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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 9:15pm-9:31pm CEST

9:15 pm
just, you're watching the news, i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day i hope to see you that the not just another day so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in, that's look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d, w, innovation green the green revolution
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global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the carrier is subscribe to the subscribe to plan, it's a visa 3. let us steering up the world of energy, g l n, g o n g exports, l, n, g i n g, n, g liquefied natural gas as hailed us the magic solution to lots of our problems in europe, that's getting much less gas from russia. it's supposed to keep the lights on in asia, it's supposed to do away with such a cold. and then the wes katasha in australia where most of the stuff is coming from. it's supposed to make a lot of people, a lot of money. all these places are frantically bolstering the infrastructure to ship ever larger amounts of liquid gas around the world. but is this really a good idea? and 18. 23. richard scientist,
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michael sarah. the experimented with different guesses you discover that when he called and compressed them by tons of liquids. today we use essentially the same process to make l n g, which you'll natural gas. so mainly me thing to about minus 160 degrees celsius. that's when it becomes liquids and $600.00 times smaller and volume. that makes it possible to ship and traded overseas. the substitute for sure, when you want to transport gas across the long distance east of this answer, few cobalt researches, natural gas markets. if you want to transport natural gas from say, train, yeah, which of $520.00 to very no. 595. and 1959. the find pioneer became the 1st ship to deliver an energy across the atlantic. today. more than 610 cars carry the stuff around the world. trade volumes had been growing steadily over the last few decades and then in 2022 at
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n g took center stage. the russian invasion of ukraine is under way russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. russia invaded ukraine. russia is shutting down gas supplies a complete hold to the flow of natural gas. as a response to economic sanctions from the west, russia shut this main pipeline and delivering natural gas to europe. europe, which at that time, good 40 percent of its natural gas through pipelines from russia was scrambling to find new supplies. and so it was suddenly in the market for more energy due to g is bit these fixed. so she's going to be basic key redundancy to way. so it is useful, so you won't be is as beings a kind of saves you as the wall went on europe, stats of building more input terminals along its coastline. this is where the tank of stocks the energy gets read yes, a fights and then fed into the local network in the us. now the world's biggest
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exports on spot to building more export terminals. this is where the natural gas gets liquefied and been loaded onto ships. but the one ukraine is really only half the story behind the current l. n g. the biggest demand actually lives in asia, china and india in particular. and massively expanding the input infrastructure to secure enough energy for the growing economies. this map shows all those and determine those that are already operating, those that are under construction and those that have been proposed. there are enough projects in development to triple total export capacity with energy and increase import capacity by 2 thirds. this is robert roseanne sky. he's a research for global energy monitor of the n g o which compiled that map. probably not all of that is going to be built right, even if just some of it gets built, it's very tons of pcs, huge pcs, absolutely key jacob beach,
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which begs the question, what does it mean for global warming as being this assumption, that transporting liquefied natural gas and these must have congress ships, is extremely low emissions. and this is pull balcony chemical engineer who measures the gas industries, methane emissions. and i think we're just understanding in the last couple of years that maybe does not quite say true. here's the thing. when you burn natural gas and the power station, it admits only half as much c o 2 as cold. that's great, but it ignores what happened before on the way to the power station and for n g. and that's a pretty long way. you 1st have to get natural gas out of the ground, then turn it into n g a to liquefaction plant, then ship it where it needs to go from thousands of kilometers away, then turn it back into a gas, and only then can you bring it in the power station, all these steps use energy, for example, the initial cooling of the gas and the fueling of the ship. this, that c o 2 emissions to make met as was something else might be escaping at every
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step of the way. the same big problem with me by dimensions is that it's a very power greenhouse gas journey need, very small amounts of methane emissions to have a big time. in fact, that's because it initially traps more heat than c o $220.00 is off. that's been released me things woman power is to move in a t times. great. so the problem is we still don't really know how much of this stuff is escaping along the elegy supply chain. the companies haven't really been required to measure their right or emissions side, which is that really has the dates. and so rece relatively recently when we start to expand academics and other other organizations, we started getting on the ships to go and collect some of the main thing or some states. and so we've got maybe sort of 5 percent of the way into it. and we need to need to do the rest of the 95 percent to really get a better understanding of the engines. one of his recent studies, for example, found more me thing them previously. thoughts slipped through analogy,
