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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land. 3 european countries say they will recognize palestinian statehood. spain's prime minister joins the leaders of ireland and no way in announcing the historic decision from thing israel to recall, it's on buses is also coming out from the program. the un suspends all food, a distribution in rasa. it says the humanitarian operation throughout regardless, trip is nearing collapse due to a lack of supplies and safety concern. plus iran supreme leader performs press
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the funeral service of president you bringing, bracing as tens of thousands got the entire on. and torture. it's deployed as un peacekeeping. a dw investigation reveals how members of a notorious banquet that should leak full of being sent on the world wide peacekeeping missions. the manuscript was making. and welcome to the program, spain no way on the island of said that they will recognize palestinian statehood. many western countries have resisted recognizing an independent palestinian state for years. but israel's war gains hum us off to the october. the 7th terror attack has put renewed focus on the issue. israel's foreign minister has denounced the decision as a threats to the nation's sovereignty and security. spied off from israel by
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fences and barriers. the palestinian territories will be formally recognized as a state by 3 more european countries, spain, ireland, and norway, choosing to support the palestinian, pushed the silver and t a steep they say towards piece the price of the time has come to move from words to actions me you want me to tell the millions of innocent, suffering palestinians that we are with them. yeah, you said there is hope. and to make it very clear, no matter how many walls or elected photo, which is a matter how many villages are bombed. and no matter how many an illegal settlements are built, the land and identity of palestine will continue to exist in our hearts in north an international legality. and in the future project of a mediterranean in harmony. previously 139 of 193, you in countries recognized the state of palestine,
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the lights of signet trees calling on others to do the same reason and admits. therefore, with tens of thousands of dead an injured we must keep alive. the only things that can provide to save home for both is r. e leads them to list and it will show those days that can live in peace with each other. israel and palestine, it is rouse government has hits back no sound in up regarding a palestinian state. there are people who support this opinion and there are people who do not. but this is not the place nor the time now to come and you know, let our leave recognize a palestinian state from heart surgery. and any such decision, palms is rarely sovereignty and is forever security. and we will not allow it on your work order to recall our impasse orders back. com. and we will take all measures to prevent that today, even though the president must mode a bus, the leader of the palestinian authority. welcome to the recognition and quote on other nations, to quote, support the struggle of our people for liberation and independence. they are aspect
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to dw correspondence, rebecca versus in jerusalem. and john power can brussels, especially by all skiing jack. what this recognition means a well, it is a political statement and it's also a very symbolic one. obviously the spanish prime minister pet. her son says when he and i was maybe and i just meant imagery. the idea today he said that the recognition says to tell the palestinians, we are with you, simon harris. the leader in island. he said that the recognition of the public is a recognition of the palestinian people to the right to self determination. it is a really significant move for the 3 countries. it is symbolic, then not necessarily the biggest diplomatic powers of europe, but they have been making a, they've been saying that they going to do this for some time. all of them it will come into force. this recognition on may the 28 that what other countries belgium was perhaps going to be expected to do this alongside them. we do know that there
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are moves here in belgium to make a similar in iceland, and indeed potentially in fronds as well. nice, well whatever it is symbolic, it is also significant because arab countries have said that they will only be involved in this sort of policing of the reconstruction of a post will gaza, is western nations recognize a state impala. so i started, so the more countries that do that, the more support that would be from those are of nations to fund passa city, a post will palestinian state. okay. and looking at reactions from israel, rebecca, israel has now recalled it's on the box. it is to the 3 countries. what else is israel doing and saying well, this announcement has drawing theory from israel, probably on surprisingly to most view is a israel completely opposes the decision that has been announced this joint decision by spain island and norway benjamin netanyahu as long said that
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establishing a palestinian state would be an existential danger to israel, the, an payments standing against it, certainly since the war and that began on october 7. as you mentioned, the ambassadors to those 3 countries has been recalled. and now looking at further measures, the finance minister a bit slow smoke which has cooled full for the punitive measures and said that he will be withholding tax of israel collects and then gets to the palestinian caps collects for the palestinian authority. human hands are they? he'll be withholding those taxes and that we're looking at. so the punitive measures now in response to this, the farm and as to this morning said that it sends a message to palestinians and to the will. the terrorism pays. he also said that it will hom efforts to retrieve the remaining hostages inside kansas, a very strong reaction from israel on the palestinian side. we've seen a much more positive response. obviously, the palestinian authority,
