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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 21, 2024 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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and the leaders of how much will they could suit all be wanted men wanted on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity. today the international criminal courts, top prosecutor said he will seek arrest warrants. and for the 3 him us leaders for what they orchestrated inside israel on october 7th. and for benjamin netanyahu, for what he has done in gaza. ever since i broke off in berlin, this is the day the my office of charges mentioned yahoo and carolina has coop, hepatitis, and a superiors. and the commission of these alleged christ offset off show where your scans of this decision of the prosecutor general and the criminal court in the hague is a product of attack. without restraints on the victims of october, the 7th of the 3 of the program is very like,
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whole states has the right to defend its population. but the not the same. the state of israel has way each one of the just tools after the master could pub attracted by how much business those right. so i would do not have solve these right obvious obligations to comply with international humanitarian law. also coming up the university campuses in europe and the united states, students protesting against the board and gallons of how much freedom is there in this free speech. and even if we don't agree with someone, we have to be humble and listening and responding to them. every single one of us has to work together to forge an environment. culture where people are safe to share and willing to listen to our viewers want,
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you're going to cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with possible arrest warrants connected to israel and moss . today the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court said there are reasonable grounds to believe that the leaders of israel and tomas are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity. therefore, the prosecutor is seeking a risk. lawrence for his rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu is rarely defense administered along and for the 3 how mos leaders, young as in warm bahama dive and is my of new year. i'm aust carried out the october some of the tags. it is real and it's designated as a terrorist organization by many countries. here is the court's chief prosecutor on why he's seeking the arrest of net in yahoo and the law. i can also confirm today that i have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected
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and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you. i've got aunt bet criminal responsibility my office submits these individuals through upcoming plans. have systematically deprived the civilian population of casa of objects, indispensable to human survival are well members of the israeli government and the opposition condemned the court's decision. today for administrative yahoo, lashed out at the court for naming is really is an i'm us leaders in the same arrest, more request. take a look at the prosecutor in the hague with multiple data. do you compare the months is of how much to the soldiers of the idea of the most model allow me in the world with what all does it to you compare between the how most admitted and butchered
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rate and kidnapped? i brothers and sisters. and the idea of soldiers who are fighting a just war that is on power of the morality. but i'm joined now by jeffrey noisy, was a prosecutor at the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia. he was lead prosecutor at the trial of slipping down below. so that she joins to be the 9th from kind of very england is nice is good. the see you again, is the i c. c. prosecute as request. is it a done deal? i mean, will be arrest warrants in your opinion. will they be issued when of course icons that crass and cause i'm not the judge and i haven't seen a we evidence, but mr. con has indicated that he's set himself a higher than normal standard, whether the job is or a private on that in order to be satisfied with the evidence could lead to a conviction. he's also, i know, taken independent advice from a body of experts acting, proven no, and sort of behind the scenes to check on whether he may have made any mistake. so
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it's pretty likely to be ever since he's present, it will be strong, whether it's strong and respectable. 5, all, some of them we kind of decide, but i think it's kind like either just simply from or he tells us about the way he's done his work. yeah, that may get some of these responses here. yeah. and you say this to these are the higher standards for this case. what do you understand under higher standards as well as he explained in the interview he gave with kristin, i'm a poor because he didn't rest on the reasonable grounds to believe level. he relied on a reasonable prospect of conviction level, which is a bit higher now, always standards and easy to stipend, hard to test,
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but what he's saying is, okay, here's the standard of the quote and i made my standard a bit high, not so and that's, that's sort of responsible approach to taking an issue as sensitive as this. we heard from us president joe biden. this evening. he said that this announcement was outrages. and he said that we are dealing here with faults, equivalencies that you should not even try to compare her moss with the government or the actions of israel. i mean, does he have a point there? did the prosecutor did he have to make this announcement today? did he have to announce that he was seeking an arrest warrant for is really leaders in the same breath. but he said he's seeking arrest warrants for how mosse leaders, why do it together? so we certainly didn't have to. we could have done it on different days. on the
