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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from dun and iran present, killed in a helicopter crash abraham, right. you see his foreign minister and all the top officials all died in the incidents of the remote region of the country. brown supreme lee, the oldest 5 days of moving, also on the program. julian, a solid, just future hands in the balance and appreciate quote, we can expand that. we'll learn today if it needs to be expedited. united states will give it a new avenue for appeal. taiwanda new presidents be sworn in the regional tensions with china. my change to is expected says,
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trends and sizes with us to by the administration. welcome to the new latest advising season as a separate test, plus the plans that i'll be designed to coach you can pull up. so his last match, which i'm encouraging the cable favorite son, while winning a boatload of trucks. the, i feel good. you're welcome to the program. it runs present a problem, right? you say has been killed in a helicopter crash, rang and state television since president rice and his foreign minister and others died in the remote region near the border with as a by john supreme leader becoming a has appointed. the current 1st vice president has entered in president and ordered a nationwide period a morning. in john ethics pines,
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i'm noticing 5 days of public morning, an offer. condolences to the dear people around mister mohammed mock bear. while i am according to chapter $131.00 of the constitution that would be in charge of managing the executive branch about these tasked with arrangements to the election of a new president within 50 days that would help from the heads of departments. did you disagree with writing? government says all 9 people killed and they have a cup to crash. have now been identified. it happens as rice and his own source entourage with funding back from the launch of a hydro electric power project search team scout for the mountains and northwest in a run for hours or even my 100 eventually locating the crashed helicopter and finding no sign of survive as for the
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risk, it was pulled bodies from the wreckage, almost lost the helicopter wind down the runs border with as a by john were president crazy and his foreign minister had been attending a damn opening center. and the advocacy must be the more lucky because i didn't put in a run state tv can send, can use of the dates, home it all you guys are sending shock waves across around. ready with lead is across the world offering their condolences at video, and i thought them to try out. first of all, i'd like to extend my condolences to the brotherly rainy and people on the death of the president of the republic, the minister of foreign affairs, and their company and delegation following the accident. and locked out the we ask, god almighty to forgive them. a crazy became president and 2021 man was
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a deeply conservative and hotline leader. he of a saw a brutal crack down on a rainy and protest, as in recent years. crazy was seen as a potential $0.60 to the supreme leader. i a total of from amy and she is his strategy of supporting proxy forces across the middle east. i a total of how many has declared 5 days of public morning and said the vice president mohammed must, there would act as president. new elections must be held within 50 days. ron's cabinet has held an emergency meeting, assuming they would be no problem with the management of the country and vowing to follow it really easy to get more on the death of abraham rising from at least i'm
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less daniel gala who's editor in chief of senate magazine which focuses on the our, on as long as well to welcome back to d w. i big a loss is abraham gracie's sudden death to iran's leadership. i think in every political system, regardless of if it's these law me, we're probably coffee, ronald not, it's quite a shop and quite a crisis to lose the president with him, the foreign minister and several other members of the establishment, but uh the system is very much uh, it would be his own desk. so the reason of the existence of the system is that it's in units immune against the impact of external crisis and dealing quite successfully with the tunnel crisis to. so i think a presenter easy is the last for the system, but more for the future of these let me republic then for the actual like governing structure because it has a rough for c. and the president's position was also limited to the extent that whenever the, the, the, the lead i decided to intervene and practical every day politics. he could do that
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at any time and take more control over from the presidency. and so this means this is what he's going to do now, and of course, vice president most that is not a famous person, but he's been dealing with a lot of uh, security related issues, the cooperation missiles. and so he seems to be very much a security driven bureaucrats. okay. right. thing was often described as a potential successor to the supreme data. i tell a ally coming i, what did he stand for as well, uh, he's also described as a hotline politician. um, that is true to the extent that you're looking at is it just from the outside. but of course, like if you, if you take the system as a reference, then he was not particularly the hotline he believed in violence is a legitimate instrument in order to suppress anything that challenges the principles of the revolution. those treatments of the, of the atlantic republic and in the words of the system. and so of course,
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he was the face of repression. he comes from a clerical and traditional background. he has very little, has very little experience in foreign policy and international affairs. also, as opposed to his breed assess, has didn't speak english or, or any of any 4 languages. well, so he was very much focused on the system. but something that is often overlooked is that he was not only a guy hearing from the judicial context, but also for a long time he ran one of the most important foundations of the country, which is the a, the is called the us senate quotes that as of the, which is an institution that has administers a lot of money. finally, all sorts of international proxies and partners. and so he was very much in, in both and at the center of the political economy of the country, which i think is also an important role for him. and also something that qualified him potentially for the succession of i until the how many much he describes him as the face of repression. so will he be missed by non politicians in iraq as
