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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from that in the u. n. pauses a distribution in rafa and southern gaza sides lack of supplies and safety concerns and wants to monetary and operations across the entire strip on near collapse. also coming up one passenger, his dad after severe turbulence, hit the flight from london to single bolt conditions caused the wing triple 7 to plummets before making an emergency landing the
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. no, i'm told me a lot of people welcome to the program. the united nation says it's suspended food distribution in the city of rafa in southern guys are due to safety concerns and a lack of supplies. the organization says it's main aid agency for palestinian refugees, owner and the world food program can no longer access their warehouses and rough uh, because of israel's ongoing military operation. the you and also says no age trucks have entered the tired street since saturday through a new pier built by the us for c deliveries. here's what the head of the wens humanitarian affairs office for the region have to say about the situation on the ground. be dakota rough um processing as a severe access to fuels for your money. i am not give it ease the andrew critical the money to turn in the items and curtail the movement of stuff or for those to be
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done for us remain essential of course, as an easy money sign us at the end supplies and we are seeking assurances from old by days to the caustic that that they should adverse to protect those and ensure respect of should it's the spring and washington correspondent to now to milan to know what's the latest you've been hearing from the you in about the situation unfolding in a rafa so yeah, so as we heard, so you and has suspended food distribution in ra, father warehouses are and accessible to them. now earlier we actually reached out to the you and to ask if they had any indication of when they might be able to restart deliveries. they quite predictably said, no, they don't, it would depend a very much on the security situation in ross and how it unfolds. now we don't know for certain how many people are in ross. exactly,
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some 800000 people or thoughts of flood since israel started it's operation, there are some 2 weeks ago. it's however, thought that several 100000 people are still there. and the situation, of course, is very dire. we heard from a spokes person of the world food program who said that the food a distribution had to be stopped in rough as well. and mid the exhausted food stocks. she said that food a distribution is ongoing in central gaza, which is of course, where many of those who fly drop off fled to. but dwindling stocks there also means that they may see they may soon see that supply exhausted as well. she said that if supplies and food orange, restarted, and gaza in massive quantities, then simon light conditions could certainly be expected there. and there was this peer being built by the us military that was supposed to provide an alternative
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entry point for aid. what's going on with that because it appears to be installed. so indeed now that us build to appear on the us build up here on the gauze and close the was a meant to accelerate deliveries. and on a friday, the 1st 10 trucks did roll off of a ship onto that pier. but over the weekend on saturday, 11 trucks were stopped by a group of palestinians needing food, an aide. and in the end, only half of that convoys made it to the warehouse and there were no more deliveries on sunday. and monday, now the world food program made the point that to this issue of people taking aid from the convoys and not waiting for that aid to be distributed. this is going to be an issue that keeps recurring unless so the consistency of food aid distribution is guaranteed. the fact of the matter is they see a truck. they see
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a chance that if they don't know when they're going to get another. so the world food program is looking into alternative routes with in gaza. it's looking to re examine its logistics and security measures. but of course, this is a very challenging endeavor at this particular time. and you know, of course, the us presidential election looming. how much of an impact is, is having on the campaign, particularly for president job item as well, it's a very big problem for a job. i didn't know starting within his own party have the more progressive voices of his own party, critical of his real and critical of biden's handling of the conflict between israel, between israel and gaza. and that they are going to have a problem rallying their base and convincing them to vote, democrat come election time. also worth building. we see weeks of campus protests here in the us as especially young people are shocked by what they see as
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washington enabling, suffering. and gaza, as it stands by its military ally is well, we don't know how that will impact the vote. exactly, but we do know that that is an expression of a wide spread dissatisfaction of jo biden's policy. and that will follow him to the election. is janelle demo loan live from washington, d. c. thank you for speaking to us. at least one person has died after a passenger jet head severe turbulence while traveling from london to single pool. dozens of others are injured. slight data suggest the plane a boeing triple 7 drops some 6000 feet in 5 minutes. witnesses a those not wearing seat belts were launched to the ceiling. the jet was supposed to make an emergency landing in bangkok, images, passengers a carried off the single pool and line slides by medical stuff and buying cold, uproot where they receive immediate treatment
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and some taken to hospital passengers have spoken out about the hora when the plains suddenly plunged, or it was a long wait, so something doesn't. when it gets old and i ended up picking my head on the ceiling. my wife did some poor people walking around and up doing somersaults. it was obviously terrible. this animated graphic shows the plane traveling on its intended flight path from london to cigna pool before it hits about to severe turbulence and dropped more than 1800 meters around 6000 feet from its cruising altitude. it was then rerouted to land buying cocks main airport. that cap well started to use
