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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 7:02am-7:30am CEST

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i'm boss, it is from spain island. no way i'm summoning those countries. i'm boss of this to come in for us to talking to this in response to the arguments from spring island to norway that that's a joint 139 of the humans, 193 countries in recognizing the state of palestine. well, how mass welcomed in use? needless to say use row was furious. so what happens now? i'm feel gail in by then and this is the day the should be deliver supports the word palestinian is supporting the atrocities from us. committed on october 7th. that this is an investment in the only solution that can bring lasting peace to the middle east. rewarding terrorism will bring peace and won't stuff is defeating. how about us? if one thing is clear to me,
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it is then nothing. yeah. who has no peace project for palestine also on the day the british prime minister calls an election for this summer ending months of speculation. now is the move in proportion to choose it to decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one with no plan? no, sir. welcome to the day island. no in spain have an honest that they will recognize palestinian statehood. israel has long oppose such international recognition for the palestinian temperatures on the move to increase the diplomatic isolation generated by its ministry offensive in gaza. is there any reaction was swift and fewer as prime minister benjamin netanyahu is completely opposed to an independent palestinian state and said the announcement amounted to a new board for terra that would threaten his country's killers, a 139 of the ones,
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193 members already recognized as palestinian statehood. but today's announcement cavities white because most western european countries have held back me stablish ing diplomatic relations with an independent policy bard off from israel by fences and barriers. the palestinian territories will be formally recognized as a state by 3 more european countries spain, ireland, and norway, choosing to support the palestinian push for sovereignty. a step they say towards piece by side of the time has come to move from words to action. the limits of the millions of innocent suffering, palestinians that we are with 70, that the results, but also to make it very clear that no matter how many walls or wrecked is no matter how many villages are bombed and no matter how many illegal settlements are built on the land and the identity of palestine will continue to exist in our
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hearts, in international legalities and in the future project in a letter training and in harmony. and we get through to the meet the new in the morning. previously 139 of 193 you one countries recognize the state of palestine. latest signatories, calling on others to do the same me and admits, therefore, and use me with tens of thousands of dead an injured we must keep alive. the only things that can provide to save home for both is r. e leads them to list and it will show those dates that can live in peace with each other. israel and palestine, germany's foreign minister rejected unilateral recognition of palestinian statehood tablet and then that is x more not. i have repeatedly made it clear that the solution to this terrible situation that we are currently experiencing does not require a symbolic recognition, which a political solution can cause on a solution to the middle east conflict. and
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a 2 state solution requires direct negotiations on both sides all by divide. israel's government also hit back no sound in operating, guarding a palestinian state. there are people who support this opinion and there are people who do not. but this is not the place nor the time now to come and you know, let our leave recognize a palestinian state from hot veterans. and any such decision arms is rarely sovereignty and it's really security and we will not allow it to our order to recall our impasse orders back. com. and we will take all measures to prevent that today, even though president included boss, the leader of the palestinian authority, welcome the recognition and called the other nations to quote, support the struggle of our people for liberation and independence. daniel levy is president of the us and middle east, a project that's a non profit organization that focuses on the israel,
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palestinian conflict names to promote peace. it was positive these way between this negotiate as a due process and the also the piece, a cooling process in the 19 nineties and advice for my is riley prime minister, who bought a welcome to the w. can we start with your reaction to this announcements as one, i guess, primarily one. this was taken so long for countries that are committed to 2 states . and why these countries relatively isolated among the european states who is yet to recognize pat aside. and then one want this war next because the active recognition because as long as it remains just that is rob this involved in the states that they recognize these on during occupation in which there all day the violations of international law. so will these decisive not recognize kind of a sign begin to hold these rally council full those violations?
