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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 21, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the news lar, fumbling with the international criminal court issue, address florence for the leaders office read and how much the cold stop prosecutor has said. that is the case to be made. that'd be used as a prime minister. here's the defense minister and treat harmonically. those are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity. also, coming up either on the president, kayla is in a helicopter crash abraham guy. you see his foreign minister and others, all 1st of all, died when that's all for went down and of the most region of the country. the
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never started us while back into the program. the internationally from the court stop prosecute are seeking arrest warrants for intros prime minister as well as 3 hum mosley. this cutting con says the men all bad responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the war in gaza and the october 7th federal tax industry. oh yes. yes. and wires from offices leader in gaza. he's one of the men targeted by the i. c, c, arrest warrant request. so was this man, each man, honey, the guitar based political leader of from us. the 3rd. so must his military strategist mohammed dias as the i, c c, 's top prosecutor says he has reasonable grounds to believe the 3 are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed upon. and after october,
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the 7th murder as a crime against humanity, as will crime the taking of hostages as a will crime rate. the acts of sexual violence, jordan captivity, as crimes against humanity. does what crimes? torture? joining captivity is a crime against humanity and is a little crime kind is also requesting an international arrest warrant for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, you'll have galant 7 months into the war. he thinks the to bear direct responsibility for war crimes. and crimes against humanity committed in gaza, including using starvation as a weapon of war and intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population. it's really like whole states has the right to defend its population. it has every right to ensure the return of hostages that have been
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criminally and callously taken of those rights, however, do not absolve these rail always obligations to comply with international humanitarian law. up soon, netanyahu rejects the accusations gordon as prime minister of israel. i reject with all my soul, the comparison made by the prosecutor in the hague, between democratic israel and the mass murderers of how much this is a complete distortion of reality. israel is not a member of the i c. c and doesn't recognize its jurisdiction. but if warrants are issued, which may take months, those named could face arrest if they travel to one of the courts, 124 member states, which include most of europe, but not the united states. we're drawing now by truly eval also. jay who served as president of the international committee court from 2018 to 2021. welcome to the w. mr. or did you want to stop by often you that does the fact that these wardens
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are being sold already means that there is sufficient evidence that must be what the prosecutor o. c 7 to prosecute them must present to they have 3 charges. so say you upgrade trial division, evidence 3rd shows that there is reasonable grounds to believe that the people are being sold in the rest water and i'm coming to an international crime. so all responsible for international crime. so 2 months that he would not be moving forward if he didn't believe the evidence, i believe to be strong enough to sustain such a move. it's up to the judges to decide whether or not i agree with him cause but then so in your experience, do you think these wardens, i like to be to be drawn to them?
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i think i can notes that kind of gets back to me. that would mean pretty charging questions the what i can tell you however, is that um, in my experience um both as a prospect gets up before the in your judge prosecute. have been to that reminder genocide drive, you know, especially with control center. yeah. and so, and i'm a member of the some economic teaching. there's so many people haven't tried and convicted for less than what we've seen in the media as of what we know that israel and the us have called this move out treasures to be heard. and that's a forward that decrease the country defending itself for the federalist organization. but as you just pointed out, that others have had wardens for less than what you've seen so far. but what do you, what sort of reactions to that assertion that it's not a fair comparison? that's not how you look at there to you. it is
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a political statement. the legal statement is do we have a little? so what does that the lawyers say? when you look up what that low say, it's not and you compare it with the evidence that you make, you come to the conclusion. you done. i'm telling calling somebody to raise the knobs to 1000. it's neither here nor there. in the, the gold calculation. even democrats exchanged some meat as a democrat at this stage, have been known to do the things that they should not to come out of here. it's kind of that a part of the tax on the, on the 7th of some to the team, which $1200.00 people died. it killed that so far today. um, part of the population has resulted in the deaths of more than 34000 people. in fact, the mathematics of their already charles to that there's something wrong that needs
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to be looked into as well. we also the crimes against humanity is a very serious accusation. especially against a serving leader. and we also know that the i c. c has already faced criticism for not as showing some of the wardens against me. it is like soon president bush auto outside or on supreme to any company. do you think that undermines the, i assess his credibility, the motor tool, the again, the states would be looking at here the, in the situation relating to the keys well, has to do with the palestine being the neighboring state and palestine being tested, positive the rooms time to attend the rooms tied to it gives the eyes easy and jurisdiction. all the crimes committed on the territory qualifies deep pa to you don't have the same with the serial. you don't have the same with your right.
