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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 10:30am-11:00am CEST

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legacy of this wide spread race as depression today. history. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the form of the responsibilities to feed over 8000000 people across the globe. and in an ever changing was, this is not an easy task. hello and welcome. i'm sorry you got the body and you all watching equally into the matters between deck and tradition is what follows need across the bill that shows us ways to deal with the new challenges in a was where everything is changing the environment rather back to him than even economies, why traditional knowledge and varieties show us how to withstand these challenges.
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and speaking of modern advert deck, let's head to the northern states. so how do i know where a text solution is really helping the farm was drones on, on one of the things blond girl and also detecting diseases and best investigations . these drones have made the application of fertilizers and pesticides far more efficient way. also protecting the soil health formulas onto keeping economic benefits. but here in this case, this technology also has a social impact more need is the only he's agent and heidi on the state. and that's what i'm the gut on on. it's her days begin early. so she can finish her till was in the morning and then she had still cosmetics toward the 2 runs, which also doubles up as the village, drones into or because the only woman in the district was authorized to fly a drone. the villages now called her drawing d d,
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a drawing system. the said this happened because of a self help group because i'm the guy is one of more than 10000 women across google, india who are being cleaned as june pilots for the funding sector. the central government initiative was launched in march 2024. the program is being held as w sherry and women at the forefront to day on because visiting a we team where day which labor does normally carry out the tasks that her drone will take off of these can include monitoring fields, spring pesticides, and sometimes sewing seeds she charges up to $200.00 rupees or the equivalent of 3 rows. point 8. this is your bottle. it's very difficult to work in the mountains. i have 4 and a half acres of farmland and it's stuff for even 2 people to manage this spring to get the board me the department we're talking about they pretty much go very very in the book. dislodge with um,
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the gotcha day to test the drawing for spring pesticides. since the program is still in the pilot phase, the services being offered to anyone who might be interested in trying it out to have 4 and a half acres of we know how much time will it take? one echo will take 15 to 20 minutes display just say i got, i mean it's because it's all based on the size of the psalms, it would take 90 minutes for all 4 and a half acres for beautiful. if we had done it manually, it would have taken and dialed the hour and take it off. well, i would have lost 5 or 6 hours me open and put me through. so i'll pick up at what i mean. like, by the way, if i'm looking at a pond segmentation before the, anyone a guarantee the cost of training floodlights, of, and drones are being covered by some of the largest foot laser manufacturers in the country. not everybody's happy with the development. including professional
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winode, camacho and leave them punjab university. he believes a program and increase the dependency on chemicals in the region which is harmful for the land and it's people gonzagos tamales. so you'd have sort of these drones will mostly be used to speak best of slides and fungus slides, which a harmful to help your audio when follows, use a tractor or a dunk for spring. they could spray under the plan is that about the drones would cover the entire area from above. so they missed the best that tend to be hiding under the leads. that means of john, so best would be eliminated, will decrease and the use of pesticides will continue to increase the model. but then if you decrease the amount of chemicals and them, well, they would suddenly be an explosion of the best population. or i don't think i'm going to get if i, well, for the population barometer. according to dr. child, see the increase dependency on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. we inevitably work against the interests of the farmers, generating more profits for manufacturing companies. slowly so
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gradually farmers was realized, the overall costs design increasing. there's very little chance of something like this, benefiting the farmers in the long run. so putting the only beneficiaries would be the companies, so it would have been better if drones we used to spray organic flow to life of organic floodlights of good had fed use the environmental and health impact. but there are still open questions. who would pay for dues for the life of well, that'd be enough for all the families who need them. in any case, the drilling program has already had some positive social impact. what's to some of you may, i hope that some people in society look negatively at a woman. if she steps outside of a home, ciocca, nevada, they don't even care what kind of work she's doing, never gone. but since i've received a drawing, the negative attitude of people has done much more positive to me, but then it wouldn't be worth it yet. let's see,
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it says have groups like these plans to train more women and hope and follow them. if the impact on health, the environment and on jobs has addressed this program, could be a huge support of the people who do the hard work. a funding in india, a lot of our problems are no thoughts digitally from teachers and talk to us. we've been yoga instructors, a lot of them are available online. what does almost go do the same with the issues that they faced on the fields and with the crops? you know, the gradient economy like india, which has all, would, it wouldn't be 1000000 active internet to use us hoffer phone are from google. it is, this could be a great idea. if appliance in the field looks unhealthy, these farms pull out the phones, take a picture and find out right away whether the plant is diseased. the app,
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i don't know, it's just the photo and it's needed provides help with the treatment plan, fix it, look like it's just like a crop doctor. i it plays the same role in my life. as my personal doctor does, all you'd identifies chronic diseases, suggests treatment, and prescribed medicine and treatment options. when the medicine billy sleep on taking a smart phone into the field alongside a home and shovel has become part of everyday life. the indian farm is the potential of digital tools in agriculture in india is huge. almost half of the population works in the agricultural sector. it's very difficult for people to correctly identify disease within a kid. i can do this within seconds, directly in the field, but how exactly does it work? the quote that you will not be including the, using the app is very easy then the 1st open gland takes on your android phone. next, you have to take a picture. we are taking picture up particularly after snap in the photo.