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and if not, and why should we expect anything to improve anything to change that to be still a prospect or the to state outcome which even those would not recognize the government or minister who said they don't. and so i think that becomes the question. so what, what aspects of it, but no region foreign minister, earlier today, put some of those points to him. one of the things that, that he said was that, well, this adds to the pressure on israel. recognizing that this is somewhat symbolic. until the united states shifts its position well, i think she's correct. really asked to a sense of i salacious to struggle was that it is ro losing some of the support of even his friends. these re reactions has been somewhat hysterical. but i think that's poppy before it was
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a way to pay the one can intimidate and pressure these countries not from doing. ready and all the countries not from the following suit. yes, i think the norwegian, foreign minister and opposite. correct. to suggest that when the so the real heavy leverage resides is we washington dc box. listen, the pool to say, well, you know, the only people who can do a thing of the americans is an application of responsibility. that's not the approach that one takes on new, great, or else where, where america is going to have a disproportionately. so i think it is up to every state to. ready was good, so is israel making conditions impossible for palestinian statehood is right. and this was the results by the way that he's ready. but it's foreign minister until recently he said between the river and the sea. by the way, i'm quoting information because i know people sometimes get upset about that expression,
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but it's one of these res use from the river to the sea. there was only one state and that is right. so he is basically saying we have a pause. i have a seniors will never have that right. and what is the reaction? all those you recognize to those who haven't recognized to what he's read, he's doing, i would. it's not just up to america, it's round needs to be held accountable, needs to be sanctioned for its actions by a cross section of countries reclaim what hold. it's an actual because number one, that is what we'll have these raise. no say, oh thank you. you know, now we'll get the policy is what they want. they will have these ready say, is there a cost for this, right? what is the equation here? what's the incentive structure? and it goes full. so creates a different environment in which the americans offer it. okay, we'll just, we'll just pick up of them, but i'm one of the point you might say when you talk about time at a pos site that at that time that of course has been contested in the,
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in the is rarely context. but i did want to ask you about one of the, the reactions that i think you've, you've called as a hysterical. we have benjamin netanyahu describing the announcement as a reward for terrorism. it's easy to see what he means. don't you think how much the launch is a a tetra attack on israel, israel retaliation? and then these european countries from the safety of thousands of miles away choose to recognize palestinian statehood. or will i see do what you see in these ready reaction. and of course history didn't begin on october 7th, october the 7th. ready shocking, a violation of international law. what is wrong, does every day prior to that, what violations of international, what is what is done subsequently, is that also to arrest warrants being recommended by the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court. and to provisional measures being called for,
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for the prevention of a reputable home to palestinians by the international court of justice. consider magenta's life chase. so this does not come in a vacuum. now has those countries withdrawal that recognition of his route as a consequence of its violations, agent actually will know all the therefore rewarding terrorist by going forward with this recognition also not by the way. so i would prefer that they had recognized and obviously recognize long ago as it taken off the measures. i cannot prove the accounts of factual, but i think that heidi's not to be don't judge. i'm allowed to get away with this the. so don't notice that the hubris to create a situation which doesn't justify october 7th, but made it more likely that you wouldn't have the kind of extreme assume he's ready. government ok, we're being out from day one so long. we wait to take these measures, the more likely we ought to see more blinds and that's why no one measures like
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this, like sanctions are well, how does okay, and these range need, let's talk about the, the, the state of palestine, so to speak, all the $139.00 countries that currently recognize a palestine i plus of course today 3, they will recognize the recognizing the same lines on the map of you as a now looking at a map of the region, a based on pre 1967 a demarcation. so we will talking about the same thing or it's such an important question. 7, i'm very, i'm very glad that you lost because even the exact wording of the statements coming out of the 3 slide exams. so i think that what we'll need to recognize if one is going to recognize 2 sites is either the 1967 lines for d, u n partition plat. 1947, i think most all leading into the 1967 lines. that's about the share with us,
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but then the weekend spaces, excuse me, no weekends page this test open the option o lives swaps in the context of negotiation. right. and this comes to the show. do we know what we're recognizing? what are we doing subsequent to the recognition? the reality today is the areas one political space, one state to which they're all on the right to do that really requires ending the occupation. it shouldn't require too much negotiation. thank you so much for talking about the leaving from the us middle east. the project was we just had the settlements could play a big role in how palestinian states might know can estimate half a 1000000 settlers. if in the west bank of for the $200000.00 in east jerusalem, which palestinians claim is that future capital, tensions between palestinians and south west. what hi, before last october was tara attacked by a mass in israel. but since then,
