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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the way you use, like from the land. a person dies on a passenger judge during severe turbulence at $11000.00 basis. it happened on the flight from london to singapore, according to reports. so he of the people who were injured will get the latest. the german foreign ministers in ukraine and elaina band pump visits, a power plant heavily damaged by rushing missiles and goals for more a defenses to protect the planning and infrastructure. plaza, ron holds. funeral services for president abraham. very easy and other officials died in a helicopter crash on sunday. we discussed by using hotline legacy and what's the
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account the i've been for sewland good to have you with us. we begin with breaking news. one person has died and several more injured during severe turbulence on a flight from london to single the single red lines going triple 7 was devoted to bangkok where emergency services were on the ground. a witness said turbulence lead to those nowhere and seat belts hitting overhead cabins and headlines spokesman has confirmed the fatality adage. arrays that with $211.00 passengers and 18 crew on board, let's get more now. from journalist jacob got the crews in bangkok, jacob, what more can you tell us? and so the same for airlines is confirmed injuries and wednesday, anality. and i've been monitoring local media and one local outlet has reported
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a 2nd se tardy. at a hospital in bangkok, it's also been reported that to tween last altitude very quickly, about 1.8 kilometers in about 4 minutes over the end of and see west is thailand causing it to be diverted to bangkok and the turbulence and the loss of altitude reportedly launched passengers who were, who were in their seat belts into the ceiling. there, there had been a social media post showing photos of the damaged ceiling of the plain food and drink, scattered everywhere, and people bracing any information yet on the causes and no specific information on the causes yet, but injuries from turbulence are, are, are fairly common. and those are caused by the weather patterns. and in
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there there's even some research to say that a tribute and says things them as been getting more common recently because of the warming on the sphere related to, to climate change. and tell us more about where the injured have being taken right now for people wanting information. tiny immigration police have said that medical personnel were dispatched to the airport and so on from airport, where they set up a field hospital and the people who were, who were a particular need were transported to a private hospital in bangkok, the latest date from jacob goldberg in bank of thank you very much for keeping us up to date. as germany's foreign minister in a bad bulk has made an unannounced visit to ukraine, she arriving key for her 7th trip since the start of the war by train llc. so using that towards a call for more international support to help protect the country against russian
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and strikes. she visited a heavily damaged stumble power plant with you painting in energy minutes to come on out of shank, cool minutes directly. and so typically directs a check on infrastructure to enable the lights, the survival here in the frame. and this is why i'm calling worldwide to, to increase the defense support, but also to increase all of the support for reconstructions. that long strip is a display of solidarity and comes at a difficult moment for ukraine as it defends the northeastern city of hawk. if the w corresponded that marks on the told us about what you credit expects from the visit. right? so 1st and foremost, in general, what you crazy is asking the west and including germany is more weapons, different kind of weapon systems, including medium and long range weapons that are, can be used to strike with an occupied territory and also disrupt russian supply lines in situations such as what we're seeing in the north of the heart,
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you've read you right now with a new russian offensive opens. and in addition to that, so i'm was speaking, the soldiers here on the ground into our 2 bridges. what they've been telling us, they want to be able to use these western weapons to their full capacity, meaning being able to strike within russian territory. rush at the moment is able to pull together troops on the other side of the border. and all you can, can do is attack with the soviet made weapons for weapons of their, their own production. and in addition to this situation, what ukraine darling needs at the moment is the air defense systems you created. the president said uh recently that the crane at the moment only has a quarter of what is needed to cover their air space. and this is something that trim reform minister pamela when she arrived. and keith also renewed her promises to a joint mechanism to bring more air defense systems to, to train data. we use bucks on to that. a quick look now at some of the global headlights, a russian play right, and fear, the director accused of justifying terrorism has told them uncle, they're innocent,
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prosecute his child, so it's not a, it's a joke. and you have any, a better, better coverage over the play about russian women who married islamic state militants. if it's up to 7 years in prison, if found guilty, a group of suspected cooper, hers has gone on trial in the german city of frankfurt, the so called heis boulder, meaning citizens of the empire and considered violent is deep in find right ideology. bushes were arrested in 2022 during nationwide rights. they pumped included housing hush military the germany after a code or saturdays in columbia to take over the fight as of killed 4 and injured 7 elbows in an attack in the southwest. the government accuses the rental group central general style for mc of opening fire and setting of bombs at a police station in the town of morales were touching the t make of and i, i,
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it says it's scrapping a synthetic voice that said to resemble that of hollywood style scholars, you had said, a chatbox voice drew comparisons to the film which stopped the actress your hands and said in a stipend. she was shocked now and good added display feeling a little bit nervous. you help me around is held the 1st funeral services for president ibrahim, but i you say killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. along without the top officials raise, he became president 2021 that was seen as a deeply conservative and hotline leader, a remembrance procession for all those who died in the crash or an up pouring of moments. photo that tens of thousands of a ringing and supporting their president during 5 days of morning. you remember i, you see and several other officials died after the helicopter went down in heavy fog. striking a blow to these lovely republics leadership at a time of unprecedented attention in the region. the external ginger has never brought our people into. they are nice. people have always been united against