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it needs to be uploaded to the app 1st, identifies the crap for top load i a valid competence and all that this data is then processed in germany by planting, which is part of the home pharmaceutical company. the phone just started out is students that the university of honda is a experimenting with tomatoes. this would then be central a service analyzed by the bureau network as we, as it does is called. so it's basically a model that 6 a did unique finger print off a certain disease or past and would then return the results circle drawn. doctors help the image database to categorize pictures that it doesn't know. this is how the a lunch so that it can lights and make recommendations. symptoms by entering news, just the symptoms to diagnose the disease. there's a yellowing of the leaves starting at the margins. the am says that there is no
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disease, but the potassium deficiency around a 1000000 farm is already use. the plant takes up almost exclusively in india. the app's image database contains 35000000 pictures of different client diseases, ensuring an accurate diagnosis. and you know, 700 different crap problems on 30 different crops, potentially not because it's just too much to know. and it's also some kind of diagnostic that's tough for human to do. if a disease is detected, the app recommends the relevant tests assigned to uses. and shows where it can be purchase. but local retailers don't always have all the products in store which can lead to farm as buying the wrong items, or even fakes these types of consequences. we estimate that roughly half of our product sold india, and probably also in other countries in the world are not suited to treat the
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profit. we try to make, 1st of all the prescription correct. and secondly, have farmers to buy products that are from whether kids, organizations where we know that there, that these are really good. how's the product farmers report best to harvest since using context? foundation though, was a fast reluctant to trust a guy which is nicely hey, just to the bottom as i can. if i go, but i didn't trust the app in the earlier months. but later when i started taking pictures of the diseased across the smart features of suggesting the right treatment to make me feel more confident, welcome. let's go for the, for the one of them. what today is mid this is going say hey, i was replaced from is know how and experience any time soon. instead, artificial intelligence is a supplement that makes working in the fields just a little bit easier. bit technology automatically goes to
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the policy. farmers need all the support that they can get into a fall, most of them from testing for weeks. why not show the main reason is, is rapidly declining profits and not just in the farmers across europe have been broadcasting as well as the governments. i agree, policies need to align with the needs of pharmacy because if a former gone to operate sustainably and profitably, then our economies and kitchens are both connected. the farmers are serious. farmers have been demonstrating all over the content from portugal to lobby a to romania, to from the know there's so many specific rules and in the end we can no longer produce at a low price of $1.00 separate called you about people and all these farming is our passion and we want to be able to make a living animal. some issues are more localized and friends in germany. the dentist have focused on the reduction of diesel subsidies. farmers in greece are still
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reeling from floods in 2023 and are also demanding foster compensation for damage from natural disasters in hungary and poland. farmers complain about imports of cheap room from ukraine. since russia's invasion use waived tariff sending ukrainian grain and produced as a measure of support after russia block to major ukrainian ports in the block c. but whether it's diesel subsidies for damages or green imports, there is a common thread running through all the protests. farmers feel left alone and overlooked by their government. and if we use it a cold hard numbers, this might well be true. it's just a fact that over time, agriculture tends to shrink relative to other sectors of the economy. stuff on some common top it out as an economist whose research analyzes agricultural policies. he's been a consultant to the world bank and several national governments. this is because g d, p growth becomes more and more concentrated on industrial goods and especially services . overtime european farms are dying out, decreasing by roughly a 3rd since 2005. so a point 7000000 people worked in european agriculture in 2020. and that doesn't
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include seasonal workers who often labor under precarious conditions in europe in the us. the farming population has shown elevated suicide rates, being a farmer as not only having the job as a farmer, but really are giving, giving all in model you fun. maya has a, as an agricultural economist who researches the social side of sustainable food systems. farmers, suicide rates in india, the world's most populous nation, are dire. in 2022, at least 30 farmers took their own lives every day. and we can look again to their shrinking roles. agriculture here. the, the test thing significant, you know, reduce the one leader on the importing 15 percent of the countries versus jobs and agricultural economists to india as institute for economic growth. purchasers gathering and the bread basket, northern instead of punjab, once a governmental guarantee, a minimum price for all their cost. so whether it's india or europe farmer, you're struggling or losing relevance in our economic system. and it shows the ways