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of course, if you have the same with syria or you ran, you will be seeing the same configuration of a close as competitors. and you might look at maybe me amount for instance, me a month. not just a party to the rooms, cute, but i'm glad as is the party to the room start to. but when go hang as well, when driven out of me, i'm a thing to the bangladesh because franklin is supposed to punch into the room, started 1000 phases for the course to exercise jurisdiction of on the matter. so that is the closest comparison, not um, syria, not the ram. if you have neighboring states who decide to join the rooms tied to naples of syria or iran, and then the effects of that war are seen on the 2 or 3 of those dates. then you can be say, well, what about that?
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that's a really interesting cat to fish and that you're just me, but i want us ok back to what you said about the political statements before we go up. as we've seen, that definitely does react based on who is being charged. we saw the reaction to be guy since the warrant against the russian. president fulton, for example, was why be applauded. we're seeing criticism here. do you feel like that whole because of the reach and then that whole those, the actions of the i c c? well they can not be a blame on the i. c, c o please. certainly the glen flip side to be on those who are, makes our kind of turn collision decided on the political basis. what in direct plan to support and whatnot? you can not blame the international criminal court. what uh yeah, what probably takes days that it's hard to to play. oh yes. well i just need to feed. not so much to blame the i see. but to oscar, does that limit uh its ability to function as it's meant to be dies definitely. so when you have state to play politics with the ruler for yes,
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it does cause to in the ability of the ruler for now what i write and talk about this thing that somebody who was views, we must always take into account in 1945 april 1945 to days or so before he was appointed as a to possibly get out of the united states, a fund durham, but mr. dustin, some updates tax and give a speech to the american society of international in weights. he said, look, so we cannot have it really low flow that top rates on the basis of 5 national interests or because of what we wanted to do for us international ruler plus the way to have meaning and effect in protecting the water and humanity. and even the americans, he said, needs to applied even candidly, impartially, spring down to nice cool, cool. so you're looking at the ones who are alive as long as you are in the needs. some fascinating insights that thank you so much pulling that out. so clearly for
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us today, it will also be a former president of the international criminal court. thank you. let's take a quick look now some of the little videos headlines u. k prime minister. she's the one that has apologize to people that infected from contaminated, lot of public inquiry found that the victims were repeatedly feels by the national health service and success of governments. thousands were infected with h. i re and hepatitis c between the 19 seventies and early 199 to the united states accomplish ship. the crashed into a bridge in the port of baltimore has been fully free and stored away from the records, the collision in moscow. 6 people and disrupt the traffic to one of the countries busiest sports, diamonds, new president, lightning to has been swan. and he began his stone by calling on china to end
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military and political trip, and as an organization speech sli, prius, to tie when he was people for defending democracy, and said, there would be no concessions on freedom. vision views him as a separatist wirelessly admin type on as its own type of city. the u. k. is high court has to was then we can be found into an assign scan appeal against extradition to the us. as long as is facing espionage charges that bought has been fighting an extradition, aldo from prison for 3 years, his lawyer is argued, that assigns may not be able to rely on his rights to free speech is facing charles in the us. it on and state me down to 40 minutes. technical for you know, cause the helicopter crash. my kid is president, if i am right. you see on the 40 minute stuff it happened sunday and near the border with author by john. it on supreme leader has appointed an interim president who must for the elections within the $52.00 search team,
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scout for the mountains and northwest and run for hours. and dave, in my hand, eventually locating the crashed helicopter and finding no sign of survivors. it was as it gets, so we've got a risk is pulled bodies from the wreckage below the helicopter wing down the runs border with as a by john with president crazy. and his foreign minister had been attending a damn opening center and the advocacy must be the more lucky because i didn't when you a run state tv can send can use if the dates home it, all you guys are sending shock waves across around with lead is across the world, offering their condolences at video and then at the tiles. first of all,
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i'd like to extend my condolences to the brotherly rainy and people on the death of the president of the republic, the minister of foreign affairs, and their company and delegation following the accident level of the hill. and that's a locked out. we ask, god almighty to forgive them. right, easy became president in 2021 and was a deeply conservative and hotline leader he of a saw a brutal crack down on a rainy and protesters. in recent years. rosie was seen as a potential success as to the supreme leader. i a told her from amy and she is his strategy of supporting proxy forces across the middle east of the aisle to less. i mean, he has declared 5 days of public morning and said the vice president mohammed must bear, would act as president, knew elections must be held within 50 days. ron's cabinet has held an emergency
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meeting, assuming they would be no problem with the management of the country and vowing to follow right. that's all from us. good. by the rules. we say they're never giving up every weekend on d w. they burst into our is whenever they feel like it's kind of to design a session and paint most to pieces in this guy. the best have most and many on.


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