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tv   Purunga  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 2:15pm-3:01pm CEST

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the prosecutor says there is in order to pursue the arrest warrant if then the arrest flores are submitted and i, this is when things become difficult, specifically for those that are charged. and the reason for that is the, although, is relevant. a member of the international criminal court, many, many other countries around the world uh and what it means, the ac doesn't have its own police force, like a quote does in international country and it's over in the state. so instead, the i c c relies on the police forces on the far as he's in different member states for the signed up to its jurisdiction. and what that would mean essentially is that if prime minister benjamin netanyahu with a travel to a country in which he is a country that is a signatory of the cause statute that he, that country would be expected and obligated in fights to arrest and transfer him to the hague, for pre trial, that those countries are germany from the united kingdom,
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one of the european union, many countries around the world. and it would really restrict his movement indeed to foreign ministers movements as well on those of the how much leadership will they as well as we know a probably a bit more likely to be traveling at the moment. and so what sort of time scale are we likely looking at for a, a court decision from this, this lower chain as a, there's no specific timeframe. there is no obligation, but it could probably be within the next few weeks. it does take a while for them to look through all of the details, the press release, the, the, the release of all of the indictments, all of the allegations is much, much bigger than we normally see for an application for a rest haven't bearing in my normally an application for a rest is, is, is stand in the know ways, but mostly for just one person because there are multiple people on this, on this cool for this application for a rest florence, the, it's extremely long. and that's just what that telling us. the submission to the
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quote will be absolutely enormous and it will take a long time for them to pour over the details and decide whether they are going to issue these arrest words. concretely, make no mistake, this is huge. the international criminal court is frequently accused of being politicized and fights until this point. only africans have ever stood in the, in the dog african countries have either send that lead to shit when they haven't been able to prosecute them. or they have all the court has issued these restaurants and they've taken that this is a huge swing from the prosecutor. he says it's significant for international justice that they have to apply the standard of international justice equally across the board. and that's why that doing it, but the political ramifications of this space, especially in the coming days and weeks, will be a numerous, okay. time so that job job power in brussels. not to iran. when i present abram, right, you say has been killed in a helicopter crash right in state tvs as president,
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raising his foreign minister and others died in a remote region near the border with as a bunch on supreme data on becoming a has a point to the current 1st, a vice president as entering president and audit a nation wide period of morning in jointed pines. i'm announcing 5 days of public morning, an offer. condolences to the dear people up around the mr. mohammed mark there while i am recording to chapter $131.00 of the constitution that would be in charge of managing the executive branch about these tasks with arrangements to the election of the new president within 50 days, could be that would help from the heads of departments, did you disagree that i use? i don't even well here. i mean, government says all 9 people killed in the haven't comforter, crash have not by an identified across. happened us. i present rice and his entourage were flying back from the launch of a hydro electric power project. search team scouted the foggy mountains and
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northwest and run for hours. devon hung eventually locating the crashed helicopter, and finding no sign of survivors forgot the risk. it was pulled bodies from the wreckage, almost lost the helicopter wind down the runs border with as a by john with president crazy and his foreign minister had been attending a damn opening sooner and the thought of it. this must be the more the business side, including a run state tv can send can use if the dates home it all you guys are sending shock waves across around. ready with lead is across the world, offering their condolences. yeah, i thought the tiles, 1st of all, i'd like to extend my condolences to the brotherly uranium people on the death of
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the president of the republic, the minister of foreign affairs, and their company and delegation following the accident level of the hill and locked out the we ask, god almighty to forgive them. right, easy became president in 2021 and was a deeply conservative. and hotline leader a p o the so a brutal crack down on a rainy and pose eustace in recent years. right. easy was seen as a potential $0.60 to the supreme leader. i a total of from a name. and she is his strategy of supporting proxy forces across the middle east. i a total of how many has declared 5 days of public morning and said the vice president mohammed must bear, would act as president knew elections must be held within 50 days. ron's
