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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news, live it from berlin, will the international criminal court issue arrest warrants for the leaders of israel and tomas? today the board stop, prosecutor said, there is a case to be made that the is really prime minister is defense minister and 3 off off leaders are responsible for more points, a crimes against humanity. also, it can make up tonight. it runs president, killed in a helicopter, crash abraham or you see his foreign minister and other top government officials all died when there chopper went down in a remote region of the country. and a u. k. court was, were huge, founder julie designs can appeal against expedition to the united states on
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espionage discharge. we'll get the latest from lunch. the regard to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome, the international criminal courts. tom prosecutor is seeking arrest warrant for israel's prime minister as well as 3 come off leaders. kareem khan says that the men all bear responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the board and gaza and the october 7th attacks it is re or yes, yes, and wires from offices leader in gaza. he's one of the men targeted by the i c, c, arrest warrant request. so was this man issued by the honey, the guitar based political leader of the month?
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the 3rd, so must his military strategist mohammed diet. if the i c, c's top, prosecutor says he has reasonable grounds to believe the 3 are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed pon and after october, the 7th murder as a crime against humanity. as will crime the taking of hostages as a little crime rate. the acts of sexual violence, joining captivity as crimes against humanity. does what crimes? torture? joining captivity is a crime against humanity and is a little crime. kind is also requesting an international arrest warrant for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, you'll have kalonde 7 months into the war. he thinks the to bear direct responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in gaza.
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including using starvation as a weapon of war and intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population is very like whole states has the right to defend its population. it has every right to show the return of hostages that have been criminally unconsciously taken. of those rights, however, do not absolve these rail always obligations to comply with international humanitarian law. up soon, netanyahu rejects the accusations when la garza as prime minister of israel, i reject with all my soul, the comparison made by the prosecutor in the hague, between democratic israel and the mass. murder is of how much this is a complete distortion of reality. is real is not a member of the i c. c and doesn't recognize its jurisdiction. but if warrants are issued, which may take months, those named could face arrest if they travel to one of the courts,
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124 member states, which include most of europe, but not the united states. the deputies corresponded in brussels, eject eric has more now on the i c. c. announce it's it's a really significant announcement by the international criminal court. the prosecute to that was very interestingly flanked by 2 very senior more global prosecutors related to war crimes. one of them, brenda hollis, who was the one minister to his left is actually an american war crimes prosecute to one of the most respected and celebrated war crimes prosecutors in the world. she's positivism investigation. now this is really significant that she was did that while car income was a nice thing, this application for the rest, warren's of the is right in the leadership and also the leadership of the how much terrorist organization. now, i see her presence that shows that there is
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a serious way to the international criminal court, the ones, the united states backing on this. what's interesting about that we've already now had a statement from the us president joe biden, the us not a member of the international criminal court. and the us president has cooled these, this application for a rest, wilmont warrens. i re just cut him con when he stood in a made this a month announcement. while the court is meant to work for the federal save room work independently, he knows that this is heavily political to w, checked here at bringing us up to date some brussels jack, thank you. we're now the israel's prime minister, has spoken allen to about the itc prosecutor's request. i asked the w correspondent in jerusalem, while you were here to tell us more about the reaction there to the trade, he has now commented in this came after a series of reaction for reactions from senior is really political figures, in addition to the prime minister of calling at this move by the isis,
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the prosecutor disgraceful. he has also accused the prosecution of anti semitism, which is an accusation that has come out of political leadership time and again throughout this war against multiple international bodies. whenever it is real, finds itself in a position to be in a position where it's accused of things like what kinds are even when it's subject to heavy criticism. and in addition to the prime minister, we've also heard from the president who is seen as sort of the spokesperson for the spirit of the nation. if you will. we've heard from these really foreign minister, israel cats all condemning this move or this, this move by the i c. c prosecutor seeking the arrest of an attorney, a whole and deland. we've also heard from his really opposition on this who have been very critical of the prime minister and his government and the conduct of the war. but in this issue, they sort of voice the same concerns as the prime minister. we've heard from here.