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well? you know, of course there's a lot of people who have no longer follow politics and i was so frustrated that they are not interested in who is the president because the thing the system is not going to change anyways. but if you look at the license previous, this auto on the of course, he was also if they use of the system. and he was saying from an intelligence and security background. but he did make a certain difference. what's popular with people who do not subscribe to the system of this level republic, but nevertheless, believe that he run needs to be safe. that yvonne has a bye to regional interest, that the wrong should not be trampled upon. and so that is a difference of course, that he could not rally the support of this school of people. that's why his last election he ran on contest it because otherwise he might have lost also against the a content allegro on. so what we will see back to this 50 days to prepare the next election, which is going to be a huge challenge for the administration. and i'm pretty convinced we won't see any surprise face as appear. we will see like some old or perhaps makes up the system
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that are going to run for president. and the system will be very much focusing on connie, tend to continue to rather than change. but i know i would about the cause of war, which of course is starting the whole region into turmoil and most of the medicine groups. in the reason, hama has blah, i'm the, who's in, in yemen. federal dependents on support from iraq will raise the staff change any of that or not from the mentally. i think there is nuances. for example, if you look at the reaction harsh reaction, let's say escalate to a very dangerous reaction that the ron a trigger on the 14th of april counter attacking israel with hundreds of miss 1000 drones visa decisions that in the president could influence. of course, the supremely, it has the last word but the, the in shaping such reactions. of course, the president has a role of important security policy, however, was in what is interesting that with that i see also is for administer, who was the architect of a lot of the regional policies,
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but also the de escalation policies that a rom recently pursued with his name is notably saudi arabia. he also died in the plane crash, i mean up to date on and his success that is potentially going to be a person from the diplomatic service. the name of ali bassetti has come up, who has been involved in negotiations and secret talks and online with the united states. so we see the people that are moving and they are certainly not going to make a big difference in terms of policy making. but they seem to be professional, there was at least have a professional track record to continue what the criticisms have done. okay, thank you for talking to that daniel daniel, girl, alaska, middle east alice from. is that a magazine? thank you. always pleasure. thank you. so we should know in the coming hours whether we can least found, the julian songs will be extra tied to, to, to the united states from britain. this research could face espionage challenges in the us, but it has been fighting an extradition order from london prison sell for 3 years.
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judges in london, the vast lawyers acting for the us government to give assurances that he would not face the death penalty if convicted was closest to him fare. this could be his final legal challenge in the u. k. on that side, the court has today. mister saunders, why said, is the court rules against whom they may be one of the past to avoid the extradition? hope that the court do the right thing today. i'm fine influence favor, but if they don't, we will take an emergency injunction. we will take an emergency and johnson from the european court of human rights. thank you. straight to london while we joined that correspondence beckett to mass. welcome bigots, julie of a song she has been fighting this expedition to the us for g is weiss today is cold hearing so significance. * today's re, the last day of his legal battle here in the u. k,
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is if he loses out today. so there is no more all the court in the u. k. that you could abuse it. as many appears as you said, it's been a long legal battle, but here in the u. k. all the avenues will have been exhausted if this court the high codes rules against julian assault, and that's why the assigned and all these other support is for them. a lot as, as is at stake today, and it's bit nervously a way to this, this quote hearing and what the judges will decide in the end. and you've just stepped out of the court room to speak to us. how's the hearing going so far? yeah, its really uh a control so outside. yeah. as you can see and also here julia to sondra support is all yeah, there's music. there was speeches the by members of parliament for example, the human rights group. see a journal, there's groups, old and supportive. joining us on the inside the court date is
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a very different not mr. yeah. is it very harsh and it's a lot about very intricate legal question. so extradition or european law, are they humanitarian european convention on human rights case? also all of these play your part in the, in the court decision on the, the legal rep presented to the base teams are still in the process of, of making direct presentations. and at the center of it is a deputy classic node by the united states. they show that julian hassan can seek to be not discriminated against on the, on this uh basis of his nationality. and also they ensure that he would not face the death sentence to the sons team. they say that this is not enough. for example, when it comes to his right to freedom of speech in the us, they say that this is placed into the united, correct? so they're not accepting the assurances uh by the us and the judges would have to