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cabinet has held an emergency meeting, assuming they would be no problem with the management of the country and vowing to follow right. well daniel girl, that case, i'm at least on the list and editor in chief of the dentist magazine. i asked her how big a loss present rise the sudden death is for around the leadership. i think in every political system, regardless of if it's these law me were probably coffee. rando not, it's quite a shop and quite a crisis to lose the president with him to, for administer and several other members of the establishment. but uh the system is very much uh, it would be in his own desk. so the reason of the existence of this system is that it's in units immune against the impact of external crisis and dealing quite successfully with the tunnel crisis to. so i think a presenter easy is the last for the system. but more for the future of these let me republic then for the actual like governing structure because it has
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a rough procedure. and the president's position was also limited to the extent that whenever the uh, the, the, the leader decided to intervene in practical everyday politics. he could do that at any time and take more control over from the presidency. and so this means this is what he's going to do now, and of course, vice president most that is not a famous person, but he's been dealing with a lot of uh, security related issues, the cooperation missiles. and so he seems to be very much a security driven bureaucrats. okay, right. so it was often described as a potential successor to the supreme data. i totally ali from an i. what did the stand for? oh, well, uh, he's also described as a hotline politician. um, that is true to the extent that you're looking at is it just from the outside. but of course, like if you, if you take the system as a reference, then he was not particularly the hotline he believed in violence as a legitimate instrument in order to suppress anything that challenges the
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principles of the revolution. the statements of the, of the atlantic republic and the words of the system. and so of course, he was the face of repression. he comes from a clerical and traditional background. he has very little, has very little experience in foreign policy and international affairs. also, as opposed to his previous sessions didn't speak english or, or any of any 4 languages. well, so he was very much focused on the system, but something that is often overlooked is that he was not only a guy hearing from the judicial uh, context, but also for a long time he ran one of the most important foundations of the country, which is the a, the is called the us senate quotes that as a lead, which is an institution that has administers a lot of money. finally, it also to international proxies and partners. and so he was very much in, in both and at the center of the political economy of the country, which i think is also an important role for him. and also something that qualified him potentially for the succession of i enter the home in
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a much you describes him as the face of repression. so will he be missed by non politicians in iraq as well? you know, of course there's a lot of people who have no longer follow politics and i was so frustrated that they are not interested in who is the president because the thing the system is not going to change anyways. but if you look at the license previous, this auto on the of course, he was also a faith based on the system. and he was fading from an intelligence and security background. but he did make a certain difference. what's popular with people who do not subscribe to the system of this leg republic, but nevertheless, believe that he run needs to be safe. that yvonne has a bye to regional interest, that the wrong should not be trampled upon. and so that is a difference of course, that he could not rally the support of this school of people. that's why his last election he ran on contest it because otherwise he might have lost also against the a content allegro on. so what we will see like this 50 days to prepare the next
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election, which is going to be a huge challenge for the administration. and i'm pretty convinced we won't see any surprise faces appear. we will see like some old or perhaps leaks of the system that are going to run for president. and the system will be very much focusing on climate change continue to rather than change. but i know i would about the cause of war, which of course is starting the whole region into turmoil on most of the militant groups. in the reason, hama has blah, i'm the who's in, in yemen. federal dependent on support from iraq will raise the staff change any of that. it's not fun to mentally. i think there is nuances. for example, if you look at the reaction, the harsh reaction, let's say escalate to a very dangerous reaction that iran a trigger on the 14th of april counter attacking israel with hundreds of mist 1000 drones. these are decision instead of near a president could influence of course the supreme leader has the last word but the, the in shaping such reactions. of course, the president has a role of important security policy, however,
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was in what is interesting that with that i see also hist for administer who was the architect of a lot of the regional policies. but also the de escalation policies that a ron recently pursued with his name is notably saudi arabia. he also died in the plane crash, i mean, up to date on and his success that is potentially going to be a person from the diplomatic service. the name of ali bassetti has come up, who has been involved in negotiations and secret talks and online with the united states. so we see the people that are moving and they are certainly not going to make a big difference in terms of policy making. but they seem to be professional levels, at least have a professional track record to continue with their previous as have done. okay, thank you for talking to that, daniel daniel, guy laska, middle east alice from his dentist magazine. thank you. always try to thank you for it's just time to remind you of our top stories based on the international criminal quotes. chief prosecutor says that are reasonable grounds to believe that is right