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in which the system is stacked against on the well across the value chain is not distributed enough. fairly men of even even off is the political secretary of a federation. the advocates for european farmers and farm workers for the day. and that's in deep thoughts manufacturers. a good thing, like the biggest share of the volume, which is produced in the ugly forts sector and bottom of the info on what goods which are like in the bottom of the, of these valuable chains. in europe. there's a pretty easy target for all that pent up in newer that you commission and brussels . the payments are calculated based solely on how big of the farm is. the link itself, the subsidies to the phone. the land is one of the biggest problems because it gives the favor to the ways of production definitely want to change. this means the policy of rewards industrial farms which tend to be mon, or cultural corporations. most european funds are small, however,
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2 thirds of less than 5 hector's and almost all of those are family firms with an aging populations. as of all that weren't complex enough already, under climate goals, your, it has lofty plans to become the 1st climate neutral con, by 2050. agriculture is responsible for more than 10 percent of total e u. greenhouse gas emissions. a relative to the size or the overall economic importance of the sector, it produces disproportionately a large share of greenhouse gases. so what are the european commission to make a green deal along with the firm to fork strategy within this policy tries to make fruit systems more sustainable. and this is where we start running into tensions. farmers of revolted against greenville policies like phasing our diesel subsidies, reducing fertilizer in pesticide use, and setting aside land for bio diversity. they say the rules don't compensate them for the income loss, and the farmers are taken to bigger share of the responsibility. so it was there something about all of this the just isn't working
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a lot. but the problem with the policy is that it is a bit gets a frantic. um, if it's meant to be income support, then you think, you know, we should be targeting smaller firms with low income, more and not the big farms. the question is whether it's really designed to be income support in the 1st place because of the purpose of the policy is for environmental welfare. well then, big firm should be getting more payments because a big farm is affecting the environment on a much larger number of factors. so the main problem, at least from my perspective as, as a policy analysis, is that, that the policy is not certainly clear what the main priority is. you're trying to pursue to different goals with one policy and with one tool. and that's not really effective. so far the european commission has back peddled on some of its policies because of the protests for instruct its fuel subsidy cost and the scrap the plan to reduce pesticides. as for ukraine,
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the european commission will extend its transport till until 2025, but out of the measure to prevent too many ukrainian products being sold in east states. but all of this might just be popping painkillers for long term solutions. a bigger shift in policy would be needed to help farmers and address climate change . one solution could be to focus the policies around the environmental aspects of a freight system, not subsidies, income supporters in the european union, a national policy priority, the social policies or national priorities that shouldn't be coming from brussels. it would then be up to the individual member states to support their farmers. they would have more flexibility in shaping their subsidies, which could support smaller farms and create incentives and financial support for more ecological practices. changing the food system, of course, implicates me. you, the consumer breakdown the you, the environmental costs simply isn't priced enough into our purchases. raising those prices would be necessary. and in turn, change or consumption habits, for farmers in india, price controls look necessary given that roughly 50 percent of the countries
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workforce is in agriculture and the long run eventually. but uh, most of the deep from government zooming out maybe a healthy dose of reality is needed and thinking about climate change and the struggles of agriculture. agriculture is a sector that's probably never going to be completely climate neutral. that's the, you know, but the nature of things that said, we're talking about food, which is a necessity at the end of the day, farmers are the ones providing our food, their anger's understandable. a 2nd a, i have really made things simpler for follows. in many ways, but dec cannot predict or control everything, like 7 allowed to the events, including what you can and get options that can have a major negative impact on agriculture. let's take a journey back 200 years to a while you can or that's to fascinate scientists. what do you can, which is surrounded by local fables of evil spirits across from time to time,
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the volcano, we mix large plumes of steam and is still monitored. today, to bar on the indonesian island of some of our may be largely quiet, but in the year 1815 it's a russian was so powerful. it was her 2000 kilometers away. the rupture of 1815 deposited millions of cubic meters. volcanic material on some of our island by law it's believed 90. 2000 people died and all 40000 straight away by proving that i didn't miss it the day we have these beautiful scenery once a month and we can see what happened in a 1015 here upon nothing of the so simple to be a rupture and was the most powerful in recorded history and event with dramatic
