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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news live and from berlin. the un has paul's a distribution in profit and southern gaza, citing a lack of supplies and safety concerns. and it's warning mandatory in operations across the entire gaza strip are near collapse. also coming up tonight, one passenger is dead after severe turbulence. hit a flight from london to single port conditions causing the boeing and triple 7 to plummet, some 6000 feet before making an emergency landing the
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i bring golf, it's good to have you with this. the united nation says that it has a splendid food distribution in the city of rasa in southern garza, due to safety concerns. and the cost is running out of the supply. your organizations has that it's made agency for palestinian refugees, which is known as own rock. as well as the world food program can no longer access their warehouses in russia because of israel's ongoing military operation. you and also says no a trucks have entered the territory since saturday via the us built here for c deliveries. here's what the head of the human to man is hearing and fears. office for the region had to say about the situation on the ground. the dakota rough um processing as a severe access to fuels for your money tire and the cubic piece, the andrew of critically monitor an item set and curtailed the movement of stuff or for tech shows to be done for us. we mean essential, of course,
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as an easy money sign us at the end supplies and we are seeking assurances for mold part is to the caustic that, that they should adverse to protect those and ensure respect of civilians. while we're washington correspondent janelle, to milan she is on the story for a studio, going to see you on the what's the latest that you've been hearing from the you with about the situation unfolding in rough? certainly a dire situation branch. no question about it. as you said, the u. n has suspended food distribution and ross law, it's warehouses are inaccessible to them. now earlier we reached out to the when to ask if they had any idea at all. when this food aid distribution could be restarted, they said, obviously no, they did not. it would depend very much on the security situation and how it unfolds. now, it's not certain how many people are in rough us,
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some 800000. our thoughts have fled since the israel started it's incursion in the area some 2 weeks ago. although it's thought that several $100000.00 still remained there earlier. we also heard from the world food for food program, a spokes person, a beer. it's how far she said that food stops. we're also running out in a, in a raffle, and that is also why they had to suspend aid. she said that food distribution of hot meals, for example, all the food parcels continued in central garza, which of course is where many of those who fled rafa fled to. but that those food parcels are also in danger of running out. she said that if food deliveries don't start re entering gauze are in massive quantities, then famine like condition. you are certainly likely to spread a we reported, you know, last week about this floating peer that the us military has built. that was
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supposed to be a port of entry for a central supplies into gods, and we understand that those shipments are also not getting through what's going on there. indeed that floating here was thought to be one way to accelerate deliveries. and indeed on friday we saw the 1st 10 ships, a 10 trucks rolled off a ship at onto the pier. but on saturday, uh, a group of 11 trucks was actually stopped by crowds of palestinians looking for food looking for supplies. in the end, only 5 of those trucks made it to the warehouses and the world food program said that this sort of issue of palestinians, of the people taking the food and supplies from the convoys was likely to continue unless so the consistency of food aid could be guaranteed, the fact of the matter is these, they see in a truck they see
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a chance to eat. they don't know if they're going to get another. so the world food product for world food program, excuse me, said that they were looking for alternative routes within garza, they were reviewing logistics and security measures. but of course this is a very challenging endeavor at this time. you know, this all comes just a day after the chief prosecutor at the international criminal court announced that he will be seeking an arrest warrant for both these really prime minister and the israeli defense minister. the reason the accusation is what they have done in the last several months that is resulting in starving the people of gods that we know that the president president by the us. he says that this is outrages at the same time. we know that public support for israel is changing in the us. how much of a problem is all of this going to be for joe biden with election day, just 6 months away for this
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particular issue of this item that icpc request for or? and so this is obviously a very big and very live issue here. we actually heard the secretary of state anthony blink, and talk about it earlier today. he said that the, the biden administration was looking to work with congress in terms of levying sanctions against the icpc officials concerned. worth noting also that even ahead of this announcement by the i c. c, there was a group of republican lawmakers that actually wrote a letter to the i c. c. warning them against such a move, saying that they would face severe sanctions if they continued on with these all with this i'll call for request warrants sanctions of course. so i'd like travel bands a to the u. s. now the very fact that that joe biden is considering working with
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his group of republican lawmakers and apply part is an effort to love the sanctions against the i. c. c officials speaks to the level of upset to over that announcement here in washington. however, if you look at his own party, the democrats, the picture, there is less clear cut. you have the leaders of the, the democrats, the, the democratic leaders in the house and the senate saying that they criticize all the i, c, c, r. but i would not say whether they would support sanctions. you have progressive democrats saying they support the i, c. c. now of course, this is just one or more divide in to biden's party, over his handling of the israel gauze, a conflict. and of course, another source of tension in this coming election years, as you said, right? our very own janelle and dom along with the latest from washington tonight. janelle, thank you. at least one person has died after a passenger jets hit severe turbulence on