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. the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu destroy any defense, but as they dropped the guidelines back to criminal responsibility for both crimes and crimes against humanity. prosecution say false thinking there as a response for folks is also applied for the last one is for 3. how mostly this for ties to be october 7 tenant attacks the case, high closest rule that we can expand the julian, so it's kind of peel against extradition to the us. as a soundtrack faces espionage discharge of staff, it's been finding an extradition, florida from a london prison cell for 3 years under arms president abraham racing has been killed that i haven't comes across country supreme data declared, tying stays of morning estimate after present, raising his foreign minister of his time in a remote convention near the border with as a body shop to on their way back from the launch on the hydro electric side show up today to will on d, w dot com and move at the top of the have
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a good the, [000:00:00;00]
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the whole wide spread is the problem of alcohol abuse and addiction in kenya. in fact, you should be prepared to national dfcs if possible for the last we had done got a lot of points you felt like you needed to drink in excess to go to that alcohol addiction for 13 years. well, since my 1st drink, basically see that goes, the government is doing nothing. oh, the 77 percent next on dw, the w. this is any off, it is available to them and it has never been since the germans that i wish i could have done more to save. you
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just click away, find the best document on you to really see the world. never seen it before. the dr. know to dw the this week on the 77 percent street debate we chose to drink, but in the entire while, nobody chose this to become an alcoholic. anyway, for me, we are good and what are you looking for you? what was the drug then drunk? what do you think needs to be done more by us as a community by governments and other stakeholders? the judge. how are you? the object eh, alcohol each. so tell them i understand please be please. she just keep both jets.
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don't stick it in that fussy. hello and welcome back to the 77 percent debate this week. we are in moraga is central. can you know, according to the national statistics, one, every 8th kenya is confused. alcohol, not a very big number, but when you consider the 42 percent of those who drink are considered to be alcoholics, then question mark stuck to a rise. well wishing central kendall one of the most affected regions to try and find out why and what's the site you can do to address this. and i want to begin with to maria. do you mind sharing what your journey through addiction and recovery has been? i feel like i've struggled with alcohol addiction for 13 years. well since my 1st drink, basically, i haven't been able to drink nicely or properly as most people would say. but at what point did you realize that, hey, this is beyond just the usual drink over the weekend? it's beyond the dependency. it's something else i used to tell myself, i did not have a drinking problem on s t. i never,
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i would call myself on alcoholic just for laughs just for guides. but in truth, i really did have a drinking problem. i wouldn't wake up and drink, but i would get a whole bottle excessive in 50 a male. i'm zynga and finish it off by myself in my room. i would maybe go with friends, they would drink nice and responsibly, but i would always drink to blackout. yeah. yeah. do you remember what time at what point you felt like you need to drink in excess of and probably when my father died, honestly, all my life. i think my father struggled to that dixon over the alcohol, basically. and it was never, it was an open secret. you know, his family never really spoke about it. he never spoke to us about it. but we could all see that he's struggling with it. i think he went through, we have 3 times. yeah. i think when he died i felt, oh, okay, uncle whole took him, let me so alcohol whose boss, you know it's a huge mistake and we'll come back to to that in
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a short while. but true. we're talking about recovery and you're literally just these into your recovery journey. 5050. how many days? 56000 bucks relations. how are you feeling right now? i feel so good. it is. i feel so good because i look forward to using something i've struggled with for like over i think, 15 years plus. yeah. and it's not the normal thinking like i have a drink on friday and that's it for the weekend. and it's daily drinking from morning to evening and that's advocating monday, sunday. so i can see like for now i am so happy i gotta wake up so that i know what is happening here. i'm not drunk solely any. i'm so glad you. and so rather i liked that and for you again, what was the point? that's which you felt. all right, this is it's, i need to turn my life around or something is not going to work out in the end. i have a son and i have not really been