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yea, and the p, the leader of the opposition who completely rejected this idea. this notion dot is really a leadership and from us leadership, it can even be mentioned in the same breath because of course the prosecutor. but while he didn't make a direct comparison between them, he did a he is seeking arrest warrants for both from us is really leadership in the same statement. it is real, does not recognize the jurisdiction of the international criminal court. so what impact is this going to have? if any right now the prosecution is seeking an arrest warrant, so there's no arrest warrant yet. so effectively, this doesn't really hinder or limit the movement of the prime minister or his defense administer. but if we were to arrive at a situation where there is indeed an arrest warrant, this would limit the movement of these 2 senior is really the politicians. it'd
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be worth to find themselves in a country that does recognize the jurisdiction of the i. c. c. the country would be obligated to facilitate their arrest and their transfer to the hague. but this is that you don't want to literally latest the latest admit of a series of diplomatic blows to israel on the global stage. you know and reaction to how it has chosen to conduct this for you have these, are you working with the latest tonight from jerusalem while you thank you in germany's foreign ministry has also reacted saying that that respects the independence and procedures of the international criminal court. but a question, the targeting of both is really and i'm also leaders simultaneously saying that this gives a false impression of equivalence with important concept has been
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feeling weeks approaches on us college campuses. one of those is george washington university in the us capital. it recently held commencement exercises, but the days leading up to graduation were filled with attention. dw, you've made the mutual act and ernesto flint by your report from washington to may . 2020 for an early morning operation at george washington university. police deployed pepper spray took the a pro, posting and demonstrate us from the area today. little remains of the protest kemp, the george washington university, has smells corrupt the science of the former encampment that's known as pin surrounding the former main protest side. it remains uncertain how the protest will develop beyond this week. as this school year has basically end in april students, people that came to protest to one guys that went up more than 4000. if you ask
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universities nationally, almost $2800.00 people have been arrested or charges including trespassing and assaulting police of the campus, protest have to get a national debate on how to protect free speech without enabling and to submit to them or the harassment of to a student re potemkin is a jew student at george washington university, and he spoke to us from his home, really upset about whatever i would walk by. people would stare at us and harass us . i was coming back from uh from coming back from shabat. i was taking one of my friends home, which happened to be going through the cabinet and we were spat out and harassed. that student protest organize a say that the discussion around the safety of 2 students, district from what they see as the main issue, the war in gaza. we talked with them, ask them what they do before the encampment was clear at the conversation on anti
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semitism is a uh, is employed to move us away from the current conversation we have do are students here. we have non jewish students here. we have most of the students here, we have non with some students here. so the conversation across is any religious line and you cultural line. it's the debate that remains and results g w students here say they experience the demonstration as mostly com, but have heard if i'm comfortable except you really don't see any danger from it. honestly think it's the most peaceful ones i've seen so far in terms of violence. i have not personally witnessed any. i personally have not felt not safe, but i know that a lot of my friends have voice thought to me that they don't feel really comfortable walking around. the specific area before the in campus was clear, police had said the protest bill actually peaceful that. what they called a gradual escalation invalid looking them to disperse the accounts on official studies activist and protest movements. she says,
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keeping people on message and maintaining discipline, it's more difficult. the big movement gets as one of the challenges when you bring, when you call for people to join you in solidarity or join you in the streets or join, you had an encampment, you get what you get and then you work with it. and in terms of their being more extreme views, or people with extreme views in the streets or in the encampments, in this case, it's very common, you basically call for people to come out in solidarity and whoever comes comes, the question moving forward is, who will stay the next weeks will determine whether the movement sustains itself as campuses release students. so this is a quick look now. some of the other headlines this, our argentina says there will be no apology. after president heavier malay sharply criticized spain's prime minister pedro sanchez and his wife speaking at a right wing rally and madrid on sunday delay. describe the sanchez's wife, the going you. gomez. as corrupt space is recall to to investigate the board is
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always in protest. so i once knew president life, she k has been sworn in. he began his term by calling on china to end military and political threats in his inauguration speech. live phrase the time when these people for defending democracy and said there would be no concessions on freedom. beijing views him as a separate unit as well, so he means high one as its own territory. as the radiant state media are reporting that a technical failure calls the helicopter crash that killed president abraham. right . you see, and the countries for administer. it happened to sunday in a remote region near the border with either by john. it runs a supreme leader, ayatollah ali harmony, has appointed an interim president who must hold elections within the next 50 days . he's also ordered 5 days of official, more search teams scoured the foggy mountains and northwestern
