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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  May 21, 2024 1:30am-2:00am CEST

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see a wide spread races, depression today. these things we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the tropical rain forests are under threat with more and more of them being cleared to make room for rubber plantations. because rubber is a key component of car tires. if we don't change our mobility to the mentor river will strongly increase the rise of electric vehicles. help turn the tide wheels tires are getting larger and larger, occlusal veil. what a tire manufacturer is doing to help stop deforestation for the sake of plantations . and are there viable alternatives to natural rubber from the tropics,
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the timelines tropical climate is perfect for growing a raw materials. compet is the world over. it's 5 am and farmers so teach problem. rocks is already at work harvesting natural rubber. 7 years after being planted, a rubber tree has an annual yield of 1.5 kilograms. people have been making use of this tree sap for over 3000 years, beginning with indigenous peoples, like the maya and central america. at the end of the 19th century, the british began planting the trees in their asian colonies. it's my says, the scraping rubber makes me happy. i sound good for like i don't, it's a tradition pass down from one generation to the next. do i use my grandparents harvested rubber? i love my job. i can feed my family with the money i earned and
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a guy kind of gave me the milky white. sap is also known as latex. the resulting solid material has a number of unbeatable properties, such as pair resistance, rubber trees thrive and tropical climates. they require lots of water and warm, humid conditions. over 90 percent of the annual global robert harvest. 15000000 tons this, cultivated in southeast asia. the top producers are thailand, indonesia, vietnam, and india. between 1993 in 2016 some 4000000 heck stairs of rain forest were destroyed to make way for rubber plantations. that's an area the size of switzerland. 85 percent of production comes from small holders, most on fewer than to heck, there's even ancient rain forests have been destroyed to make room for rubber plantations. gone forever. is the unique flora and fauna,
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as well as the trees carbon storing potential without rain forest. the earth atmosphere will, she's home even more rapidly, but some people are taking action to prevent further deforestation. we accompany my lawyer in, in southern thailand. she's fighting for the preservation of these precious ecosystems. it's the case of this interesting, have possible us. we enjoy it. we maintenances alisa, pull out of it, and then after that we have that use that and we would life the next generation to do the same. and this freeze is giving them the same benefits that is, benefit pools, as interesting before, as well as my lilian is a conservationist and entrepreneur. she worked in the rubber industry for over 20 years and witnessed both the terrible working conditions for farmers and the
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destruction of brain forest. together with a friend she founded, i agree, in 2019 a cooperative uniting some 4000 robert farmers. they're committed to a common goal, no more rain forest being sacrificed to cultivate rubber of mine. lilian has dropped by to visit. so teeth pembroke saw, one of the farmers who are graph helps by negotiating better deals for them, that the small holders are working toward transforming existing mono cultures and eco friendly and responsible way. without pesticides or artificial fertilizers. approach is to have the most vile diversity in the mono coast. different patients. for example, like the fence like this is not only $68.00 the comments inside, but it's also being a source of food as well. besides the rubber,
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the farmers harvest mushrooms for their own use. such heat formats are also keeps these themselves with plenty of markets. the aggregate farmers are utilizing the lands full potential supporting greater bio diversity than in the mono culture which centers solely on yield. the global demand for rubber remains high due in large part to the materials 1st fatality. the brothers integrated into our everyday lives. it's found in our backyards and houses and gardening gloves. it's used as flooring and hospitals and sports facilities. and it's also found in everything from condoms. to sponges and brain boots all told some 50000 products contained rubber. but most of the global harvest, a whopping 70 percent, goes toward making tires. there were now some 1400000000
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cars on the world's roads. demand is increasing and with it the need for more tires. the netherlands. a research team at amsterdam spray at noon of acetate is examining land use in the tropics. pay till february is a professor of environmental geography and the leading experts on how the global demand for cars impacts rain forest. people drive more kilometers and we don't see transformations to less ability. maybe lucas countries like china, india, and other upcoming economies. we see that there mobility is still far below european level because people also buying bigger cars, bigger tires needing more rubber. so if we don't change our mobility to be meant for, rebecca will strongly increase leading to more or more deforestation in germany, new car registration. so we're on the rise after a slump during the cold,
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with pen demik. accordingly, the demand for tires is increasing to determine automobile club or 8 d. c tests, car tire, civics, technical center, and lance about the team here considers all manner of environmental issues because when it comes to tires, rubber is far from the only cause for concern. rubber constitutes about 40 percent of the tire. there is natural rubber from trees in the rain forest and synthetic rubber derived from fossil fuels like crude oil and other things, the percentage of fillers including the harmful powder, carbon, blacks, 13 percent as steel, for reinforcing the tire. and then there are toxic plus to size. there is as the tire gets, wear and tear. it releases environmentally harmful micro plastics. despite all that, billions of bureaus worth of tires are sold annually. worldwide, an average of $1.00 and $4.00 people buy a tire every year. stacks one on top of the other, the resulting tower would reach all the way to the moon. many car drivers aren't
