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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CEST

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the, the, this, the dw news live it from berlin, severe turbulence on a flight from london to single for one passenger has died. the plane was a boeing triple 7, and they have been dozens of others who were injured will have the latest, also coming up. russia begins tactical nuclear weapons drills near the border with ukraine, saying that this is in response to what it costs for bucket and statements from the west and heavy security suspected qu, leaders go on trial. here in germany, prosecutor say their network known as citizens of the rice plan to store the parliamentary building in berlin and to impose military rule. the
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library golf is good to have you with this, at least one person has died after a passenger jet hit severe turbulence while flying from london to think of poor dozens of others were injured flight data suggested the plane a boeing triple 7 dropped some 6000 feet in 5 minutes, witnesses say that there is not wearing seat belts were watched to the ceiling. the jet was forced to make an emergency landing in bangkok as images, passengers to carry dose, to sing, and pull a line, slide by medical stuff, and bind cold, uproot where they receive immediate treatment and some taken to hospital
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passengers have spoken. now to about the hora when the plains suddenly plunged. so between c c. so, so you paid one. as soon as i saw it, i see folks on you know, i just remember the most was to see, let's check these line for you. yeah. and i used to be this animated graphic shows the plane traveling on its intended flight path from london to sing a pool before it hits about to severe turbulence and dropped more than 1800 meters around 6000 feet from its cruising altitude. it was then rerouted to land ben cox main airport. that cops well started to use a still piecing together what exactly happened on board the
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preliminary investigation to indicate that the deceased suffered from a hot condition. he was a 73 year old. but these national, however, they stood in the next stage of the old tops, the process as the investigation continues. several of the passengers, he felt well enough to continue that johnny forwarded another plane bound for a single pool. julia bray isn't aviation expert from cambridge in the u. k. he gave us his assessment of today's instance. yes. first of all come down says to the family and joel, those are being injured. this is a very unusual a car because the buying triple 7 is the state of the art buying it spills of carbon fiber and use the tub and then suddenly affects the main frame of the plane . and also all the other perils that we've seen today. but it does underline the
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fact that if you do fly on aircraft today because of the changing climate, weather conditions, everything else usually that you keep your seat belts on. just like the around the lat, but just make sure it is actually buckled. so you called be thrown out of your chair and hit the saving, which apparently you have to acquire a number of people. have a dish law, just saving panels. and some of the infrastructure came down, exposing pipes and everything else. so there is a message and another message should be that in future, it should be hand baggage of the ink cabins, or an old cases have to go them. so the whole because that is the place folder. yeah. because you know, mr. brade today, there are more people that ever fly, and people are trying to fly by carrying on as much luggage as possible. do you think that this incidents and others hopefully that we don't have that are like it, but this engine is going to force airlines to change their policy about carry on as
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i think is going to have to because the fed, as you say more people sign so there's more luggage in cases, i know the cases based on you will see for the for just say uh, movable objects at all. so tied down. and so the best place sold and easy to hold. people say yes, but we want to get off quickly. but if there is a really emergency and then you have shoots to slide down, then people waiting to get the cases will delay the real rescue procedure. when these things do happen. so we're lucky that the plane managed to make an emergency landing, and everybody, everybody else goes off, apart from the injured and the ambulances were waiting. do we know mr. bray? what the pilots, what they were encountering when, when this happened to me that they were, they were flying
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a boeing triple 7. and we know the, the route that they were following. but can you maybe give us a birds i do if you will, of what maybe the pilots would have encountered and had to do so. yeah, so cool. so they have all the latest navigational lights and also radio, which is very important. because on mobile name for ads, doppler radar, you can actually pick up the traces of turbulence. so you all for a while and in some cases. but apparently i'm very close to, it's going to be a mass of investigation. now to find out what did happen they, they would always know that the type is it says. so they might have seen clear as a clear incident. i know there was nothing showing they went straight into it, know all the costs lie over clouds and around the storms and away from bad weather areas. but unfortunately, it does happen. you get to get these some pockets and you have to admit there's
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been some very strange weather events around the world like they for example, do buy some things i haven't said nobody's ever seen before. and so i think we have to take account of changing climate conditions, changing rather patterns, and we had to be ready for it. but i think we kind of help ourselves if we keep those seat belt buckles buckled up, where we slide. that was during the break, speaking with me earlier, rushes as it has begun. tactical nuclear weapons drills close to ukraine, rushes defense ministry says that the drills will test its readiness to deploy the weapons. the exercises are taking place in rushes of southern military district and that includes parts of ukraine under russian occupation. the kremlin says, the exercises call him in response to what it is calling threats by certain western officials. russian officials pointed to recent comments by francis president, who said that nato should not rule out deploying troops to ukraine. dw,
