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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the, the news life from the 3, your paying countries and honest i will recognize palestinian statehood. spragons prime minister joins and 8 as an island and no way. and i'm noticing the historic decision drive the prime minister benjamin netanyahu finance is the move saying it amounts to revolting errors. also on the program for just 5 minutes services to mac coles. the general election for the 4th of july, despite is conservative potty training. finally, in the folds, a round supreme leader, these practice of a funeral service for the present abraham racing as tens of thousands java integra the
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. i feel welcome to the program spite norway and ireland have announced that they will recognize palestinian statehood by the western countries. have resisted recognizing an independent palestinian state for years that israel was warned against thomas following up type a 7 turbo tax has renewed focus on the issue. israel's foreign minister has been ounce. the decision is the threat to his country sovereignty on security. spied off from israel by fences and barriers. the palestinian territories will be formally recognized as a state by 3 more european countries, spain, ireland, and norway, choosing to support the palestinian, pushed the silver and t a steep facing towards piece. the price of the time has come to move from words to actions. me. you want me to
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tell the millions of innocent, suffering palestinians that we are with them. yeah, you said there is hope and to make it very clear and no matter how many walls or elected photo, which is a matter how many villages are bombed and no matter how many an illegal settlements are built, the land and identity of palestine will continue to exist in our hearts in north an international legality and in the future project of a mediterranean in harmony. previously 139 of 193 you in countries recognized the state of palestine, the latest signet trays calling on others to do the same and admits, therefore, with tens of thousands of dead and injured, we must keep alive. the only thing that can provide to save home for both is r e leads them to list and it will show those days that can live in peace with each other. israel and palestine, it is rouse government has hits back a family not regarding a palestinian state. there are people who support this opinion and there are people
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who do not. but this is not the place nor the time now to come and you know, let our leave recognize a palestinian state from heart surgery. and any such decision harms is rarely sovereignty and is forever security. and we will not allow it our order to recall our impass orders back. com. and we will take all measures to prevent that today, even though the president must mode a bus, the leader of the palestinian authority. welcome to the recognition and quote on other nations, to quote, support the struggle of our people for liberation and independence. well, no ways minister of foreign affairs is aspen bought a debt and he joins us not from also well. welcome to d w. what do you hope this move will change as well? this is a statement from uh for your be in congress. uh very clearly saying that this is the right thing to do, but also the right the moment the right time. because we want to,
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to come to you to re establishing that credit, both faith in the credit of a cost towards a $2.00 state solution. and uh, pennsylvania state living piece beside israel with just the of the dream since the original, also no records. but what we also realized isn't just sitting idly by waiting for the size to negotiate this. so at the time of their own making is wherever, how smoking worked for 30 years. and we'd need to spring in the position of the stadium site, but still trying to seek a 2 state solution where both peoples can live in the sense we do that together today. we hope that although you will see him come to as well solo. and we also do this as a supporter, the i read the piece vision for the comprehensive solution to them, at least the prices. okay, so just so i'm clear you good yet that you've done this because you think it's the right thing to do any time to practical the treatments. you hope to strengthen the
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palestinian position and provide support for, for our countries and bots. we recognize it on may the 28th. i think it is borders on a map of political end to take what, what, what would you actually do? but remember they're, they're always the tooth is in place. there is the state of palestine as it's cold, which is the kindest i know for the basically the my line, the west bank which has a, at some control over the territory in west bank in the midst of islam. unfortunately, not so much in augusta and not only because of the war, but because i promised to call them comfortable there. but there is dependence davian entity and that has a, a positional so in the you, i don't know if that's a total member, but the, but that's a known state of server. and this is pm to, to, you know, we recognize that again, it's based on the promise of the piano uh, depends on the brakes and organization i back in the 9th is to give up. so i'm struggling to continue only through peaceful means. and that's
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a problem is that actually health and they have systematically, these more moderate, the stadium in that are punishing him up. ministration has been to to that premise that even collaborate that extensively with this level of security issues in the west bank. but they are capacity up and we can buy a ever growing amount. so really go uh, its rarely supplements for instance, that it's been really hard to run that the prompt to say somebody wants to list there, will sort of see, but also to list their capacity. and how much was this decision influenced by israel's kind of war against time us it's this is a reaction to not only the current to war against the mass. uh, but to, to the situation that we have seen. busy over the years and then we're seeing the ex fastenal supplements. we've seen the very limited progress on know progress in cooperation to watch the supplement was in the terror attacks from an extreme group
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. thomas on this? well, we have seen the extreme and the very violent response from swelling to gus. i received a set of items in the west bank. this is a violent spiral, which will continue if we do not break this cycle. so we want to break out of this . so i come over to arnold wireless and re establish faith in the maternity, which is a peaceful supplement at which we are punished. daniel space is recognized as part of the comprehensive plan, and we think the time is now and we think that everything is happening is inspired by exactly that. so how much celebrated you move today is royal recall. it's a boy from us now in protest. so on the farm we have the foreign minister today saying the island annoy, intended to send the message today to the palestinians and the whole world terrorism pace. he also said this recognition would impede efforts to reach the israel as hostages being held in gaza and make