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run for hours from devon. my hon eventually locating the crashed helicopter and finding no sign of survivors, forgot the risk. it was pulled bodies from the wreckage, almost lost the helicopter wind down the runs border with as a by john with president crazy and his foreign minister had been attending a damn opening sooner on the bottom. it must be the more i said about the business side, including a run state tv can send can use if the dates home and all you guys are sending shock waves across around. ready with lead is across the world, offering their condolences, added badeo, and i thought the tiles. first of all,
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i'd like to extend my condolences to the brother, lorraine, and people on the death of the president of the republic, the minister of foreign affairs and their company. and delegation following the accident level of the hill. and that's locked out. we ask, god almighty to forgive them. right, he's the became president and 2021 and was a deeply conservative. and hotline leader, a fee of a sort, a brutal crack down on a rainy and pros. eustace in recent years, crazy was seen as a potential $0.60 to the supreme leader, i a toner from amy. and she is his strategy of supporting proxy forces across the middle east. i a total of how many has declared 5 days of public morning and said the vice president mohammed must, there would act as president, knew elections must be held within 50 days. ron's cabinet has held an emergency
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meeting, assuming they would be no problem with the management of the country and vowing to follow re easy or earlier i spoke to political analyst and to run experts. ali i told a new job and i asked him about the images of morning that we're seeing now from tay wrong. i wanted to know if there is more going on in the wake of the crash than what we are see. as it says, the narrative that is, proclaims, it propagates us by the states. and as you know, over at least the last decades there's been imagining an immense golf. it's not a reversible one between states and societies. so there are elements within your, on, in society. we're not joining the state or the morning, but there's a sense of shot and friday as well. because actual, as the advice he has been implicated in a mass murder,
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political decisions are at the end of the 1980s where he has been part of a very small committee. you know, sentencing people this, it has to death with no judicial process whatsoever. and also more recently, he was hand picked by the supreme leader of the wrong and as positive that he has been widely hailed as one who is extremely incompetent. i mean, who hold the doctrines, but it's only uh, probably it's kind of just a few years of school and also when it comes to it's just kind of pain promises us failed yet failed so far to deliver on any of them. it runs the supreme leader is 85 years old president, right? you see had been seen as a possible successor. the next supreme leader. now that's present, right? you see is dead. can we expect, should we expect the power struggle at the top, at some point in the future that i believe. so that's the power struggle,
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especially when it comes to the question of succession of iranian supreme leader, i think harmony gonna be intensified because after all the i see was very close, confident and quite easy of a harmony. and he has been sharing a 3 member committee tasked with finding the new supreme data and as his that he was also trying to see himself to be potentially the next supreme leader. so uh, the struggle over the question of succession gonna certainly be intensified. and this, of course, um, i mean, the guys, the staff of course opens the way for uh, you know, new horizons uh about the cost of the succession of the supreme leader. well, we've got about 30 seconds here, but i wanna get this question to you. do you foresee any change in iranian for,
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in the policy, particularly with iran, proxies in the middle, middle east? well notice over here, the center of power of the wrong does not consist of it does not contain the presidents, but it is, it consists of the supreme leader is crestline power government, the so called offers plus the summit revolution card course. so those are the ones where calling the shots when it comes to your minds, regional and foreign policies, but also when it comes to domestic product. so in political trends, we can expect no changes. but what is going to be interesting is some more intensified power struggle at the top of the reason i thought to lot new john from the center for middle east and global order. we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. why you sees it does, has prompted mixed reactions from governments and leaders from around the world of
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the after ever him right. you sees death and the heavy comforter crush messages of grief and support. many from countries back by iran in their fight against the united states or israel sworn enemies of a runs 1979 as lubbock revolution. heads of other authoritarian states and regional neighbors sent their deepest condolences. china is foreign ministry issued a statement from she's been paying saying this country had lost a dear friend. did you mean for president? she said that since taking office president, right, you see made significant contributions to maintaining around security and stability and promoting the countries development and prosperity. he also made active efforts to strengthen and develop the comprehensive strategic partnership between china and i run russian around have deepened their ty, since the start of vladimir putin full scale invasion of ukraine. preaching also hailed his country strategic partnership and friendship. toronto supplied moscow's forces, which i had drones throughout the conflict. serious home to many
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a rambling militias. i'm president bashar al assad was fulsome, in his praise varieties efforts to enrich syrian iran relations in pakistan. prime minister ship out of sherry, such as country would observe a day of morning and fly the flag at half mast as a market respect. while the indian prime minister and the render moody hailed right uses contribution to strengthen the bilateral relationship of europe and unions. reaction was relatively music council president showing me show, express the sincere condolences for the death of president tracy as well as other members of their delegation and crew. the block has imposed sanctions against iran in response to its human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation activities, and moved to support for russia's war of aggression against ukraine. where he leaves founder julian, his orange is not headed for the united states, at least for now. today. he won his bid to appeal his extradition into the us on
