best way to describe him. he was one of those figures that was willing to unconditionally follow the strategy is dictated from involve i'm what we so in the past yes is a very strong tendency towards a passing personalization of political power inside the country and a major takeover by the office of the supreme data in every aspect of policy making from the education sector to all the way to foreign policy. uh, he was
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a good yes man. he was trusted to us from the analytical, he was car conservative, it was very willing to take brutal measures if it's needed. and he has demonstrated that as a, in his capacity as the public prosecute the author on providence, in the, in the eighty's in the any eighty's. so what will his death mean for you, ron's future? can we expect a more moderate mind, a more independent man? uh no, unfortunately, i think this is only going to open the door for more takeover by the office of the computer. i'm the upcoming election is going to be very easy to manipulate because there was only 50 days time left. it's and urgent situation. there won't be much time for vetting information on for campaigning. so it's going to be an easy fix for appointment of the next president rob at the election of the next president. so
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what happens next then? us and we don't know exactly who's going to enter the race, but the most part is one of the very highly candidates. he's got experiences from within the system he's, he's vp, he's the entering president. so he's got a good kind of good, a good chance and good potential for being a candidate. um, there might be some of a distracting candidates from the, the, they become that's are known as the pragmatic or relatively moderates. the segment of the elite width probably be less john's. what we're going to see is us move um, take over smooth transition culminate predicted. that's already as the search, full and rescue. probably the operation was still ongoing in his meeting with the family members of the gc, a senior i think it's, he said, well basically if they are alive and we pray that there are live, that would be
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a good news. and if they are dead and no longer with us, that's not going to cause any interruption in our day to day business. we have a system on we're going to continue processing our fest through that system. and i think that was quite the strong message that he was trying to send across. you mentioned it's only 50 days on the until the next election. what does that mean for the opposition to the have any thoughts to regroup all set himself up for this election day as well? it should, but opposition? your to serving to the relatively motorists, sorry, motorists and restore missed segments. um, i would say no, they don't really stand a chance to say it doesn't mean that they won't be at no one from that side would be better to enter the race. but i don't think this, this incident is going to completely change the political scene for somebody with
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a more friendly face to the west. if you will, to take over like we have for example, and this time of call to me or, or grow hot in compared with, i'm at the, in a job. and right, you see on that, like if you're referring to the opposition outside of the country, they never heard of charleston, never going to stand a chance on the current political system. so i gather from what you say that they will will only be minimal effect on regional politics. yes, and it was quite, i mean the writing was on the wall quite of us a for a very long time, despite the fact that they tried to under romani administration, specifically to play good cop bad cop send for a former foreign ministers. iris with his smiley face to do negotiations with western counterparts whilst a lights made a general awesome. so they money was running the strategic regional policy through proxies and they, they made that's big to sort of put the strategy aside. they made it very clear that the decisions are made from the senior decision makers. i,
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the house of the supreme the that on that thought was something got from the farm is that if i actually admitted to it supposedly leaked into view tape, he said, thought i was never inch and allowed to make a foreign policy decisions. i was only married, the execute offer unpleasant decisions and harmony came out and said, well, no, we're in the world, the m f a, the mr. fine. if i makes foreign policy decision, say i'm barely execute that. so it was very clear from the outset that i mean up the is marilee and executive that he only follows orders. nothing has given. and it doesn't mean that his replacement is going to have any other roles. and he did serve as a vendor there for the german institute for global and area studies. thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us about to the coming hours. whether we can, leaks found a julie and i saw as will be expedited to the united states from britain o. given another chance to appeal assault could size espionage challenges in the us
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bump has been fighting an expedition order from a london prison cell for free is now february 2020 for a hearing on julian massages the appeal of his extradition to the us. his wife plan for his release, his health is in decline, mentally and physically. his life is a risk. every single day he stays in prison, the energy use extradited, he will die. but it's not just about him being expedited. should julian should never have been put in prison in the 1st place, the united nation special rockport her on torture, also called for the us to drop its case. i am very worried about mr. sanchez health, that his ability to survive the expedition and the real likelihood of suicide. i'm worried about the conditions of detention in the united states with a use solitary confinement on a regular basis. and that this would cause irreparable harm to mister. sorry,
