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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the domain is live from bell in israel denounces the decision by spain island and no way to recognize a palestinian state permit us up anyway. nothing else says the announcement amounts to rewarding terrorism. the 3 european leaders say they'll be no peace in the region without it also in the program. summer elections in the u. k. providence to rashid, so that makes the call despite his conservative policy trailing badly in the poles . and french president, the monumental, arise in new caledonia in a bid to come unrest. he says he wants to see a swift to attend to peace and security after the french territory is west violence
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. in decades the alarm told me a lot of people welcome to the program. spain know an island have announced that they will recognize palestinian statehood. although more than 2 thirds of the united nations recognize the policy and state many western countries, i've resisted the idea for years. but israel's war against hamas and guys following the october 7th terror attack has re ignited the debates over palestinian sovereignty. bard off from israel by fences and barriers in the palestinian territories will be formerly recognized as a state by 3 more european countries spain, ireland, and norway. choosing to support the palestinian push for sovereignty. a step they
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say towards peace by side of the time has come to move from words to action. the millions of innocent suffering, palestinian said we are with 70, that there is hope. but on that to make it very clear that no matter how many walls or rectors no matter how many villages are bombed and no matter how many illegal settlements are built on is the land and the identity of palestine will continue to exist in our hearts in international legalities and in the future project in any of a letter training and in harmony. and we get to the new in the morning. previously 139 of 193. you one countries recognize the state of palestine. latest signatories, calling on others to do the same meat and admits, therefore, with tens of thousands of dead and injured, we must keep alive. the only thing that can provide to save home for both is right . you leave them, tell us then it will show those days that can live in peace with each other. israel
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and palestine to germany's foreign minister rejected unilateral recognition of palestinian statehood tablet and the depth is ex more not i have repeatedly made it clear that the solution to this terrible situation that we are currently experiencing does not require a symbolic recognition which a political solution can cause on a solution to the middle east conflict and a 2 state solution requires direct negotiations on both sides all by divide. israel's government also hit back no sound enough regarding a palestinian state. there are people who support this opinion and there are people who do not. but this is not the place nor the time now to come and you know, let our leave recognize a palestinian state. and any such decision arms is rarely sovereignty and is rarely security. and we will not allow it to our order to recall our and
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passengers back home. and we will take all measures to prevent that today, even though president not mood, abbas the leader of the palestinian authority, welcome the recognition, and called on other nations to quote, support the struggle of our people for liberation and independence. so what's changed as a result of this announcement by aust, laura bloomfield, a middle east, an analyst and new york times best selling offer listen, recognition doesn't answer any of the hard questions. i can tell you that as a former senior policy advisor on the is really posted in negotiating team for the state department under president obama. i mean we have to determine borders, security, refugees, jerusalem. recognition is symbolic and i guess it was a 3 for one kind of deal for these countries because they were able to recognize house 9 reprimand israel and also kind of give a little rest of the united states for handling or perhaps miss handling on what they see or middle east negotiations until now. and the response from israel,
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of course we've seen israel recalling its impasse it as, but probably so benjamin netanyahu says this move the recognition rewards terrorism . how would you assess that statement? maintain yahoo is feeling increasingly isolated and there's a kind of under tone of violence to his language, especially on a day like today with a release the hostage tape of the young 19 year old female soldiers who are bloodied and bound by a house and in gunman the way then atanya, who has put it as he says, we won't let them ram a palestinian state down our throats, and it's really troubling. but again, this just feeds his narrative of isolation and doesn't clear the path forward. unfortunately, that's why the united states says, the best way forward is through direct bilateral negotiations. you know, rather than jamming and, and game on either side. so in
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a sense you're saying that's now hose for the pushed israel into into father isolation with his response as well. i think that's fine. yeah. who has taken a position of you know, with you or without you, i'm going into rafa. i'm going to prosecute this battle for total victory. it kind of reinforces his paranoia. these relays need reassurance after october, so it's the past. it needs to be respect, but real respect means real results. unfortunately, by declaring independence, it doesn't really create any kind of pass forward any kind of defining way for to actually establishing that state. right now we're looking at a, you know, a heap of revel. how can we build from the bottom up rather than making declarations. the united states is trying to kind of use this to pivot, to create some diplomas, diplomatic momentum, and say, look, if there is going to be a positive mean say is realize, why don't you jump on the train and join this mega deal with saudi arabia, which we've been pushing, right, which we normalize relations for you with
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a major golf power. we create a power dynamic, a, a security pack, the saudi arabia. and we can get going on the, on the sort of goal that we are pursuing before october 7th, before home us boiled it, which is great. a regional integration and economic, you know, prosperity for all of that. note what you're expecting us to, to, to do as a result of these developments. well, they're doing what they've always been doing, which is balance right on the same day that jake sullivan pushed back and said this was not productive. this declaration of independence. they also pushed back on these rallies and said, withholding tax revenue as a form of punishment to the housing authority is also not constructive. you saw it . and secretary, blinking is testimony on the hill where he had the right wing senators kind of wagging their finger at him from the podium were behind him. they had the left wing demonstrators waving bloody hands behind him. this is the line of finance,
