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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the, we can use mine from the land. a person dies on a passenger jet during severe turbulence at $11000.00 maces. it happened on the flight from london through single 4 according to reports. so he of the people who are injured will get the basis on the program. the german foreign minister is in ukraine. adelina babel visits a power plant heavily damaged by a russian mid solves and calls for more a defense. it's to protect you kind of get infrastructure as well as government denounces a bid for the international criminal court to seek arrest warrants for the prime
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minister and to use defense minister. it calls on nations of the civilized world to oppose the efforts. and iran holds funeral services for president avery, him. right. you see and other officials who died in a helicopter crash on sunday we discussed raises hotline legacy. and what's the account, the ben fizzle and welcome. we begin with breaking news. one person has died and several more were injured during severe turbulence on a flight from london to a single pole. the single poignant outlines bowing. triple 7 was devoted to bangkok when emergency services were on the ground. a witness said turbulence lead to those not wearing seat belts hanging overhead cabins and a line spokesman has confirmed the fatality and injuries that with 211 passengers
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and 18 crew on board. a journalist, jacob goldberg in bangkok, told me more about the incident. the best coverage was just held with the representatives from uh, from the airport. um they were previous reports in local media of the 2nd state ality. it's possible that those remains in their single bar. airlines has confirmed that there was one fatality of a 70 year old british national and that the tally is believed to be related to a heart condition. and there's also, it's also been reported that there are 7 passengers in critical condition and 18 in total who have been hospitalized. it. can you tell us more about actually what went on on board based on this age um shared by passengers on social media and the, the plane experienced a pretty severe dropping altitude. uh,
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it was reported later that it was probably 1.8 kilometers dropped in about 4 minutes and the, the sewage goes drains into the flying everywhere. and they're also going to me image instead of damage to the overhead compartment, the ceiling of the plane. and when the passengers were launched into the air by the turbulence. so we're talking a mid flight incident where people, some people want locked in way is druids, and is through dances with southern people the best right? people who were not wearing their seat belts were launched into the ceiling of the plains. fortunately, most people were wearing their seat belts, which is why out of the roughly $200.00 passengers, most people weren't injured. and in fact, uh about half of them will be loaded onto singapore today. can you tell us more
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about how common these kinds of incidents are? i mean, anyone who's float has gone through some sort of turbulence, but we're talking about a severe incident this. that's right. this is the severe incident of turbulence, to be honest, is it definitely common, in fact, injuries related to turbulence or the most common forms of injury and they didn't for an aircraft that doesn't cods cause damage to the aircraft. and so there's been some reason research showing that the severe turbulence is, is becoming more common because of climate change, which ones the atmosphere usually doesn't result in st. holidays or injuries like this. so this might be a, an outlier or a sign of worsening turbulence. let's take a thank you very much for bringing us the latest. i can go, but journalist sent it in bangkok, thank you. foreign minister,
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unavailable says the world needs to do way more to support ukraine in the war against russia. she's been meeting with ukrainian president, florida may so then ski and keith, the german minister says a global initiative launched by germany has raised building 1000000000 euros to help protect you claim that even more is needed for the planning and officials have pleaded for months with their western partners for sophisticated air defense systems as russia steps up, it strikes for you to sold on, on you to so going by the any hesitation and supporting ukraine costs the lives of innocent people's and any hesitation. and of course, in ukraine is also a threat to our own security in the which i hide the best, the short skiing, and the best protection against the terror refreshes ms solves is to boost ukraine's air defenses. so that's our top priority these days. it's indeed some talking house detail, we usually have
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a legal team. what message back off wants to send with this visit? yes, phone. well this is her 7th visit to your crime. ultimately she had to i have 2 goals . and with this visit on the one hand, this was assigned to the support for the crane, which is under enormous pressure. right now i'm, i'm from some russian forces. and on the other hand, she wanted to use this opportunity to highlight the situation to cool on all the apartments to provide more and better ed from systems to ukraine. some of our view is not remember that a few weeks ago. tell me announce, but it will provide another said patriot edison system to your crime and ultimately want fabrics is asking for now is the other countries, other partners, fuller suits which other countries which other partners is she to breaking that message out? exactly. which is mainly directing that message i'm european pond is now much accredited from actually the danish prime minister. she said last week and our