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make a decision. and we expect this to be today, whether they think these assurances are enough or not. it's been a good book. it nice and i will take a quick look at and simple global headlines tie ones. new presidents has been sworn and the big understood by calling on china to end military and political threats. elijah inc to why the known as william took office in a ceremony attended by dozens of foreign delegations, used as an organization speech to praise the people of taiwan to defend the democracy and said the be no concessions on freedom as a lies, expect it to strengthen ties with washington and the by the administration has welcome to swearing its vision claims taiwan as chinese territory and accused a new president of sending dangerous signals across the taiwan strait is a new president speaking axis integration. i would also like to call on china to
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cease the political, a military intimidation against ty, one share, which i won the global responsibility of maintaining peace and stability in the taiwan straits, as well as the great to regent. and to show the world is free from the fear of war, sons of the country. that's got most of that correspondent in ty patty james che, to welcome james. a tell us more about present lives, asked which you to china as well. so it was a full full 1st speech as an overall speed shows the new president of taiwan to want to really crucial to points out is that launching the has reiterated that he is backing the status quote that he wants to maintain the status quote across the taiwan strait, one of the really crucial things here was there, added in context to this is the, the cold on badging to respect the wishes i'm the desires of this. why when these people remember, this is a politician that in the lead up to the election in john you're in taiwan. badging
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was wanting time when he's versus ident selecting case. it could in that view west and cross trade sanctions. but what we really saw from the speech today, realizing that or is this balancing act, that's why we use presidents both himself and previous as pre to assesses, have to navigate, which is that on the one hand, they have to cool for dial. here he expressed a willingness to engage in communication with the chinese communist policy. but at the same time wanting that china is claims to taiwan are unlikely to punish any time soon. and not because of that, so i wouldn't needs to defendants literature form started by his previous that's a deep on those international engagements we part is like the us like japan, like the opponents. of course, the tie one doesn't have any formal diplomatic relations with in the, in the i was since i don't know gratian speech, we have heard from the chinese foreign ministry. and what's the other for chinese officials saying, as he mentioned, that light speeds and dangerous signals and not the situation across the taiwan
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strait now is quotes complicated in grading. so badging reading notes satisfies with the time that live struck enough of speech. and so it's one of the other big issues in the presidents and box as well. one of the key things really will be the domestic political context of some of the some of us might have seen over the past couple of days fighting erupting physical fights, interrupting and tie one's policy and sort of a, some procedural reforms to the parliament that proposed by opposition, policies, and what this really on the school was is that the really key aspects of that january election result, which is that like one the election for the presidency with a simple majority of just 40 percent. so position policies in total taking the majority in a sense. well, that means is a ruling policy. the democratic progressive policy has of low states majority in the legislature inside one. and that's going to make it really challenging for
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lights. a pause, let's face it performed on a whole range of issues on military or full, but also on the key domestic issues like the economy. waste stock nation is a big problem. and so i one wage and equality on housing prices for young people. so a really broad array of issues for, for the new president as he takes office, china will be key among those concerns but key to nomic issues to contend with. 200 . thank you. james dw cards for the james chase, a in taipei now is there india where a massive 6 week national elections, not entering its final stages, going to zoom in on a small district. and they politically crucial state of which i per dash, which sends 18 domains to ballet. 15 percent of the parliament, the dress, the district of rob, all right. rob barella is the last fast enough in narrow down the family dentistry that ruled in difficulties to 50 years down. the bureau. chief xandra pat. this man
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has been to rob loudly to find out whether this election could not in a political end of the gunners. as we have tribute deep into the constituency of a robbery, india maybe booming, but this happens at 1230 houses, seems to have been largely untouched by development. in the village square, we need come to me. she is 18 and we've cost to vote for the 1st time they have it . so now i know a lot when elections are due and they need our votes. politicians come to us like beggars, they promise those good roads, electricity, bicycles, to go to school and jobs for. they knew that. but once they, when we never see them again, cut that one that, that they will get them without coming. he belongs to the dialect community, the lowest level of the richard tend to cost system. she said she always dreamed of
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becoming a police officer, but then coveted, and she had to drop out of school. that says, i had the, we need a politician who takes care of everyone, both rich and poor. but you should find out if villages have roads, sewers, and scores you should find out. if kids from poor families are able to go to school or not. with joining the campaign through as the better. oh, but rather really reach us. it's pete brianca done the is fighting hard to keep this constituency of how many pests and her mother sonia re presented throughout by really for the past 20 years now priyanka down to you once to ensure that her brother rep who is subsea tier in between riley's she stops for a quick interview. i am fighting for what we believe and i'm fighting for the democratic country. i'm fighting for the rights of people,