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a part of his life due to the disease. now the alcoholism, i'm not to be not part of his life. for like the longest i knew studying 11 to see a and it took me i'm so but i'm glad i feel disappointed in blood. it took me almost 11 years for me to come out of it. but i'm so glad to know i couldn't do that for my son, you know, to jump the gun to anything. but i know i know you had said that you had tried recovery before and you kind of slipped and fell back into it. are you hopeful that this time it would be different? oh yes, i'm very, very helpful because this time zone may have a lot of lifted sleeves. so i'm so ready for the john. yeah, yeah. okay. so i want to introduce you because you'll also a recovering addict. but beyond that, you also have a community based organization working very, very closely with communities here who are struggling with alcoholism. so based on what you've had and your own personal experience, how wide spread is a problem of alcohol abuse and addiction and can you, in fact, you should be to get a national disaster. because actually we are losing
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a lot of people to a whole lives in more than about drugs and other diseases put together addiction. these assume vista disease in that is the reason why we not, we can say that we have this test this, but these things right up 7300 percent because like in a village is what they do when the person dies for my call is and nobody talks about it to come to them. what are you up to that david, my time smell, pm? no, we don't know the cause of death a times that much event to come to the much of the just the battery. so we don't really know how many people we are losing in a week in can and never we lost more than 2020 people. and now we cannot say that it's just that young people who are drinking because the, the ej ej ej. a group that we bought it is between 59 and 74 or so you can see now the, it's not, not just the team to just just just say your but even if those people. yeah. so it is a big problem. they've got to across the board. we cannot say it's this group of people that reach the point. it's anybody can come, you know,
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kind of get dropped into the, into the addiction. well maybe it's a, it's, it's, it's really deep and it's really duck. i like that we've established that these obviously a problem and i think these a double problem here because the list sits brew question has been brought up the bus to dies alcohol. but john, i want it to come to you because you are usually the and you decided that your organization, joe jen got to meet initiative, which is like a full build the community of the society initiative to tackle this problem. why was it so important for you? it was very important to me because of my, my grand father used to drink. he was the due dated drinking officer. and then there was the c 90 of that. he was saying he's 21 is a flat. and the then drinking to that has to pay me and then he died leaving he's a kid in the struggling and even to date the state is struggling. so i felt if
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someone had least if someone have started fighting again, is that many, maybe my grandfather would not have died and then uh, talking to women payments because um, most of our festa and then supposed to try to use me to come see the judge is these, my child is the medical colleagues, him and my child left on maybe stopped. he's the education it just because of alcohol is him. so i felt to know, basically it's time for us to raise a but, and before we proceed, nobody ever take the 1st drink thinking that they're going to end up into alcoholism. so what leads one into that sort of spirals such that you're no longer have control, it's not the one most thing. and i always tell people we chose to drink, but in the entire while, nobody to this to become an alcoholic. and so we go through the face, they just become health price, they just the experiment away you experimenting before. so we just to look at
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because we are functional and then instrumental is when you stop getting blackouts, then we have to have be trusted. be to be trusted just when now you, you even tried to come out, you cannot come because i'm already the brittany's addicted. the body is addicted to the drug accidentally. it's not you with making the choice. it's not too abusing that drug. it's not a drug abusing, you'll see that schedule stage where but it's all about the last as you lose your job, just best selling your things and then you lose yourself. watch surface team and it leads to know these of payment for some of those have to be coming. so say do this, but having to say the idea shown yes. um and you said that you lost quite a number of people in your family. is that because because of alcohol use in my family, we have that problem. we've brought it quite a number of cousins. my dad today during the road, the accidental and the inference of alcohol, my sister visited, the complications. my brother has had been to rehab 15 times and still he didn't make it to be better team 3 years ago. i lost my nephew as well. i'll go to that. the competition may need sort of help calling data complication. so we have
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a number of groups about the all equity elected. so it's really why plus my family . yeah. so let me just hear from the people who are in the audience, right, because we are hearing but parents and families being addicted might be a contribute. it's in fact, did any of you grew up with parents where you would say what dependent or alcohol excuse me, is your hand. let's see. can you please tell me about your story? my name is ada, and i think alcohol is something that the, she'll need with that. and for sleigh bed. and when i was growing up, was finding myself like when it was like, you take my front, it would come down like 5 to like be done. my, my, you see, and, and sometimes for example, you might, somebody be echoed more do you see we, i couldn't, what do you agree with for the drug that drunk you see? so we find ourselves like, for example, the 1st ones, in fact, the 1st one,