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who has always been fighting for 2 state solution have reacted positively and how mouse has also come out to say that they think this is a step in the right direction. i will join now by nora, erica, the human rights attorney and assistant professor at rutgers university in the us. welcome to the w as great to have you on the show. can i start by asking you what difference today's announcements make? do they bring a palestinian state closer to reality? and i think that we need to understand these statements as mostly symbolic, without the weight of accountability and action that's necessary in 2012, a 1328 states recognized palestine as a state. and yet we are in a condition right now of apartheid where a state is not going to rectify that racial colonial structure that regulates all of pallets and lives and has let us to this moment where we see it an app and a higher genocide against pallets and square, seen as, as
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a not desired on that land. ok. so i saw just more worthwhile. i should, i should just stop you that because of course there's a tubs with a highly disputed and rejected by israel. absolutely. but, but do carry on please do me. your point of reference is that it's actually but, but there is a palestine and i think that we should take everything that is real. says with an incredible, great himself, how dare it, insult these countries and, and say, and, and recall it's in bassett. her is when the entire was on deck of the peace process, so called peace process was to establish a policy. and you said, how dare is real, have this reaction when a 138 states have have already endorsed the policy in state, or where there has been an international consensus since 1967. that the occupation of the territory busy people. so for us to ship to around these words, which are in international law and have been established by several human rights, legacy organizations is to basically submit to the dictates of a country. okay. so i would like to make a part,
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i know like all rights and nor do you expect of the countries to follow the lead of the island and a new way in spain. and i think this, we're just focusing on the e u. we see this is a tremendous step forward, but the majority of the world has already supported policy and self determination. more than that, they have supported an end to apart either at this moment. i hope that they follow the lead by actually issuing arrest warrants for nothing. yahoo and go on when they step on their soil by enacting sanctions against women enterprise and other military industrial enterprises. by actually stopping the transfer of weapons that are continuing genocide by engaging in the boy carpet has been called for by boston . and in order to stem the apartheid of our time came into n, which now 200 right of a live stream genocide. nor are we going to have to stop you that obviously using the word genocide. this is something that's being investigated by the international court of justice. but of course no legal conclusion has been reached yet. so we're
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just going to have to leave it. the nora, erica, thank you so much for your time. we appreciate that. that duty. thank you for having me. thank you. okay, and for more on germany's position on palestinian statehood. we can cross mount d. w as chief political editor, michelle de la cruz. now at mckayla tell us is that any chance that germany would also consider recognizing a palestinian state as it would? in fact, i'm here at the meeting of the german, french on post foreign ministers in via and germany maintains that and seeing a 2 state solution, a palestinian state is one of the key foreign policy ain. but when you're talking about whether that's a starting point or an outcome of a political process, germany is more on the outcome side. and that means that this is considered to be very much a fall off go goal at this moment in time after all,
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one of them. and these fundamental political principles, reason the state, it's cold stock because all is the defense of israel. and staying by israel side and the current government under the name and that's a yahoo of course, strictly reject the 2 states police have left alone to carry a palestinian state of recognizing opponents in states anytime soon. that is a stock contrast to what germany's policy out look for a stable and peaceful belief is, but it certainly won't make any move in that direction of recognizing a palestinian state ahead of those. hopefully peace talks any time in the future. michelle, thanks so much. let's see w as chief political edison because it looks us now the united nations, as warning that humanitarian operations in gaza on nearer and collapse, the organization says it is no longer able to distribute food aid and the southern
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city of rossa due to a lack of supplies and phase of a safety, it says it's main aid agencies for palestinian refugees, unrra. i'm the world food program. unable to access the warehouses in rasa because of israel's ongoing military operation. the fleeting russell many come here to the camp in central casa. but the situation here is not much better people for basic supplies as temperatures, so that desperate for water by somebody reasonable to become show up, there is no water. we come, drink. when are you? there is no rule to come to. the dish has become to anything, but lots tops with suffering allows you to do to deal with heavy fighting around rough uh, these really military says nearly 900 a 1000 people have slept the area, the satellite images show the scale of the move mean in recent weeks,
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hundreds of tents and shelters have been removed. of the un says few minutes, i don't know, probations in gas on the collapse as almost no 8 come into and they no longer have access to it. the warehouses in rough uh our colleagues it onto our report that today the agencies distribution center as well as the well food programs warehouse is both in rafa or now inaccessible. jude ongoing military operation on was that it's health centers have not received any medical supplies for the past 10 days. despite this health care staff continue to provide thousands of medical consultations each day at health centers that are still operational. people have have the p o constructed by the us would bring some urgency needed relief. but so far, it has been nearly enough to get done and we have been waiting for this a was and we have not received anything and it just doesn't reach us. i ask america,
