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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the the, this is the, the, the news coming to line from berlin. the, when suspends oil food, a distribution and rough. uh, it says the humanitarian operation across the whole of gaza strip is nearing collapse due to a lack of supplies and safety concerns. also coming out, russia begins tactical nuclear weapons drills near the border with ukraine. moscow says it's in response to what it calls for a bucket of statements from the west. and the chief of singapore airlines apologizes up to one man dies and dozens are injured. on a flight hit by turbulence,
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we'll hear from passengers caught up in the k also on board the law and terry martin. good to have you with us. the united nations this morning that humanitarian operations inside gaza or nearing collapse, the organization says it's no longer able to distribute food aid in the southern city of ruffled due to a lack of supplies and fears over safety. it says it's main agency for posted in refugees being wrong, and the world food program are unable to access their warehouses in bravo, because of israel's ongoing military operation. the fleeting russell many come here to the eye by the camp in central casa. but the situation here is not much better. p, the 2 for basic supplies as temperatures, so that desperate for water by somebody get
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a reasonable to become show up and there is no water. we come drink when there is no water would come to the dish has become to anything. probably lives tops with suffering allows you to do to deal with heavy fighting around rough uh these really military says nearly 900 a 1000 people have split the area the satellite images show the scale of to move mean in recent weeks. hundreds of tents and shelters have been removed of the un says few minutes here in operations in gas on the collapse as almost no 8 come into and they no longer have access to it. the warehouse is in rough or our colleagues it onto our report that today the agencies distribution center as well as the well food programs warehouses both in rafa or now inaccessible. jude ongoing military operation on was says that it's health centers have not received any medical supplies for the past 10 days. despite this health care staff continue to provide
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thousands of medical consultations each day at health centers that are still operational, people have hype the p. o, constructed by the us would bring some urgency needed relief. but so far it hasn't been nearly enough to get done and we have been waiting for this a was and we have not received anything and it just doesn't reach us. i ask america, the international community at old, from us in the world to end this war. or we want is for this war to end. the us says is working on creating alternative routes to speed up a deliveries until that happens. many people div here empty handed spring, it are the result of correspond to rebecca ritter's for the latest. rebecca, we just heard the you and they're saying that a distribution centers and ralph are now inaccessible. can you tell us why is real? is blocking 8 operations in rama as well. terry is wrong,
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maintains that it isn't blocking the distribution of 8 or is it blocking? i should say those road crossings in to guys are and by its own statistics. is it on monday? for example? well, the full 100 trucks were inspected and transferred to gaza. the when you drill down into those numbers, it looks as though some 40 trucks were crossed into the gauze or through that northern areas crossing. and the other numbers that they refer to are mainly these . the national port for example, and crossings at with the jordan and the west banks that then come through and to be transferred into gaza. of course, they also include numbers from this j lots, these temporary p is that the us have built that you just heard about in that report. the so much, lou, few of them, the full 100 trucks, really getting into garza and we thing from you and figures that only 69 trucks has made it through since the rough uh, incursion began some 2 weeks ago. so really it kind of
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a discrepancy in the figures there and of course as you're hearing real, real distribution issues, even once the eye does policy and, and trying to get it to those desperate people who desperately need it. so. so when we look at the numbers when we were looking for evil, $500.00 trucks today, going into gaza, humanitarian organizations think $600.00 truck today minimum i needed to is it some kind of this humanitarian catastrophe that we're seeing when we look at the figures you can save a discrepancy in numbers of what's needed and was getting in rebecca, can you briefly bring us up to date on what is released doing with this military operation there in rafa we heard in our report, 900000 people who've already left that southern city as well, that is what we're hearing some 900000. that's a very close to the number of a, just over 1000000 who were sheltering there. so a large percentage of that population. and now having left, we're hearing the way they've gone to it is also
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a di humanitarian situation. these route is rarely say that they've set up these humanitarian designs, but people on the ground, humanitarian organizations saying that they are not satisfactory, and not able to cope with a huge amount of numbers of people who are trying to hid the. the operation continues and we've same time and time again, that is around is adamant on continuing its operation. and rest of it has in recent days, said that it is going to try to mitigate or under pressure from the united states. limits these operations in rough or as opposed to going into a full scale operation as we saw in other cities. rebecca, thank you very much. our tourism correspond at rebecca rivers there. now the russians military says it has begun tactical nuclear weapons drills near ukraine. the exercises are taking place and rushes southern military district, which according to the kremlin, includes parts of ukraine under occupation. moscow says the drills are in response
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to the threats from western officials. this comes as germany's foreign minister and the mailbox visit team on tuesday. she says the world needs to do more to support ukraine's air defenses from russian aerial attacks of the assessment of damage. as workers cleo weighs the rubble this paula plant near keith used to provide millions with electricity until it was heavily damaged by russian me. so in april and the german foreign ministers visit here is the latest reminder of what you crane needs most. we still need to weigh more ad defense because the, some of the rockets and missiles could be brought down by ad defense. but obviously not all of them and it's a directly. and so typically direct a tech on infrastructure to enable the lies the survival here in ukraine. and this