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ships engines. the thing is this. if maintain emissions along the supply chain and turn out to be quite high. and then these climate benefits of other fossil fuels shrinks. a recent study even claims, it's worse for the climate than digging up and burning coal. they must be set low. this hasn't been peer reviewed yet, and many similar studies conclude energy is still the clean, the way of generating power. i mean, these are the secondary questions. i is a guy. so it's, but is it good enough? and the answer is, invariably no, is not good enough. to me on time to talk it's, it's hard to see how you can keep building always only infrastructure and you're calling because at the same time, we reached out to 2 energy industry groups to he a value on this, the center for island g and the international group of liquefied gas import us the 1st never go back to us, but the 2nd degree to an interview. so how do they bring together our climate goals
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and more? n g is not symmetric contradiction. if you go to the fact that the gas in energy, gen ed, the energy transition, the industry has long argued that natural gas is vital in lowering emissions by replacing coals, particularly in asia where it's still used widely. of course, at the end, if you want to reach the need 0, need to to know some move away from chain. this was an fuse and natural gas is secure. but yes, for the medium of them. you know, i'm telling you that the switch is very important, the risk of building more fossil fuel infrastructure of any kind. so is that we locked in emissions for decades. and then g terminals have a life span of 20 years or more delta, right? so it's also often signed long term supply contracts guaranteeing that one for decades. if we make a massive investments right now and such that it makes continuing,
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these fossil fuels right, cheaper, more, cheaper than other investments. and we have to be really careful about that. so energy is climate credentials of questionable, at the very least to be fair, climate action hasn't really been that the top of the old and gas industries agenda . one thing has though, money look at discharge. the critics, however, g trade will evolve until the 25th, the assuming governments will do what they promise to protect the climates. now this is the energy infrastructure already in place, and this is the one we're currently building more than we actually need. so what's going to happen with these new terminals? there's the risk that's if we do me stay on track to meeting our climate goes to a lot of these facilities in new facilities to be built, not use much, maybe left a strange analysis. that means they've shut down before they made back the money. it cost to build the that could mean billions of investor and government money down
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the drain. again, we put this to the industry groups between you depends on your cdn energy demand reading and it's very out. it's a pretty should have a page uh hold on. so $265.00. before that we, it is, you reduce the needed even piece, the google gas demand is decreasing. so the silver capacity. we don't make any scenarios or predictions at the jr idea now, but i would say there is a risk, but that should be the needed. and that's the problem with predictions. this is only one scenario with which governments live up to the excitement pledges. gas companies might see a different future media. they're betting that this won't happen after all. and probably that by having the infrastructure in place like rolling the market, there will be some to sustain themselves. a full cost is a full cost is a full cost. this one from show predicts l. n. g. the mines, the blue line to keep growing. you christian,
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east coast east and then you mean tweet voted on the company change. and this is the question that 3 nobody is able to answer so many forecasts of the right nice. but though i used to take fast speeds that you can think of states that's sort of and there's another reason for specifically building more input terminals in sheet info, skip a seat as well. so again, these 1240 tens of 6 which you subtract because it can be and as soon as you us to be 0, we give twin because sinks. that means how much financial sense it makes takes a backseat to you. it's more about having the infrastructure in place if of the supplies dry up, like a type it in europe with restaurants, pipeline guess. so well, so that leave us, should we push ahead with the lindsey expansion or pump the brakes? well, that's a tricky question. energy does have its benefits, it's flexible versus tile and fairly cheap bucks. it also raises 2 major concerns.
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firstly, we need to make a 100 percent. sure. it's actually better for the climates than other fossil fuels . what we're renting a stay is emissions. we need to prove it. if it isn't, we need to work out how we can drive in down because it seems that all of the, the fossil fuel and categories, it seems that energy may well be. this is the last one that we, that we rely on. and secondly, we need to get a better idea how much energy we really need. and for how long the alternative self director year we're seeing new was become cheaper and cheaper, easier to build. and it's clear that we send the power sector most could be a great replacement from all of this potential guesstimate. when all said and done and in g remains of fossil fuel. if we're serious about slowing climate change, we need to digits the sooner the better. and every time though,
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we built makes that hot a what about you? does your country rely on that? lindsey, how do you feel about it? let us know the comments and don't forget to hit subscribed for more videos like this every friday. the thinking as a network thing, as one it show about the vision range and the project is that can be tackled together for a future living, working for a more united world on
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d, w. 3 young immigrants from zimbabwe support the family because the state cons the siblings live in england and some of africa and send as much money as possible such as i natural obligations are an enormous button. transactions to oh is on d w. the asked about why does this? because like now i'm leaving the new host. join us for an exciting explanation of everything in between
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the. this is a video and audio production 5 d, w, i hope video will tune in the shed. tomb straight is blank clubs provides mutual support for victims of shock attacks quietly dying. carl re several disrupt and it's not just climate change. that's to blame the pricey. pres, evangelical churches in brazil, blue makes sense that with that process, the .


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