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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, will the international criminal court issue arrest warrants for the leaders of israel anthem on us? today, the court stop, prosecutor said, there is a case to be made. and these rarely prime minister of his defense minister and 3 i'm off. leaders are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity. also, it can be up to noise runs, president killed in a helicopter crash abraham r u. c is for administer. and other top government officials all died when their chopper went down in a remote regions public on the
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library. golf is good to have you. with this, we begin with possible arrest warrants. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court claims that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the leaders of israel and tomas bare criminal responsibility for more crimes and crimes against humanity. the prosecutor kareem con says that he is seeking an icy senior restaurant for his rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is rarely defense, administered a long and 3 mos leaders die as in more mohammed dave and is my of new year. i'm aust carried out the october 7th attacks in israel and is designated as a terrorist organization by many countries. here is the courts chief prosecutor car, even con, earlier today. it is very like low states has the right to defend its population. it has every right to show the return of hostages that have been criminally
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unconsciously taken those right. so i but do not absolve these rail always obligations to comply with international humanitarian law. intentionally causing death, starvation, injury and suffering to the civilian population, including so very many women and children of criminal means to achieve military and political goals. that's what we have, that you have reasonable grounds to believe. the 3 senior leaders of how mass now. yes and why i'm at dice. and ishmael honey, a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of these rail and the state of palestine from at least the 7th of october, 2023. extermination as
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a crime against humanity. murder. as a crime against humanity, as will crime the taking of hostages as a little crime rate and other acts of sexual violence, joining captivity as crimes against humanity does what crimes, torture? joining captivity is a crime against humanity and is a little crime for these really bright minister benjamin netanyahu has denounced this decision saying that he is disgusted with the move and that there can be no comparison between israel's actions and those of him off at the web the prosecutor in the hague, with multiple data the do you to compare the months is of how much to the soldiers of the idea of the most marvel allow me in the world with what all does it do? you compare between the how much that method and butchered rate and kidnapped are brothers and sisters on the idea of soldiers who are fighting
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a just war that is unparalleled in morality. we know that we've heard reaction from israel's prime minister about the itc prosecute as request i asked our correspondent in jerusalem, are you bringing to tell us more about reaction they or the trade? he has now commented, and this came after a series of reaction for reactions from senior is really political figures in addition to the prime minister of calling at this move by the isis, the prosecutor disgraceful. he has also accused the prosecution of anti semitism, which is an accusation that has come out of political leadership time and again throughout this war against multiple international bodies. whenever it is real, finds itself in a position to be in a position where it's accused of things like a war crimes or even when it's subject to heavy criticism. and in addition to the prime minister, we've also heard from the president who is seen as sort of the spokesperson for the
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spirit of the nation. if you will. we've heard from these really foreign minister, israel cats all condemning this move or this, this moved by the i c. c prosecutor seeking the arrest of an attorney, a whole and deland. we've also heard from his really opposition on this who have been very critical of the prime minister and his government and the conduct of the war. but in this issue, they sort of voice the same concerns as the prime minister. we've heard from here even the p, the leader of the opposition, who completely rejected this idea. this notion dot is really a leadership and from us leadership, it can even be mentioned in the same breath because of course, the prosecutor. but while he didn't make a direct comparison between them, he did a he is seeking arrest warrants for both from us is really leadership in the same statement. it is real, does not recognize the jurisdiction of the international criminal court. so what
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impact is this going to have? if any, are right now, the prosecution is seeking a restaurant, so there's no arrest warrant yet. so effectively, this doesn't really hinder or limit the movement of the prime minister or his defense administer. but if we were to arrive at a situation where there is indeed an arrest warrant, this would limit the movement of these 2 senior is really the politicians. it'd be worth to find themselves in a country that does recognize the jurisdiction of the i. c. c. the country would be obligated to facilitate their arrest and their transfer to the hague. but this is at, you know, one of literally the latest, the latest of, of a series of diplomatic blows to israel on the global stage. you know, in reaction to how it has chosen to conduct this for you have these,
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are you working with the latest tonight from jerusalem while you're thank you. here's a quick look now at some of the other headlines this our, the you can use. high court has ruled that we see leaks, founder and drilling into songs. can appeal against extradition to the us. assign, just facing espionage charges there, but has been finding an extradition order from prison for 3 years. as lawyers argue the songs that may not be able to rely on his white to free speech, if he's facing trial in the us. argentina says there will be no apology after president javier malay sharply criticized of spain's prime minister. head drove sanchez and his wife speaking at a white wing rally and madrid on sunday, and the late described sanchez's wife, begonia gomez, as corrupt spades recorded to investigate the brain as ours in project. so it's, i want that new president line gene today has been some more then he began his term
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by calling on china to end the military and political threats and his non duration speech live praise the ty with these people for defending democracy. said there would be no concessions on free to asian views him as a separate to as well flaming, tie one as its own territory. iranian state media are reporting that a technical failure calls the helicopter crash that killed the president. abraham roy easy. and the countries for administer that happened sunday in a remote region near the border with eyes or by john, you're wrong to supreme leader, ayatollah ali. how many has appointed an interim president? him as told elections within the next 50 days. so he's also ordered 5 days of national board search team scale at the for the mountains and northwest and run for hours from devon.