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a still piecing together what exactly happened on board that a preliminary investigation to indicate that the deceased suffered from a heart condition. he was a 73 year old, but these national, however, they stood in the next stage of the old topsy process. as the investigation continues, several of the passengers who felt well enough to continue the journey, forwarded, another plane bound for a single pool. let's get some insight on this from aviation expert richard lee be joining us from dallas, texas. good to have you on the program. richard. now, how comment of these kinds of incidents where a plane he hits turbulence of this magnitude to me, it's a good evening to you from dallas. it is very unusual. the type of turbos they encounter, the international authorities can classify turbos is large, monitor,
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severe and extreme high floats are severe turbulence which morning? nothing bad happened at all. i warned my crew this same poor plane flew through what my estimations extreme turbulence. that's where people get hurt if they don't have their belts fast and, and it could be aircraft damage, not likely, but possibly. and is it predictable? yes, it is predictable to an extra, to an extent. this was not, in my opinion. unclear, are trivial. it's which is what a likely be dish reporting. they were flying through what's called the infra truck, well, couldn't conversion, and so on. and we have that in the south america and near us in this long, the equator. well, that goes all the way around the world and when flows different directions creates bad thunderstorms. the good news is with weather radar. i flew this airplane, this triple 7300 marvelous airplane rate. rather,
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wait or slide 20 nautical miles or more away from the center stars, and you have minimal to know turbulence. so the question will be, is how close is crew flew towards uh, to the thunderstorms out there where the extra experience extreme turbulence. right? you mentioned the plane itself, so what can we attribute this to is external factors with the atmosphere in the environment? the or is it the plane itself or could it be pilot action? what, what would you say causes the most impact? are there in this particular charge? so nothing to do with the airplane. nothing to do with boeing whatsoever. it is uh, having the rather weather radio rate or tune up and focused on the flat bath in front of them. and as soon as you see the weather, you move around it. this is nothing to do with climate change. i flew down south america in the eighty's and ninety's and experience this ro,
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thunderstorms along the equator, and it goes all the way around the world. just simply fly away from them. you can always fly around thunderstorms, and there are some of the approved for our renters. insurance plan, the airplane, get fuel and continue on. you said something about people wearing the seat belts, is it just as simple as that to prevent injuries and they tell it is like what we've seen and this incident is nothing more complicated than that. when a flight attendants make their public analysis, when the captain makes the public announcement or the 1st officer, keep the seat belt fast and even if it's perfectly smooth, if you go the restroom, come back to the seat and put your belt back on, make it snug not uncomfortable, and you'll be safe. and when such an incident happens, and then you have a, an emergency landing like with this plane, what is the immediate priorities for the flight crew and full of the technical stuff they need a priority is, is, is what it is all the time, the safety,
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safety they made the correct decision to line the airplane in the night in bangkok of course, and then they declared a medical emergency so that the medical crew will come to the aircraft and take the injured passers off the airplane. that's the 1st consideration of course safety a flight of the airplane in the airplane flu, just fine is a wonderful aircraft. okay. vision expert, richard levy, we appreciate your insights. thank you very much for speaking to us. thank you. tom is best for you to venice turn to some of the global news headlines. german. right to jenny. happen back and translate to michelle hoffman. you have won the international book apprised. lenovo kyra's follows the destructive love effect between a 19 year old student and an older married man in east bed and in the 1980s. the book comprises, celebrate the world's best fiction,
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originally written in english or translated into english formula home. i'm from who the chinese foreign minister on atlanta that box says the world needs to do, quote, way more to support ukraine and his fight against russia during a meeting with ukraine's president in cuba. that looks at a global initiative has raised nearly 1000000000 years to supply ukraine with ad defense systems, but that even more is needed. russia says it's begun tactical nuclear weapons drills close to ukraine, rushes, defense industries, as the drills will test its readiness to deploy the weapons. the exercises are taking place in russia's southern military districts that includes the pots of ukraine and the russian occupation. caroline says they come in response to what they are describing is threats by sets in west and officials. russian officials pointed to reason comments by fonts as president who said nature should not without
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the flying shirts to ukraine. a nuclear weapons have not been used since the us atomic bomb attacks in on japan almost a few years ago. we awesome industry analyst marina mirror on what it might take for put in to break that type of oh, the russian military doctrine is not very clear on the threshold when it comes to using tactical nuclear weapons. so that is an interesting point because obviously their destructive power is not as great as sol, strategic. however, put in still has to give his ok for these weapons to be used. so even these are used in battlefield conditions or a special communication equipment. and so put in has to communicate at the end to give is okay, and they things a threshold for their use is much lower. and i think there is
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a possibility that that might be considered. however, i don't know, but within might seem, but if he sees that the washer might be losing in ukraine, because you're watching the news, stay with us the, the new will tell you, we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future feelings about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed across the continent, dw news, africa every friday on the w conflict. crises
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was every single connection.


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