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i saw spaces, significant legal danger in the u. s. a prison sentence up to a 175 years. he's been a wanted man since 2010. after his whistle blowing for him, we can leaks published classified us army and material supply by an intelligence analyst. let me know in the least contain documents and video footage from the wars . enough gamma stand interact. some of the footage with shocking, seemingly implicating us troops impossible war crimes. i believe that if those 2 things will fall under the rules of engagement when the rules of engagement are wrong, deeply wrong as well, you'll come. many applauded songs as fearlessness and shedding light on the murky side of armed conflict. he was showered with awards and voted readers' choice for times person of the year and 2010. from many others the leaves were nothing short
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of treason and the salt the dangerous enemy of the state. in november 2010 swedish authorities issued an arrest warrant for assault. after 2 women accused of sexual assault and rape, he lost the legal battle to fight extradition to sweden while on bail assault refuge in london's echo during embassy. it became as home for the next 7 years, but in 2019 acro doors, new governments have enough of its controversial embassy lodger. police were invited in under arrest that as long as the porters say that the us effort to extradite him is an attack on free speech itself. this case has alarming implications for journalism and trust. freedom around the world, not least of all as he would be. the 1st publisher tried under the us espionage act which lots of public interest defense. we would add from reporters without borders, that there should be a political solution, but that it must involve no further time in prison. for julian, in any country,
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a warrior for press, freedom or a careless betrayer of sensitive secrets. as long as his case has divided people ever since his legal saga started me, are all on the coast on the biggest miles is in front of the courthouse for us. and she told me earlier, why this year is so important for us on today is really the last legal avenue here in the u. k. the julian, the sergeant, his team came to to avoid the expedition to the united states. somebody from his team, from his support is a close team has told me that they fear that if this would be, it is not cronsa today that he actually could be on a plane to the united states within 24 hours. so really a lot is at stake today, set us on his wife has to report as she has seen dirty and his sons last week, she's visited him, she continues to be very, very afraid about his mental health. sorry. so for julian, his sons and those around them of use the rose, the as family,
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the foot for them really today is a very vague pollution today. now to consume, what exactly is on those high court is a ruling onto the what do you really know? sounds has already had numerous good hearings here in the u. k. fighting does expedition to the u as which has already gone to the advisor then home secretary. now he is eating the uh, the quote. the british code has all the united states to come and present assurance as yours is that the julian massage would be able to rely on freedom of speech if he was tried in the united states and that she would not face the death sense. and so it's about these assurances from the us that the codes were way and then of use the arguments that julian assigned his team also presents that the counts of these and assurances. now it's important to say that they think that he could actually be free today from the quote that the re with is that why,
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but i think that would be very uh, yeah, is very remote prospect. i would think would you let us on, and now it's still on the quote, the rules and size of in b, b x through the, to the u. s. does he have any remaining legal options? yes, you could get to the european court of human rights. however, his the mustang that is a small given that they would take it up, they also say that they fear that these expedition could be so swift, that there would be no time relay to um, to, to wait for the decision by the european court of human rights so they really said that he could, he could really go out through the united states pretty quickly and they say that this was have, and so do a lot of his supports and say they say that this was a really great implications for full freedom of speech because they is supposed to say they could, but he could ultimately face the death sentence, the u. s. degree with that, but this is what his family and what the support is. fee it could happen in the
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future. oh, correspondent, big mazda in london. thank you very much. bigger to taiwan. now with a new president has been sworn in and he began his turn by calling on china to end military and political threats marching to widely known as william took the office in a sermon. he attended by dozens of 4 and delegations in his evaluation speech. he praised the people of taiwan for defending democracy and said that would be no concessions on freedom. lie as expected to strength of ties with washington. the by that ministration has already welcomed, is swearing in, bought by jean claims taiwan as its own territory and says, live has sent dangerous signals across the taiwan strait to some of floor apply. have to say at the, you know, if your issue i would also like to call on china to seize the political,