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the international community over most of the world to end this war. when we want is for this war to end, the us says is working on creating alternative routes to speed up a deliveries until that happens. many people be here empty handed to take a quick look. now some of the, of the headlines making use around the world. and russia says it's forces have retakes in the village of cliff chief and ukraine's eastern done yet region. russian troops previously captured the village in january last year, but ukraine force it back in september. ukrainian army has come under intense pressure from the russian forces in the past few weeks. well, facing critical shortages of i munition across the front lines. well source, he's in the us state of iowa. i have confirmed that several people died when a tornado and severe stones. bassett, several areas, the twista destroyed, and tying neighborhoods in the town of greenfield. the local hospital was also
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damage, meaning injured residents had to be transfer to neighboring towns and cities, pots of minnesota and wisconsin will also hit by the store. germany's far right political policy, the alternative to germany or a f t is it's no says it's a binding. it's leading candidate from appearing an election campaign. events like somebody on call has been facing an investigation into suspected links with russia and china. the policies decision follows his comments, but not old members of friends. torres, not c. s. s, falls with criminals and australia and new zealand. i'll repeat tracing. hundreds of best citizens from new caledonia. evacuations come a week off the riots interrupted in the french pacific territory, killing 6 people from since president and 91. my call will meets with elected officials on the island this week to discuss the voting reforms, which sparks the price of a huge crowds in
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a row and have attended funeral events of the late president abraham racy. he was killed along with a ron's foreign minister and several others in a helicopter crash on sunday. and rainy and state media said the crash was the results of a technical failure. the army says it has launched an investigation. c c the state funeral, heavy with symbolism. the black turban, top of president taper. he, maurice, he's coughing the marking him as a descent into the prophet mohammed is and the richest bearer of power. the millions of mourners reportedly turned out. not all of them by choice. with some t, ron residents saying they received phone messages, urging them to join the funeral procession. to many iranians, right? you see will be remembered as the butcher of t. ron, a member of the so called death panel, which sent thousands of political prisoners to their death decades ago. and more
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recently had the leader who oversaw the brutal repression of women and a freedom movement that sweat the country. it's the fact that he was associated with the loss of crackdowns with, with, you know, execution of the irena physicians in the eighty's when he was the public, prosecute that in the wrong. and the fact that he was very close to the supreme need. that really, that didn't help his case. so i don't think there is a widespread sense of grief. the funeral also provided a glimpse of the smile honey, widely regarded as the highest official in her moss, the palestinian militant crew that iran has funded and armed during its war with israel. balls of our experts say runs influence in the region will not be affected by the death of its president. i very much doubt that the uranium regime we have changed course, given the advanced level of it's next era program, which it's, it sees as a bargaining kind of chip in, in negotiations with the west,
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with the reform is completely out of the system. a direction by definition has shifted to the to the a kind of right man. abraham or i, you see was widely seen as a potential successor to we run supreme leader. i told him in a no, no, no, no matter who succeeds him, it seems unlikely they'll change the course of the nation led by religious hardliners. now we've got some breaking news coming in for you and the british prime minister, risky. so not has just announced that a general election will be held on the 4th of july. so next conservatives have been in office since 2010. the latest polls suggest that they are running well behind the opposition labor policy. we performed education and all children. right. now d, w can reveal the offices from bangladesh as a leads counter. terrorism falls implicated and torture killings. and now being sent on you and peacekeeping missions, the findings follow
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a joint investigation carried out with sweden based and that for news and germany is due to it should sites on the offices among 65000 peace keepers deployed worldwide to stabilize countries in price system to support civilians when the states fail, it seems the un is unable to stop. this is all dw investigative team. now reports the soldiers were deployed as un peacekeepers even after they served in the unit the kills and tortures. they were high ranking officers of bank ownership, lead unit profit action battalion, and in particular, it's notorious intelligent swing in 2023. we revealed with the government continues to deny the rob murders objects and tortures a wedge of criminals and political opponents. un peacekeeping missions cannot have,
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in amongst them offices who may have been responsible for these kind of very serious abuses that defeats the purpose of peacekeeping. for months, be looked into banquet as one of the largest contributors to your admissions. and found that the 2 officers were not a unique case. we analyzed classified military personnel files and secret un deployment lists and found more than $100.00 soldiers who went from rab to peacekeeping. some of them admitted to extrajudicial killings during their time at rob duty on the day of the execution, the talk is taken out with his hands tied and blindfolded, although it was tight after the blood heat, he's got some blood and brain segment is best on my uniform and yet the officers were deployed on un missions. afterwards. we went to copenhagen to meet a man who in 2019 raised the alarm. densmart doug served us when i bought her for