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a cease fire. less likely because you'll be voided, the jihadists of how much i'd like your, your, your response. so those points please. oh i, i totally and completely disagree with those statements that we are doing except to deal with this. we are recognizing the, the mold, the ritz horses, the, the, you know, the palestinian authority, but people who have renounced violence to another law the and the me. so home us, it, it, it, this is absolutely, and the i must move. it was welcomed by independent didn't know dorothy bye to keep on the senior leaders, but keep states precisely as a recognition that there are still the resources that we need to look for a peaceful supplement. this is not to thomas once, because they want to then they'll fight this against the existence of the state of as well, dependence. then we recognize it's upon the sign that recognizes formerly new practice takes patients early as well and wants to live in peace and cooperate with
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as well. so this is exactly the opposite of a base where the form is, is this, and i think this will move forward to a situation where at the end of the day, it will be better to be both. and it's rarely understand use because these endless cycle of items is broken. if i was by 5 minutes, also sides today, but to your countries on boss. so that will be summoned for breakfast on tools during which they will be shown a video of the abduction. a female is rarely soldiers on october, the 7th. what will your instruction to your boxes to be? as you know, we haven't, they have said that also thinks about or invested around every call their own invested, or we have no intention of doing anything on that sort. so of course monday's us to come to the ministry. he will like to become unable to see what they want to show them, and i don't think he needs to learn more about the horrible terrorist that's accel 7th. october. we have seen these images which are terrible, just as we are seeing the older, hard at this being experienced by the civilian population of the south. and there
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is too much violence on some of that's why it is up and on the 7 of october and what's the ext absolutely, uh with principal. so i think that that chris boned them and he will be there. um, i will also tell uh, the very nice person who is the is really amazon to us know, who is actually the ambassador i have met most frequently as farm. is there that when he comes back for me, stay in uh in this well, uh he. busy be invited to a nice cup of coffee in my office and we'll talk about things. okay, thank you so much for spending us to time and what must be a very busy day for you know, region farm is aspen bought a to thank you. thank you very much. i i would say prosecutors at the international criminal court kind of. com has said that he's taking the arrest warrants for his right. the leaders, including a prime minister, benjamin netanyahu for that condo of the war and gaza. there may be politicians across the spectrum is condemned to move. the prosecute is also apply for one of
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the key leaders of how much and why they designated a terrorist organization. i'm conflicts of a tim sebastian will speak to a former us and at least a piece negotiate to dennis ross waterford. do think the this will have on israel comes out of the more if the warrants are approved by pre trial judges. there certainly are issues that i think the prosecution is raising about the way these relays have inducted the war. but most of the writers will see this as a, as creating a moral equivalence where there is no, it's not. and i, the absence of that, i think with, in terms of us is related, will be that they need to, they need to prosecute the war and, and try to ensure that they defeated a mazda in a way. because in the sense they're going to fear that under no circumstances will ever be seen as being justified in terms of defending themselves against these kinds of attacks. whether that's a correct perception should exist or not. that is
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a perception i'm afraid will exist here. i mean, what's the whole interview on line on d, w dot com, forward slash comfort zone or here on this tunnel in 15 minutes now, but just 5 minutes that really soon cause and as a problem, entry elections will be held on the 4th of july eligibility is to give his governing conservative policy another chance. in the 1st election in the 5 years, coaches will choose all 650 members of the house of commons leading campaign issues of britain's economic slump and how to deal with a influx of migrants. it's as soon as conservatives opinion office is 2010. the latest paulding suggests they're running well behind the opposition. labor policy. you will have a general election the selection will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it has been since the end of the call . waiting approval for a new crane repeat,
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succeed. made it clear the risk in the middle east, extremism, regional, and ultimately global. these tensions were exploited like stream it is looking to dominate the 21st century by speeding migration the integrity these on certain times facilitate calls to a secure future. us choosing this election. who is prepared to take the necessary to secure the future for our country. let's have finished 5 minutes to speaking out today. we'll take a look at some more news from around the world that we'll start with russia,
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which says it's forces to be taking the village of clips chief and you're trying to east. and in that region, russian troops previously captured the village in january of last year. but ukraine 5 regained it in september. the pregnant ami has come under intense pressure from russian forces in the last few weeks, while facing critical shortages of munition across the front by the largest in the us state of iowa. i have confirmed that several people die when a tornado and severe storms, passive several, and is the trista destroyed in time. neighborhoods in the town of greenfield, local hospital was also damage, meaning injured residents have to be transferred to neighboring towns and cities. thoughts of minnesota and wisconsin would also head germany's fall rights political possibly alternative for germany or ask the says if he's finding its own leading candidates from the field and get a new election campaign, events by somebody in try has been facing any investigations into suspecting links with russia and china partners decision and follow his comments that the old men
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disappeared, told us not to assess force. what criminals set you up to date, small world news at the top of the good, the good news innovation green the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime, it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to those channels every friday, subscribe to plan. it's a.


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