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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  May 21, 2024 2:30am-3:00am CEST

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i assume about the sounds of power and inspiring story about the volume music under the swastika starts may 25th on dw the roads. that's those had some pretty good ideas and some of them can even help improve people's lives today. welcome to eco africa. i've curriculums joining you from lee goes nigeria, what works best is often a combination of tradition of wisdom mixed with cutting h innovations with gold both on stays still. i m, sandra, the homes that we, nobody you write it in complex, you going to, it is great to have you with us. here is what we have. i mean,
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that indigenous bonds provide women in united with food and income. why more wind turbines might soon be made of route and not still n y c shuck diagnosed to the cost of denmark. but we started right here in uganda. oh, well me, population goes hunting hunt with a blooming construction sick to and that can take it stored on the environment. engineer is looking for or tennessee's to climate demanding materials. and they have come up with some promising ideas. a district dr. pressed and did not try it in a kiln, middle sons, and up until segment, and a lot of muscle power and no votes. since there's no killed, you're going to actually take stevens, you co believe
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a switch to alternative construction materials is long overdue. when you drive through many forest, then the 40, so don't feel that darkness surrounding you. so the problem is that we need to stop fighting bricks to make, to make our house is about a quarter of each week is made out of segment bill and the simon trying to fracturing produces a lot of youtube. but the into looking brakes are easy to assemble, full, they need less them into the banking. the ones to the book that comes out is the intel ok. it looks at the top and the sides and the bottom. so by that's we, as where we reduce the amount of segments used to deal with that structure. and that's where we are reducing the emissions by reducing the segments. and uh, the amount of cheese that's or vegetation that would have been cut down to to know that to produce a break or to build the house. in uganda,
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most houses us really made us of kill and fired bricks which mostly use firewood, thousands of small brick making businesses like these throughout the country. and the ongoing housing shortage means the brakes are in high demand using pressed brakes and states could help save a lot of plywood. the homes are still look the same and for the home owners, they also offer other benefits. constructing. we've, instead of looking groups enabled us to have our buildings in less than or 2 months, it's 15 our budget and then we also save because of the money that would the views to transport, to my, to yours. the construction industry is a major climate tequila segment. one is lecturing accounts for some 8 percent of global coupling emissions. that's why engineers us
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cutting ways to reduce or eliminate segment in brick making, including my view and why have is that she works for echo concrete. a company that's mix simmons using of full kind of gosh, traditional segment that you've made out of limestone and firing it meets massive amounts of c o 2. when you hit one kilogram of lamps, then your image of bo, it's 44 percent of it is going dukes. i do a new retain 55. so for one ton, when you put in all of the production emissions, you find that for one time you may download 100 kilogram to come by next i to the boat. how for the it's the engineer. i have been working with students at martinez or you know about the t income pilot on the new process. what kind of cash is plentiful in uganda? just like an ordinary segment. the recipe calls for sodium hydroxide,
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but the mix to doesn't needs to be heated. so the process uses 5 times less energy than limestone base 7. the result is what's called jew pulled him up segment the test tub shows that this product could cut the emissions by 80 percent compared to port and then segment which is used around the world. well, i've been using it and looks building books and those are done with the absorption this and this material is up. prevent to be better then brooklyn cement, the engineer on the architect, share a common goal to help make uganda is construction industry more sustainable. then missouri took the book on to our what to what they it's how they get to work. but to engineers is different actually have this test to innovate and reduce that come windows and emissions as someone who's studied in the building profession architecture. and then we've made colleagues in engineering,
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we're responsible for many of the design. so the 1st it starts with us, that'd be commendations or big or that specifications or give to our clients. well, steven duco has been using his bricks for several years. may i have you on a new i have is a, is starting pilot production and hope to soon get the green light from looking forward to it's amazing how just one good idea can have such a positive effect on people's lives. and next, for pull to stay with the elements and go from water to wind power. we all know wind turbines are great source of clean energy. yes they are, but the actual construction of the still tub buttons can use a lot of couple of the oxide that gold innovators and sweeten thinking. what about making them from a different material? the wind power is environmentally
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friendly, but building the towers isn't the materials have a big carbon footprint, especially when that towers are made of steel as nearly all of them are nowadays. that's why this swedish company, marty has turned to a traditional construction material. what is some of it says that i move the built out of full modules which are assembled into a tube section to restock them on top of each other. and in the end, you get a total tower to 4 month fee on the sky is the limit. maybe you're going to build up to 214 meters. the 1st commercial turbine has already been erected in scott. ok, ne of golf invert. it's not quite that tall yet, just 105 meters. the tower is made of layered laminated woods that's bent into shape of the most. i'm assuming what together is much stronger than bolting or screwing. it must be on says the what is fine sustainably. the 1st commercial tower
