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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land for european countries, say they will recognize the palestinian statehood. explains prime minister joins the leaders of the island and norway in announcing the historic decision from thing israel to recoil it some boxes will say, coming up on the program, russia says it has the gun. tactical nuclear weapons drills near the border with ukraine must go claims. it's in response to provocative statements from the west, the
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eclipse mckinnon. welcome to the program. 3 european countries have said they will recognize palestinian statehood. israel react to the angrily of to the prime ministers of spain. no way an island separately announced the decision earlier. many western countries have resisted recognizing an independent palestinian state for years. but israel's will again, thomas officer, the october the 7th terror attacks as put renewed focus on the issue will get more on the announcement from all correspondence in jerusalem and brussels and just a moment. but 1st here's some of what be no wage. and prime minister said about the decision it again, hard. the government has decided that norway will recognize the state of palestine policy. you know, what it is almost to norway is. recognition will come into force on may 28. or what do you mean by that? norway will therefore regard palestine as an independent state with all the rights
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and duties that this entail somebody in the body of a palestinian state is obliged in line with international law. and they have to live in peace within secure, internationally recognized borders and to comply with all relevant un resolution. as i mentioned earlier, i spoke to the w correspondence, rebecca riches in jerusalem and jack patrick in brussels. i started by off can jack what this recognition means? a, well, it is a political statement and this was a very symbolic one. obviously the spanish prime minister pet. her son says when he and i was maybe and i just meant imagery the today. he said that the recognition says to tell the palestinians, we are with you. so i'm in harris, the leader in island. he said that the recognition of the public is a recognition of the palestinian people to the right to self determination. it is a really significant move for the 3 countries. it is symbolic, then not necessarily the biggest diplomatic powers of europe. but they have been
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making a, they've been saying that they going to do this, but sometimes all of them it will come into force. this recognition on may the 28 that what other countries belgium was perhaps going to be expected to do this alongside them. we do know that there are moves here in belgium to make a similar in iceland. and indeed, potentially in france as well. no. well, whatever it is symbolic, it is also significant because arab countries have said that they will only be involved in the sort of policing of the reconstruction of a post. will gaza. is western nations recognize a state impala. so i started, so the more countries that do that, the more support that would be from those are of nations to fund passa city, a post will a palestinian state. okay. and looking at reactions from israel, rebecca, israel has now recalled it's on the box. it is to the 3 countries. what else is israel doing? i'm saying as well,
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this announcement has drawn fury from israel, probably on surprisingly to most view is a israel completely opposes the decision that has been announced this joint decision by stain island, a new way. benjamin netanyahu has long said that establishing a palestinian state would be an existential danger to israel, the an payment standing against it. certainly since the war began on october 7. as you mentioned, the ambassadors to those 3 countries has been recalled. and now looking at further measures, the finance minister a bit slow smoke which has cooled full for the punitive measures and said that he will be withholding tax of israel collects and then gets to the palestinians. caps collects full of how to send, you know, far as human hands are, they, he'll be withholding those taxes and they'll be looking at so the punitive measures . now, in response to this, the foreign minister this morning said that it sends a message to palestinians and to the world that terrorism pays. he also said that
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it will hom efforts to retrieve the remaining hostages inside kansas. a very strong reaction from israel on the palestinian side. we've seen a much more positive response. obviously, the palestinian authority, who has always been fighting for 2 state solution have reacted positively and how mouse has also come out to say that they think this is a step in the right direction. okay, and all of this is happening just a couple of days off to the chief prosecutor of the international criminal course, of course announced that he's seeking arrest warrants. so these really prime minister and full the is ready defense minister. so is all of this pressure? rebecca, having any effect on benjamin netanyahu or well, i know there's no doubt the pressure is mounting on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and the as riley government on israel, on the international stage. is that some, no doubt about that this week, particularly the pressure has been bouncing and we all seeing that it's having an
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effect on the government on representatives here on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. himself. we can see that in the way that everyone is responding both to the i. c seniors on monday and to today's decision, pretty much across the board. so, you know, a bipartisan responses to these announcements, particularly of course, the i, c, c. that was, you know, everyone on both sides of government were saying that that was an outrage. so pressure, definitely mounting. but when we look at how much that might have fixed benjamin netanyahu, who's, you know, decision of the way that he's planning this will going forward. i think we weren't see much change. we weren't see it or fact he is really fighting for his political survival. and that really means also continuing this war and gone. so that is something that he's been saying, but his government adamant that they're going to do that they're going to continue with this rough offensive that they are determined to dismantle her mouse and retrieve the hostages. and that nothing will stop them. so he doesn't want to face
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the day often because that is when he said that they will investigate and look at the the, the wrong doings and but let out until october 7th. and he knows that that will be very difficult situation for him. all right, jeff, i just wanted to ask you what about other european countries? i mean, will any more now potentially recognize palestinian statehood? it is likely that they probably will potentially belgium, potentially frogs. what's really interesting about this, while it shows the ever deepening risk between israel on some of its traditional western allies, it will say also shows the divisions among some you remember states have your opinions position is a, has always and long has been to work with 2 state solution, many of the use countries feel that the, the recognition of a palestinian state is the end of the negotiations. of that. that goal of making a 2 state solution. what we're seeing that research in countries. i mean, island a no way on spain, obviously saying that for them,