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all of us we have done got, does that include you out see if you say, but what we see is that we would like for sure what we would like to stop in sometimes we uh, even we come up with like the fuzzy fuzzy deals. we feel like incomplete. we say no to video, but do you see like we can slow time for the blog request that you see because that because that thing. yeah. a. all right, so let me ask stella question here. still has been sent by local governments representative here. we called them mc members of the county assembly. and i'm just wondering when you hear people speaking here, this is not a problem. one generation, it's 23, sometimes 4 generations deep. so we had to even begin to tackle it. the only way we can tell quote it is if we start from the onset, you know, from the find me, you say team, this is hatch to the, to the leadership bit. because as, as we see what's up level, i'm looking to reduce the whole of the hardwood,
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introduced to us from iowa in the ages of those which we used to eat through the classics class 7. you know, they fold it at home when it comes to what, what the leadership is doing right now was i think for the last few is miranda has really had a big problem. but i think over the, as you can see, that's more on the has the steps. that's how good that would be. there's a look that has, has been taken in place and you can be able to. yeah, yeah. and you can not see a drunk mind walking around and shouting at us, but in the absence of them in here in the town does not mean the absence of the mundane diary to you. i mean, we all come from rural homes. we know they drink who quoted deep, deep in the interior. this is i'm seeing the steps that you guys say, you're not as black as was okay, but it's still something that you're struggling with. as i said, one of the things that i will contest employee has been able to do in the govern 9 guessing piece that they are working towards. i use bill they used to be is, or it's a program that calling the m y s really solve use. so these m y s is that thing
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particularly you with who are most actively involved in any c? no it is. they wake up, they have no way to go. so these young people are being taken given walk to do for 3 months and upbeat for the walk. and then these young people decide, is this something i would like to learn as a student that would make me feel more useful with all that it was like for pick up like was they see, you know, that they will be for a desperate a. they have nothing to do with that lives. let me, let me hear from john, but not very good on side of uh they, they, they go with the government. but i'm here to see that go, government is doing nothing. oh, it is doing thought that and not being, as far as alcohol is even, is going to send a vessel said m way is, is, is not meant to head the audience. it these mans to, to help few. and just to give them on how she likes, but don't to agree that that's a step in preventing people from being disillusioned and potentially falling into
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alcohol abuse. but to me, i think that these are useful for money. okay, because what these 2 to be done is these and hospitals in, in can you devolved the quotes of the code, the government events of establishing every have the additional incentives in every, in every hospital. so the woman that is sick and go there access medication, then take him to m m y s. okay. so you think we have the wrong way around? let me hear from i'm here because she's eating to speak to me. yes. you're based in india. it of people who are killing us is the county governments, the county that the monday it has been devolved. and the monday we collect from licensing of bus is supposed to go to 2 twins, rehabilitation, public education, a book that's the insightful source of support. right now we don't even have a home to go a committee of a funded tournament facility, as we speak. now, we don't. where are they picking this up to boston? got you suppose to go to that?
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what is the f all complete? control up to what i'm saying. is it in place? have they passed it because we have the meeting with a deputy but has been palostio and the company's was supposed to come up with the goose control act. what have they done about it? i haven't had the boat, the company, and i haven't had the boat to, but let me, let me, let me highlight some things with water treatment and we have the additional, it's not for me for what we're building roads. all right. let me just bring all this up to speed. the alcoholics drinks act is what regulates the control of sale for production and distribution of alcohol in this country. and that kinda, which is what you, wherever here is the national authority in the campaign against alcohol abuse and drug addiction. i know you've been told you are doing nothing. you have to give you a chest, respond that the government has. it has a very big stick on prevention and on, on to reach if they could reach and speak because they are happy for those will already be addicted. they need, they need help. they need to, i can use the account to be able to been a fruitful because especially to able to give that to you. the ease of someone who