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that's been an increasing these rate. the satellite attacks palestinian officials say sacramento is right. the military forces of killed almost $500.00 palestinians in the west bank. and sometimes the deputies tonya crime reports from the palestinian town of us as a y, a violent is very the settlers make their way to the village of a so we are in the is where the occupied westbank seems that and then met knows all to well it happened again some weeks ago. been as i didn't know you spoke, the settlers came down the mountain from the settlement that frightening the children and we have small children at home. they throw stones and be just beyond this last time the injured 2 people were. my wife's brother was shot at twice in here. and here's the solve. the situation is difficult, but digital the size of the scene in villages as a so we are almost surrounded by is released,
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supplements considered illegally under international law, bothering such as throw stones distorted crops, and olive trees, burn cars and property. and it has increased in recent months. a we live on our land and i've seen this is my father's in grandfather's house. a boy. you see there is no safe haven and there are children, small children. oh no, this is forbidden man. they come and destroy everything, the y fi on them to be on the they caused the problems and there is no security cover. how many bundled in mrs. massey? i'm in the middle model. the violence recently turned deadly ran. the palestinian volunteer paramedic was shot and killed by treating people injured by is red reset those his colleagues special occur youtube was at the scene. he tells us several shots hit the emblems. well, how much? most of us driving it when he was hit and killed a nicely, a couple of side. nice people, i know we talked about through
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a difficult nightmare facing tremendous suffering. with that we asked at 1st national, i guess we have seen many monitors associated with many injuries lacking. but what we face with the targeting of our colleagues in was the most difficult in our use as medics. when do i want to, and i know now i'm going to see my dad is half the question of why the set the or a soldier fired to pay to show it remains unclear. these very military set in his statement at the time that they and the board of police, but call to disperse the riot during the incident, an ambulance driver for the public opinion, but depression was killed. the military police have opened an investigation and do commend review into the circumstances of the incident is underway. but shaw says palestinian sphere. they simply have no protection here. the military is often
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seen standing by or even the accompanying settlers during intimidating and violent attacks. and palestinian security forces are only allowed to operate in limited areas. he says international sanctions which have been imposed on some have not helped by local deputy for the sanctions imposed by the us on those criminal settlers don't change much when we entity each other. they should have said less continue to attract rather and, and destroy homes. and dec violently towards the pedestal municipal. in reality, these steps has no effect atlantic. i'll walk back in the so we and then awesome. it says he feels most for his children were growing up in this atmosphere of finance. a lot of sunshine, a senior analyst with a international crisis group as an engineer that promotes peace. i'm good governess . she joins us from that kind of a well welcome to the down. you know,
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critics of israel satellite policy site. it represents a huge stumbling block to paste. how do you see them? well, they are a huge simply the piece, but not only to piece but to the basic human rights of palestinians for over half a century. now, it's a legal, under international law to move citizens into occupied territory. it was meant to be temporary, and now we see that it's become permanent. and the current is really government has been quite open about the fact that it puts to continue in trenching israeli settlements in the west bank and even now and gaza as well. so this is something that prevents the ability geographically for a post and in state. but it also shows that israel's intentions are to prevent a posting in state from ever being established. and so come a deal on the sacraments that ever be achieved. i mean, in order for there to start to be a process, there would have to be international pressure on israel and very clear steps. the
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sanctions, for example, on settlers are very small and currently not significant or strong enough stuff to hold israel to account for its policies. this is a top down policy by all is really government since the very beginning of the occupation in 1967. so for anything to move on this and even the recognition of palestine is a state, is, remains meaningless. if israel is not held to account for its policies, and if settlements are not stopped. okay, so 2 things that one, when you say is about how to account, do you mean punish for what he has done so far? because that would be one step and then, and then you have to deal with what's been done. i mean, yeah, 1st of all it means stop being the violations of basic human rights uh, restrictions on water access to freedom, freedom of movement, access. um a land permits. i mean, just basically the prevent, you know, preventing the livelihood of palestinians, but has to be stopped. and in order to stop that is rid of the us and european and
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other stakeholders to hold is ro to account would mean to, you know, not provide the diplomatic um cover that it gives and to, yeah, to do, punitive measures that are on the government itself. uh or, you know, for example, you could band trade on, on settlement products. uh, there's a variety of tools that they could use, but they've chosen not to use any of those tools. once they start to use those tools. and israel has to change its behavior on some level, then you can start to talk about it maybe other measures or confidence building measures or ways in which you can try to carve out what would be a viable palestinian state. but it's way to early to talk about that unfortunately . okay, so you can't go that until i is right. that loses a diplomatic come out from the united states. the united states says, okay, this must stop then the rest of israel's west and allies presumably folded into line and only then does israel start to think about changing?