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other hand, if you don't know, you decided to do it on different days for political a parents reasons that would have been pretty on satisfactory as well. i don't know what happened inside the office that led them to look at the situation and you decide that these 5 requests for was, could be made. uh, but i gotta say, is there any question of who's trying to assess model equivalence? he said, he said, here's the law, here's the people need side who for the time being, i'm going to ask, why don't should be issued. so the items responses, no political response has, is the following. but of the statement i think from blinking, where they say that no efforts are being made to allow only sufficient evidence to be made to allow israel to deal with these matters themselves. overall, i think that it some lies, both america and britain. if it does it and germany,
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if it does it to stop speaking against what the prosecutor has done, we don't have to remember the, the reason things like this happened is because we have incompetent politicians who by terrible mistakes, whether the publications in israel cause a time us, whatever you like me for the politicians who being sitting around them for the last century and 20 years seeing the creation of the state of israel and doing whatever they've done not to succeed in heading off this huge foreseeable tragedy. so we got lousy politicians or bad politicians you may think and it doesn't really sit very comfortably in them of didn't it's just happening by creation. and for example, of a one state solution for israel and palestine. offer a 2 state solution when they let it drift for so many years. doesn't say it's very
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easily in their mouth. now to complain when an independent body composed of a professional people, you've got low interest in selling their integrity for some political objectives whose only interest will be in getting the job done well. the city easily and the comfortable in the miles of supposing toxic substances united states will just be off hand from imation of was from mr. let me pick up on that. either you say that the prosecuting attorney, that they, if they're using a higher than higher standards and they normally would and that they are handling this case with the utmost care. then certainly the decision to announce that they're seeking arrest warrants for these leaders. have moss industry leaders announcing that together there has, there had to be a reason there had to be a decision to do that and to have it seemed together for public consumption. do you agree? no,
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i don't even understand what question is it you go to justify the question, why should then all decisions on a different day? i'm saying the say i it's nothing. is that the chance i think that the prosecutor knew exactly what he was doing and i'm trying to ask you what, why do you think he did what he did today by grouping them together? i don't know. but if you put yourself in his position, and he looks at the evidence in around all of it, favorable on favorable thomas israel. so he says his team to work and his team come back and say, well, here's the evidence that looks like. is this, these 2 and these 3 again assume there's enough evidence and then they probably they have a review and then they have a discussion with their independent panel of experts. and they come to the conclusion that this 3 and this 2 should be indicted. it would be a bit of political window dressing of the worst kind to choose to go for one 1st and the out of the 2nd. which one should go 1st?
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i'm afraid i, that's probably your question. but by all means got an awesome just to com. if you want to, i'll see you. i don't know whether you will, but i'll ask you why did you not do it on different days and see what he says? what? well, i can't ask him tonight, but i'm glad that i have you to ask another brilliant legal mind. mister jeffrey. noise is always good talking with you. we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. you're welcome. well, my next guest has made a name for himself on both sides of the atlantic. for his writings on the crisis of modern democracy is the author of several books, including the great experiment, why diverse democracies fall apart and how they can endure. in his latest book, the identity trap a story of ideas and power in our time. he's also a professor at johns hopkins universities and school of advanced international studies. i'm happy to welcome back to the program to 9 political sciences yasha. my gosh, it's good to see you again before we we get into the weeds here of,
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of the street approaches. i'd like to get your reaction to the news today that the prosecutor, the i c. c has applied for arrest warrants for these rarely prime minister. and these really defense minister as well as the hamas leaders. what did you think when you heard the news? so to be say, i'm not an expert in international law. it's hard for me to judge, to what extent visits in keeping with precedent at the i c. c. i'm certainly, if the court can prove that benjamin netanyahu has committed war crimes when he should be prosecuted and punished for those i do worry about the implied equivalence between i'm us. tell us the organization which style to the county will with its murder of school. so if is what 80 civilians and the state of israel more broadly. and i do wonder about the extent to which was proportionate with precedent
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in the i. c. c. for example, of, to my best understanding the i see did not try to prosecute a beside a side, but read off syria who is responsible for terrible crimes during the civil war there up, it certainly is. the quote can prove that is the ship was somehow completed and will crimes. um but it would be appropriate for them to be prosecuted for us. yeah, sure. and just one more question about that, about this, is this the appearance of a false equivalency? do you get the sense that on your side of the atlanta, that when you look at the situation in gaza that americans may more quickly come to the conclusion that this is false equivalency that we're seeing compared to what people may be seeing here in europe do you think there is a, of a bifurcation at all, they're there in how people see things. yes, i mean,
