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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 3:15pm-3:30pm CEST

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ality, and it's got a stop. many firms have pulled out of russia entirely, but for the ones that stayed, the pressure is growing, not just from the west to rush, right. so and that is all we have to inform any troops mckinnon on behalf of the whole team here. thanks so much for watching. the music. con, be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible. she performed for head lice in our smith the was the nazis. the 2
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musicians who lived in the savannah office austin about the sounds of power and inspiring story about the volume music under the swastika may 25th on d, w. there is no timeline. the, the police are so huge. you are allowed to please take a look savings on probably that by taking the grease and transforming it into something productive on c, a, c, t's and them it displays. and these are back to you. so full, a new new voice to board, the
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of the, to 6 to june, 2007. i remember the time just for the team and the got that terrible phone call. and they said i don't, us had an accident. we were very hopeful to reach the spot and then you'll see him lying dead. it was the worst was best. we'll see you now guys. hi, i'm proud to get done. v found a just you have i don't not sure which is the home for dependent children the it's a tribute to us on i don't be das janetta with accident not 16. you a simple the
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we have rescued over a $119.00 children, a sofa and this is out project family project. the emmett tyler back in 2014. yeah, we just hit it off and started eating very soon after we met and yeah, we got married in 2017. the new he had bipolar to disorder. and you there would always be that risk that he might take his own life. and when it finally happened, obviously it's a shots all my nightmare is coming true.
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my name is alyssa and also i am the co founder of comm, collected asia, and i am based in single court. the conflict of egypt is a social enterprise that we founded to normalize conversations around mental health, so that we can break the stigma around mental health here in asia, the people who are shamed to talk about mental health. and what's the use in the dark priest? shame, and if you are ashamed of something that you're struggling with, you're less likely to seek help. i wish i had that resource 6 years ago, the or to or that even for those 3 piece of wired or because i was going to work at the
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board. what does that, what i said, don't squeeze out that it was a sub to squeak. you took the 2 most them body meaning what does that mean as you go to gravel reading rebecca to bugs, but he went down to get us like would you be that way? so just talk to him to be sure to youngs if i could live in the ion, could accept it but side it will be the cool we have a back on in the got to when we came with the company many or was it any other job we bought and then it got to come with the guys take the escape. i was in the 3rd period when i became close at
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the thoughts gave was sort of ticklish or semi get brand new to our list and some of the things you can value sleeping is good to me. i'm sort of capital, it may take me every day. made it you may need to reach a committee about the subject and the amount of grief, coupled with warner, made a note and reminded me that i knew no har seat boxed on see him do sob. see, man, uh, got disney or e m d i tied up as to are, is fucked. me the better to do it that they should good piece in with us setting up our cosign me. good evening. addition to the account that was chemical founded vicki a subsidy by the gate miracle shashika. then you'll get
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a ticket platforms here. do it, but you should get a bill you had called me up express. come back in february. what has helped me survives is talking about my case. the comm circles is our peer to peer support program which we are brand sizes. most people have a safe space to, to share what are they feeling to hear from each other learn from each other, learn as well about mental health and mental being. ready ready ready ready ready ready nature walk is one of the things that i like to do with the group. and after the walk we just feel so
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much better. we feel so much more calm to get through out of your head. it gets you thinking about how we are just so small and this great big for out the or use children. one bad dornan's toilet and bed, which warranted by that bed and under the baby's desk. under the embrace station for which the fishes suffer too much poverty and no, no education the so you don't to what somebody else a saw it or somebody else to stop for the use and yourself thing seems nothing. so it's a childhood dream of mine that got food food off to ireland last week. and
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the because of he lives through the 119 shows, which i think is fine. he came here into my life to test in my new mom i was suppose to do pick up things. ready ready may give you a copy of somebody, a hot the basic information provide me with to just say, do you see the dog? oh, yes. you see website be you buy a guy the bank account to see i me down to get by because have them come on the
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cars, odd, hollow warning. okay. you got up. never told you caught this in that in a 6 the, i think you that's a very good controlling sort of a, a message. do i big article data i'm watching that could be, i'd be a look at. they have up never told you got this and that doesn't give you much at the easily the guy you i'm good. i feel i've got them. good. thank you'd be welcome to simon and middle possibly any other. that's a huge dogmas. yep. no, no monday do coast question to you. it's without the gum up me platforms 8 g. bob bought highlight, conducting the how many gender aspects of terrorism and for the sake of keeping additional victims is about coming to the
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when i was grieving, i felt like i really wanted to talk about it. i felt like i really wanted to talk about tyler the and we all shy away from asking someone exactly details about our loved one because we, we feel we fear that all adults get reminded of them. but actually we're always thinking about them in some way. we're always reminded of them, so actually it's nice to be able to talk about them. so yeah, bring them up. don't hold it in the because you've got to take us up. savannah. com, they'll be initializing your guard by bought to do the full. it is about
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9 gigabytes us se platforms, whole happy hunt internationally, victims exchange cuz like a conversation dictate, you hummadi me, commonality scale here. they can scale where you can, how many, you've guess it got, they're going see a c t's and them it just varies. and these are the 2, he's the smoothing factor in on the face of the gentleman who re us be happy faces me. if you look, do you think i'm running to me? my mama, that's so sweet. the i know my daughter needs me. i know my son needs me and i know my ord milan need some more time on
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a fast so i do things very quickly. i don't like to waste time because i know i've symmetry. my board is to see my son. that is to my, i have to meet my out on the news, the ego africa sustainable breaks threads, building,
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building sec to engineers. and uganda are developing alternatives to building materials that are harmful to the environment. the problem is that we need to store fatty, give me a call, the eco connect on d, w. and kim and research team wants to save lives worldwide. by making m already technology more flexible. up to now, the equipment has been too heavy and expensive. move and half of the world's population had no access to us. now, 3 researches have developed a new system, an opportunity for millions of people made in germany. in 60 minutes on d, w, conflicts, crises,
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every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the, the recess, those had some pretty good ideas of some of them can even help improve people's lives today. welcome to eco offered co. i'm chris, the looms joining you from lee goes. nigeria, what works best is often a combination of traditional wisdom mixed with cutting h innovations with gold both on stays. sure. i f.