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as eastern europe, editor of rome and guns ranko told us how ukraine and this western allies are viewing the threat posed by these drills as well. um, both are taking those flat seriously bucks. um, i do think that in ukraine and in the west, nobody believes that there is an imminent threat of russia actually using those technical nuclear weapons because i'm looking at the situation on the battlefield. there is no reason for russia to do that, against your grand russian. for forces. are you ok? buying new territories of ukraine, so your brain in armies, weekends by not having enough ammunition, most enough soldiers. so, um, um, no, no, nothing speaks of russian russia using them against different thing, but it's like just like before in the past. yes, it looks like it's an attempt to prevent the west from helping ukraine more than
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before and maybe certain types of weapons smoke probable weapons for, as you've said. now those mentioned the mentioning of the possibility that nato troops has some country nato countries put said troops to ukraine to help ukrainian army, for example, in less than positive. okay. and so not involved in a compet abrasion, so no immediate contact between a nato troops and russia. and also of course, russia is worried by ukrainian wish to strike with west of buttons on the russian territory. this could be a serious threat for russia. so russia is signaling don't do that. that was from a gun to ranko, they're speaking with me earlier. here's a quick look now and some of the other headlines this, our germany's foreign minister under the bed box says that the world needs to do quote, way more to support ukraine. and it's fight against russia during a meeting with ukraine's president and keep their box at a global initiative has raised nearly 1000000000 bureaus to supply ukraine with air
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defense systems. and she had is that even more is needed, of israel is calling on the nations of the civilized world to oppose the international criminal courts order to arrest the prime minister and defense minister the ruling to prosecute his really leaders over the war and gaza has been met with widespread condemnation by israel's allies. i'm also leaders are also warranted by the court over the october 7th terrorist attacks in israel. iran has begun holding funeral events for the late president a brian receipt, and he was killed along with the foreign minister and several others in a helicopter crash on sunday. randy and state media said that the crash was the result of a technical failure. the army says that it has launched an investigation. a group suspected applauding, a cube in germany has gone on trial in frankfort. the group known as the rights for
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a girl or citizens of the empire are considered violent and steeped in far right. id ology, the plotters were arrested back in 2022 during nationwide reads. it said that they wanted to impose military law over germany. alright, i'm doing the political correspondence, emily gordon. she is following this story for us. so emily, tell us a little bit more about the people on trial and what exactly they were accused of. yes. so the people who went on trial in front for today all set to be the ring leaders of the group, but plucked it over through allegedly prostitute over through the time government among themselves styled ours to crowds from time there's been searching for us as well as a former politician from parliamentarian for the fall, right, if the as well as several retired military offices. but it is in fact prim time of the issue is considered to be the head of this group. and it is
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at his hunting lodge where the group is said to have met to plan this plot, service for the government. but together the group of ultimately charged with being members of a terrorist organization. as well as of planning an act of treason. what's really important here to note is that this group is associated with the village of the associated with the circle di spoke a movement which is a loosely affinity items group in germany that consist of about 23000 people who don't believe in that address. in the city of the drum station, if projects, in fact the, to the done stay positive today. they also subscribe to conspiracy theories. and the intelligence services in germany have ones in the past that this group has a high affinity with a high affinity for weapons. so that brings me to my next question for you. what are the prosecutor saying about how dangerous these suspects were?
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well, this is actually quite an interesting question because if you listen to what the defense attorneys actually say, um i quotes here, they are not the terrorist. they all start the crazy. so kind of mitigating almost the danger of these, some of these, of the people on trial today. but as you're expect, as, as you would expect prosper, case of, um, say the opposite. and they say they have proof that this group was in fact quite dangerous. and they found that the group was in possession of about $500000.00 zeros and funds. they had access to a large off, and the lessons learned about 80800000 rounds of ammunition. and the security was ultimately led stopped. they had a plan that was quite far ahead. what far advanced emily, this is being referred to as a ma'am, if the trial here in germany, why is that ultimate thing? this trial is so big that they have to the prosecution, have to split it in $31.00 and still got out of, but has already started. now,
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the 2nd one in frankfort, and the 3rd one that will begin in a in unit next month, and ultimately prosecute of hope about this trial. but they've been, should we lead to special insights into the networks of conspiracy? theorists in germany are political correspondent, emily gordy, with the latest denied on this trial, the trial of suspects known as the ranks burger. emily, thank you. or before we go a quick look. now at the top story this we're, but at least one person has died and several more been injured during severe turbulence on a flight from london to single for the single port airlines. boeing, triple 7 was diverted to bangkok where emergency services made it on the ground. there were $211.00 passengers in 18 crew on board of next day documentary charge the global push to save the environment by switching to renewable energy use. i will be back at the top of the hour with more world news. i hope to see you then
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the big burst into our is whenever they feel like i don't limit 1000 council design and fashion and most of the pieces in the sky. many on including the us to buy how do they do it? the secret lives of size starts may 22nd on dw the.


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