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but walking. it's a tight rope with no net, but i think he's consciences guiding him. we'll leave it there for now. i'm at least on the list, or a blumenfeld in washington dc. thank you for speaking to us. thank you. british prime minister really sooner. how's cold surprised part and parliamentary elections for the 4th of july months earlier than many expected mister seneca and his conservative a training badly, you know, opinion polls, and most observers had expected him to delay the vote to give his party a chance to make up ground but the prime minister said, now is the moment for britain to choose its future british prime minister rush, you see not followed his announcement of the upcoming snapped parliamentary election with an appeal to voters to put the face in him. i will fight for everybody will earn your trust and i will prove to you that only a conservative government led by me will not put all harder and economic stability
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at risk. can restore price and confidence in our country with a clear plan and bold action will deliver a secure future for you, your family and our united kingdom. so you know, also on the lines the need for strong leadership during times of global conflict and uncertainty. reactions on the streets of london were clear. it is time for a change everybody's looking for change now. um would you would you say like was a problem in just the by default we didn't actually recommend doing so. i think here we, we, we might go somewhere else. yeah. i think i think that the country is looking for a change. well i think label, we'll get to we need to change that. we'll see what they can bring to the table.
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things like that because people will just want to pose the tories out, particularly they won't like really and they just want it totally sound the main meal position. labor party is also cooling for change of to 14 years of conservative government leader to a stomach from us is to fund the social and health services best to tackle wealth and the quality is elected. look around the whole country, the sewage and all rivers, people waiting on full is and i and a crime virtually on punish mortgages and food prices for the roof. it's all every bit of it. a direct result of the tory chaos in westminster. the time of the dead, they pursue their own interests, robbing tackling the issues that affect your family. and if they get to another 5 years, they will look,
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feel entitled to carry on exactly as they all received. not cool, be on the back such as he steps out on the 6 week campaign trail. labor is currently around 20 points to head in the opinion. polls. fonts as president emmanuel macro has arrived in the french overseas territory, new caledonia, following the west riots that in for 2 years it'll be talking to political leaders and looking for ways to restore calm and start reconstruction. macro had to flight through 9 time zones to reach the pacific territory, despite being more than 16000 kilometers away from europe. new caledonia has been on the french rule since 1853. but 1st, let's take a look at what's behind the interest and how friends came to control and you kind of don't. yeah, in the 1st place. this is what
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friends calls relative combs and you color donia tensions where diffused after power is sent. well, the one files and the extra security forces, but just hours ahead of the crumbs arrival. parts of the territory still looked like a was the, the violence was followed by plans in friends to change coaching rules. in a way that critique said would dilute the representation of the indigenous connect . people who make up 40 percent of the population. the most of them may definitely wanted to be recognized in their own country and to be allowed to run the country themselves. if you go to fiji, they're fijians. if you go to say you do that to haitians and if you go to wallace there while the cl so what do you see there? one. yeah. and power is the national assembly held a moments of silence, but those killed and injured in the riots. but this is not the 1st time discord
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between main non, from a new caledonia, as how delightful consequences. friends 1st call the noisy archipelago in 1853. it use it as a penal colony and also started mining for nicole. a muscle that today still plays a key role in the economy. in 1878, the connex rose up against the loss of the land. the rebellion was put down with hundreds of debts on both sides. many indigenous people driven into exile today it's mainly west and tourist who are fleeing the territory. but many cannot say that's still fighting for independence. and the still have a d called the noise ation process promised to decades ago. even though recent referendums to a majority of the population wants to remain part of friends with the sports now and in football, german bundling of time comes by levels and will beaten in the rope and league
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final against the thailand team alonza the last put an end to liver cousins, record $51.00 much beaten street. atlanta dominated the game and the irish capital dublin with 3 stella goals from niger and superstar i didn't call out look, month 3 now was the final score. the wind gives atlanta that fast trophy for 61 years. having missed out on one just a week ago to event us in the cold, but it's highly out final. are you watching dw news live from the land? don't forget, you can always get the the news on the go. it just download our app from google, play all from the app store, and it'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news and the fall. and that's all we have time for. but coming up next is how program about women in asia. looks at how women content that greece into action after the
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loved lots of the loved ones. and remember, there's more news on our youtube channel, social media and dw news dot com and told me a lot of things watching the my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying a loud noise would have been nosy de la, good. everyone to king a healthy award winning called called the called back. can you see what old card players have to do with the production? here's a hands on.


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