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i think that part of the opinion united states remains more friendly to as well. but it does in most european countries. um, we have seen good, simple sympathy for the us have been suffering and gaza for very good reason in the west as well as in europe. but that according to opinion polls most americans sympathize with both sides. um, big one vet choose itself as that for us to choose, which is i think it's like a strange thing, but pulses tried to do they sympathize movies right inside the posting inside. i haven't followed the opinion polls in europe as closely, but i would imagine, but in many countries that would be different. all right, that's a standby. we're going to switch gears now in talking about the october 7th to month terror attack. it triggered israel's declaration of war against a moss, and since been more than a 1000000, tell us the indians in gauze they had been forced from their homes. tens of thousands have reported the died. un says many more. are facing fam, and it is this humanitarian crisis. in gauze and not the mos attack on israel,
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the hispano student protests on campuses here in europe and in the united states. there were dramatic scenes at columbia university in new york where students occupied and barricaded themselves of hamilton hall, demanding that the university divest itself, all is really businesses. and last week, protests erupt. it again in los angeles at u. c. l la police were called in to restore order hold shows some public support for the students, but majorities in the us do not approve of what these protests have more into students turned active is made possible by the ivory tower. is that what is happening? josh? and it's, i mean, how is it happen? what i mean is, you know, students of boys being politically active as nothing completes the news about that is also on this time of the particularly students who may be our up in our general,
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maybe muslim, feel a particular kind of kinship to those who are suffering cause that's a moment, i think what's been striking full about these protests. it is, but the rhetoric and the extent of support among parts of the academic left among people, most of whom do not have personal stakes in the conflict in the middle east and who have justified the rhetoric in tom's, but rather different. i'm costing it as a form of dis sectional struggle in which. so the key is for palestine and really imply that does a natural connection between discrimination. that's extra minorities might explode some united states and what's going on in the middle east today. sometimes the rhetoric, which basically tries to assimilate as well, into a sort of wide colonizing state that is a, you know, suppressing the people of color. and that would really seeing the application
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office such a basic logical categories. but as a cool off, a new set of ideas about identity, but has become very influential on the americans after the international left, over the last 2 years to this very complicated conflict in the middle east. in ways that i think the overly simplistic and ultimately concealed more than they reveal about the events that do you think the university students are being educated. we hear from some members of society that they're being indoctrinated to. to see the world in a very binary way of groups being either the oppressed or the oppressed words and it, we get that example with these railings versus the palestinians. a yes, i think that is a strong strain of his audiologist present in universities, but often is reinforced by administrator. is it american universities
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by a growing abrupt receive that has come to play a much larger role in the life of students as well? and so that is at least the segment of the if i could, i make some students but looked at the events of up to the 7th, even before, because of a response and said, you know, this is very simple. this is a question of invites, was that people of color of colonizers versus the colonized. and you know, in the sense all forms of racism, a structural since they have nothing to do with the contents of people x roles believes it means that a b or pressed a justified in any form of resistance including biden's existence, including resistance, but involves to deliberate targeting and murder off of siblings. yes, you, you write an article that appeared in the spectator magazine early this month, and titled, how universities raised a generation of activists and you right, that universities should publicly commit themselves to upholding both free speech
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and public order. but it's probably too late for principal to save them from their current troubles. for now, they are condemned to look like hypocrites, whatever they do, because due to the failures of the past few years, they are what have been their big mistakes in the past. a set up in order to uphold feast beach. you need to uphold 2 core principles. the 1st is that people need to be free to say what they want and wish even that is controversial, even though that involves some of the statements of purpose. thing in protest this, according for global in default of it, i post defined to be deeply upsetting. at the same time, a few speeches voice entailed restrictions on the place, time and some of expressing those views. you're not entitled to occupy buildings in the university because you happen to dislike the policies of the university. you're not entitled to a shout down and speak us was top of the economic events from going on because you
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disagree with them politically. that isn't part of free speech, but it's giving you the right to restrict with the speech of us. now, unfortunately, american universities have failed on both of those things for the last 10 or 20 years despite the defense. so that will kind of political speech when it was offensive to various minority groups. and they have tolerated things like tempting compliments, didn't alter that wall street or at habit, for example, that the university presents office was occupied for weeks on end of an issue involved in labor at the university. and so i understand to students who since october 7th said, why is it? but every micro aggression is met by a biased response team. and sometimes with very severe sanctions against students. the we have to tolerate. people find, you know, quoting for global into father. and i also understand to put his thinking, demonstrate, as he said, you know, you have the norm, you introduced a for many decades, but you never call the police. but now in this conflict,
