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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 2:02am-2:30am CEST

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there and other top government officials died sunday and a helicopter crash. right? usually it was a hard line or a lawyer list of the supreme leader his time, and the judiciary marked by repression and executions. those who hated him called him the butcher of tehran, who will be the next president. and what name will the people give him on board golf and berlin? this is the day i or the we also condolences with amounts of them like death of the friends that we lost. we regret any loss of life. we don't want to see anyone dying. the helicopter crashed mainly the grades and the price is that makes color is excellent. so you missed the right. you see he was involved in numerous human rights abuses,
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a precedence i'm confident did his best to save the country from any adversity ever. him receive was a brutal participant in the repression of the running people for nearly 4 decades. also coming up, our correspondent visits an underground school in ukraine of look at educating children below, while war rages on about who was the war greatly affected the development of children. the war had a great impact and education must be a society for children. the children of dreams of meeting their classmates when to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day with a ron's new and unexpected presidential question. the 1st funeral ceremony for the late president abraham, where you see took place on tuesday or easy was killed in
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a helicopter crash on sunday. along with the runs for administer and other top government officials. iran finds itself now suddenly looking into directions at the past. as the military begins and investigation into the cause of the chopper crash, and at the same time you're wrong, supreme leader is considering the future of the machine. he will become, it runs next president. well, that will be decided by the vote is in a special election. he will be allowed to run for the office of president. well, that is the big unknown tonight. and only the supreme leader himself can provide an answer more on that in just a moment. but 1st we have this report starting in t wrong the caskets were greeted at the airport in t. ron, by an honor guard who carried the bodies of abraham racing run, spar administer on the other officials passed the throng of military, political and religious leaders lining the tarmac among them. visibly weeping
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mohammed must bear the mind typed by a run supreme leader to lead the country until the new president is elected. raised these set to be buried on thursday following 5 days of the morning, which began in the north west city of to breeze. near the site where he and his entourage died after their helicopter went down in heavy thought, his death does it blow to these law mac republics? leadership at a time of rising regional tensions diabetes and external threats of never brought the people to their knees. the people of always being united against external threats. i'm you should get a tardy over so shortly. the souls rest in peace. then lots on on the nation will deal with this issue and everything will return to normal. thanks to golf you. all right. you see
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a 63 year old conservative clerk was seen as a potential successor to current supreme leader. i a tool that i mean need according to a runs constitution, presidential elections must be held within 50 days. posing a tricky question. for e runs rulers, should they opened the race to moderate rivals or stick the hard liners and risk the embarrassment of another low voter turnout? political distrust and an ailing economy has helped fuel voter apathy. turn out during the most recent elections was the lowest recorded since the 1979 is low make revolution as well. my 1st guest is written extensively about the islamic republic of the wrong as an academic in the united states, as he has served as president of the association for a rainy and studies. he's now a dean at missouri university of science and technology. i'm happy to welcome to night, mr. me is on or jared into the program. mr. bershard is good to have you with us. the interim president of the ra now has 50 days to call
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a new presidential election. what do you expect to happen between now and election day? so i believe you won't be very much occupied with the turn of a series of particularly the elections that you mention. the main question really is what type of candidates for you to step forward? my sense is that you can have various shades of conservative candidates, including the current vice president as to where as well as if potentially the current speaker. okay, ranging parliament perhaps even the former, speaking of parliament trust the former nuclear negotiate. there are some of the names that are being mentioned already. good. interesting question is whether anyone from the reform is can or the more moderate, like a former foreign minister job towards the reef. we'd be allowed to enter directors
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. yeah. we know that right. you see, was he was considered into by some to be a potential successor to the supreme leader comedy. i mean, he was a hard line loyalist. how does the supreme leader ensure that the next president will be as committed or right. so i believe, you know, what happens in the wrong is really an informal politics. on other words, the supremely doesn't have to have a quote unquote conversation with the potential candidates where basically he tells them, you know, whether he is okay with them. trying to hack into the race i need to show what does he expect from so in other words, he's not going to accept any one that is going to be a dark horse and wait, they upset the 4 digit code balance of the country, the direction that the supreme neither has worked so far to try to charge over the last 4 decades. why he has been, uh, you know, uh,