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well versed on what tires are made of, but manufacturers can't plead ignorance. or they serious about protecting the climate. using the internet and the sky tires are getting larger and larger if i you from the unfold. this may stem from strict requirements in terms of loading decks and speed ratings, obviously. but it's also because car manufacturers are purposely offering the option of larger tires, which customers can buy at a considerable premium. the safety gains are negligible high for mid sized cars like the volkswagen gulf carmakers actually sell tires that are far too big. 15 or 16 inch tires are perfectly suitable, compromising neither safety nor drivability. but the v w golf is also sold with $1718.19 inch tires. for every additional inch, the weight of the tire increase its by 400 to 500 grams. and that means more rubber
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from the tropics. consumers who value protecting the rain forest shut off for smaller tires, which need less rubber. but they're not the only party involved. really quickly looked at s u, v, as in other large vehicles, 22 or 23 inch tires are not uncommon these days on these toys. and then there's no technical justification for that tire size. kind of taking even these larger vehicles that have an unladen wage of 2 or 2 and a half tons by come drive just fine with smaller tires and any kind of advice. and would suffice comment. looking at ads from major german automakers, small e cars with small tires are nowhere to be found. with an audi, bmw or mercedes, the top manufacturer is all one to sell the biggest and most expensive vehicles with maximum power. but does not help the goal of protecting the climate and the rain forest. the ac performs
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a comparison test at different tires and vehicle classes. representing the luxury segment is this s u v. also lining up is a compact class model. and this car for the economy class on the plus side, all 3 are the vehicles and don't team it's c o 2. but the batteries make them a lot heavier because they need more breaking power. the tires wear out faster and are replaced more often the same human test test less model. why is one of the best selling the vehicles and representative of a lot of today's s u. v. use multiple ways to tons has $300.00 horse power and can accelerate from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour and under 7 seconds. and it comes with large wheels that support the vehicles. wait, it's not exactly be embodiment deployment protection policy. right? no, my gun has 200 horsepower. the ac expert says the vehicle's 20 inch tires are far
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too big. when done same. here we have a typical example of a small car which has a curve weight of $1.00 times 90 horse power. small, 15 inch tires and 10. so it's a practical alternative and email. do it a email, mutates i do not teach this very vehicle now the volkswagen is being discontinued can talk to a fund foby. i understand why the environmentally conscious buyers looking for a small e car are often shopping in vain. a recent 80 ac study found that there are only 3 cars on the german markets for under $15000.00 bureaus. so what is the role of tire makers and all of this, are they working towards producing tires that contain less natural rubber? one of the world's leading manufacturers is ms. lo, headquartered in the french city of clint, them all federal. it's range includes tires over 20 inches in diameter,
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exclusively for the luxury class. mesh lands innovation communication director says it is simply responding to market demand for it safety, but also control equipment that on more and more presenting call. so cost gets heavier and you still get the heavier for safety, just don't you have to have the go breaks and beat over x b means also will be just fine. that means that much for others. so in terms of weight for the times, yes, we need more of them. and that's why, oh, so it's important for us to compute, we know rate to, to decrease the amount of for them that we putting the same tell you to develop the same performance. one way to reduce the usage of proper is to increase the surface life of the product. that's what mr. la is researching edits testing center on average tires last about 40000 kilometers. michelin is looking at developing tires that were out less while driving so we created the system to be able
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to take an exploration, diggs each of the, of the time, to be able to catch you all, do the about the goals on the, on the, on. i'm driving during the writing and we have been the and we don't, that's because we wanted to improve the west performance of outside to keep the premium with that's almost all the time. because the longer you last on the road list, how you have to make, okay? so it's very important to understand a basic, make any sense of well and then to design the best components the best compounds. the developers consider a multitude of factors, different road surfaces, speeds and vehicles. michelin has invested millions of euros at the high tech tires, but wouldn't it be simpler to develop a type of material that could replace natural rubber from main forest? go back to what we use today and tell me of pope option that you kind of deal seem to just pick up the originally. so i don't think so because of the unique pop up to
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you. so if not, you want to have them on this between now and 2050. we just google it and like that, you can replace the magic corner by title that kind of replace that you wanna hold up. but in fact, a raw material that has the potential to replace natural rubber already exist. for now though, there's still that dependence on roberts manufacturers, like michelin have undertaken to do more on the sustainability front. that includes not buying any rubber from newly deforested land, but an incident and indonesia cast out on its commitment is in this video from 2017 michelin is promoting a flagship contract to protect rain forest. it was geared towards potential investors in spring 2018. the tire company raked in funding based on the promise that together with indonesian partners, it would cultivate sustainable rubber tree plantations. the site is located on
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the indian nation island of similar truck in the province of jam. the the project was heralded as a green investment. and financed with so called green button's the aim was to protect, to local nature and biodiversity. michelin later claimed the site had been ravaged by uncontrolled and a legal deforestation, and fires without its knowledge. but in november 2022, the media cooperative box or hope bird by a report from the environmental organization mighty earth uncovered a more complicated reality. we talked to mighty or alex, which i have asthma and satellite experts, leo bought trail i wanted to know what happened in the past. so i, i found an old, a satellite saying, which is around uh, some about 2012. i overlay that image with the concession maps in my software.