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meeting with all of solve the german time flow about 2 crime means about 5 to 6 patriot systems. and she said that they are here in europe. and if you look at the numbers now we've got um, greece has about 6 patriot systems, the netherlands, sweden, and remain at each how full spring have 3 and part of it has to. now none of these countries have so far come forward and volunteered to hand over one of these patriot systems to ukraine. and the monument goes that they themselves need the systems for the right and protection. but what i want, i babble because highlights of here we cannot, this on this trip is that ukraine's defense is ultimately europe's defense. and that's why she's urge partners again, such as these countries. but i just remember cold um, but they provide what they come to your client and so to help it fucked off russian attacks that may a situation point out. the view is, of course, is an important one coming from germany, considering how much it backs you credit. it's one of the most important financial
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backers, isn't that, or it is so far since the will, the government has committed specially 1000000000 years to of worth of aids to ukraine, not including c monetary, united, financial aids. but of course, maybe the terry aids and not ranges from, you know, huge big tank such as the left to, to, to artillery fighting vehicles like the how it serves munition, which has become incremental in the school. but also edison systems, which have also become include incredibly important such as the iris team system and the patriot system. but of course, we also know that germany has also attractive fence in some regard does not always said yes to every system to every system. and in the latest, we saw the licensed discussions around the long range, and the file was a detour us and the, sorry, the long range missile tourist has
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a lot of colds. and sometimes that will show some people not provided because he says with some system servers just too much of a risk of escalating this conflict from emily, gloating in the late and thanks for the analysis. foreign minister banjo, kind of to cancel plans to visit ukraine. second largest city of honk, if for security reasons, people there have grown somewhat accustomed to the russian missiles, drugs and client bones. but it's a matter of adapting the double use mux thunder reports on ukraine's 1st underground school. it's the 1st day of school for these kids. their 3rd graders already would have never sat in an actual classroom. the 1st because of covert and then because of the war there now able to study together 6 meters below ground, protected by reinforced concrete. in the 1st permanent,
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underground school. a bit unusual at 1st with the kids like 9 year old sasha. it feel safe from the farms he's heard and studying at home. holy ha ha. when it was very loud, i would either run into the cory door or hide underneath the table near the wall b dash away from the window. oh sure. week now and we'll show for the living class . in general, public schools in harkey do not operate in person. even today. there are students who are participating on line parents like sasha squad to worry about what this does to their children. there's a lot more greatly affect to the development of children. the war had a great impacts and that you cation must be
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a society for children. the other children have dreamed of meeting their classmates the down here, the war remains on. everyone's mind the and some place only to be followed by an air raid siren the, but it will help with the, the anxiety is constant. it's always there. and as you say, constant as siren went under stress, but we tried to hold on, but of course, this is our choice of staying and how to if we have not gone abroad me, this is our native home a nation schools. we've made it say this underground facility is shared by multiple schools of the district class. and so i have to take turns the city of hurricane is planning to build more such school. for now,
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the kids can attend only around see time together, they embrace of the night above ground. there was a semblance of normality today in her keys. but many who lived here before the war have fled. those who remain are trying to live their lives the, with the russians close by. you don't have to look for to see the ugly side of parking in a residential neighborhood. big live bomb went down between houses, homes were destroyed, the family or 5 injured 2 of them,
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teenagers were in the garden and inside the house. i'm like this released by a plane. it's about 5 minutes. they have to city talk if as little to no protection against these weapons, this more crime investigator tells us there have been 200 such attacks and the last 6 months how to clear pressure, why not as if once more than 1000000 civilians live in hockey and they suffer from attacks every day. no one is safe from such strikes, watching for sure. you can see that the time from the launch of the palms to that arrival is very short. the people did not have time to go to the shelter. joining the alarm in the door pitch us setting out the war for keep matters to create its history, culture, universities in industry. but most importantly,
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it's home to those who live here willing themselves to find ways to deal with a daily russian to a quick look now at some of the other stories making use the restroom play right 10 to see the director accused of justifying terrorism. i've told them also called their innocent prosecutors charged. so it's not a paid 3, a joke. and you have any a back which over the play about russian women who married is i'm excited militants . they faced up to 7 years in prison if found guilty. a group of suspected group clauses has gone on trial in the german city of frank foot, the so called i spoke with citizens of the empire, a consider violent and state in 5 rank audiology. the prophets were arrested in 2022 during nationwide rights. they wanted to impose military law if a germany chad cvt make up open a i says it's scrapping has synthetic voice that said to resemble that of hollywood
