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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 9:15pm-9:31pm CEST

9:15 pm
just decision and follow his comments that an old members of the inventory is not successful with criminals. that set you up to date. small world news at the top of the good, the conflicts, crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geo political reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube. march 1st around the block, and then just to see a quote, you can make sure sure. go you. so yes, the sisters have been in a coma that was caused by persecution and flight for con dreams of another world.
9:16 pm
the boss scott's tune. fast d, w the, there's no timeline. the police are so huge. you are allowed to please take a look, savings on the job by taking the grease and transforming it into something productive on c, a. c. t's and them dismissing the sick bay to he fell full and you will move boys to board. the
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6th of june, 2007, i remember the time just for the even be got that terrible phone call and they said don't us had an accident. we were very hopeful to reach the spot in then you see him lying dead. it was the was, was good, best will for you. now guys i am proud to get the v found a just you have i don't ashtray, which is so home for abandoned children. the. it's a tribute to us on. i don't be the austin, that old accident. now. 16 years. simple. the a. we have a suit over a 119 children. a sofa. and this is out. project family
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project. the . and that tyler back in 2014. yeah, we just hit it off and started eating very soon after we met and yeah, we got married in 2017 the i knew he had bipolar to disorder. i knew there would always be that risk, that he might take his own life. and when it finally happened, obviously, it's a shots. all my nightmare is coming to the
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my name is alyssa reno, so i am the co founder of comm, collected asia, and i am based in single port conflict. the is a social enterprise that we found it to normalize conversations around mental health so that we can break the stigma around mental health here in asia, the people who are shamed to talk about mental health. and what's the use in the dark pizza shame. and if you are ashamed of something that you're struggling with, you're less likely to seek help. i wish i had that resource 6 years ago. the portal already been done with those 3 piece a while ago because i've, i don't, was going towards the i the what does that, what i said donors pointed out that it was being assessed to squeeze dietrich,
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dietrich proposed and got the media. what does that mean? does it get to travel? very rebecca to bugs, but he let it down to get us like would you be? yeah, that was it was up to him to be sure. the youngest is a bite to the court liability. i'll go to acceptable side, it will be the cool, never duck on an adult. she was able to like a company, but it was, it can you know that got put back and then he got sick on with his eyes. take the escape. i was on the 30 pyramid, i became close at the assad,
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gave was sort of ticklish or semi get brand new to our list and some of the things you can use leaving is good ma'am. said of john little it may take me every day. maybe you may need to reach me by the subject and a g. i'm at a couple of to corner made a non fucking mind. you hit me that's i know the r c boxed on c name do's up? see met. got disney, or e m d i tied up as to are, is fucked. me the better to do it. i thought i'd, that's just good piece in with us setting up our cosign me. good evening edition video conference that was key microphone, little vicky a subsidy by the gate miracle shashika. then you'll get a ticket platforms here do it, but you should get a would you have cubic misquote?
9:22 pm
me up, express, connect, literally what has helped me survives is talking about my kids. the com circles is our peer to peer support program, which we read size. most people have a safe space to just share. what are they feeling? hear from each other, learn from each other, learn as well about mental health and mental will be in the. ready ready ready ready ready nature walks is one of the things that i like to do with the group. after the walk, we just feel so much better. we feel so much mark home. it gets through out of your
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head, it gets you thinking about how we are just so small and this great big for out the use children one backdoor then toy going back acquainted by that bed and under the baby nest on the rain re station for which the fishes sell for too much poverty and no, no way to do cation the so you don't to what somebody else a saw it or somebody else to stop for the use and yourself thing seems nothing. so it's a childhood dream of mine that got sort of food off to ireland last week. yeah
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. the because of he lives through the 119 children, which i think is the game here into my life. because to my new my, my you're supposed to do big things. ready may give it to somebody. yeah. hop a basic information. provide me with to just say, do you see the dog will you see website be you but the guy the bank account to see i me down to get bodka. i'm the
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cause odd. hollow warning. okay. you got a book never told you caught this in that in a 2nd. i think you that's a very good controlling sort of a, a message. do i big article? they didn't watch name. it could be. i'd be a look at the book. never to be caught, doesn't that doesn't give you my daddy please me to call you. i'm gonna ask if people have got them good. think it'd be about 2 to 5 minute middle. possible. any of those? that's a huge i dogmas. yep. no, it's no longer google's cushion and yet it without the gum up me black fonzie g, bob bought highlight, conducting the how many gender aspects of terrorism and for the sake of anybody, additional victims is about giving you the
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when i was creating, i felt like i really wanted to talk about it. i felt like i really wanted to talk about tyler, the we all shy away from asking someone exactly details about our loved one because we, we feel we fear that all adults get reminded of them. but actually we're always thinking about them in some way. we're always reminded of them. so actually it's nice to be able to talk about them. so yeah, bring them up. don't hold it in the, you gotta go, substitute. com. they'll be initializing. your guard by bought to do the
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full it is about time. yeah. a lot of us se platforms who happy hunt internationally, victims exchange guests. okay. conversation, victor, hummadi, me commonality scale here, or the kids or skill number you how many, you guess it got the quantity as you choose and them, it just varies and these are the 2. he's the smoothing factor then on jeweldeen, who re us be happy faces will need you look, do you? they come running to me, mama, that's so sweet. the i know my daughter needs me. i know my son needs me and i know my ord milan need some more time longer fast so i do things very quickly. i don't like to waste time because i know i submit to
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my board is to see my son that is in my i have to meet my eye out on the interview with sebastian the chief prosecutor at the international criminal court and said he's thinking a rest florence for his writing,
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he does come back to the war in gaza. i guess this week from kind of leave is dennis ross form a special assistant to president obama and for more than 12 years, the chief class shake, the us policy. this conflict next, on the demo, the world of free speech, free press, open access to free information for every dog trainings and next take action. detail use global, easier for them. 2024, a bunch of any register. now, lots dissipates from all over the world to share their solutions and to shake
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tomorrow. join us and register now for the d. w global media for in 2024. the. the chief prosecutor at the international criminal court has 30 speaking arrest warrants for his really need is including prime minister method. yahoo, so that comes out of the war in gaza, is rarely politicians across the spectrum of condemns the move. the prosecutor is also applied for warrants for key leaders of how much widely designated a terrorist organizations. i guess this week from kind of leave is dennis ross form a specialist system to president bar aka bama. and so more than 12 years, a key print and shaping us policy in the middle east. he's not optimistic about what he sees now, i can tell you this is worse between israelis and palestinians and at any point.


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