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a military intimidation against i. one share which i won the global responsibility of maintaining peace and stability in the taiwan straits. as well as the great to region and to show the world is free from the fear of war. sons of the country, a value asked the w correspondent, james, type to in type pay what told lie has struck on badging as he began his presidency . well yeah, i pretty strongly why that 1st speech from the presence of tie one lising the image and no real address. he said that the 2 sides of the taiwan straits and no subordinate to each other. he also sent the badging need. 2 quotes respects the existence of the republic of china about high ones, official name. he also said crucially that beijing needs to respect the choice of tie when he's voted, says remember, this is a politician the in the lead up. so the january election here in taiwan badging was wanting time when he's versus against the light team because they said it was going to raise the prospect's of conflicts across the taiwan straits. and what we've
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already seen in the run up to this integration from chinese official is more of that sense. and then more of those warnings that this new live ministration is likely to lead to a most strange environment across the taiwan strait but elsewhere. and the speed is what we saw already was like trying to strike this balancing act. it's higher when he's present. so often have to strike at the same time, is signaling that he was open for communication on dialogue when paging, willing to engage with the chinese communist policy at the same time wanting um that those threats from china are not unlikely to vanish. and that's why that's why one needs to press the head with those defends on military reforms as well as deepening partnerships with like minded democracies even though not in an unofficial capacity. like the us, like japan on like the you know, and reason to is we've seen protests in taiwan and even fighting and ty, ones of parliament,
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one of the main issues he needs to address now or they won't resume. it was uh, slicing physical slicing as you mentioned inside once problem inside of a procedural reform in ty, one's problem is and what i'm really on the school was that there were a key aspect really in fact result from the john you re election, which was that taught a lie, lie thing doesn't you present one in a simple majority of the presidency, we have just 40 percent of the value. so position candidates in total have a majority. that meant that the routing quantity of the democratic progressive policy has the little states majority in the legislature in taiwan. and that means it's going to be much hall, the folder wooden coffee for lighting, the pos reforms to pos, his policy proposals, whether that's on defense or form or other issues relating to taiwan domestically now, the opposition parties and they run up to this integration. so you have really signal that they're going to hold this new governments of accounts when it comes to those domestic issues. and there are significant challenges that the new governments has
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to address with the domestic economy, wage stock, nation wage and equality between younger and older people. and the cost of housing as well. so it's not just china that the new president of taiwan has to deal with a course that will be front and center of his, of his concerns. but with that composition serving the parliament, none of this is going to be an easy ride for the new president to do that because funded james say to the reporting from type day. thank you very much, james. as in india and the methods 6 weeks and national election is now entering its final stages, we're going to zoom into a small district at the politically crucial state of what type of dish which sense 80 lawmakers to tell him that's 15 percent of the old parliament the district of robert riley is the last bastion of the narrow gun, the family, the dynasty that ruled india for close to 50 years. all deadly build. she's not
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gonna pay. the smug went to robert riley to find out whether this election could moxie political end of the gun. these we have to have a deep into the constituency of a robbery. india maybe booming, but this hammer that top 30 house has seems to have been largely untouched by development. in the village square, we may come in, she is 18 and we have cost to vote for the 1st time they have it. so now i know a lot when elections are due and they need our votes. politicians come to us like beggars as they promised such good roads, electricity, bicycles, to go to school and job. so they, they knew that. but once they, when we never see them again, cut the ones that, that they will get from without coming. he belongs to the dialect community, the lowest level of the richard tend to cost system. she said she always dreamed of
