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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 1:30am-2:00am CEST

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the words people have to say, that's why we listen to every weekend on d w. the shed too much straight is blank club provides mutual support for victims of shock attacks quietly dying. karl reef several districts and it's not just climate change. that's to blame and pricey, pres, evangelical churches in brazil up to make. and so with that process, the
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one year old elena lives with her grandparents in a modest home in a suburb of rio de janeiro. when her father was suddenly sent to prison. her mother camilla several months pregnant at the time had to move back in with her parents for coming at almost for family and the evan jellico. pentecostal church world lifesaver, quite all made. those were very difficult months i was pregnant and i had no contract with him. the nasal method. at that moment my family was my main support. and then i looked for a church and i needed something to keep me on my feet. i was pregnant, so i had to be strong for her. camina is unemployed. her
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mother is supports the entire family working as a cleaner for grandmother also has a small pension in sell gonzalgo. the center of revival is having a mass baptism. fellow church members are already waiting outside for camilla and her family. camila used to be catholic, but this is the 1st church where she felt truly welcome the a church service that's more like a rock concert. the crowd is singing. all of having loves you. the evangelical gospel is drawing a huge audience. some $50000000.00 brazilians are already part of the pentecostal movement. the
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new pentecostal churches keep popping up, mostly on the outskirts of large cities. and in the many poor neighborhoods, like in many pentecostal churches, there's a surface here almost every day. that's also part of their recipe for success. alpha ok, this would be the dodge. 2 plus accessability is very practical for the people here who don't i get to asia. well they can go to church when they're sad, depressed, or when they're having personal or professional problems will be much bit wise. prophy so nice. there's also money being made from religious faith. some church leaders have built up large business empires. pastor see less my life. i rent his own publishing house in rio. he supplies the entire country with books. he wrote himself especial bible additions, and even jellico instructional materials. he also produces his own tv show and
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a pod cast runs a youtube channel and is active on social media. this media juggernaut has helped his church grow 10 fold since 2010. today he has more than 300000 paying members. in the pentecostal church, it's tradition for members to donate 10 percent of their income to the church. but the pastor says he's not in it for profit. but for face of the sufferings that somebody's did, you are people. yeah. because they believe sports. they're not ada. 2 or just being manipulated by the head of the church, laptop, desktop, the adage, and when you, the result is still the world's most populous catholic country. but meanwhile, almost a 3rd of the population is evangelical, and it's projected they could become the majority by 2030. most are joining the conservative and even ultra conservative pentecostal movement. sociology professor christine of utah is studying their influence on society and politics. it grew significantly under the former right when populous presidential yearbook scenario,
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who made a point of embracing the evangelical world view. yes, so what was the was sales of this gave the evangelical, the feeling that they were in power for the 1st time. several of the religious leaders wanted to show that they had influence over his actions. so it's also for the president played this game because he felt protected by this religious networks . laza metals role and the religious leaders play this game to strengthen their own institution. for me and also they switched proposition with points, pastors, the less my life i is one of the country's most influential evangelical leaders and a staunch supporter of show you are both an arrow for him, communist homosexuals and abortion, or to boo. but opponents a, his flight for a more conservative brazil is fanning the flames of social intolerance. look at, you know, we live in a time where if you're not in fee for a, for the political, correct, it's properly can ization of drug scheme marriage. freedom to do whatever and
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there's something wrong with that. so why are we radical? because we don't accept this thing that you guys. okay, is that was black. say some was used. according to the sociologist, the threat to democracy of the both an arrow years has faded, but presented isn't out of the woods yet. this is what the religious groups have gained a public presence in the space full. why? including within the a stream of politics and artist, in the main stream of the pl needs. come on me swimming those. that mice. and there's a growing influence of pentecostal culture on every day, monday, the gross as evangelicals church is having a conservative impact on with my school. see my daughter we return to come milos, baptism service the before they head to the baptismal font members make electronic donations. according
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to prosperity, theology, god will multiply any offering. the pentecostal church as counting on, hoping to boost their membership and their income. the sermon calls upon the battle between good and evil, a central theme for the church. when you give your life to jesus, the devil loses his power. you bury your old self and the new creature is born. the daily struggle doesn't end with baptism. you'll still see the new trial, but you become more responsible and know better what you want. like everyone here camila long's for a new beginning. she's being baptized with more than 200 other believers. the camille is new sense of hope is finding an echo among other believers to conservative evangelicals are growing in numbers and influence in brazil and
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elsewhere in the world. the the, well this comment be experiencing it's full mass coal bleaching event in 25 years. and it's the worst yet as a woman which has put these marine ecosystems on disruptive extinction. it's not just the heat. that's to blame a minute tree tongue languishing on the sea, but it's not a relic of war, but it is called of a bottle to protect a delicate marine environment. that's a cause. these 2 egyptians have dedicated their lives to active is know if i read marine biologist must move kind of fee in as
