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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from by the, the international criminal court stop prosecutor calls for the arrest of his ride, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu on 3 hamas leaders. g prosecutors to assess the police. mister nesting, yahoo! in defense minister, bad responsibility of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the costs of strip to prosecute. also 6, the rest of the homage. officials on the table of charges in connection with the type of 7th care attack. and he is also on the program. he runs, president kills and a helicopter to crush abraham, right. you say he is foreign minister of the top officials died in the incident and
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the remote regions of the country around supreme data or the suffice banks of the i'm sure. okay, well welcome to the program. we start with breaking news from the international criminal court concerning the israel. how must conflict the i c safe chief prosecutors as a notice that he believes that all reasonable drives to believe it is right. the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, best criminal responsibility for full crimes and crimes against humanity. prosecute to account in concert successful seeking an arrest warrant for mister netanyahu, along with israel's defense minister and 3 hamas leaders. i'm ask, how did i go up to about 7 to tax and israel 5 man has been designated a terrorist organization by many countries. defense you. i've got it. so here is the international criminal courts. chief prosecute academy and com that have
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reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you, i've got back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. the crimes include starvation of civilians as a method of wolf. i will fully causing great suffering, serious injury to body or health or cruel treatment for killing or murder, unintentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as well as crimes against humanity of extermination, handling matter, persecution, and allegations of crimes of committing other human acts is alleged. these crimes
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were committed in the context of the ongoing conflict, and that's part of a wide spread and systematic attack against the civilian population of casa, pursuant to a state policy. my office submits that there are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 i'm actually just a criminal. you're responsible for the killing of these race opinions in a textbook to try to buy a mess of the i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the taking hostages and other crimes alleged, you know, applications my office has diligently collected evidence. i need to reach the volumes and high witnesses at the scene of at least 6 major attack locations. the applications rely upon evidence such as cctv portage authenticated audio
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photographs and video material, the expert evidence and statements by a mess. and the members of other i'm groups including by the electorate public trades themselves. let's get most of my correspondence that rebecca, which is in generally so that i'm jack power in brussels. welcoming both. let's start with you, jack. tell us more about what kind of economy has been saying, or was he outlined on one of those crimes that the 5 people to from the israeli side and 3 from the how my side are alleged to have committed. this was the 3 man, uh, the part of the how much the to ship a ya say more. who's the head of the, how much in gaza mohammed the abraham l mastery? who is the commander in chief of the how much military brigade and his mouth have raw high? who is the head of how much is political bureau? no, they're accused of things like cost is taking a step, extermination mode, or rate of torture. and as we had in the clip,
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the prostitutes of the i see believes that bad permanence to benjamin netanyahu. and you have gone, who did this is the defense minister in israel. they are accused of salvation of civilians, willfully causing great hon and the deed examination on motives. these a very serious and grave crimes and prosecute has very interesting the if you saw in that video, you see that there are 2 people who stood flanking him. ordinarily car him call and comes out and makes the statements on his own. but in this instance, one of the gentleman is on the right of the video of him is a very senior british prosecution, a lawyer on the left, probably most interesting, the. it's one of the most respected legal war crimes prosecutors in the world. brenda hall is, she's an american military prosecute to the united states, not being a member of the international criminal court having her that is showing that it's a sort of obstacle, a statement from the prosecutor to say, listen,
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we have the power, we have the investigation to move this forward, it's a huge, huge adult team and this the public document of these alleged crimes that the 5 people listed are accused of. and it's very interesting as well. but what the prosecution has come out and done is issued a almost the chamber of the, its national criminal court for a rest lawrence. he has an initially come out and said, a quote to summons as has happened. in other cases, a very important case of the instructional criminal court was the kenya case against the former president who kenyata. and he was off to come to the hague, to attend to his own free will of his own volition. the icy prosecute a nose from public statements from the as ready to ship, that they would not attend such hearings. obviously with the how much leadership being chased through gauze that most of these men that are on the list. the key
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targets for the city is really military. they wouldn't be able probably to go to the hague. the question is not, how would they be arrested and transferred if the chain but does submit that there's approve the applications that have been submitted by the c prosecute tonight. okay. so no decision. yeah. it's merely a request from the prosecutor that these people be arrested. rebecca rich, as in jerusalem, what reaction has that has that vain? so there'd be no reaction fail of the 2 people involved. name your benjamin that yahoo and you'll have good luck with defense minister. we have heard the from the opposition later. yeah. in the paid. he's called the call for these arrest warrants, a disaster. we've also heard from many guys, also a member of the opposition, but he is a member also of the is a war cabinet. he came in after october 7 off of the attacks and now he has slammed the decision as well. calling saying that israel is fighting one of the most just