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the us committee against torture, and the report on bangladesh stated it was gravely concerned about rob's abuses. the recommendation was that the former and current members of wrap should not be allowed to as to do a service in peacekeeping operations. but we found at least 40 rob numbers who were deployed to p submissions after the report was published. confronted with our findings, un peacekeeping in new york road, we do not have the resources to review the information of all personnel deployed and the vast majority of troops perform well. please do this form, are you an official told us that the organization has barely any power over which officers, countries select as peacekeepers, it'd be an option. do you think that until 2019 andrew gilmore was un assistant secretary general for human rights and experienced firsthand what happens when the
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un pushes countries to exclude possible human rights abusers? one country that was really important literally said okay, we're going to pull out all together. i'm the you and 2nd general at that time had to go basically to that country. and since i apologize for that as they otherwise, like for you, every single ration is would have collab phone if you wouldn't tell us which country but said that the u. n. is stuck in a dilemma the you and the reason faced with dangerous and double emissions, western governments increasingly pulled their troops out of peacekeeping operations . instead, they prefer to pay for them, leading the, supplying of troops to countries like vanquished packaged on egypt and china. many of which are known to have abuse of security forces we get some really pretty useless troops as a pretty brutal ones as well. but if you're spending that you and you've got to
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actually say that we also confronted bangladesh as government, and every individual officer mentioned in this report, they didn't respond with me in the studio is naomi conrad from dw investigation. she's one of the office of that report. welcome, naomi. and so your report focused on the records of you and a piece gatekeepers from bangladesh, but all that documented cases from other countries. so we actually also looked at sri lanka. so, i mean, if you look at the list of, of peacekeeping countries, the top provide is egypt and china pockets done so take, you'll pick, i'm sure there are quite a few cases in most of these countries, but we looked at a 3 line con, find at least one case where activist had won the you in about a specific officer who had been implicated in the atrocities committed in the, at the end of the, the civil war in 2009. and he was sent despite these warnings. so it's definitely going on, i think if you dig in in took some of the records of some of these other human of,
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of some of these other peacekeepers quite likely to find other cases to. so the obvious question is, i mean, why is the u. n. using known human rights abuses as part of its, its peacekeeping forces. well, the guns hands are type because they need, they need troops to maintain these peacekeeping operations. a lot of governments have pulled out of peacekeeping operations. i mean, these missions a dangerous that awful, quite deadly. it's very difficult to convince voters in tomorrow because the spec home that you're sending soldiers and they get returned to you in 40 bucks. so it to it, to an extent you and it's stuck in this dilemma. and that isn't really an easy way out. okay. and what is being done to address this problem? so obviously these issues on now being highlighted. so what's happening is anything happening to change it? that has been cases with the un human rights? bronx has teamed up with human rights commissions and activists mostly to play the case. this happens in the pool. so they all examples. but the problem is that
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a lot of countries don't actually want not like, don't want external bodies or even the human rights organizations to look into the cost of these. so just because at least in the, in the case of bangladesh, one could argue that high ranking members of the government are ordering, or at least the last thing these abuses happened. so they didn't really want to much scrutiny. okay. have to leave it there and become drugs from dw investigations . thanks so much need me. and if you want to watch the whole dw documentary, just go to our website dw, dot com, or look for our documentary channel on youtube. now the gentleman old jenny asked him back ad translates and michael hoffman have won the international book of price to the novel cairo's. the book follows a love affair between a 19 year old student and an old, a married man, and a spell in, in the 1980s, now up and back, who was born and raised in east berlin is the 1st german rice. so to win, the international book comprised the prestigious award recognizes books from around
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the world that have been translated into english. this is a quick reminder of the top stories at the south. 3 european countries say they will recognize a palestinian state despite israel, the opposition, the leaders of spain island and norway made the announcement on wednesday, israel has recalled at some positive to all 3 countries. in response. the bridge prime minister refused to knock, has just announced that a general election will be held on the 4th of july. so next conservatives have been in office since 2010. and the latest polls suggest they are running well behind the proposition late because you're all watching data between these live from button. and now that's again, you can always get the w news on the go. you just need to download our app from google play or from the app store. it'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as any, as well as push notifications for any breaking up that that's what we have time
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