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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is vito, when you use life from building one, a passenger dies in city of turbulence. others are interested on a flight from london to single port. we'll get the latest from the correspondence that the german foreign minister is in ukraine. analynn, a baffled visits of power plants heavily damaged by rushing missiles and calls for more ad defenses to protect you planning and infrastructure. iran holds funeral services for president e for him by you see, and other officials be died in a helicopter crash on sunday. we discussed by you 6 hotline legacy and wants to come and have a security is suspected, crudely does go on trial. in germany,
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prosecutors say the network known as citizens of the high plan to still in the pile of entry, building and building. and it posed military, the i been visible and welcome. we begin with breaking news. one person has died and several more injured during severe turbulence on a flight from london to a single pull. the single red lines bowing was devoted to bang call cost of the incident. there emergency services were on the ground. an airline spokesman has confirmed the fatality and injuries that with 211 passengers and 18 crew on board of joints from bangkok by journalists, jacob goldberg, jacob mobile, can you tell us that the cell as it a few minutes ago, st for airlines is confirmed one se talary and said that there were injuries. local
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media however says that there have been at least 30 injuries. and i've even seen one local media report saying that there was a 2nd state holiday. now that will take some time to confirm. i've seen some social media footage of the incident where the people are bracing the it seems like the plane is losing altitude. it's been reported that the playing last 1.8 kilometers of altitude and interest. 4 minutes a suit and drinks are, are flying over the around the cabin and people were apparently launched into the ceiling denting and so it visits, it seems like it looks really alarming incident and considering one fatality how house of beer are these other injuries? from what you see there it sounds like a dramatic affair. it sounds like a people may not have had their seat belts. all right. uh from what i've
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heard that passengers, these things are the media have said that anyone who didn't have their seatbelt on was launched into the ceiling and breaking into the place where the oxygen masks and lights are located. so if the 2nd se talent is confirmed, and i imagine that there to be other serious injuries, but i don't have any other detail on the, at the moment. can you tell us more about where the engine is being taken? it seems like they've been taken to a private hospital in bangkok, immigration police said that their medical personnel forwarded the plane to assist and from their transported and ambulances to a private hospital. okay, thank you very much for the details. latest there on that breaking news from jacob goldberg in bangkok, in germany's foreign minister. and the bad bulk is made an unannounced visit to ukraine. she arriving,
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keep for her 7th trip since the start of the war by train box using the to a to code for more international support to help protect the country against russian and strikes. she visited a heavily damaged stumble power plant with you pain, energy minister, and how to strangle minutes directly. and so typically directs a tech on infrastructure to enable the life the survival here in the brain. and this is why i'm calling worldwide to, to increase the defense support, but also to increase all of the support for reconstruction. early i asked the dover useful mind going through, i think a, with a babbling space. it can get things moving. but let's just hope and you're kind of course it is we shouldn't on the underestimate the importance of such business, not just this as a show solidarity but also um the, the timing is very important. so your plan is in
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a very dire situation. the russian army is advancing, preparing probably in your offensive in summer, some say has already started. so and ukraine has not received enough western weapons in the past 6 months because of be located in the united states and now with as are coming. but they are coming slowly so your friends need more of them and foster and um, the jo many already has promised to deliver more petra defense system to a ukraine which i desperately needed. and germany's trying also to persuade other countries in europe, especially to geneva. the defense systems and maybe the visit all front of them. a babel will have to get things moving up, moving on that front as well. and what about those long range precision weapons, the tao horse, which is germany has been debating for a long time now. as well, um there is a um to be frank um um little chance of changes of german position on this issue. i
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think because the german trans level of sources metabolic, rehabilitate, clear, he's not going to deliver those taurus muscles because he believes that then germany could be involved in this war. this is debatable in germany itself, but he uses the transfer. he goes the last word, but on the other hand, germany has always lied its position with the united states and other powerful natal members like the united kingdom and france. so if the situation be new granted to your rates, i think it is possible that this, this issue will, once again go, will be debated into german politics and update from hold on con triangle. thank you very much. quick look now, and some of the other global news headlines, a russian play writes, and the theater director of accused of justifying terrorism is told the most good courts they're innocent. prosecute is trying to set on a pet 3 choke and yes, in the back corner. it shows the play about russian women who married is why i'm excited militants. a face up to 7 years in prison is found guilty. israel and the
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us of harshly condemned to move by the international criminal court street prosecutor to seek arrest warrants for his brain. the lead is over the war and guns that car him. hon says he owes one such warrants for how much leaders of the october 7th terror attacks. us president drew bite and says there is no equivalence between israel and thomas authorities in columbia. as like a bill of fighters have killed 4 and injured 7 others and then attacking the southwest. the government accuses the rebel groups central general style for mc of opening fire and setting of thumbs at a police station in the town of morales. and touching the tea maker open a, i says it's scrapping a synthetic boyce that said to resemble that of hollywood stock scholar johnson chapel. its voice drew compasses to the field which stopped the actress rising and said in a state, but she was shocked and good. and in this belief about the boys,