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a scientist. and also i'm, i'm interested in carlos throughout the entire already see did sort of a little from like gulf of acrobat in the right down to the far south as an engine . when something is happening, my mind human of doing this problems. we are the ones that which employs try to fix that, to push the authorities to take action. it's a beautiful part of the world, but to really understand what's at stake, you need to dice below the surface. what is a well, what is one to teaming with life? visitors are rewarded images and encounters. it would come to justice to the i am leaving for 25 years, but this is the 1st. the best site for you. uh, i have experience. egypt coast have become increasing. the crowded embracing is
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thanks to a growing tourism industry both on land and under the water. they have especially the precious treasures that need protecting egypt. coal reese like elsewhere on us offering by realizing most images for the corals here, the more resistant to climate change than elsewhere. thanks probably to the way they've developed thousands of years ago. it is possible that egypt coral reefs will one day be the only ones left in the world which live. so they are preservation is not only a matter of national concern, but also the interest of all of humanity. but the incentive the scientists, their own admission for the benefits of humanity and nothing like my quote, i know have been a team for years. their organization, hector is financed by international development aid and their own waste recycling projects. the goal is to protect egypt. corals from the numerous threats,
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especially from knowledge numbers of people. we joined the team out on patrol. once again, it's far too busy. the many divers and smoke, let's place a huge burden on the marine environment. to many uh, people on a very small in sports. and especially that they are beginners the that is i'm a hi change that the break some things that something more or events diverse, they are really great. take care about the quote. the role is not easy. i don't know or, and his team are not police offices. they can report misconduct but not hand out fines or rather, punitive measures. so they try to talk to people instead to promote a balance between conservation and to isn't oft role the industry provides a livelihood for many in egypt. this diving school is one example of the success,
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nor is visited he him many times and helped to draw up a plan that stipulates a maximum number of dives by day in order to protect the corals based on this carrying capacity for those 3. if we decide what kind of numbers weekend accept and when we are each this number, we don't accept a more diverse even if we have i them. i and steven sometime the locals are regular interviewed there. guess the dorms be happy, was this just a few kilometers away? we visit to mac mode? honda fees research center together with a team of students. he's breeding gillian times the plan is to nate to release them into the sea where they'll provide food and shelter. so many underwater species and help strengthen the coal rece the our english to do everything we can to preserve alcohol, re ecosystem in the future. we also want to grow carlos ourselves and create the
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entire common to use the bind, letting them grow in the see. that's the next the which of our conservation program and well not what honda. c does what he can to preserve egypt unique, underwater weld, active. a snow is out on patrol again. he's looking to see who is behaving irresponsibly and potentially endangering precious marine life. and the city of got it, an area that especially popular with terrorists, do you spell it something that's not good at all when i haven't been wired with that either line. so these are sort breaks recorders and it's damaging. everyone uses all the actions and see and you know, it's wrong. you know, it's really getting a fine,
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it's funny the most. so when we, once we just re quoted this and then we send to the big find. but what about those old tanks? we saw earlier, what are they doing here? it's quite simple nor my food and the rest of the healthcare team had some sunk here a few months ago with the help of egypt, army and government, hoping to newer away adventurous davis. what we call the military museum, or the tentative dive sites on for one reason is to basically reduce the number of dives being done or not certain dives. so will the plan, which is certainly not much going on here at the moment. comfortable who's interested in medical and tax on the see, but when just a few meters away, you can experience nature, you know, and it's glory. the
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protects from shocks on rap bucks, they can lead to life changing injuries, even dest. last year, 10 people lost their lives worldwide, and many civilians has faced a long road to recovery. it was right here that it happened just a normal wednesday off to work for dave peace and who loves nothing better than hitting the beach and setting the weights. but then suddenly out of the depth of 3 meter long shot contracting today is the day i'm going to die and it was like goes away that this was the end. and then i'm going to think about my family, you know, at that time and i know it today. and i just going to fade on the sand and push back out by then i was like, completely worn out. the settlement board and i looked at them. i'm and i know all
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of these for a muscle was just hanging off and wait, wow, that's no good. then down, i could see my wife buttons and the water was already going right around me and i'm having to thinking, well, the movies, get it right. the water really doesn't read his friends pulled him onto the beach. not any survived. his for um, didn't have to be amputated despite the deep gaping wound attack to no coverage. i've gone scott hughes back, but the psychological wins has been slow. as a hill. i was still in the hospital days, came up with an idea to bring victims of shock attacks together. the bike club was born. the main goal is for people to talk about what they've experienced the leads by example and tells others what happened to him. so he's kept his bold, the best, the imprint solution have pieces the same one of australia's beautiful beaches. many people here down under, i couldn't imagine life without us. here. we've come to the famous phone, lie,
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beach and sidney. people of all ages take to the voltage. most of them prefer not to think about the risk show the say back job my. you know, i and this is more back. yeah, we share it and i've been, i've never come across. so i try not to think about it the, i mean the lot of that so, but just enjoy and like pretend there's no shocks around that. sometimes it's at the back of your mind. but so good because you know, you're not on the menu. so you just feel safe. so why a shock attacks on the wrong he's in australia. the aquarium in the city of cannes studied the behaviorist these presidents for more than 400000000 years. they have enriched the marine ecosystem. but because the fins are considered a delicacy in some countries shops and now and the threat still that coming right