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is why i'm calling worldwide to, to increase the defense support their books didn't come to hand. she said, nearly 1000000000 years has been raised globally to support ukraine with more air defense systems. but even that is not enough to protect the country from russia's relentless strikes. and the thrust from moscow notes subsiding. russia now says it has begun tactical nuclear weapons drills close to ukraine. mania wondering what could trigger they use i don't know, but put in my think. but if he sees that russia might be losing in ukraine, because natal decides to deploy troops, and especially if cried me or comes under attack, and there is
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a potential for russian, lots of crime yet. i think that he might just as well order the use of tactical nuclear weapons as the threat as a potential nucleus tri folds this another probably the most serious challenge to the wes promise to support to ukraine no matter what spring in dw is eastern europe edits are rolling down to ranko here, he joins us from von ro, how is ukraine responding to these russian nuclear drills as well? you might be surprised, but then nobody seems to be very much worried about those drills. those pictures we are getting from russia. the thing is, it's not the 1st time the process of doing this nuclear cyber reckoning and franklin ukraine and especially of the west. so there was, there is no immediate reaction to read the grant and media. now it's, it's almost not, not that topic is there. other things are happening that,
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that much more worse and for your grandson's most strikes on it as like harkey of the 2nd largest city of ukraine and fighting elsewhere. but ukrainians believe and experts i've been talking to cj also um this way that those products are directed actually don't have to ukraine, but at the west, as a major supporter of ukraine was weapons. and this moment this morning came and kind of interact, confirmation of that, of that thesis of the russian foreign ministry has said that it will not leave it just by diplomatic response if france should send troops to ukraine. president, mcc roland has mentioned this as an option, and this is what actually a rock for is criticizing. it is criticizing those plans, those ideas of words by western politicians that it could be possible at some point to send troops to ukraine. this as well as lawrence moscow. now, as you point out,
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the nuclear threats have been part of russia's strategy and ukraine since the beginning of its invasion. but according drills right on your board or nuclear tactical nuclear weapon drills as something else. does that not add weight to the threats from moscow? oh, absolutely it is. it is a kind of escalation. we can see it like that. uh, but those drills um are not you, but i'm not actually letting you the restaurant. indeed does that regularly box is the 1st time that's the russia is doing that. so just so close to the canyon border in the southern military districts of us, as we've heard, was parts of its our occupied ukrainian territories, great media and the rest in the east of ukraine. and, and it's the 1st time the groceries doing that. so openly, i also involve the bellows, the former soviet republic, in the neighborhood of ukraine, where a restaurant stationed. it's
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a technical nuclear weapons or just only a year ago. so this is indeed a new situation, or one. thank you. so much of that was the w. eastern europe editor wrote a bunch of ranking to sketch off on a few other stories making headlines. today. brands supreme leader i a told the of the company has been leading the prayers at the funeral service of president abraham riley. the president, along with the foreign minister and other officials, died in a helicopter crash on sunday. tens of thousands of of radians have gathered into iran for the funeral procession. at least one person has been killed after severe thunderstorms hit. the us state of iowa vehicles have been smashed, and buildings destroyed and several locations. tornado warnings have been issued for a number of states in the mid west. the boss of singapore airlines has offered his quote, deepest apologies, after a man died and dozens were injured. on
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a flight hit by severe turbulence. flanked data suggests the plane a boeing 77 something dropped around 2000 meters and just 5 minutes on his way from london to singapore. witnesses say that was not wearing seatbelts, were flung to the ceiling. the jeff has forced was forced to make an emergency landing in bangkok or the images passengers. a carried off the single pull, a line slight by medical stuff and bind cold, uproot where they receive immediate treatment and some taken to hospital passengers have spoken out about the hora when the plains suddenly plunged. it was a long way so sudden there's no one. it gets old and i ended up picking my head on
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the ceiling. my wife dates some poor people walking around and up doing somersaults . it was obviously terrible. this animated graphic shows the plane traveling on its intended flight path from london to cigna pool before it hits about to severe turbulence and dropped more than 1800 meters around 6000 feet from its cruising altitude. it was then rerouted to land. ben cox main airport that have well started to use a still piecing together what exactly happened on board. the preliminary investigation to indicate that the deceased suffered from a heart condition. he was a 73 year old, produced national. however, they stood in the next stage of the old stump c process. as the investigation continues,
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several of the passengers who felt well enough to continue the journey forwarded, another plane bound for a single pool. you're watching the w and is up next level us takes a look at whether advances in technology might save the planet. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching. the. the music can be destroyed. you can try. so that's impossible. see, perform so how nice and also mates the nazis. the do musicians who lives on out assume about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival.


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