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this is the starting point. 9 countries like germany, for instance, wouldn't allow that to, to go so. so now we see some of those divisions really start to play out in your it get power in brussels and rebecca versus injury slim. thanks to you. by so much. russia's military, he says it has begun tash co nuclear weapons. it drills near you, cried the exercises are taking place in russia, southern military district, which, according to the kremlin, includes ponts, a few crane under occupation. most cases, the drills are in response to threats from some west and officials. it's the 1st time russia has publicly announced drills that involve tactical nuclear weapons. why didn't strategic nuclear forces regularly hold exercises? how does she does this? because from the norwegian institute for defendant studies, she gave us more detail about what tactical nuclear weapons are. so they are considered less powerful than intercontinental ballistic massage. they will have
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normally a smaller, smaller you'll, they can be as small as to one killer con um, so they are considered for bought to fuel used. so the trash hold for they use may be lower, they can be car in by us. c, last me sells a airline to me. so it's a novel based i miss those artillery. and they are not really subject to as control such as intercontinental ballistic muscles, which is also why we do not really know exactly how russia, how many of this war has russia has. but the estimates is around to $1500.00 to 2000. okay, so these are not the kind of weapons but can wipe out whole facies bus, of course, they all tactical nuclear bombs. exactly. yeah, mm hm. okay, so, so that's where it again, it says that the, the trash hold forward to use this is considered to be lower x. and i did want to ask you, i mean, how likely is it the russia will actually use weapons like these in the war against
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ukraine as yeah, i, as this is a question that many has posed, i mean, nobody can really exclude that. but i think come, come right now, the risk is not very high for a number of reasons. why is that a rush raise doing relatively well on the bottom field? another is that a russian has been worn by the united states by china engage. so choose, and i think these warnings because actually had effects when it comes to china in particular, russia has made it so more and more dependent. and which also makes the most go has to listen carefully with making has to say in that matter. and russia has not been able really to cars, whether it's new car threats and you're trying to meet asians, ukraine, and to, to back off. and neither has it helped russia to, to, uh, contain the scope of help to, to, from the western countries to,
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to ukraine. in the, in the beginning. yes, but it expanded more and more. so i think also russia has not been really able to convince that russia has much higher space in the score than the united states or nato, which both come so you don't to war, presented the war as ext essential, not only for you crime, but also for european interest, atlantic security, okay. can i ask you if these kinds of weapons were used? how would they change the cost of the whole as well? it depends at so they wouldn't be primarily russia would use them primarily for political effect. so russia would try to call ers ukraine and whereas the united states to back off to accept wash as conditions for ending to conflict at but so, so the objective would be to shop and pressure. what we've seen that this is also psychological gaming ascends,
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and russia has not been really able to convince that. or it has a certainty that nature do united states would not react and that it would not actually leads to a very, very dangerous escalation. and so, which is also possible in case structure would, would use a new car weapon. so in russia and must go, there will be assessing to what extent this kind of use will actually will have an effect, but also our response. so there will be waiting costs and risks of obstruction escalation, and that's why you spend united. i'm sending a signal to most of this will not intimidate, neither your crime. northern west is extremely important also to lower the risk of the actual and you cannot use all right, well have to leave it the capture. she knows this with the norwegian institute for defense studies. thank you so much for your time. off of the european union agreed to use income from frozen russian assets to help fund that ukraine's war
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effort rusher appears to be hissing back. the course in saint petersburg has now ordered the seizure of the assets on the accounts of germany's deutscher bank and come out spunk is possible suit, followed by a subsidiary of the state controlled russian gas to produce a gas from as yet another headache for western financial institutions in russia, the banks have to run through the finances of a gas terminal project into politics. but in the rank of preston, sections, they reduce parts and the construction was canceled. the court case came at the request of a subsidy of russian gas drive to augusta, which is now claiming nearly $240000000.00 euros from deutscher bank and almost $95000000.00 euros from commerce bank. and now i see your opinion consider is or has actually no grades to use the profits from the present russian assets to own ukraine. it's increasingly likely that the russian state will take action
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against the western assets in russia. and so it's entirely possible the timing of this decision on the cool seems awfully suspicious coming as it does just as you can units made the decision you know, statement, darcia. bonke said, we will need to see how this claim is implemented by the russian courts. and assess the immediate operational impact in russia. the legal showdown comes, i met a heated debates all with the presence and activities of some western banks in russia. despite the sanctions over russia's ongoing war against ukraine. there are these european banks that are earning billions of dollars in the midst of this and then paying hundreds of millions of dollars of taxes to the russian government, bestest, highly immoral, totally inappropriate. it goes against the g, u, a g, a strategic security interest of europe. it goes against morality. and it's gotta
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stop. many firms have pulled out of russia entirely. but for the ones that stayed, the pressure is growing, not just from the west to rush, right? so and that is all, we have tons for many troops mckinnon on behalf of the whole team. his thanks so much for watching the music. con, be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see perform for head lice in australia. the was the nazis the.


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