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espionage charges, as long as has been fighting expedition from the u. k. for more than a decade after we, he leads rebuild classified information about the us military, back in 2010 the quotas of julian, the solar celebrate of london's high quote runs the wiki leaks found to the right to appeal his extradition to the united states. the example and just do the song is please as soon as possible, completely because he's done so much for humanity in truth. and i'm so grateful to him because he's given us tools across the world. this john, so the potential to have a better world. there is no case, i still know jack, actually nonsense, john and, and he report cards and he's in jail for reporting crimes. what does that? so he is a saw she's wanted in the us on 18 charges,
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mostly relating to the mass leak in 201-2011 of confidential documents pertaining to the us military military active duty to hi court judges. ground to disarm his right to appeal his extradition off to his lawyers argue that as an australian citizen, he might not be grown to the 1st amendment right to freedom of speech. if he were forced to stand trial in the us says, astonish, wasn't present in the court room due to pull health. his wife says the judge's decision doesn't go far enough case against us. obviously, the immediate feeling was of relief. but part of me had hoped that the judges would have reached the same conclusion. and then also said, you know, we've looked at this, we've heard enough, julian should just be released. they could have done that. they didn't. the next
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hearing will likely be in a few months time. it is the next step in june and the song she has long quest for freedom and justice. well, it corresponding charge us until she joins me now from london. charlotte, what are the next steps in the case against a sausage? this is the whole thing and then it says flex on the flux that have this running today. go against you near the phone. she came and said he could have been on the plane since he wants to stay within 24 hours now. office days ruling that temporarily at least is also called and said this a fresh appeal has been wrong for 15, celebrating dont announcement today suppose is outside the courses. did you have a no fault just now? his wife's cell phones telling dw how relieved she was fine this decision. but she also unlimited in the interview with the w to the fact that as the fresh at you
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could and may not be had a month on. indeed, it may then go to a supreme court and it's likely as well. but if any decision says dense, and mr. saucer present in 4 to 6 months, we really don't know how long this lady to link legal software could still go on. and so as we pointed to the embed mental and physical pull, this is taking on that julian a phone over the years and wow, today office, 1st legal for his support and for the reading or see, is this facebook? yeah, here's the supporters. they're calling for the united states to drop the case entirely . what are the chances of that happening? charlotte? as i said, his family makes a lot for the number of mediately, human voice groups, as well as eating a human right fortune. now missing instructional funding for this case because they
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say it on jones and uh as a freedom of speech. and there is also saying you can get it for the same policy and then it would take semester explanation for this. indeed, you're starting in 5 minutes. the fax, the motion costs in neil, straight employment earlier this year, cooling semester saw to be the tense will stray. and so you have questions to yvonne really is facing a lot of pressure by home and internationally to drop this pace. so he did indicates last month, the fact that he's considering the 1st thing is that stephanie, this is quote, encouraging by his forces including support, et cetera. so that she pointed out to dw in an interview that was encouraging. time is now running out of the presidential election later this year, so she falls on the supplies is very good points not too long until
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the presidential election in the us. the w charlotte chosen pill with the ladies tonight from london. charlotte, as always, thank you. you're watching dw news after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day. stick around who will be right back or the
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3 young immigrants from zimbabwe. supportive family. because the state cons the siblings live in england. and so that africa and send as much money as possible such as i natural obligations, are an enormous transaction in 45 minutes on d, w, the
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database. but we will tell you who we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a, getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force, the for the future. feeling about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed across the continent, dw news, africa every friday on the w. music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to be performed for head lice in las vegas. the was the nazis, the 2 musicians who lives in the savannah office, austin film about the sounds of power and inspiring story about
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survival music under the swastika. scott's may 25th on dw, the what is true about russian president vladimir putin, that could also be true about these really prime minister and the leaders of how moss well they could sued all be wanted men, wanted on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity today the international criminal courts, top prosecutor said he will seek arrest warrants for the 3 him us leaders for what they orchestrated inside israel on october 7th. and for benjamin netanyahu, for what he has done in gaza. ever since i broke off in berlin. this is the day i.


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