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you helped me come in there for a little bit. ron, who's held the 1st funeral services for president ibrahim and i, you see killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. along with all the top officials where you see became president in 2021 and was seen as a deeply conservative and hotline liter remembered procession for all those who died in the crash or an outpouring of mornings photos on tens of thousands of a rainy and this is guarding their president during 5 days of mourning. him or i see and several other officials died after their helicopter went down in heavy fog . striking a blow to these lumnick republics leadership at a time of unprecedented tension in the region. the external ginger has never brought our people to their knees. people have always been united against danger. throughout history for the tardy sharlitra ritual shot made their so rest in peace . the nation is able to deal with this issue. we cannot and everything go to return
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to normal. thanks to god. this is time around supreme leader. i totally ali khamenei pick this man, vice president mohammed must, but to leave the country until a new president can be elected. most part has 50 days to hold a vote. gracie's death may, we can a runs conservative establishment. he was a protege of company and was seen as a potential successor to the aging leader. the hard liners strengthened their control of parliament to run up to reason the elections, but voter turnout was at a historic, lo, thanks in part to economic restrictions and peoples frustration with strict religious laws. with no k, a line of succession raises, death could ignite inside even within the government. if that happens around politics may be, was shaped for decades to come back. got a group of suspected coupons has gone on trial in the german city of frank foot.
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police are based that the so called a high school or citizens of the empire in 2022 and nationwide rights. they bought it to impose military law of germany. it's the 2nd trial to begin after that of the groups of age military rank. last month. among those on trial is highlighted. the 13th finds twice, one of the leaders who eventually intended to hit an inch from german government and a form upon them. entry member from the found right alternative for germany potty or a if the be a good myself we can come on will up the federal prosecutor has charged $27.00 suspects and analyst on the far right. no one's booming time. told me more about the late spring later. yes, i use good scores. so the crucial role within the group and i think it does. it's oftentimes overseeing that he's just saying has out as the weird snow build. correct. uh, so i've a in the back, but she has been connected to nice productivity many years back and probably
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took a crucial role and networking and bringing all of the saucers together. but at the same time, acquiring financial funds for the root. and oftentimes he is portrayed, especially by that media, is just an old, a weird character, but she really was serious about over throw a liberal democracy in germany. and i think that is something that we will also see what's the process has started being used as a possible the kind of strategy he may have been serious about a bit. how serious was the group in, in, in old. how dangerous would you say the movements uh aims were to over for the government? i think it was the best prepared. all right, terrorist group in germany that we have the so that's very day. i mean,
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day it forwarded over off a 1000000 of your own free funds that they had that they acquired. it's nearly 4 hundreds guns. they had a very strange form organization. they had an actual plan. how to over throw the government not only the with the military waiting, but also very precise plans, what you're look should follow after. and i think that already kind of shows how far that planning was already progress. and i think that is one of the really important things now, and that's not just up the whole reading trials are over something that should not fall under under the table that of the networks and how they could even acquire. so many guns had so many crucial connections with the military and ex
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military circles. that is something that these trials definitely should empower and i've covered sincerity. if it's something old done in secrecy, i mean that the group managed to infiltrate german society in any way. i would say society be, i mean if you want to overthrow the government, you don't need to infiltrate society, but you need to infiltrate and occlusal institutions. and i mean, just the idea that driveway terrors with access to guns weren't able to go in and out of the book, this tags due to the of the connections the group had to be, is already very much surprised. and for that you don't need a lot of like yeah, popular supports by german society, but you needs to info the phrase, the right result points within german society. that is the per terry that is the
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really go rach, satisfied apology. great, thank you very much for your analysis. no one's feeling tyler on that story. let's take a quick look at the headlines before we go. one person has died and several more been injured during severe turbulent sort of flight from london to the single single bull rail lines bowing from 7 was devoted to bangkok where emergency services were on the ground. with $211.00 passengers, an 18 crew on board. germany's farm in his donnelly and a babel cuz in cape for her 7th trip to ukraine since stopped. are the full scale russian invasion. she's calling for more international support to help protect the country against russian estrada and iran has held the 1st day of the funeral services for president keeping and pregnancy killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. and a by now tens of thousands tilted to the streets of caprice as a vehicle carrying the remains of pregnancy and 7 others, tons of officials who died in the x x on the w. help cod science,
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dr. deforestation. i've been preserving, i'll see you again soon. here the type of data so much for the 1st 2 years is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and flights. meanwhile, for con dreams of another load wake up on non scots june 1st on dw tropical.


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