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consequences. worldwide. climate data confirms that global temperatures cooled by one to 2 degrees with sunlight locked out by particles, released into the at the i q. yeah. so the by 180 and those aerosols have a cooling effect on the earth. done by now crops fail thing going to be not that many animals can't find enough food. and so what are we going to say uh, but the reason that the energy released was equivalent to 6 and a half a 1000000 times that of the bombs dropped on hiroshima a disaster from many agrarian societies of the time in parts of asia, the monsoon rings were disrupted, leading to drought while in europe, the cold and rain destroyed prompts and caused the widespread salmon disease and economic turmoil. the crisis made its mark on artists and writers. it's believed to
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have inspired mary shelley's novel frankenstein paintings like this one by german artist casper david street, which captured the striking skies and the glue that shrouded the or the unprecedented catastrophe. fuel creativity across the continent. indonesia is situated on the pacific ring of fire mountain bore on some of our is just one of more than a 100 active volcanoes. there this called deborah is also a legacy of the $1815.00, a rupture. today the area around mount time for a is a national park. it takes 2 days to reach the edge of the crater. for many people in indonesia, volcanoes have spiritual significance. sweet spot miss timely filing. witness that 1st half, 1847. take time to temple, or i intend the depiction to be a rupture of the year 1815. in this pamphlet,
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he describes how local people warrant him against climbing the volcano. wherever you set foot and fire a reps from the ground, people spirits inhabit the mountain and those who want only to ascend in that region of hellish spirits are fated to suffer. storms tempest and certain perdition . the i've been yeah. the word come bora comes from the word and bora. bora means to disappear in indonesian who lives with a time friend of a. as in tom bora, it means inviting them to disappear. to me, i think on one i'd like to disappear. not even here long. nowadays people know a lot more about the adoption of the volcano than they did back then, geologist, climate scientist and even social scientists are all interested in the global effects of that huge natural disaster in europe. it led to a year without summer and assets of the rupture and cut 10 boar in half
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the battery, but not but at the number of balkan ologist believe or subscribe to the theory that the summit of mount 10 bora, i'm authorized, 4000 meters above sea level one met that a battery allowed and because of the 1015 erection, it was essentially cut and a half ago. and what remains is only 2800 meters above the sea level. what about this? again, my thought of that one more time allows the night sky on, our ascent was peaceful. nothing like the evening of april 5th, 1815 when the 1st pillar of fire illuminate the night. the inferno lasted 7 days. mountain boar is what is called a strato volcano. it was formed in many geological layers and as a steep, narrow cone. so could interrupt again one day. over the past 20 years,
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the region seen many periods of increased seismic activity, small tremors and the ground that these are moving out of 127 active volcanoes in indonesia, almost 80 percent of them are between 70 and 80 percent of them have an observatory station i kind of just have to little up and we even have one volcano monitored by 3 observatory stations. i'm up. each station has a size mcgrath up. since they have the size of the graphs and binoculars that are, they measured the wind direction and the temperature in them, but they have it there. i'm a couple of sensors to measure the temperature of humor rolls and sold the target was and so forth. we might also, i thought, is my goodness, but why was the impact of the drug production of 1815 so far reaching so, but kind of low the level suddenly a little bit when a volcanic eruption injects action of what the tacit and gas is into the atmosphere, i've come into the stratosphere so by that all you haven't but they for a sulfate aerosols, or which the earth's rotation helps spread around the globe. the by walking in 1847
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. when he was telling a, arrived back safely from his ascent. his return was seen as a good omen. it was thought the curse had been lifted and the evil spirits banished . the hope was that the disaster of 1815 would never come again. the celebratory gun fire ex stations and singing went on until dawn. but in 1967, there wasn't another erection, it was much smaller though, and didn't have the disastrous global impact that the one a century and a half earlier had are there any such solutions that you are seeing around you do let us know you can email also or reach out to me directly on my social media handles. i will see you next week until then take care goodbye. thomas gosh, the
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. this is dw news coming to live from berlin. 3 european countries say they will now recognize palestinian statehood. spain's prime minister joins the leaders of ireland in norway and announcing the change prompting israel to recall its investments. also coming up the un suspense, all food, a distribution in rough up that says the humanitarian operation throughout the gaza strip is nearing collapse due to a lack of supplies and safety concerns. plus the run supreme leader performs prayers of the funeral service of pros.


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