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becoming a police officer, but then coveted. and she had to drop out of school that says, i had the, we need a politician who takes care of everyone, both rich and poor. but you should find out if villages have roads, sewers, and scores you should find out. if kids from poor families are able to go to school or not with joined to contain through as the better. oh, but rather really reach us. it's pete priyanka. guntee is fighting hard to keep this constituency of how many pests in her mother sonia already presented throughout. but really for the past 20 years now priyanka done do once to ensure that her brother rep who is subsea tier in between rallies. she stops for a quick interview. but i am fighting for what we believe and i'm fighting for the
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democratic country. i'm fighting for the rights of people. not just fighting for bad the preamp done to you still puppies on robber. 80. so as her family, which has given india 3 prime minister. but this center left congress potty has thrown that since the rise of prime minister never end remo d, i think go in the last 10 years of mr. moore. this route. we have seen the progressive weakening of democracy. we have seen of policies which are from the pool and of what form of the ordinary posted. so i think we're really fighting for the fundamentals of our nation on which our nation was been told in the last elections, rubber really emerged as congress as a loan outpost. and what top reddish india most populated, state that sense 80 parliamentarians to the capital effect. then the ruling handled national let's be g p one over 60 of those seats. you and you why
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pete congress of the political map in india snow and he knew heartland notably to be 2 peace candidate for robbery was a long time congressman, to until you switch sites and 2018 call god, we go. the villagers and poor people are with the wp, what ought to be and reach people know that the countries in safe hands with mr. mowdy as well. so people know that their savings are safe with mr. mo. data. how does the key guarantees a tucked him? what did you get back in the village coming in to a friend, strode to the fields to pick mangoes. like many of the indians, 18000000 1st time voters coming. ne isn't excited to vote. she believes politicians live in their own words, making her votes meaningless. it's just bolts now. little coats you can cut off has bowed out with the final match victory over will. the hampton on the,
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his leadership, livable one, the premier league, the champions league with us supercop, the fee for club world cup and the cup and national seat. and the 10 fields is livable bade farewell to you. can you come up thousands line to the streets to welcome the team best i had for that final match under his a to ship the other than the trophies and just just his presence this personality larger than life. scott you? i think that's probably the biggest that everybody will miss. it's a motional, lost them on stone and stuff every think about live appeal and stuff. he's going to force on not always the most amount of just so it comes close to the hosted on file of a tall breakdown. when pop came the fast press conference, i could straight away see that something special was happening from us because
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press conference on words and then install failed to deliver. these have to be made me talk tools. i knew was correct. cult please live, approve of the legacy of h. treasury is encouraging a champions league when in 2019 his final trying to decide came with the kind of outcome. sadly, of this, you know, there was so much love emanating from the fans. the man had a few words to them too. i love you all. i love, i love or and everything about the club. um, but it's time for me to go and, but it's not so burning behind me so that gives me a good feeling sideway on. i'm, i'm a little to, it's a part of the and i lot of that hold on a slope manager that's 2 sided nodes who will take a left from crop as livable a boss and wants to, to,
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is dried. the germans will be welcomed as a true son of river po for many, many years to come. and that's it from me and didn't seem to know my colleagues still good when the weather was updated for you. at the top of the gab office in berlin, from me, the whole new same principle, the
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africa sustainable breaks for a booming buildings back to engineers. and you gone to our developing alternative to building materials that are harmful to the environment. the problem is that we need to store fatty to move out of the co next on d w thinking as
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a network thing, as one show about vision raised and that project the challenges that can be tackled together for a future. living, working for a more united world. in 60 minutes, on the d w. the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to be performed for head lice in australia. the was the nazis favorite to
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musicians who lives beneath the panel. i saw a film about the sounds of power and inspiring story about surviving music under the swastika stuffs may 25th on dw, the ross. that's those had some pretty good ideas and some of them can even help improve people's lives today. welcome to eco africa. i'm chris alarms, joining you from league goes nigeria, what works best is often a combination of tradition of wisdom mixed with cutting h innovations with gold both on stays still. i m sandra the homes that we,
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nobody you right to come pull are you going to it is great.


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