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up to the coastline more frequently. it could be because they're looking for food because the food sources so limited could also be strange noises that attracts them and it could also be activity add to the ocean that actually scares them and makes them move from the normal pos into a new area. so quite a lot of reasons why shots can be found in areas where you wouldn't normally see them. small consolation for those whose lives have been changed forever by a shock attack. that the boots we met kevin young, important mcquerry. 10 years ago, his son zach was killed at the age of 18. that's more strongly. do we know surfing with friends, phone for the kid, and will never forget the day when a police officer repeat at the do to give in the news. and he just said this type and you said uh kids, your son, zach has just been killed in a shock, a tech at that point. like now i had to motion about this level. and while
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i started to, we just courtly and i thought to myself, i didn't say that coming on. it's the same for almost everyone who is suffering loss through a shock attack. whether it's a relative or a friend. it would a room courage to face lice. the bike club helps the role, even if outside is sometimes make fun of it. this community is a huge help to dave kevin and the others support disabled helping each other through tough time and celebrating great tons as well, like this is we, we have a lot of last, you know, we have a lot of teams as well. managers, hopefully each other through it. no one understands what it's like to be a tech bar shock unless you've been a tech bar. and then you can all rely on we can help retailers, we've been a while with the bike up tries to break a world racquel with pipelines. this involves many stuff is swimming out together.
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and for me to launch the cut on the water with the foods, to commemorate someone who has died this time it's kevin sun. but the pacific is a little chelsea and the 2nd information on the water. it doesn't quite where counts the entry. and again, it's because reco, it's what have to wait. but for the victims of shark attacks in particular, spending time in the water with other seasons, that kind of therapy. and a reminder that australia is suffering community sticks together. the mind also wants to reduce the number of debt together with the authorities that have developed a 1st aid kit, especially for use in a shock attack because most fatalities occur whenever i'm leading to death and this, it includes a 20 k. so i, they did this on literally to stop models put it on
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and then it is quite a lot of time and it hun to. so then you're locking in position and your wife of professional help to arrive in the way. dave can now go assessing again without feeling afraid, but even many years off to the shock attack, he has a different attitude to assessing now on life in general. we think we are the top of the food china and then when you're out there and in a shock, it's how the you suddenly realize that all of that that you say on the beach means absolutely nothing when you're getting killed out in the water. and so it's, it's a different thing taken over all the risk of being attacked by a shock is still low, but the number of cases has risen in australia. still, hardly anyone here would consider no going surfing because of the risk shocks the sweet coke label. queen comes from ivory coast this account. uh huh. i'm talk. i'm
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a god. i'm 27 years old on a ph. d student in climate change on sustainable agriculture. i'm a speech pathologist, so i study plant diseases and how to treat them to do this. like you do like it because i've always been interested in agriculture because my father had a fun. so right from childhood, i was with him in the field. unable you do something, the more you love it a lot. this is a new most of the one. i just, i thought well, you know, city. yeah. so that was because at home we will always getting jams and we noticed that the shelf life dropped sharply over time. cool stuff. good. yeah. the points here, when people see this route, they just cut off the palm, that's rocks and up. wizard is this out for this? for them? it's actually because they're trying to save the rest of the tuba. wow. so they can
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sell it to each of the i had done to find, find groups of funding that goes wrong to you and codes of was the steps involved. and that took me 3 years. but at the same time that i was identifying the funding, i was also looking for methods to get them under control. those who are pre the i received a well happy to see that he did with and know they have an alternative that will allow the young to last even longer in the store. number of them, i was happy to contribute. some for me is a preop austic officials involved the from the past with them. i didn't expect to be in the media so much is that when i was in high school that my role model was marie curie. she was white pluses or because i had no information. i didn't know the african women also did science as an investor
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. it wasn't until i got to university of my science lectures where women, who, there's, there's, there's lots of well as in sessions with i help a young female researches in the bar actually with them and it relations. i tried to coach them a little faster than main concern is that they're often good. so we press good as a because they think that if i apply for a scholarship, will they accept me? well, because for a woman at mazda is level, right, you are expected to be thinking about marriage and family. so my finding a little job for me. so what's the point of going for adults, right? yes. cool. or was that so? well, uh this, uh oh the, so i tell them if i have been accepted for a doctorate and a scholarship, if you can be to that, that because we've had almost the same re opposed them. if i had to give advice to a young to me, it would be go freight of reach for the top largest global. the
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and drawing our services be our guest at frankfurt and board. cd managed by front bought the this is dw news and these are the top stories that you and says it's suspended food distribution in the city of a rough in southern gaza, due to safety concerns and a lack of supplies. the organization says it's main aid agency for palestinian refugees going wrong, and the world food program can no longer access that warehouses in rough uh, because of israel's ongoing military operation. at least one person his dad and doesn't as well in judge after a plain hit severe turbulence.