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not just fighting for bad. the preamp identity, it still pops. he's on robber 80. so he's her family, which has given in the 3 prime minister, but this sent to left congress potty has thrown that since the rise of prime minister never end remo d, i think go in the last 10 years of mr. moore, these rules. we have seen the progressive weakening of democracy. we have seen of policies which are from the pool and of what form was the ordinary pasta. so i think we're really fighting for the fundamentals of our nation on which our nation was been told by in the last elections rather, really emerge. does congress as a loan outpost and what top reddish india most populated, state that sense? 80 parliamentarians to the capital of x, then the ruling handle national. let's be g p one over 60 of those seats near you. why peak congress of the public to come up in india, northern he knew heartland,
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notably, it'd be 2 piece candidate for robbery was a long time congressman, to until you switch sides in 2018 call god, we go. the villagers and poor people are with the wp. what ought to be and reach people know that the countries in safe hands with mr. mowdy. here's what i see. people know that their savings are safe with mr. mo. data. how does the key guarantees a tucked him? what did you do this? back in the village, coming in to a friend's pro, to the fields, to pick mangoes. like many of the india's 18000000 1st time voters coming the isn't excited to vote. she believes politicians live in their own words, making her votes meaningless. revolt from dw is that deli bureau chief is under pets as one who joins us now. welcome xandra. so who's leading the race in the
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right? better and the constituency. so i wouldn't dare to place a bed faster or less any, and volt us up pretty unpredictable when we were on the ground. we found a lot of vote a f, a c, a seen and coming e. we also found anti incumbency sentiments. people are suffering because of high cost of living because of unemployment. but then there's also certainly something like the moody sector. he remains an incredibly popular the prime minister, especially in this region as it is the hindu heartland of india, which are produced this giant states entity into 1st policy and the beach, a piece and time mostly, and rhetoric. we recognize here with the people on the ground and looking at congress. congress really waited to the very last moment to figure out who we've gotten the from the family best. and, and robert, really, he's also contesting from the 2nd constituency in the south,
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where he can be sure to get elected, which is not necessarily the case. and rather really, so the 1st wanted to make sure that he is safe because before they figure that to him there, and in the end he would have to make a choice if he wins both which one to re present because he can own your re present one, so for the gun, this is really very much and legacy of the gun, the back to about the rubber really we are the on 1st to advice about coming, the sounding quite sydney called about to indian politics. have you found the soonest? isn't to be reflected more widely amongst a young devices and they still likely to turn out to vote or i think they would turn out to vote to so we're coming the she told us that she would definitely turn out to vote. but look at her lights, i mean, she dropped out of school with off to attend class. so she did some tailoring cost under a government screen, but hasn't been able to found a job ever since. she sometimes takes up a paid farm work for about
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a 100 rupees today that's equaling about a dollar. so her family essentially list of the countries social welfare schemes which sustains the funding my family but doesn't allow for any upward social mobility. so coming the fields, deprived of chances in life, she feels she cannot contribute for participating in yes, girl stories. and that is true for a lot of through with voted in the younger, with voters to especially for young female revolt as in india, looking more broadly at this 5th round and focusing what's at stake today. i mean, today voting happens in the financial capital, the in on, by, for instance, but really old eyes are on you p which i dish. which if you just look at the population size of what i've tried, dish has a population larger then for instance pockets turn over as well. it's sense a t parliamentarians to the national capital today, out of those
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a t seats 14 are up for grabs. so quite a big chunk in the last general elections. 13 of those 14 seats went to the beach, a p. o box, the one in rob. i really. so really this will determine this election today where determine whether or not the famous narrow guntee family can maintain roots and or tough protest shuttle. i. q for that sandra is under pets, esmond dw bureau chief denny. the sort of good, let me bring you some breaking news from the international criminal court concerning the s route homeless conflict. i cc prosecutor says that are reasonable, grimes, to believe that is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu best criminal responsibility for crimes and crimes against humanity. behavior based course is that for seeking on an arrest warrant, so mr. nathan yahoo! accords also applied for arrest. lawrenceville,
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3 hamas leaders. i must count it out. been october 7 attacks in israel and is designated a terrorist organization by many countries will have more on not as we get it. but in, in briefly, i see say, has ruled that phase, right. the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, best criminal may bank criminal responsibility for both crimes and the
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thinking as a network. a show about vision raised and that project the percentages that can be tackled together for a future worth living. working for a more united world, w. o we experience in the way down is pure adrenalin,
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100 percent. lo, my name is juan, may 33, and i live in water main federal show fish harvester on the gateway to a world of plenty. the mind of the eclipse in 45 minutes on the w, the is increasing every ease of many enjoy watching online services, the only work that is holiday destination drowning cost wise at the cost every year of the exports over 1000000 tons of plastic. why
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is there another way off the rules? the environment is not responsible. make up your own mind, dw, made for mines. the shed too much straight is blank club provides mutual support for victims of shock attacks. quietly, dying coral reef surround disrupt and it's not just climate change. that's to blame the and pricey. pres, evangelical churches in brazil to make and so with that process the
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