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and that image. yeah, it was, it was low resolution, but i could see. yeah. based training that the deforestation had to kind of been industrial have been caused by an industrial act. so i could see. yeah, very large areas of land i'm far as had been cleared was indicated that uh, someone you know, hypothetically, could have this area for the purpose of, of punching something. and like i seemed rather the journalists and conservationists zeroed in on one critical question. did michelin know about the industrial deforestation, or have the company been duped? in the video michelin promised investors, a sustainable and lucrative green investment? evidence really shows the michelin new partner, local partner to really clear it and defrosted this very high cost of ation value for forest landscapes. in giambi, they knew this,
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but they didn't tell the market. they didn't tell the investors when they went looking for $95000000.00 less of green button's. and that was the big deception. and we've been trying to highlight that ever since. how would michelin respond to the serious allegation? our interview with the companies bank office was cancelled at short notice in an email micheline claim that the legally or illegally deforested land amounted to less than 4 percent of the concession areas and emphasized all parties involved in the project were aware. michelin has prohibited all forms of legal deforestation, and was able to achieve this goal in a very short time given the amounts operational challenges, the satellite images you refer to are irrelevant for examining the dynamics of the project. that matter aside, all tire companies face a rocky road ahead. a new you longer regulating supply chains will take effect at
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the end of 2024. manufacturer is like mission land will need to prove in detail where the rubber is sourced and verify that no rain forest was cleared for the purpose of cultivation after the year 2021. but how will these rules be enforced? verifying where robert originates as not without its challenges, at least at the early morning harvest. there is no question where the tree stop is from us. afterwards, farmers bring their harvest to collection points, in this case to agree on the cooperative guarantees that the rubber only comes from plantations on land that was not newly deforested. but i agree, ike is the exception rather than the rule. and bear in lines the 1st problem of making the supply chain more transparent. the rubber from farmers and the surrounding area is tossed onto one big pile. linking it to
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a single plantation is no longer possible. these rubber balls are also called coupled forever. it's what forms when the liquid latex from the trees isn't preserved with ammonia within the 1st 2 hours. it calculates a farmer well, are in the equivalent of one year old, $0.20 for every kilogram of couple lump. not but to the markets changed before the customers wanted liquid latex, it's now more and more cup of lump rubber as being exported to europe. that makes it easier on farmers because they no longer need ammonia. that becomes ok, knowing. the main reason behind the change copland forever is used for tire production. first, the rep, it falls or drawn it in the courtyard of the cooperative. behind these huge stores rubber is being treated in another way for eventually use entire production. the cabinets contain sheets of press play, text. one kilogram is derived from about 60 cups of sap from the morning harvest.
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teaches used to extract water over the next 3 days. a farmer earns about one year old $0.60 for a sheet of rubber, and it takes a little more than one sheet to make a car tire. the, this, the rubber is transported by a truck to factories. what arrives here has usually already passed through a number of intermediaries. there is not the slightest chance of identifying what came from, where samples are brought to a lab to test the quality of the latex. and then large centrifuges, separate water and impurities from the latex workers, then have to clean the sticky mass from the machines. finally, the milky sap is stored in, sine loves. this current system is incompatible with
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a new you, regulations. determining which plantation the latex started from, would be impossible. my lawyer and from act we are because visiting today, she has an agreement with a manager of the rubber factory guaranteeing that a certain assignment will be reserved exclusively for the rubber from her co operatives. farmers. if all the supply chain link together and we can chopped in the intermediate in between, we can directly identify who is the farmer from what we are working for is in the form of cobra teeth. so cooperative is a form of the farmers with together. so they are farming himself and they manage the collecting center. and if we give the opportunities to cobra to the link directly towards the factories, the into media is very short. tracking the rubber of the 4000 actually at farmers in this fashion, compliance with the new e u. rules. but this level of transparency is not realistic for most of timelines.
