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tv   Unseen  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST

8:15 am
station continues, several of the passengers who felt well enough to continue the journey forwarded, another plane bound for a single pool. you're watching the w and is up next level us takes a look at whether advances in technology might save the planet. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching the music con, be destroyed. you can try. so it's impossible to see how nice, you know, sweets the was the nazi's favorite conduct. the 2 musicians who lives sit down and assume about the sounds of power and inspiring story about the vital signs to music.
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fetch the channels to play out well was the only one i was super lucky. music under the subject. thoughts may 25th on dw, the watch of him, which one is the, the, is due to me, the road here, the we know is that, is there the, every way also in your or
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the that was a late night and those nightmares again the, all these research on climate change is driving me crazy. i should have done my seats as on something else. the
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high. i would like to see dr. chan. um. i'm having really weird dreams. monsters and stuff. this afternoon is great. okay, thanks. bye bye. this guys. cool. so uh the get to see receive, it basically gives me my tech news the the, we have all these devices. couldn't they take care of things for us? the technology is the way to, to improve the, the human life. the
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a lot of people have hold up in technology, the technology can make a bomb. oh, so can make wonderful things. the one of the thing about the high one is that it is the biggest producer of plastic periods. we're the culprit, the we're plus by the fact that in this such a small island within
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a 100 kilometer radius, you have all of this technology available to you the way in here it has a pilot lab. we pilot all kinds of technology, machineries, including robotics, a camera system, all the way to a scale, well, mass manufacturing machine to, to, or trash into a new generation of material. that's the whole task rest of the concept of thermal foraging. this is the most efficient way to take the truck ways and people right after they use it and make the machine small enough to be able to transform it on site within minutes.
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falls on those utils and feet. so i'm, we're not gonna pay to fabian when i mean we one thing use technology to solve the problem of today and become the solution of a future the that's cool. so trash could become the new resource of the future notes. so for lots of problems, the c tech can take care of so much in life. obviously we need more time. the
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only thing i can find 100 percent of all of my faith in tech. when we're trying to solve problems, we actually create more problems. so a lot of text is like that for example. ready solar panels, it's uh when we're using them, it's pretty good and then we can get internet and from the sun it's a really great idea. but then right now when we're recycling it is a lot of problems. ready ready ready filmmakers just to make people aware because we're just born into a consumer culture, but none of us are very aware of how this has an effect on the environment. we just think, ok, i'm going to buy it isn't gonna throw it away and that's about it. the youtube is kind of a great place where you can actually gather a whole communities. i rode around the island and in peace
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cleanups, like from north, mid to southern taiwan. this is really sick. you know, the 1st time i asked everyone to come enjoying the beach clean like about 200 people showed up in it last year about 5000 people. so i can put on my feet and relax its 3 pm. you have not probably learned that doctor can be like somehow i don't think so. the scientists say we're bringing the plan that the, the city and the with tricia. oh wow.
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the suitcase and i type the same thing. the season rice, the need something to slow down global warming, the how can we do it? i use computer, one of those to evolve a preventive society can do the from the guy to engineering climate engineering. they have be a number of different ideas. the idea is to create the gigantic the mirrors in the space to use the sunlight sponge, expecting some of the lights back to space. the
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seo integrated the mind be possible that he will come with me by showing up for high priced at the injection is the idea to the leasing effect in particles in athens here like me, me thing that i have both and, and collapses. it's quickly reduce the temperature analysis. it consists of very cheap. the g o engineering is, is a deliberate age and tiny, very scale innovation. if you inject to something in the stratosphere, you might end up destroying it. oh, isn't there? you might end up reducing precipitation. this technology should never be used, it could cause the only possible change to the climate system
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the to lead time. so we can leave everything up to take the like a school to stay a good for the air being less traffic. right, sharing helps of cost. i think will take more than that amount, which we can just live in balance with the earth. unfortunately, our single used culture and our consumption culture is not like nature. we have like little or no relationship with nature and most of us, if i don't want a relationship with nature, this my punishment sitting in the i
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hope the doctor doesn't think i'm crazy. dreams about monsters and states of sending me enough and not to see a psychologist upon this sort of thing. the he says is good. i can use my inside teach to mode if they need to change the way on the the so we say we definitely need new tech and tech that does small. good then, but that's not enough. by the way, i sent introduced myself because there's nothing i could be i could be on the
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a b, o own health advocates by turning into your own ex best with your country. without any fiction. and with no surprise,
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be active, the way in good shape. smoke on d. w a roll over every car, tires drive, deforestation. 70 percent of the world's river harvest goes to the tire industry. massive terrain. tire makers are turning towards cycling and using alternative raw materials. a real change of heart for just more 3, washing those up in 60 minutes. on d, w, the shape crises,
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every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the did you know there's a can civic seen? it's true guessing the human petaluma virus or h p dfcs seen before having sex for the 1st time can reduce the risk of cervical pros for p know kansas, that there are no vaccines for the more than 300 other types of concepts. can we still protect ourselves from is not always what we can control. some of the risk factors stay tuned to find out which ones are in good shape.