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was full in modern history, following a reprehensible massacre perpetrated against it. he called it a crime of historic proportions. now that's their words that a area code from something the prime minister benjamin netanyahu said last month when we 1st heard that the i, c. c may be pursuing these arrest warrants. and he said, then, if the icpc sold arrest warrants, it would be a scandal of historic proportions. so that's likely something that we're going to hear across the board across the political spectrum, from, from all sides as i say. but across the political spectrum, certainly probably what we'll be hearing from 5 minister benjamin netanyahu on the defense minister when they do make a statement. ok, israel not signed up to the i c. c a. does this call from the i c. c. prosecutor. i have months in the way of consequence for mister netanyahu, i need deed for his government or or if these do go ahead and,
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and these are arrest warrants, you know, uh, a handed down and they would be real weld implications. fill. of course, as you said, as well as not signed up to the i say say no, is it storage allied, the united states, but it's not likely to have any political implications directly on the prime minister. all the defense minister, it's not likely to save them, stand down from the positions that something like that is more likely to happen from domestic pressures which we have been saying, but haven't caused the full of the government to the state. but as you just mentioned, to then not signed up to the i, c, c, the i c doesn't have a policing body, there is no way to be able to arrest these men. so it would come down to travel restrictions as we've seen in other cases. namely, with vladimir putin of russia, that there's a 125 other countries that all signed up to the i, c, c. and should either of these men set foot in one of them, they would be obligated to arrest and extradite them. so definitely personal and perhaps also diplomatic when you think of the international summit that they might
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want to attend to meetings that they might want to have with all the foreign leaders. now when i say that there, the u. s. is also not signed up. it would mean that they could travel to the united states, but it may, will affect the relationship between the united states and israel. we know that the united states haven't supported the seeking of these arrest warrants spot. it may cause the us to put more pressure on israel when it comes to the amount of humanitarian aid and the way that it's conducting the war and gone so. but in terms of direct political ramifications, we're not likely to see anything instantly happening. okay. jack power to so we have a prosecutor saying, i would like to say these people are arrested and brought before the court. what happens now and how long is that likely to take as the free trial obtain the will of the instructional criminal court. when i look into the, it's not in is very common that they would approve these arrest warrants. frankly, that's because the burden of proof is actually quite low. in this instance,
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it's just reasonable grinds to believe that these people were involved in these crimes and full body. often times the team that decides that, you know, if there is a standard at least a suggestion that these people who have been involved in these crimes that their lives to have committed, then the chamber would be obligated to approve the arrest warrants. and then those people would be expected to be arrested and transferred to the hague, to attend the pre trial hearing, to look into the what the charges are specifically against them. this is a really interesting case because we have the free home us leadership and 3 men of the how much leadership and to on the israeli side for to sort of different situations. when you look at it from a legal context. i'll be looking into this specific situations by the crimes were alleged to have been committed. so i don't think that this will end up in one sort of big trial of the move together. it will be divided as we go forward. but as i
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said, most people do expect that when the prosecutor asks for these applicant, what applies for these arrest flores, they do usually get the process can take days. sometimes if there's a quick and easy button, a priest that can be put forward, or it can sometimes take weeks or months. okay, thank you for that data being correspondence that gen power can brussels and rebecca ritz was in generally. so the thank that's that's a wrong way i present abraham raising has been killed in a helicopter crash there on state tv, says president, raising his foreign minister and others died in a remote region near the board with as a by john the country supreme leader. i have an i has appointed an interim presidency and was told elections within the next 50 days, is also ordered, 5 days of national morning search teams scale at the for the mountains and northwest and around for hours or the date on my hon.
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eventually locating the crashed helicopter and finding no sign of survive as well. yeah. because so we've got to risk is pulled bodies from the wreckage on the helicopter wing down near runs border with as a by john with president crazy. and his foreign minister had been attending a damn opening sooner and the thought of it must be the more i said about the business side, including a run state tv can send, can use if the dates home and all you guys are sending shock waves across around. ready with lead is across the world offering their condolences at a video, and i thought them to try out. first of all, i'd like to extend my condolences to the brother rearranging and people on the death of the president of the republic, the minister of foreign affairs,
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and their accompanying delegation following the accident level of the hill. and that's l. last we ask, god almighty to forgive them. right, he's the became president and 2021 man was a deeply conservative and hotline leader a. he of a saw a brutal crack down on a rainy and pose eustace in recent years. crazy was seen as a potential success sent to the supreme leader i a toner from amy and she is his strategy of supporting proxy forces across the middle east. i a total of how many has declared 5 days of public morning and said the vice president mohammed must there would act as president new elections must be held within 50 days. ron's cabinet has held an emergency meeting, assuming they would be no problem with the management of the country,
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and vowing to follow re easy as it show up the dates, i'll have all well news at the top of the outside of the a, a reports on the rising demand from liquid in the truck and natural gas here on the w x the the industry can have a site to make the right decision to dw new on the ground. follow.


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