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in disposition as this would be. the supreme leader used to mock western democracies, especially the united states for very low voter turnout. but if we look at the numbers in iran, voter turnout has been dropping. in fact, um we were looking at the numbers are just last week, only 8 percent voted in the final round, the parliamentary elections in t rock. i mean, can you imagine numbers like that for the next presidential vote? i mean, would the supreme leader would he allow that type of anemic turn out? right. so i think that's really the question is the it's a supremely, the one's a better turnout rate. he definitely needs to open up to free to go the space on his lot. some of these reform is and you know, moderate candidates to run. but if, if he decides not to do that, i think this falls back. the strategy is for the regime to really inflate the
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numbers, not gonna look at the last presidential election, which was in 2021. the turnouts rate was 48 percent. the 8 percent that you referred to was really about the 2nd round in the rama collections for, for the parliament that was just elected, you know, last month. and so my guess is that what the resume is going to do is that the right to play or people is, you know, emotions regarding this event and hoping that they can drum up enough support so that they can get perhaps into the late 30 percent range in terms of the turnouts, but in terms of really the popular app to see at the moment that even that would be her to the, in the past for the regime to accomplish. we are told time and time again that the real power lies with the supreme leader and with the revolutionary guard. what role does the revolutionary guard play in some of these succession process?
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right, so as the know, officially it's the, it's the assembly of experts which is a body of $88.00 senior clerics that are supposed to choose the next, you know, deter many of them, of course are a group of yes ma'am. who have been representing, i have to the 100 ages should be there in various positions. so the chances are that common a will have an easy time basically, you know, telling these folks who to vote for. and of course, one of the candidates that has been, you know, whom are to be in the race, happens to be his own shot. which, which, you know, when you think about the optics of it, you the country that over to a longer g to have this sign of the supreme leader become the next we, there is a bit of an environment in every possible way. but, but non, to that, she's just being mentioned as a potential candidate. now, the question really is, what's wrong with the revolution in regards to a that's really the $1000000.00 question. considering the black box up here waiting
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in politics to me. and to many other observers, it seems that the, i are, you see their revolution guys really are a sim, semi vito power plate that these folks really do not want anyone at the house that is not to their liking. and let's imagine even for a moment that somebody at dark horse enters the res, becomes the president. and then what would happen is that if, if he is not doing the bedding off to the revolutionary guards, then these folks have all the power in the world really to try to undermine that. it should be there and, and make it into a week that you're not do that. you know, it's really a fact that whoever succeeds the car in supreme leader who has been helpful for decades is going to be a weak, supremely year in the earliest stages. and that, of course, provides a wonderful opportunity for the revolutionary guides to,
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you know, engage an agenda setting right and use the power of agenda city for the super easy to be in regard to the mission, to the domestic relations regional affairs or the nuclear at portfolio yeah, i mean, i find it interesting. you know, you are not the 1st person that we've talked to today who has mentioned to the son of the supreme leader who may actually end up replacing his father. if that were to happen. let me ask you to just look into your crystal ball. we've got about 30 seconds left here. what would that mean for him, for the public, for the people in the run, would there be even more protest movements in iran, if that happens? absolutely. i think, you know, as i said, the optics doesn't look good. look you run is a country where protestant iraq or even smaller is max budget, increase the price of petrol and people come come out to the street. so such a succession, even though the government is to, it's best to choreographed the transition. surely it's going to raise eyebrows and
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mind, you know, some of this pretty to go to establish meant as well as the general public. mr. moore is really, unfortunately, we're out of time, but fascinating talking with you. we appreciate your time and your valuable insights tonight. thank you. have a group suspected applauding. a crew here in germany has gone on trial in frankfort . the group which is known as the rights burger, or citizens of the empire. well, they're considered violent and steeped in far right. i the ology among those on trial is this man's, you see right here. heinrich, the 13th prince royce, the suspected ring leader who allegedly intended to head an interim german government as lawyer has denied his client is a member of the terrorist group. other defendants include a former member of parliament for the alternative for germany party, which is known as the a f d. and the defendants also include former members of the german armed forces as
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well. enjoying now by lorenz blooming taller, a far white antisemitism analyst at the. i'm a do antonio foundation here in berlin. it's good to have you with this and tell us more about this alleged ring leader. heinrich, the 10th prince. what's the 13th i should say. yeah, i'm 13. yeah. i mean 13 friends roy's to us this. no, no, and i mean he's a 71 year old business man. 0 one. so say the tassel in touring. yeah. which has been the point for guys productivities over the last 10 years. i mean, i think what we now see, once the trial has started is the typical strategy of self trivialities ation. she says she doesn't know anything about the plan and i think she's part of the line