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you're calling the police universities have failed to the doctor. both of those types of free speech principles and so now they can't pull it back on them without looking like hypocrites. yeah, exactly. it is, is like parents who have never been disciplinary and suddenly trying to ground their children when they're but their children are teenagers. i guess, and i want to think about one thing before we're going out of time and that is as somebody university professor is saying that what we're seeing in 2024 is the logical legacy of what we saw in the 19 sixty's student approach us. um, do you, do you really see that? i mean, i know you point out very 1968 after the riots we saw in the country that summer. richard nixon went onto the feat, hubert humphrey, by promising law and order. and i want to ask you, are you handling that job buys maybe the 2024 version of hubert humphrey. i think that risk certainly exists. this conflict has split for democratic based
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much more than the republican base. and of course, it makes it easier for donald trump to make the argument, but it's a countries i'm out of control and but it takes somebody like him to restore order . and so i do worry, but just us the protest and 1968 do appear according to strong research and political science, but people like on the west. so and others to have helped richard nixon wouldn't be election back to november. the same fate made before the united states, when donald trump is again up on the ballot in a few months. yeah. well, if, if that happens, we definitely will invite you to come back in and talk about the repercussions of the election. in november yasha monk, we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight. thank you. thank you so much. the runs of president abraham are i you see has been killed in a helicopter crash run state
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t v says that the president is for administer and other government officials died when their chopper crashed in a remote region near the border with eyes or by john iran. supreme leader has appointed an interim president. he must hold elections within the next 50 days. he's also ordered 5 days of official morning. the search teams scoured the foggy mountains in north west and run for hours from devin, my hon. eventually locating the crashed helicopter and finding no sign of survivors, forgot the risk. it was pulled bodies from the wreckage, almost lost the helicopter wind down the runs border with as a by john with president crazy and his foreign minister had been attending
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a damn opening sooner and the thought of it must be the more deep at the site, including a run state tv can send can use if the dates home it all you guys are sending shock waves across around. ready with leaders across the world, offering their condolences and video and i thought the tiles. first of all, i'd like to extend my condolences to the brotherly uranium people on the death of the president of the republic, the minister of foreign affairs and their accompanying delegation. following the accident and locked out the, we ask, god almighty to forgive them. a right usually became president and 2021 man was a deeply conservative and hotline leader he of the saw a brutal crack down on a rainy and protesters. in recent years, rosie was seen as a potential success to the supreme leader,
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i a toner from amy and she is his strategy of supporting proxy forces across the middle east. i a total of how many has declared 5 days of public morning and said the vice president mohammed must bear, would act as president knew elections must be held within 50 days. ron's cabinet has held an emergency meeting, assuming they would be no problem with the management of the country and vowing to follow right. the day is almost done, the conversation continues on line and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day. we'll see you then everybody, the
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after ready with nato soldiers from through india, secure eastern for the 393 tank battalion is the speed ahead of the rapid reaction . it's sends this away me as an emergency strike with will raging in ukraine. this danger is getting close to. how is the task force set top next on d w. how car tires drive
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deforestation? 70 percent of the world's rubber harvest goes to the tire industry. massive terrain . tire makers are turning towards cycling and using alternative raw materials. a real change of heart. we're just more 3 watching this out in 60 minutes. on the d. w. the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible. she performed for head lice in our space. he was the nazis. the
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2 musicians who lives in the savannah office talk about the sounds of power and inspiring story about the volume music under the swastika scots may 25th on dw, the i think more is terrible. nobody wants to was month if we want to prevent it. we have to let every potential aggressor, know we are capable of defending ourselves. we can take you all up and that's what it don't about. nothing else under this. i want to look out for laughter that system moving position possible and then we move it to the east thousands of the world sondra. the idols always have a lot of missions abroad, like enough kind of style of basic training laws and national defense submitted the founder of course,
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we've already prepared our equipment so that we.


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