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is that dictated and they go to us, but they couldn't get that q. we have something the calling though, the any type that he's the free image for. if that he's from the code to government, they will need the call to kind of talk you all the wonder of what people are, the search able to apply and they get to the car. and it's got displayed by the code to the method is going to the people. so if somebody has someone who is 80, they bought 2 gift cards. and when the special needs came in, which is my side or whatever for us need to be can go. yeah, because the girl gets treatment in and get oh and so talking to the resources that are already available and i want to bring in kind of here kinda is, i'm excited to just see what's behind the bar. you wouldn't expect to see you mean that debates like this and yet see a, he's a no one to is this such a thing as responsible drinking? yeah, i think uh, i think it's fair depending on the website that you have having. because i've seen examples of how i stay at pine, the bar and i'm having some guys that this guy will say, okay, fine,
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i want just take one bushy and go home because i'm driving all my life threatening me at home. so i don't need to drink so much, obviously not everybody who takes alcohol and drug and alcohol leak and alcohol. i was also reviewed, you know, a cultures, we have different names for different rights around it. so what is a healthy relationship with alcohol? like, how would you describe it to meet the 2 has to revolve around drinking responsibly while driving? yeah. no. let's just take on the drinking. just respond because you can just on the and the more, the more like the hall, the hall tree. all right, so we should have those people was playing alcohol, it may be that the dispute it and without we have specific distributors who are licensed by the government will, should supply to places other than having quite the weighted speeds here. and there is the doctor will end up having things that we are not supposed to be taking. okay . let me come back to evans phone here because we were talking about eliciting bruce earlier. right. and this is
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a primary reason for people landing themselves in hospital. what's coming close? i mean, some of these drinks we have them came across including the pay and then the eternal that of um we already had levels shut, you know, having that low call home. pretty buddies. phones. yeah. of course uh, being a, uh, b p a, that homes then the already packaged. and therefore we are seeing a people losing sight and, uh, getting a uh, keeping the conditions, you know, people getting it. um, you know, i called poisoning and for that too much i even, um, blocking out and this is why you were talking about uh, going to a trusted distribute to but listen i, i enjoy my glass of wine at the end of the week. like any other person, right. but i don't want to have to think about who the distributor was. so as
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a consumer, is it possible to protect yourself against elicit bruce? i don't think so. oh yeah, yeah. we have boxes that are 40 licensed. that's actually display the good alcohol folk from, can you breweries and know that. and the battery is where the, the feeling that they need to know what in sleep a mixture. so it's not that this, this, this is bruce or i being sold in some, uh, should the places that uh, being sold in the box. uh ryan, talked to me, but do take blue cross and the color once or twice. i've done legal coping between this would be the original and then in my tell yeah. so you've had an experience where you bought alcohol over the counter thinking it's a brand that you are familiar with and then what happened to did you get an will? yeah. okay. i want to know about what's happening with them and here with families . i talk to me about that because you hear from me these have broken and we are
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having a lot of, uh, single feet in team. so sometimes when a mind fails to maybe achieve that is possibilities of the find me a month, it's to hide and evaluate, to have these little alcohol easy and other drugs. so that's where you're having a lot of you drinking this. just because this will say that the is lacking 5 us. ok . so broken families, lack of education from the kids who being left but because you focused on men and it is through the 25 men. do take alcohol compared to one in every 20 women. but the women also drinking for you, you talked about having a child who you hadn't seen, how is the relationship with your parents and with your family during that time it was terrible and it was no mean not being there for my son means my son know has to have someone to look after him. you know that's giving other people responsibilities that really didn't meant for them. yeah. but we are, we haven't spoken, you know, well,
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knowing what you know now and doing the podcast to try and help people who are dropping with the same thing. what do you think needs to be done more by us as a community by governments and other stakeholders? first and foremost, of course, is to talk about it. as i said, mine with my father was an open secret. why is it an open secret? why not bring the kids together explained to them? oh, this is what's going on either father or this is what's going on with your brother or alcohol has digging a hold of your mother. you know, the more we speak about it and the more we like we, as people in recovery are able to explain what we went through, how we wish things that have been different. that's the very 1st step that we need to take. okay, of course, let me hear from because i know you have the solutions and do you already implementing that? i think it's the costs for collecting responsibility. well, we cannot said that the section of the government will do this. maybe not the will do this or the national go, it's everybody. everybody has to come on board from the individual to the family,
