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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the the, this is the domain is live from been in israel denounces the decision by spain island and no way to recognize the palestinian states. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the announcement amounts to rewarding terrorism between european need to say that would be no peace in the region without it also on the program. summary elections in the u. k. prime minister issue so not makes the cold despises conservative party trailing badly in the poles and french president, amount on my car arrives in new caledonia and
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a bit to call on rest. he says he wants to see a swift who attends a piece of security after the french territories west violence in decades. the no, i'm told me a lot of but welcome to the program. would start with breaking news coming from taiwan. china has begun at the latest military drills around the self governed island, which paging claims as its territory. china, as military described, the maneuvers as quote, strong punishment for the separatist acts of taiwan independence forces. are they come just days after i was new president lighting, tate took office and called him the mainland to cease making such threats. now we'll bring in the deputies, china analysts, clifford, conan, clifford. any does any link between these events and the new president of taiwan
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taking office? i'd say it's a fairly direct link. it's been a bit strange for the last few days. it's been almost too quiet. has been very little coming out of china. china is that a very busy couple of weeks? actually, jim ping was in europe and then a lot of our approved and visited beijing. and then since then spring break class, then we had as lightning because you know, gratian and, and then they've not responded with this millage reaction either with this disability drill around the island. but this is not the 1st time we're seeing this kind of drill. how does this latest one compared to what we've seen in the past? in some ways it's all the parts it's. it's a bit less than we saw after the then speaker of the of congress said, nancy pelosi visited taiwan congress, us or us congress. and after she visited, but at the same time it's been labeled as strong punishment as you mentioned. so
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clearly it's, it's there to, to show the time that china is serious about making its displeasure. no, not a liking to who is seen as someone who advocates separatism. the chinese like to describe them as a separatist, a pro independence person. he has made these noises in the past. so he's, he's not flavor of the month in beijing, on his party and off today for the month of aging. i think it's assigned if there's going to be quite a lot of tensions in this, in this very volatile region. and what the, what chance is there of a, of a further escalation beyond this current show for us? i think this is always the question about there's a lot of 3rd various dates given by various analysts about whether taiwan could be invaded by china. china has said that it could take back time, it could take taiwan by force. take back is a bit of a controversial expression because of taiwan. people don't see it as, as, as we unification. but i think uh, i think it's, it's is assigned that there is,
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um, that, that the chinese are making their feelings known. and i could easily escalate. my own feelings would be more that could be something like a blockade, some kind of economic pressure. but you could never realize military operation, an invasion. it's a difficult prospect. it's. it's an island of 22000000 people. you'd have to hold us and wouldn't be enormous loss of life. but at the same time, it's something you can never, you can never realize. right, um clipper couldn't we'll leave it there for now and we'll keep following the story . but the w. china, unless cliff is going and thank you for that analysis. will ton from that to the mid least and spain no way in the island have announced that they will recognize palestinian statehood. now although more than 2 thirds of the united nations recognize the palestinian states, many western countries have resisted the idea for years. but israel's war against
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hamas in gaza following the october 7th terror attack has re ignited the debate over how the state in sovereignty to bard off from israel, by fences and barriers. the palestinian territories will be formally recognized as a state by 3 more european countries. spain, ireland and norway choosing to support the palestinian push for sovereignty. a step they say towards peace by side of the time has come to move from words to action. the millions of innocence suffering, palestinian said we are with 70, that there is hope to make it very clear that no matter how many walls or rectors no matter how many villages are bombed and no matter how many illegal settlements are built on, is the land. and the identity of palestine will continue to exist in our hearts, in international legalities and in the future project in any of a letter training and in harmony. and we get to the new made that allow me
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a lot of money. previously 139 of 1931 countries recognize the state of palestine. latest signatories calling on others to do the same me and admits. therefore, we went tens of thousands of dead and injured. we must keep alive. the only thing that can provide to save home for both is right, you need them to list and it will show those days that can live in peace with each other. israel and palestine of germany's foreign minister rejected unilateral recognition of palestinian statehood tablet and the depth is ex more not i have repeatedly made it clear the just solution to this terrible situation that we are currently experiencing does not require a symbolic recognition which a political solution can own a solution to the middle east conflict and the 2 state solution requires direct negotiations on both sides all by divide. israel's government also hit back no
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sound enough regarding a palestinian state. there are people who support this opinion and there are people who do not. but this is not the place nor the time now to come in, you know laterally recognize a palestinian state. and any such decision arms is rarely sovereignty and is rarely security. and we will not allow it. our order to recall are in passengers back home. and we will take all measures to prevent that today, even though president not mood, abbas the leader of the palestinian authority, welcome the recognition, and called on other nations to quote, support the struggle of our people for liberation and independence. so what's changed as a result of this announcement? i asked laura bloomfield, a middle east analyst in new york times best selling also well listen, recognition doesn't answer any of the hard questions. i can tell you that as a former senior policy advisor on the is really posted in negotiating team for the
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state department under president obama. i mean we have to determine borders, security, refugees, jerusalem. recognition is symbolic and i guess it was a 3 for one kind of deal for these countries because they were able to recognize past 9 reprimand israel and also kindly give a little rash to the united states for handling or perhaps ms handling what they say are middle east negotiations until now or by let's take a look at some other headlines from around the world. british prime minister rich ships really soon. ok has called surprised parliamentary elections for july, 4th months. and then many expected sooner than these conservatives are trailing badly. and i'll put in the opinion polls, and most observers that expected him to delay the vote to give his chance these party a chance to make up around former us presidential hopeful. nick, you have any plans to vote for donald trump in november's election?