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style scarlett johansson, the checkbox voice drew compasses to the film her which stopped the actress. the husband said in a statement that she was shocked and good at the display to israel has again denounced the international criminal court a monday. the courts chief prosecute or requested a warrant for the rest of his brows by minister and defense minister of the war. and gaza in a statement of spokesperson for prime minister benjamin netanyahu urged nations of the civilized, free, well to oppose and condemn the decision. several of his around the western allies, including the us and germany, have criticized the quote's move saying it equates to is, or it equates these round actions and gaza with how much as october, 7th terrorist attacks. honestly, it is our also wanted 5 o'clock. i asked the w 's bronsels correspondent, rosie budget, how you leaders are reacting to as well as appealed to ignore any warrants
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requested by the licensee as well. like with so much of the ease response to this conflict. really, since the early days, your opinion is to evaluate is no different here. we've had different responses from across the use 27 member states. so for example, here in belgium, where i am, we've had a statement from the country saying that this is a, this request for an arrest warrant from the i. c. c is an important step in investigations into this situation in palestine that's according to thousands for administered the way she described it in her similar statements from slovenia. then when it came to the front front, it has its, for an offices were released the state and saying, really for months, the french government has been warning about the importance of compliance with international law in gaza, particularly highlighting the important so for sure by the terry access germany, all the other hand has said it in series supports the icpc. think this is a very important achievement of the international community, but it has criticized what it sees as the i did. the court came forward with an
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application for on the one hand is really leaders, but also have most leaders and jeremy, you said that seems to create an implication or false implication of equivalence. and then really at the far end of the spectrum, we have the hon. gary and prime minister, victor, oregon, who has called the application from the icpc for this of arrest warrant, shameful. so that is something you can see as once again you countries divided on how to move forward on this conflict and a divide that again, i should say, in this case from the united states, we've heard of different view from joe by and us cold. this request for awards, outrages oh, moving forward, what do you expect to happen next? as well as well. they might have different opinions here in the senior you countries are owned by owned by the same law as they are signatories the rome statute, which is what establishes the international criminal court. and those laws are the, if they say arrest the application for a rest weren't were to be granted. benjamin nothing else who was really privy to serve would officially become a fugitive of the i c. c. and that would mean that you called truth wouldn't ferry
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be obliged to arrest him, should she come to their territory? we are not in anywhere near that position yet. however, that is the potential rolled forward. my asked european commission is forward affair. spokesperson a boat this and he really seemed to me highlights of just the importance of compliance with official international law obligations. take listen to what he said to me. the european union respects the independence of the ice of this independent international institution. the deals with the investigation of the, of the serious crimes that tries to deliver on the issue of impunity or prevents that there is so if you need to, when it comes to violations which uh, fall under the remy, then the men date of the i. c, c, and again, all the countries that subscribe their own scott, you of the, i see him though vacation to follow that and lot of what we just had, how will this affect the use credibility of a warrant is granted? so it shouldn't be know, since that we are still at the stage of that application and there is no timeline
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or deadline. so i see judges will know decide whether or not to move forward with baseboard if it is granted in this e. u. countries decide to shirk their official of obligations under international law, you can bet there will be a load or clamoring accusations of the u. a executive double standards, basically having different applications of international law. we know, for example, the you with quite a vocal and welcoming the arrest board, which was issued for russian president vladimir putin. however, one, i know a student to me this way he said look, the west has, there's no, it's got a monopoly from the west of double standards here. and we have certainly seen countries in other parts of the world also really tying themselves and political knots or what to do, but an icpc arrest more. and that was the case. for example, when there was discussion over whether south africa should welcome russian president vladimir putin. to a summit of the bricks alliance instead of the interest foreign minister went on years before that also in south africa, there was a debate over whether to whether to arrest from our overseer the,
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the suspect is more criminal from through dawn. so this is not something which is unique to you countries, but certainly something which could be a great source of political controversy. moving forward. you correspond across the budget live from brussels, or iran has begun holding funeral events for president abraham. right easy. he was killed along with the foreign minister and several others in a helicopter crash on sunday writing and state media said the crash was the result of a technical fact. yet, the army says it's launched an investigation farewell ceremonies for the late president being held across the rock. the caskets were greeted at the airport in to run by an honor guard who carried the bodies of abraham are easy to run. spar administer on the other officials passed the throng of military, political and religious leaders lining the tarmac among them. visibly weeping. mohammed must bear the mind typed by