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is equipped with the 2 megawatt turbine and like steel. what can also with the stand, the harsh conditions of offshore operation a little more to and still don't go together, would have more to work great together. we protect out house with the code to you on the outside so they can withstand the climate and see or they can move. in 2021 . the danish company invest us invested in the might be on start up. they also built the turbine inst, got off, if the innovative would turbine towers catch on it could help make wind power even greener solutions like that can really low you mind. for our next report, we stay in contact with you and to head to an island. what a body in denmark, the looks beautiful, but in fact has almost no married life left to need. that is because the water is in very poor health. the, the baltic sea,
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with its stunning nature, is one of northern us most popular travel destinations. and the coastline along by the field is one of denmark's most expensive residential areas. but it's superficial. beauty is deceptive. he's weekly fishing trips continued to show the shot, las amigos in how the feud is slowly dying. below the surface, allergies blooming clouding the water and depriving fish and underwater plants. the vital lights and oxygen. scientists footage shows how the bottom of the fuel it has become nearly devoid of life in waters that once with full of cod flounder and lum fish used to be a real fish, as paradise says nicholson. but now there are almost no fish left. he's been going out to sea for over half a century. nickerson had hoped to continue fishing off to
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retirement, to supplement his pension. now, taking the boat out is not really worth it any more. i'm either there's a new plan. he makes me both angry and frustrated. nobody is really doing anything special. no, it seems like those who should be taking action are only trying to shift the blame of the 2 point. oh, excuse me. no, no, no, no. i didn't make a since mine denmark's farm is to blame. the small country with just under 6000000 inhabitants is home to twice as many cows and pigs and many farm is used. fertilizers on the fields that eventually end up in the sea . pitching on the met since finalize only a few kilometers from the field. he says he has already cut the use of nitrates to the bare minimum. he uses
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a satellite images to monitor which fields need to be fertilized and which can do without. but he thinks it would be impossible to give up. photo lies is altogether i think it's a good thing that we have reduce the nitrogen, but i don't think we can get any further. i think we got the lowest limit that we can accept as a find the plants need nutrients. the green one grow without them since the pharma and since reducing the use of fertilizers. his plans are already only surviving on what is left in the ground or mads fields. christianson is aware of the problem. as a nature manager, he's or the seeing a project and restoring the ecosystem invite you fjord. he knows the odd facts and numbers. at this point, we know for a fact that the 80 percent of the nutrients emitted to why the fuel it comes from
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funding. we also have 10 percent today from, from the up in waste water and maybe 10 percent from, from fish farming. but that is the range and that's uh tell us a little bit about where we need to have the nitrate run off regularly closes out the growth to explode. the balloon covers everything in the field, even killing the grass due to like the probation that same you grass is one of the most important elements in the eco system along the baltic sea coast. it produces oxygen and provides habitat for smaller fish. that's why christianson and his team from the municipality, i've taken to planting new beds of new gross invited your feud. but the restoration project is complicated. artificial rates are being built and muscle fonts created. these blue muscles filter dirty water, which in turn allows more light to penetrate deeper fuel gross can return and
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therefore produce oxygen. but when too many nutrients are flushed into the sea, again, causing the algae to return, the fragile balance is thrown off and the nature manages concerns not restricted to divide the feud. we have hit this breaking point the, the system has collapsed within the last 56 years. so that's just the beginning. we will see this, this situation is all over the baltic. along the coast. the eco system to begin, let's see, has become disrupted lots and because since these little other than crowds in the nets, he puts out in the value fuel of the since they no longer have any natural enemies, they have become a plague. destroying that you gross eating the muscles and killing the young fish. did code mucus in hopes
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that everyone in the region would take more responsibility and act to save his fuel . because the problem, denmark is currently looking to solve is already threatening the voting sees entire coast that is certainly a warring situation. we all need to take responsibility for the good of a planet and talking of responsibility here in africa it's, we women who certainly curry and lots of it up to roll. we're still very often the ones who look up to the home and the fun me, including of course, preparing meals and the fresh produce for those meals often come from the markets, which is great. but in the heat to low fee, it's full quickly. luckily though, there is a very cool solution that has the pot to make that problem. a scene of the past on the outskirts of lagos, fruits and vegetables, that'd be gold for the more than 15000000 inhabitants of nigeria largest city.