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a flight from london to single board. dozens of others were injured. a flight data suggested the plane a boeing triple 7 dropped some 6000 feet in just 5 minutes. where does it say that those not wearing seat belts were launched to the ceiling? the jet was forced to make an emergency landing in bangkok. images, passengers are carried off the single pool line, slight by medical stuff, and bind cold, uproot where they receive immediate treatment and some taken to hospital passengers have spoken. now to about the hora when the plains suddenly plunged. it was a long way so sudden there's no one. it gets old and i ended up picking my head on
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the ceiling. my wife dates some poor people walking around and up doing somersaults . it was actually terrible. this animated graphic shows the plane traveling on its intended flight path from london to single pool before it hits about so severe turbulence and dropped more than 1800 meters around 6000 feet from its cruising altitude. it was then rerouted to land buying cocks main airport. that cops well started to use a still piecing together most exactly happened on board the preliminary investigation to indicate that the deceased suffered from a hot condition. he was a 73 year old. but these national, however, they stood in the next stage of the old tops, the process as the investigation continues, several of the passengers,
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he stopped well enough to continue that johnny forwarded another plane bound for a single pool. julia bray is an evasion expert from cambridge in the u. k. i spoke with him earlier. yes. first of all come down says to the family and joel, those are being injured. this is a very unusual a car because the buying triple 7 is the state of the art buying, it spills of carbon fiber and use the turbulence that only affects the main frame of the plane. and also all the other perils that we've seen today. but it does on the line, the fact that if you do fly on aircraft today because of the changing climate, weather conditions, everything else, here's your diet, you keep your seat belt on just lying around the lot, but just make sure it is actually buckled. so you call be thrown out of your chair and i hit this evening which apparently you have to call the number of people,
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and they dish loud receiving panels. and some of the infrastructure came down, exposing pipes and everything else. so there's a message and another message should be that in future, it should be hand baggage of the in cabin, so an old cases have to go them. so the whole because that is the placeholder. yeah, because you know, mr. brade today, there are more people that ever fly, and people are trying to fly by carrying on as much luggage as possible. do you think that this incident and others hopefully that we don't have that are like it, but this engine is going to force airlines to change their policy about carry on as i think is going to have to because the fed, as you say more people sign so there's more luggage in cases, i know the cases face on you'll see for the for just say uh, movable objects at all. so tied down. and so the best place sold and easy to hold.
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people say yes, but we want to get off quickly. but if there is a really emergency and then you have shoots to slide down, then people waiting to get the cases will delay the real rescue procedure. when these things do happen. so way i lost you that the plane managed to make an emergency landing. and everybody, everybody else goes off apart from me injured and the ambulances were waiting. do we know mr. bray? what the pilots, what they were encountering when, when this happened to me that they were, they were flying a boeing triple 7. and we know the, the route that they were following, but can you maybe give us a birds i do if you will, of what maybe the pilots would have encountered and had to do so. yeah, so cool. so they have all the latest navigational lights and also radio, which is very important. because on mobile name for ads, doppler radar,
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you can actually pick up the traces of turbulence. so you all for a while and in some cases. but apparently i'm very close to, it's going to be a mass of investigation. now to find out what did happen they, they would always know that the type is it says. so they might have seen clear as a clear incident. i know there was nothing showing they went straight into it, know all the costs lie over clouds and around the storms and away from bad weather areas. but unfortunately it does happen. you get to get these some pockets and you have to have made, there's been some very strange weather events around the world like they for example, do buy some things. i haven't insight. nobody's ever seen have before. and so i think we have to take account of changing climate conditions, changing rather patterns, and we had to be ready for it. but i think we kind of help ourselves if we keep
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those seat belt buckles buckled up where we slide. there was any age and expert julie embrace speaking with me earlier. real madrid and germany midfielder and tony crows has announced that he will retire from professional football after the euro championships this summer. it marks the end of and the last 3 is the 10 year stand at the spanish club, during which time he helps them when $22.00 titles, 1st, previously played for byron munich. and was on the german national team that took home the world cup in 2014, we all madrid announced its gratitude to christ, following his announcement, calling him one of our club and international footballs. greatest legend, it's there before we go. here's a quick look at our top story, this our, the united nation says, and it has paul's fear distribution in the city of rasa, in southern gaza, due to safety concerns, and a lack of supply of next close up looks at why making cards hires a such
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a big threat to our reinforce for all of us here in berlin. thanks for the company . we'll see you next time. the tenet type of data. so much for those is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and flights. meanwhile for con dreams of another world wake up on not starts june 1st on dw, the .


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