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a run supreme leader to leave the country until the new president is elected. raised these set to be buried on thursday following 5 days of morning, which began in the north west city of to breeze. near the site where he and his entourage died after their helicopter went down in heavy thought. his death this blow to these law mac republics leadership at a time of rising regional tensions. external venture has never brought our people into their and these people have always been united against danger. throughout history. sharlitra shot made their so rest in peace. the nation is able to deal with this issue. we cannot, and every thing going to return to normal to thanks to god. right, you see a 63 year old conservative clerk was seen as
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a potential successor to current supreme leader. i a tool that meet according to a runs constitution. presidential elections must be held within 50 days. posing a tricky question for e runs rulers to the open, the race to moderate rival of or stick the hard liners and risk the embarrassment of another low voter turnout. political distrust and an ailing economy has helped fuel voter apathy. turn out during the most recent elections was the lowest recorded since the 1979 is low. make revolution come about teen lectures at the university of south sex on international affairs. i asked him whether so many a radians or really morning, the man who was known as the butcher of tehran. i don't think you should read too much into the foot to just coming out to the wrong uranium stage media has developed a, you know, very much expertise in, in producing such images for external consumption. the,
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even the record. so auto suppression election, which is produced by uranium version itself, shows extremely low interest in, in iranian institutions and participation in, in politics. and of course, missouri i see is a known well remembered by many iranians because of his participation in the so called this committee in the 1980s, especially in 1988 when causes of uranium public prisoners were executed. then he was one of the 34 ma'am comedy team, which implemented a 512 i tele, from a negro pod task for prisoners to be cleared from this political prisoners. but in any case, his death clearly poses as some challenge to the islamic republic. but i'm not sure this will be something which will go out of control of elections are very much pre engineered in the wrong because of the nature of this system. there is
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a collective body which has to approve all the candidates who want to stand in elections and in that sense and the wishes of the supreme leader will be implemented one way or the other for 2 days on a deadly qu, attempting congo continues to raise questions 6 people died including the qu, leader who had also recruited the american born son of his dozens were arrested off to the assault on the presidential palace on contrast. and on the home of a close ally of the president, cooling for the town full of preston, felix choose a kid, a christian malign, good live stream. this video of his spite is of the presidential policy in the middle of their attack. waiving the country's former flag and with his 21 year old american born son that his side, it's not clear what the self declared lead to of the government in exile hope to achieve. and he's not the time of sold with the president absent. indeed,
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before breaking into the palace, the attack as it struck here, the home of the close chief of k, i like to god's as well as one of the a silence were killed and what officials described as an assassination attempt. when we arrived, we was shocked to see a frontline situation. it was a battlefield. we found hundreds and hundreds of shell cases here and the forensic investigators had called in dolph, most of the neighborhoods that were bodies on the ground outside inside wounded people, blood everywhere. the army regained control within i was saying on sunday that it 48 and attempted to and the plucked as had been planning to attack the homes of more top officials but couldn't find the language was killed while reportedly resisting arrest at the palace. while his young son was among thousands of suspects, detained by the authorities, alongside 2 more american citizens and other foreigners,
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it did all sleep. but some, in contrast to it had been left questioning, how dozens of on demand were able to attack multiple locations in the capital before being stopped by. so the way these operations were carried out, good, don't go. i didn't think that in a silver in state, in the middle of the capital city center. the sealants can still on the ministers house or the pie. they do not seem without the all sorts he's being informed of thought good is that they've been in the off position has also raised questions about the so called to attempt with one party cooling for an international investigation into sundays events. so before we go, a quick look at our top story this hour. at least one person has died and several more has been injured during severe turbulence on a fly from london to singable. the singapore airlines going triple 7 was devoted to the bank called,
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or emergency services were on the ground with 211 passengers and 18 crew on board. i fix the co africa looks at it, and i do reinstall it up. the use of solar pallet to cut down on the food waste i made visible. and thanks for your company, frank gulf. we'll have your news next down
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