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eventually locating the crashed helicopter and finding no sign of survivors. photographic, and so we've got a risk is pulled bodies from the wreckage. the helicopter wing down near ron's buddha with as a by john were president crazy and his foreign minister had been attending a damn opening center and the advocacy must be the more the business side including iran, state tv can send, can use of the dates, home. i know you guys are sending shock waves across around with lead is across the world, offering their condolences, added badeo, and i thought the tiles. first of all, i'd like to extend my condolences to the brotherly rainy and people on the death of
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the president of the republic, the minister of foreign affairs, and their company and delegation following the accident. and locked out the we ask, god almighty to forgive them. right easy became president and 2021 man was a deeply conservative and hard line leader. he of a saw a brutal crack down on a rainy and protesters in recent years. crazy was seen as a potential $0.60 to the supreme leader. i a total of from a name and she is his strategy of supporting proxy forces across the middle east. i a total of how many has declared 5 days of public morning and said the vice president mohammed must bear, would act as president. knew elections must be held within 50 days. ron's cabinet has held an emergency meeting,
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assuming they would be no problem with the management of the country, and vowing to follow ray easy to join. now, by political analyst allie told a new job, director of the berlin base, the think tank the center for middle east and global order. it is good to have you on the program tonight. so we're seeing pictures coming from t rowe on this evening, showing people taking to the streets people morning publicly the death of their president. that's the official with narrative. is that the complete narrative slow? no, it is not. it's of the narrative that is, proclaims and propagates as by the states. and as you know, over at least the last decades there's been imagining an amount of golf. it's not a reversible one between states and societies. so there are elements within the run in societies. we're not joining the state or the morning, but there's
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a sense of shot and friday as well because actual, uh, as i see, it has been implicated in a mass murder, political decisions. so at the end of the 1980s where he has been part of a very small committee, you know, sentencing people this, it has to death with no judicial process whatsoever. and also more recently, he was hand picked by the supreme leader of the wrong. and as president, and so he has been widely, hey, of as one who is extremely incompetent. i mean, who hold a doctorate, but it's only probably, it's kind of just a few years of school. and also when it comes to it's just kind of pain promises us failed yet failed so far to deliver on any of them it runs the supreme leader is 85 years old president, right? you see had been seen as a possible successor. the next supreme leader. now that's president, right? you see is dead. can we expect,
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should we expect the power struggle at the top at some point in the future? and i believe so. that's the power struggle, especially when it comes to the question of succession of iranian supreme leader. i think harmony gonna be intensified because after all the i see was very close confidence and cortez g of a harmony. and he has been sharing a 3 member committee tossed with finding the new supreme data and as his that he was also traded himself to the potentially the next supreme leader. so uh, the struggle over the question of succession gonna certainly be intensified. and this, of course, um, i mean, the guys, the staff of course opens the way, uh for uh, you know, new horizons uh about the question,
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the succession of the supreme leader. well, we've got about 30 seconds here, but i wanna get this question to you. do you foresee any change in iranian for, in the policy, particularly with iran, proxies in the middle, middle east? well not to, to look at the center of power. the wrong does not consist of, it does not contain the positives, but it is, it consists of the supreme leader is crestline power government, the so called offers plus the summit revolution card course. so all those are the ones we're calling the shots when it comes to your minds, regional and foreign policies, but also when it comes to domestic product. so in political trends, we can expect another changes. but what is going to be interesting is some more intensified power struggle at the top of the risk. and if i told i knew john from the center for middle east and global order, we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank here or
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you're watching the news. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day i hope to see you then the not just another day so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look at current use events analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d, w your updates innovation green, the green revolution.


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