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because most of it must be taken quite seriously. since he has this group already where quite the bands and over throwing democratic system in germany, but violence and he probably took a closer role with and they broke in terms of networking and acquiring funds for the group. let me ask you about that. you say he and his group were already advanced in over throwing parts of german democracy. what do you mean by that? what did, what did they already reach achieved? i mean, they wanted to over 3 hundreds weapons and the guns that were ready to use over a 100000 shots and stay has done the connections and access to the stock and therefore looked straight into the heart of german democracy. and when we look into how hard it planning was progress, we see that it was highly sophisticated. there wasn't military brands, there was
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a branch that was supposed to take over power once to cool, would've been successful. and also we see that another so called the leads were part of, i mean they had lawyers, ex, military persons, but also members of the right party, the se in germany, which means they even have access to highly yeah, secured security formation. it is worth noting that you know, the arrest, the prevention of all of all of these suspects are counted as one of the biggest counter terrorism operations in post more german history. how far his german society been infiltrated by members of this group, particularly what you were just saying there with the a f the in parliament. i mean, had this group already gotten a foothold here in berlin, in the bonus tag,
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in the parliament or well, i don't think they really manage straight trained german society. i mean, to plan a tool, you don't need to info, trade stuff to society as a whole, you need access to the truthful points of power. at least that's definitely. it wasn't cheap but a group and i think it's from all of the yeah. big stripes against us. all right. and we'd seen in germany over the last 1020 years is by far what's the group that was the most advanced? i mean now it's 27. people in this room are on the trial right now. yeah. but that doesn't mean the group did have more members, more connections, and that's something that needs to be come to make the coverage. i mean, if me look into the total numbers, terms, security forces account more than 23000 people in germany as part of the ice, the movement. and i mean,
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not all of them are directly plotting against democracy and stuff. yeah. the lead big enough money where where are they getting their inspiration now? i mean we usually think of i'm the people who didn't believe that um cove. it really existed there. think she would not move meant to mean where, where are they getting their fuel? i think that is something that is very crucial to understand about an iceberg movement. their main point of ideology is that they don't think that the german government does exist and the german democracy, it says that it has the rights to excess. and once you reach that point, that's really legitimize every think. i mean, from straight by loans to. yeah, basically starting your own country. i mean, that's also another on the branch of to i spoke a movement. but we've seen that the movement has been growing associated not only
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approved the typical or conspiracy theories, but also due to the comb with price. okay. so which so many people especially it's okay because i'm franchise. what's the government, mr. bloomington? and unfortunately, we're out of time, but we certainly appreciate you taking the time to explain this case for us tonight . thank you. thank you. russia. it says that it's begun tactical nuclear weapons drills close to ukraine. the defense ministry says that they are taking place in the southern military district, and that includes parts of ukraine under russian occupation. while scouts, as the drills will test its readiness to deploy the weapons, the kremlin says, this is all in response to what he calls threats by certain western officials. and that includes bridge. president macross, who said that nato should not rule out deploying troops to ukraine, but dw is eastern europe, editor, roman country ranko joins is now for more roman. good to see you. russia says that
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these drills are a response to what it says or western threats. how seriously should you crate and it's allies take the as well. um, both are taking those that seriously bucks. um, i do think that in ukraine and in the west, nobody believes that there is an imminent threat of russia actually using those technical nuclear weapons because i'm looking at the situation on the battlefield. there is no reason for russia to do that, against a grain russian for forces are ok by new territories of ukraine. so your brain in armies, weekends by not having enough ammunition, most enough soldiers. so, um, um, no, no, nothing speaks of russian rush. i using them against different thing, but it's like just like before in the past. yes, it looks like it's an attempt to prevent the west from helping ukraine more. and
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then before then, giving maybe certain types of weapon smoke probable weapons for, as you've said. now those mention the mentioning of the possibility that nato troops to some country, nato countries would send troops to ukraine to help ukrainian army, for example, in less than positive. okay, and so not involved in uncomfortable variation. so no immediate contact between a nato troops and russia. and also of course, russia is worried by ukrainian wished to strike with west um, but it's on the russian territory. this could be a serious threat for us. so russia is signaling don't do that. so, and that was the w, as roman good when think of. there were thousands of people and been fling ukraine's the 2nd largest city heart, steve, since russian began in salt on the region earlier this month, the w's mikes. sander reports mail on ukraine's 1st underground school.