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to the community, to the county government. national government rehabilitation doesn't have to be expensive to be effective. we can do it at the village level where we have people who are actually bringing this people together because what about some of the substance use this or the needs is love and acceptance for the moment we stopped pushing them out the what do we have? the accepted and we have the accepted in the drinking dance in the drug, then that is we have to be actually good. that is where the state of things i'd take. yeah. much as i emphasized with that. so it's very difficult for a family who is currently trying to do with the person who's addicted to, to, to share love because they steal from you the lie to you, you know, where do we find to the grace to extend to them? ended up being rehab because somebody brought up the good didn't me when everybody else will just bring up. bringing up the bab, someone came and told me on your beautiful yes telling. tell didn't you had a public speaker. you can make a difference in this mission. that's how i ended up in the twins frustrated,
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but everybody kept telling me how useless i was. so i became a distance of myself from anybody, was close to me because of the people who mean up to the question you're drinking. other people who love you, but the approaches over on the participate wrong. so if we can educate them to embrace this before and make them know that they have 6 people who need professional help, we will get to break. so okay, is the club g? is the shake the the cab is, are they doing enough? a religious bodies involved a fund? we are doing nothing. me. when i is bought the vehicle i was only program or you went to them. the truck to me that charge the glad you mean not my charge, but the internet that anymore on any fuck i just happened to be the more than the 5 . are they to a past us we stopped the done the wrong very very. we have people who took phones, i just thought that the building is a to me. thing. how can you are getting to be seen us? how can you mingle, we the gland, gods,
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and i think it's like they have to be of judge our youth. we have judge eh, the alcoholics, forgetting that the sent by god to seek to stop for sol. so to me i being the bit tough to show today's up that, that you should not be monday or you to the judge to dispel being judge mental. and the judge should not, and to show this thought would be more now using alcohol easy. let me hear some other solutions from the site and are you wanted to say something? i think we need to come to a place we have by as a society's ignition. we have talking about preventive emissions starting from schools because i did look at these quotes and you may be thinking even that you've been don't not exposed to drugs, but let me tell you that is why it has to be the drugs as so much. so we need to go back from the east coast in churches, in your organization, and everywhere the society and speak much about probation. okay,
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so kind of what you'll do the 2nd to last. the last person, again is this such a thing as ethical, partying because you don't want to tell people what they kind of kind of drink, but is there a way for us to enjoy to be brought to being excessive. i have a lot of stories with my clients. we make kind of people we have like on the experience, we have talking about the things that are affecting them. so when, while they are drinking values, when they often, and you realize that if they have a problem that is, wouldn't have like a top to seek to go about. yeah. so there's the scenario, maybe you find maybe someone who's been drinking and he had to run boat to you the sick and go to you on the tub caulked to on. do you feel like you need to go to the 5th to talk to him, right. and you observe the past, so i think he has a site, he has reached his limit. i can suggest maybe a glass of water turned out sometimes uh uh, organized for like a buffalo to take to take a client,
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hold on because i'm behind the bob and it's business, right. it has on economic impact told me have to said yeah, but i like what you said. so being your brother's keeper. all right, so sure what we want to rough with you, if you had a chance to, you know, go back in time to when you 1st touched your 1st book to, what would you tell me that version of your cell else? and what would you tell anybody who might be watching, who is struggling at any stage of addiction? i would tell myself, she please don't eventually. it's because it's on funding games. i mean, they got into, it's not wanting to be and i didn't get, nobody wants to be and i did. it was all fun and games until now. if people lose to drink, we have now the concrete. but now i'm left to that, but didn't know they can't quit, they couldn't get out of it. now it's just tough to keep getting high over and over again to numb the pain and the means that yeah, so tell them i understand please, please, please. she just keep off track, don't stick it in that fussy ok. yeah. well, thank you very much for your thoughts and to all of you, we asked
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a simple question at the beginning of this debate. what is the problem? evidently, a very complex one. and the answer to that problem, if you ask me a lot of compassion and grace, thank you all for watching the
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the this is dw news lie from valley. the international criminal court stop prosecutor calls for the arrest of his ride, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. on 3 hamas leaders. the prosecutors assessed the police mister nathan, yahoo! in defense minister, bad responsibility of all crimes and crimes against humanity in the costs of strip to prosecute. also 6 interest on how much officials on the table of chargers in connection with the type of 7th care attack. it is also on the program. it runs


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