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danger throughout history. sharlitra shot made their so rest in peace. the nation that is able to deal with this issue. we cannot and everything go to return to normal. the chapel go, thanks to god. the sign you run supreme leader. i totally ali khamenei pick this man, vice president mohammed must, but to leave the country until a new president can be elected. must by, it has 50 days to hold a vote, a racist estimate. we can around this conservative establishment. he was a protege of company and was seen as a potential successor to the aging leader. hardliners strengthened their control of parliament to run after recent elections, but voter turnout. it was that a historic lo, thanks in part to economic restrictions and peoples frustration with strict religious laws with north carolina's succession raised these depths could ignite
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inside even within the government. if that happens around politics may be, was shaped for decades to come back. god is well, and the us have actually condemned to move by the international criminal quotes chief prosecute to seek arrest warrants for his right, the leaders over the war and cause a car in hon says he also won such warrants for how much leaders over the october 7th, our tax us president joe biden says, is no equivalence between as well. and how much yes, yes and wire is for mazda is leader in gaza. he's one of the men targeted by the i c. c, arrest warrant request. so is this match each man honey, the guitar based political leader from us? the 3rd, so most is military strategist mohammed di f. d i. c. c's top prosecutor says he has reasonable grounds to believe the 3 are responsible for war crimes and
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crimes against humanity committed pon and after october, the 7th murder as a crime against humanity. and his will crime the taking of hostages as a little crime rate and other acts of sexual violence, joining captivity as crimes against humanity. and his will, crowds to torture. joining captivity is a crime against humanity and is a little crime kind is also requesting an international arrest warrant for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, you'll have galant 7 months into the war. he thinks the 2 bear direct responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in gaza. including using starvation as a weapon of war and intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population is very like,
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whole states has the right to defend its population. it has every right to show the return of hostages that have been criminally unconsciously taken. those rights, however, do not absolve these rail, always obligations to comply with international humanitarian law. up soon, netanyahu rejects the accusations, gosh, as prime minister of israel, i reject with all my soul, the comparison made by the prosecutor in the hague, between democratic israel and the mass. murder is of how much this is a complete distortion of reality. is real is not a member of the i c. c and doesn't recognize its jurisdiction. but if warrants are issued, which may take months, those named could face arrest if they travel to one of the courts. $124.00 member states, which include most of europe, but not the united states. 2 days on a deadly cool attempting congo continues to raise questions. 6 people died
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including the crew leader would also have recruited his american born son. thousands were arrested off to the assault on the presidential palace in conjunction and on the home of a close ally of president felix cheese, a katie calling for the town for the presidency. legs, choose a kid, a christian malign, good live stream. this video of his bite is at the presidential palace in the middle of their attack. waiving the country's former flag and with his 21 year old american bone selling that his side, it's not clear what the self declared leader of the government in exile hope to achieve in his night time is sold with the president absent before breaking into the palace the attack as it struck here, the home of the close cheese, a kid, a ally to guards, as well as one of the a silence were killed, and what officials described as an assassination attempt. when we arrived,
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we was shocked to see a frontline situation. it was a battlefield, we found hundreds and hundreds of shell cases here and the forensic investigators had called in dolph, most of the neighborhoods that were bodies on the ground outside inside wounded people blood everywhere. the army regained control within i was saying on sunday that it 48 and attempted to and the plucked as had been planning to attack the homes of more top officials but couldn't find the language was killed while reportedly resisting arrest at the palace. while his young son was among thousands of suspects, detained by the authorities, alongside 2 more american citizens and other foreigners, it did all sleep. but some, in contrast to it had been left questioning, how dozens of on demand were able to attack multiple locations in the capital before being stopped by. so the way these
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operations were carried out, don't, i didn't think that in a silver in state, in the middle of the capital city center. that assailants can store and administer his house all the time. they do not see him without the all sorts. he's being informed that they've been in so therefore the opposition has also raised questions about the so called to attempt with one party cooling for an international investigation into sundays events. and briefly, before we go a quick look at our top story this hour. at least one person has died and several more has been injured during severe turbulence on a flight from london to sing for the 2nd floor and lines bowing. triple 7 boys devoted to bangkok or emergency services from the found it was 211 passengers at 18 crew on board to bring in more on that decks. now 1st, we look at how bring tech could help clean out and secure food and protect on
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