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despite her disappointments with them, the form of south carolina governor said trump would have to work to wind over a moderate support base as he faces president joe by to haley abandoned. hawaii has emissions in march of to heavy defeats in primary content. as a, i didn't the families of 19 of the victims of the valley elementary school shooting and texas 2 years ago have announced a 500000000 dollar lawsuit against nearly a 100 state police officers were part of the bunch responses families also said they did reach a $2000000.00 settlement with the city of valdez. so involved in this process. french presidents and mama, crohn's visiting the french overseas territory, new caledonia, following the west riots then for 2 years across to look into political leaders and says he's looking for ways to restore calm and starch reconstruction. he had to fly
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through 9 time zones to reach the pacific territory, which despite being more than 1600 k uh, 16000 kilometers away from europe has been on the french rules since 1853. but 1st, let's take a look at what's behind the unrest and how friends came to control new caledonia in the 1st place. this is what france coals relative calm in new color donia. tensions were diffused after power. send all the one files and extra security forces. but just hours ahead of him a crumbs arrival parts of the territory still looked like a was on the, the violence bespoke by plans in friends to change voting rules. and the way the critics said would dilute the representation of the indigenous connect. people who
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make up 40 percent of the population was made. the only want is to be recognized in their own country and to be allowed to run the country themselves. if you go to fiji, they're fijians, if you go to take you to to asians. and if you go to wallace there, while the seals are what do you see the one? yeah. and power is the national assembly held the moments of silence, but those killed and injured in the riots. but this is not the 1st time discord between main non firms. a new caledonia has had to leave full consequences. france 1st called in eyes the archipelago, in 18. 53. it use it as a penal colony and also started mining for nickel. i'm axel that today still plays a key role in the economy. in 1878. the connex rose up against the loss of the land . the rebellion was put down with hundreds of debts on both sides. many indigenous people driven into exile. today it's mainly west and tourists who are fleeing the
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territory, but many cannot say that's still fighting for independence. and the store of a de calling always ation process promised to decades ago. even though recent referendums to a majority of the population wants to remain part of france, a huge crowds in iran have attended funeral events for the late president abraham. re see, he was killed along with iran's foreign minister and several others in a helicopter crash on sunday and rainy and state media said the crash was the result of a technical failure. the army says it's launched an investigation. c how does the state funeral heavy with symbolism? the black turban, top of president april, he murray's coughing the marking him as a descent into the prophet mohammed and the righteous bearer of power. the
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millions of mourners reportedly turned out. not all of them by choice, with some t, ron residents saying they received phone messages, urging them to join the funeral procession. too many iranians pricing will be remembered as the butcher of tehran, a member of the so called death panel, which sent thousands of political prisoners to their death decades ago. and more recently had the leader who oversaw the brutal repression of women and a freedom movement. that's with the country, it's the fact that he was associated with the lots of crackdowns with, with um, you know, execution of the positions at the eighty's when he was the public, prosecute that in the wrong. and the fact that he was very close to the supreme need. i really that didn't help his case. so i don't think there is a widespread sense of grief. the funeral also provided
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a glimpse of the smile honey. yes, widely regarded as the highest official and hum us the palestinian militant group that iran has funded and armed during its war with israel. both of our experts say runs influence in the region will not be affected by the death of its president. i very much doubt that the iranian regime we've changed course, given the advanced level of it's next era program, which it's, it sees as a bargaining kind of chip in, in negotiations with the west, with the reform is completely out of the system. there was him by definition has shifted to the to the uh, kind of right man, uh, labor, him or i, you see was widely seen as a potential successor to we run supreme leader. i told him in a no, no, no, no matter who succeeds and it seems unlikely they'll change the course of the nation, lead by religious hard liners. right, that's it for now, coming up next is her program about women in asia. it looks at how women contend a grief into action after the loss of a loved one. remember those more on uh,
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youtube channel on our social media as well. i'd be definitely news is the handle. told me a lot about myself and the team. thank you for your company, the, the, the gentleman who dw 12 or emphasizing the award winning offer is available world wide every language level, learning gem and has to go mars around once. and then just to see a quote, you can make sure i'm not sure go yet for you.


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