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1.7000000 rubber farmers. that's also why tire producers are seeking out alternatives to protect the rain forest and guarantee a transparent supply chain. researchers at germany's without and prone whole for institute are working on the subject is in collaboration with the tire tines, continental, their solution russian dandy lines. could this suppose that we'd be the raw material for the tires of the future? a doing its here and understood it on the yuma. and this is a young route at the dandelion homestead call to see it. that's where most of the natural rubber is concentrated is the whole thing that is not to call to expand it . and so the rates need to be cleaned before further processing. the long rubbery threads are already visible. the raw material is then fed into a machine where the water is squeezed out over several hours.
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over in the lab, researches are crossing different generations of the dandy line with the help of genetic engineering, the m as to breed plants with larger fruits, to ultimately increase yields to the dandy line routes. after all the water is squeezed out what's left is sure, a rubber, it's treated to prevent aging then dried and lastly, stored for later production does. it's a little cold. so can do this. here is the raul rubber his arms. that's what it's chemical composition is comfortable to that of natural rubber from the rubber tree you can deal with multiple lot of these miss polymer has a high molecular weight and it's very long expected to have that. so it has terrific properties in terms of and that's the city in the city to them and perfect for car tires for the car and bicycle tire size. one advantage is that 10 d lines can thrive and poor quality soils to meet the demand for natural rubber in
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germany. if we require a cultivation area about twice the size of berlin, continental already makes bicycle tires out of dandy line rubber. but in the next decade, it wants to produce car tires on an industrial scale to fence the time the company needs to set up its production facilities. so it will still be a while before german grown dandy lines can relieve the pressure on rain forests in southeast asia. but there is currently an alternative every year about $600000.00 tons of old tires are discarded. why not recycle them into new tires? in other words, retracting term and company king milan specializes in just that the company buys old warrant out tires with a framework or carcass is still intact. the tires are inspected for damage with defective ones being removed. then a machine slips off the tires, ols rapper. i'm
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can you think of another product that is disposed of after only 30 percent of it has been used to the door and i could see there aren't many products like that in the world on that's how what is what tires is buying them? i call you buy tires that have a trad depth of say 8 millimeters, that's a winter tire, and the summer tire is usually only 6 millimeters, but nobody's actually made on. yeah. and the tire is driven down to a maximum of 1.6 millimeters is x before being thrown away. so the non good, the ends look. so the 70 percent of the materials still remains this. and we make use of that. the general fun. so does not some yard most use tires are incinerated in the process, emitting a loss of greenhouse gases at king my last the given a new trend. this is the only part of the setup that requires fresh rubber.
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the tire has then vulcanized, at about a $165.00 degrees celsius. the old part of the tire is fully welded to the new one . more than $46000000.00 tires are sold every year in germany. we traded car tires are still in each product. their share of the overall market is just one percent, but there's a chance that this could change with the new e u law deals in on, in that for them. we see ourselves in competition with the secondary brands as a premium manufacturer is on this we're more focused on the european produces and not necessarily in competition with the very cheap ties made an age of we have different standards for our product, so we can't always compete price wise placement couldn't via all the items price based on the title. one way to dramatically increase the re traded market share would be to require manufacturers to take back and recycle their use tires. but at
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the moment, that doesn't look likely of the tire manufacturers rely on natural roberts. but this project in thailand shows that wayne forest did not need to be cut down to produce that. at this research site, scientists are growing pepper using an ancient native variety. their goal is higher yielding plants pump. my lawyer on from out week is meeting with the researchers. the pepper is not meant to replace rubber trees, but rather to be a supplemental comp on existing plantations. selling it could bring in additional income for the farmers. the expansion of the land is leading to the 1st stations. i'm actually so therefore if that could satisfy with the piece of land that they already have is the, is the most most profitable for everybody. on top of that tech for it may be one of the options that you can choose. so that's why we have to work with the university
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to have the best model of it to have the best you wish it economically. it makes sense to do it. thailand is the largest export or of rubber in the world with her cooperative mind. lillian is proving a more sustainable way is possible. perhaps this will inspire others to protect the rain forest and the climate. the the ego africa. sustainable brakes or booming buildings back to engineers in uganda are developing
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alternatives to building materials that are harmful to the environment. the problem is that we need to store fatty to move out of the coat in 30 minutes on d w. actually we don't have a choice. i think that we have little time list to save the products. so we have students who become as fast as possible. can we abandon fossil fuels completely? some are pioneering the energy transition today. for them, the future is already here. they're renewable revolution in 75 minutes on d w. get ready for an exciting, auburn toyota look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to do you have you have
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a one dodge, so do you need it from here? you go. to the spot and unexpected side to side. the, this is you got your news and these are the top stories. vision is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has condemn? the chief prosecutors off the international criminal court for seeking a warrant for his arrest. because it out 3 just and of judge b i. c, c is got him con, said that are reasonable grounds to believe that and even now who best criminal responsibility for wall crimes and crimes against humanity in these very homeless conflict. con is also seeking address warrants for these early defense minister and 3 how must lead to.


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