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there hasn't been room for that within the city limits for a long time. now wrap it up and growth means it takes long got to get produce from the funds to the customer. that means the harvest said vegetables have to be delivered quickly as there was a lack of refrigeration facilities across the country. a large proportion of fresh produce wells before we can be sold. it's something that's frustrated. ramos out loud. okay, ever since you opened up business, 13 years ago the my thought is that we tried to sell new produce before the end of the next day. and when it's very sunny model we call batteries. so it's going to click, let's say, you know, the price drops when it's no longer fresh, but i'm before i sold these for almost $10000.00 now, but now i have to sell them for less than 6. so on there. once they've spoiled,
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we have to, to them out. it's a waste news money. at the same time, many people, the illegals haven't got enough to eat. michael silver lot is a found. the biggest food bank that distributes food to those who need it. he says, food waste is increasing. i have written down, we've talked about warner, i need to make, you know, grams of foot by year. more than 40 percent of the for the produce is lost across the entire quarter of value to the value of food that goes to waste. right. on one of the men julia is more then several and also about time i don't have that capacity to stuff with way long. um fewer differential futures, a lot of food are into open land fuel costs, easy greenhouse gas emissions that affect the climate. there is one solution to the lack of cold storage space. cold tops was developed by my julian starts up financed by a wide range of international investors. we intend to extend the shift life of this
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for this form to, to about 20 to one days. so this schedule has been helping a lot to solve the program, of course, have this little face on food with. gold helps now operates in 28 states in nigeria and has over 6000 customers. the walking cold rooms are located next to markets are on farms and i cooled entirely using solar energy. customers like trade, copy rooms to pay the equivalent of $0.20 a day for us to attract the vegetables to him. it's worth it now, he can charge higher prices for his produce because it stays fresh for much longer . when i do close to one, when the kids i see and tie in one, i'm not the full. we used to buy small quantities just enough to that show would sell out the same day, okay, cuz then you wouldn't do that, but now do we have the cold room? i mean, we've been buying a bulk installed in without any problems at any time that kind of meet the
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customer's needs. and by simply setting what the last 4 of the toner and sort of asking them to come back the next day. and the guy who is that can you can as you can see it on my side, i thought it did kind of see me if that was the it would be looking how many trade is, how is the cold storage remains? the dream solutions like cold have, i still is very limited and there's a know most demand, some 220000000 people living in nigeria. and the population is going faster than almost any other country in africa. we're staying with the topic of food in our next report in many rural communities and so hill bridge and women are re discovering in people's plans that grow wild, which will once unimportant part of the around says those diets in terms of climate change. these have many benefits the women of scale, the plucking the leaves off the twisted branches of good trees as
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a village of done buddha. they're in demand. the women can have as the leaves all year round, using them to cook or to sell at the market. in the nearby town, those in the and that when i bought it in, before we used to go into the bush to cost would double, could sell to buy food. and then one day i went to sing differ from there. all my relatives took me to so hard, so helpful in the neighborhood and told me that the by i do have thoughts, does updates. so i started selling these to them. the plot to him left to me with any one by i do a fruits but dental to others. drawing to me, you know, for the women do we to that is the idea to have is to knock at native well plants came from joseph. gotta be, he grew up in a j and a long been thinking about the benefits of reviving native trutland trees, such as the wild tons of species. and they used to have hands that they used to do
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tons of it only in types of hardships. so when we started working that with them, we started buying their hands at 1st, they were reluctance, they didn't think we were serious, but they realized that we were actually serious. we were actually buying it. and they got involved in harvesting lots of homes and delivering to us. and they became very happy from the extra income they could make. but we weren't quite satisfied because they were harvesting in order to sell us. but they were still considering it something that they'd rather not eat themselves. now this started to change their minds as a social enterprise. so how does to help foods raise as a way that's in local communities about native trees that can provide nutritious, kneeves, fruits and seats. and they've learned to appreciate them. years ago, we had the special ed training program and we were showing them different recipes, different ways of preparing hands up and making a nice, vicious, nice news from it. and that's really is the struck on. so the year after