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it's the 1st day of school for these kids. their 3rd graders already would have never sat in an actual class 1st because of colbert. and then because of the war they're now able to study together 6 meters below ground, protected by reinforced concrete. in the 1st permanent, underground school, a bit unusual at 1st looks like kids like 9 year old sasha. it feels safe from the farms he's heard and studying at home. holy ha ha. when it was very loud, i would either run into the cory door or hide underneath the table, near the wall and away from the window no show week now, and we'll show for the living class. in general,
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public schools in harkey do not operate in person. even today, there are students who are participating on like the parents, like sasha squad to worry about what this does to their children, who's a lima. v knowledgeable greatly affected the development of children. the war had a great impact and education. that must be a society for children. the other children have dreams of meeting their classmates the down here, the war remains on everyone's mind via so place only to be followed by an air raid siren the dang, xyz use constant is always there. and as you say,
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constant as siren went under stress, but we try to hold on. of course, this is our choice of staying and how to if we have not gone abroad. this is our native home, a native schools we've made it say this underground facility is shared by multiple schools of the district class. and so i have to take turns. the city of harkey is planning to build more sense for now, the kids can attend only around 2 times together. they embrace the night above ground. there was a semblance of normality today in her keys. but many who lived here before the war have fled. those who remain are trying to live their lives with the russians close by. you don't have to look for to see the ugly side of
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parking in a residential neighborhood. big live bomb went down between houses, homes were destroyed, the family or 5 injured 2 of them, teenagers were in the garden and inside the house. i'm like this released by a plane. it's about 5 minutes. they have to city talk if as little to no protection against these weapons of this more crime, investigator tells us there have been 200 such attacks in the last 6 months. how hard of clear pressure, why not as if want more than 1000000 civilians live in hockey and they suffer from attacks every day. no one is safe from such strikes,
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watching for sure. you can see that the time from the launch of the bombs to that arrival is very short. and some people did not have time to go to the shelter. jordan, the alarm people could attempt reach us, setting out the war for keep matters to create its history, culture, universities, and industry. but most importantly, it's home to those who live here willing themselves to find ways to deal with a daily russian tier. with a day's almost dining, remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we will see you then everybody the
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a gym and research team wants to save lives worldwide by making m r i technology most flexible up to now the equipment has been too heavy and expensive move and half of the world's population had no access to it. now, 3 researches have developed a new system, an opportunity for millions of people, made in germany next, on dw, 1st into our is whenever they feel like it's kind of the
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sinus session and pain mazda pieces in the sky. the best have most and many on the cost of survival. how do they do in the secret lives of that in 45 minutes on d w. the daniels in june. the you're going to the 77 percent to come to i don't go and 65 full was while all those top 5 years, 31 to 115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so we got all of the topics to john campbell taught fixed a new culture and in 15 minutes,
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left side of the parts of our community life on the research is now on the top. so 200 use code has to apply and heat and electricity to all homes. it's funded locomotive, steam engines and ships. but now it's being phased out. mines the closing everywhere and workers are losing that jobs because burning coal, which is kind of damaging. c o 2 emissions more and more countries are looking for 10, including the norwegian archipelago. the fall bought home to optic foxes roses and the northern lights coming up on made a step backwards is floating, leading russia back to soviet times.


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