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yes, but also, i mean, i think that it's important to understand the culture of lawlessness, that building settlements over so long and also the military rule over millions of palestinians with no rights and no, no ability to vote for their representatives. i mean, this is something that has created a culture of dehumanization and of lawlessness amongst v as early public, which we're seeing very much now in gaza. so, you know, when the us talks about how it wants more humanitarian aid, how it wants to kind of curve the way is relas aggressive and gaza to some extent, at least in part of the reason that this has happened, is because israel has been able to act with impunity for so long so that would have to change in order for their to be just kind of like the d education of the culture of lawlessness. and we had in our reports of assessments are attacking palestinian civilians and we've heard the recent weeks about settlers attacking age drugs having into gaza, have tensions always being so forth. or is this getting worse because of a israel?
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how much more? well, it's definitely getting worse and there's been peaks in violence, but settler violence in particular, and soldiers standing idly by our police that a highly by or course not. bringing convictions against settlers or violent has been going on since the beginning of the occupation. none of what we're seeing is new, but it's absolutely become worse. it's become more of broader phenomenon and you have government ministers, ministers in the government, in powerful positions who are backing these people financially, politically, in all ways possible. and they're in bold and ink them to become more and more violent. i mean, so this is something that appears to be an individual, a bunch of bad apples. but in fact, these are basically militias that are working in tandem with a lot of what the states agenda is. i gave her to kind of threw up my names on chime from the international crisis group. thank you. or
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the out to britain, we have a prime minister, richie soon. ok has called a surprised election for the 4th of july, month of you, been expected. but the sooner these conservatives of the training badly in opinion polls and most observers have expected him to delay the vote, to give his proxy a chance to make a ground. but the prime minister says, now is the moment for britain to choose its future. to british prime minister rush, you see not followed his announcement of the upcoming snap parliamentary election with an appeal to voters to put the face in him. i will find every vote on your trust and i will prove to you that only a conservative government led by me will not put all honda and economic stability at risk. can restore price and confidence in our country with a clear plan and bold action will deliver a secure future for you,
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your family and our united kingdom. so, you know, also underlines the need for strong leadership during times of global conflict and uncertainty. reactions on the streets of london were clear. it is time for a change. everybody's looking for change. now i get them, which would you say that was a problem and somebody fault. we didn't actually, but i think here we we, we might go somewhere else. yeah. i think i think that the country's looking for a change. well i think label will get you. we need to change that. we'll see what they can bring to the table. things like that to me as a because people will just want to pose the stories out when be a particularly they won't like really. and they just want to resolve or the main
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alteration labor party is also cooling for change of to 14 years of conservative government lead a stomach from us is to fund the social and health services best to unpack the wealth and the quality if elected. look around the whole country, the sewage and all rivers people waiting on troll is and i and a crime virtually. i'm punished mortgages and food prices for the roof. it's all every bit of it. a direct result of the tory chaos in westminster time and again they pursue their own interest, robbing tackling the issues that affect your family on this site, just to another 5 years. they will look, feel entitled to carry on exactly as they all wish you see. not cool, be on the back. so to see steps out to him, the 6 week campaign trail labor is currently around 20 points ahead in the opinion
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polls. and that was the day you can follow a team on social media at dw news um devices headlines always available of course on www. dot com or on the date of new box or indeed anything with dw socials. you'll find them at the w a good. the
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to swing to the right seems imminent at the upcoming european elections. right wing puppy this policies are leading in surveys. what are the reasons for this? what part as fake news play in the success of the euro script x? and what will happen is they gain more influence in calling him in focus on europe . next, on d, w. a, gym and research team wants to save lives worldwide. by making m r i technology
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the dots june dw, the this is focus on europe. i'm lara. babel a lot. welcome europeans will be voting and parliamentary elections in june and populist right when parties are projected to make historic gains. so what has prompted the shift among voters and what could it mean for the future of the european union? find out on this special edition about the.