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they said that they had very little heads up to sell us. and the reason they said was, that's well basically, now they were eating the hands of themselves. so instead of selling it to us, they'd rather keep it for their own needs. exactly the result he'd wanted. so how does that help food says with activity. the vendor region says 2014 and these days works with 1500 small farmers and 18 inches because of they supplied, there was fruit send me some over 20 local fence species, which i then used to produce oil jam spices and pastry. 60 products that are sold around this year and some of them also exported a but i never high as up until today, many people thought that these students are just local stuff and don't have any particular value. they. so those about them because they just grow wild in the bush . but now people have begun to understand the product so useful. for example,
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adult does that sound the national hospital prescribe foods for my show, such as hands up courage, which helps diabetics kind of guide you. so how does that help? who's good 3 courses up top of that today. instruct. uh how i have blue is showing the women what they can do with hundreds of fruit. it has a high protein content the well that's why i was, i would. why do we have taught them a lot of things such as how to cancer with souls made from home to jews? which did it in new tons of power rich, which did you didn't know either on to, to bayport biscuits and basically without them a lot of recipes home is available where they are. and i'm go, what i'm going joseph got if you learned a lot for me is no region father. on a gobby was a young man when he emigrated to initiate with his wife. he began collecting seeds
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from indigenous plants and re sewing them using a direct feeding method side as to how food successfully we planted 160 local varieties in this way. the farmers followed suit here, the commune of dog. oh, but in fact allow me to as drums into many of the trees were planted by the farmers themselves. the whole idea of diag sitting is that you can teach it to the farmers and the farmers can teach each other. and um, and then once you get the at the, what we call the v c. economy established, it will have its own momentum. and i would like to inspire people not only here, but all over the world to use their indigenous perennials. just of god, the also teaches at the university of the and he works together with dr. i do not
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do the topic of local wild sands is also on his curriculum. and it's already been sending students to train with enterprise since 2018 meant the science. i had a good the so her a saw her food site has become a training ground for our students and was they to deal? it's where they go to learn about the plans that are most often found in the arid and semi arid zones. here in the shared is one, see me i need to see when is yet after 10 years of agenda region, gabby's project is flourishing. many small, well the farming families are now ex pats and various local varieties and how to care for them and not passing the insights onto the children. because i see, you know, a child, well what you from a very young age, right? yeah. microphone to sent that to get some of the income from these efforts that will buy them switching items. so she follows you know, full steps,
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and that's why from time to time, she feels trees to mean that you still have the regular income. i can feed her family well. she's even being able to build her own house. a small seeds have borne fruit. so there is still a lot of work to be done. well, we've blonde and load again this week. we hope you've enjoyed the show as much as we did. i am sandra holmes, that nobody is signing up from complex. right. you? you got to and i am chris 11. see an idea. thanks so much for joining us. and don't forget to head to equal opera go online for more insights and stories and drop off a line at eco dw dot com. see you again. next week. the
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actually we don't have a choice. i think that we have little time list to save the planet. so we have students who become as fast as possible. can we abandon fossil fuels complete the some are pioneering the energy transition today. for them, the future is already here. their renewable revolution. in 15 minutes on the w, it's time for vision really for
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sustainability. but also for horsepower. the, it's time for the mobo revolution. in 90 minutes on the w, the climate change of info or a station in the rain forest continue, carbon dioxide emissions have risen again. the people of the world are we what impact because change doesn't happen on the
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make up your own mind. maybe they passed into areas whenever they feel like you don't themselves feeling a fashion and most of the pieces in this guy ben's how many ons, including the us of survival during the secret lives of the inside stops may 22nd on d w. the
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. this is, you've got your news life from balance will be international from the port issue address for us with the leaders of israel, and how much the called stop prosecutor has said. that is the case to be made that the is very prime minister, is defense minister and treat how much the those are responsible for walk crimes and crimes against humanity. also coming up here on the president killed and a helicopter crash abraham dry you fee is 40 minutes. so and on the top of the 1st of all died when this awful wrench down into the most region of the country.


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